Who is the gentle spirit in your life?
The gentle spirit of my friend comforts me in my times of distress. Yes, even those of us who walk closely with Jesus experience heartache and longing. There are times, as a mother, when I want to fix the problems of my child as if she is still a youngster. The battles my child face are not insurmountable but I want to take them on as my own, to be the gentle spirt walking alongside her. Under waves of uncertainty I’m sure her circumstances feel overwhelming.
Questions that plague her are the same ones I experience: “Am I raising my children right? Is this the best decision for me and my family? How can I be all things to all people, ALL the time?! Yikes, so much pressure! I want to be a comfort for her, like my friend is for me. Paul says in Galatians 6:1 to restore a person with a gentle spirit.
Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted. Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. For if anyone thinks he is something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself.
Galatians 6 ESV – Bear One Another’s Burdens – Bible Gateway
The context of this verse is about wrongdoing and warning followers not to be ruled by temptation. However, the gentle spirit in my situation is helping my daughter through worry and thinking she’s doing something wrong. Carrying the burden of my hurting child is a privilege. My goal is to walk alongside her and reassure her that God sees and He knows. He sent his son to experience and take on the deepest burdens she desperately tries to hide from others.

The Gentle Spirit of Jesus
I want her to know he not only sees those deep burdens, but He also cares!
Jesus says,
“Come to Me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. All of you, take up My yoke and learn from Me, because I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls” (Mathew 11:28-29).
My study bible describes the yoke as a harness placed on two animals who pull a cart together. The older more experienced animal receives the larger harness so the younger animal can be trained and guided by its mentor (The Holman Cristian Standard Bible p. 1537).
The metaphor gives a beautiful example of Jesus carrying our burdens and walking alongside us in our distress. I too, can take his example and show my sweet girl how to navigate self-doubt, indecision, and striving to be all things to all people.
She and I can talk to Him when we are uncomfortable sharing our stuffed fears, even with people we trust. We don’t have to worry about Him thinking we are crazy as we try to rationalize thoughts of catastrophe that never materialize.
What a relief to know rest is available to all and not just a select few. Jesus calls all of us to him, for the rest only He can offer. He is a gentle understanding Savior who has walked where I have walked, felt the agony I have felt, and offered to stand in my place and take the punishment for my mistakes.
Moreover, the yoke of his teaching and the way he lived his life as a suffering servant is a beacon of light for my child swamped with doubt and “what ifs”. I feel the earnestness of his humble heart strengthening me to be a solid example of hope to her. He is worthy of my surrender and hers because in His presence we will find true rest. Only then, will I truly find the gentle spirit walking alongside me.
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