The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.”
John 3:7-9 ESV – Do not marvel that I said to you, – Bible Gateway
Yesterday, the humid 95-degree heat made breathing difficult. Days like this cause my dad to burst out in thanks to God for the man who invented air conditioning. His reaction teaches me to be grateful for all things big and small. I also feel sorrow for those without that luxury.
As I was walking to a neighbor’s house, the heat index a mere 105 degrees, I noticed a soft flow of air over my skin. The same breeze I felt in the garden earlier in the day.
Under the brilliance of the sun, it felt like and oven wave, but in the dimness of the shade it became cooler. Refreshed and relieved, I thought about the thoughtfulness of God. Despite the situation, He provides a way to help us muddle through.
He also gives us the spiritual strength necessary to face the sultry culture and times in which we live. Although I don’t know where it comes from, I know the Holy Spirit guides my thinking and my thoughts toward Him. At just the right time, my restless soul is convicted when I fall short. He encourages me to help others, and boldly convinces me to die to self.
Like a cool breeze in the shade, on a hot day, He is welcome to join me!

The Wind Obeys
Jesus said, “The wind blows where it pleases, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where is comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.” (John 3:8)
The metaphor of wind Jesus uses to explain the Holy Spirit to Nicodemus is solid and functional. As our senses of touch and hearing are aroused to the wind’s presence, our eyes see its effects on trees and waves. Although you and I don’t see the Holy Spirit directly with our eyes, or touch him, we are witnesses to His great power. His life-changing power is evident in the people who accept Jesus as Lord.
If you and I question when this event takes place for those we love, or how our little ones will survive as evil progresses, we can rest assured. God supplies the Spirit softly and steadily as the spiritual heat rises. Although we feel it’s intensity, we will endure, and so will they.
He who rebukes the wind, and it obeys, is in full control.
God, Almighty Creator and Provider, I thank you this day for sending your son Jesus to save our souls. He is the presence of light and hope. I praise you for sending the Holy Spirit as our counselor, comforter, and guide. In all things your glory is evident and pure. I confess my thoughts thar are contrary to your ways, Lord.
The selfishness that reigns in my heart at times and the critical spirit that tempts me to malign others. I place them before you, Lord and ask forgives. Give me the power to love like you, the boldness to proclaim your glory, the humility to remain pure of heart, and to forgive others as you forgive me. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.
Talking through spiritual fears and frustrations is helpful and I offer life coaching for those who need an ear to listen, Contact me for a free consultation any time.