I love to use every part of the potato when cooking! When they are fresh out of the ground, and cleaned, I peel them to make this super easy potato peel hash.
This way, we keep the majority of minerals and vitamins found in the peel of the potato for all of our body’s needs. Waste not, want not, right?
The surprise spice that gives this dish a different spin is the ranch seasoning and chicken apple sausage. Yum!
Potato Peel Hash Benefits
Combined with spices from the herb garden, alongside some onions and peppers, this tasty dish stacks up as a nutrient dense main course. According to a PubMed article, a serving of baked potato can provide 18% of our daily requirement of potassium, 6% of our copper, magnesium, phosphorous, and 2% of our calcium and zinc. (1)
For you and me the mineral composition of plants is important because we need them for every muscle contraction, all nerve impulses, maintaining water balance, and so much more!
Even more impressive, is when we look a little deeper, we find there are over 200 potato genotypes! Colleges studying the mineral content of various potatoes find red potatoes have the highest mineral content, and russet potatoes the lowest.

Of course, the various colors and types of potatoes will provide a variety of different minerals for us to enjoy at our leisure. In general, they are a better nutrient dense option over French fries, any day!
My hubby and I have enjoyed growing them at home since early 2000. If it’s not raining, we plant them the weekend after St. Patrick’s Day. Although each year holds its challenges, we’ve learned they like cold weather, lots of rain and rich deep soil. More importantly, it’s well worth the care and effort of growing these special plants so we know how our food is produced.
It makes it hard to waste any part of this fruit of the earth, too!
Sure, we could place the peels in the compost pile and reuse for fertilizer. But who wants to do that when we can make a delicious meal like this potato peel hash?
God has been good to provide! He always is! When I think about how hard things were for ancient people it makes me respect gardening work so much more.
Can you just imagine the amount of water we use each day compared to them? It seems unreal, picturing them lugging water from a well or river source to their homes. I’m sure they took many trips to those places and providing for the animals and plants first would take most of their day.
It makes me appreciate the availability and convenience of our water source each time I turn on the faucet for a drink or to boil water for tea! God is always faithful and giving of his wonderful gifts. We see His divine nature in the things He made all the time!
Even though I cannot outgive God, I can be consistently thankful for each tender shoot of plant that appears each spring. Loving Him and giving Him praise for the ability to tend the plants, enjoy their growth, and anticipate digging into their earthy goodness at harvest is something we look forward to each year.
Let us enter His presence with thanksgiving; let us shout triumphantly to him in song.
For the Lord is a great God, a great King above all gods.
The depts of the earth are in His hand, and the mountain peaks are His.
The sea is His; He made it. His hands formed the dry land.
Come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord our Maker.
The Psalmist goes on to say we are the people of His pasture, the sheep under his care. Today if you hear His voice: Do not harden your hearts! (8a) Whew! To know and appreciate His tender loving care is a special feeling, my friend. Rest in it as you enjoy this recipe!
Super Easy Potato Peel Hash Recipe!
Super Easy Potato Peel Hash
- 2 Cups Potato Peel Cleaned, and Chopped
- 1 small Onion
- 1 Banana Pepper
- 1 Green Pepper
- 2 tsp Ranch Seasoning
- 1 link Chicken Apple Sausage Chopped small
- 1 tsp Coconut oil
- Make your ranch dressing: 1 tbsp onion powder, 1/2 tsp garlic powder, 1/2 tsp pepper, 1 tsp parsley flakes, 1 tsp dried dill, 1/2 tsp salt.
- Clean and chop all your potato peels to make 1 cup –any leftover can be combined and frozen for later use.
- In a skillet melt a tsp of avocado or coconut oil. Add the onion, and peppers and cook 2-3 minutes.
- Add the chicken apple sausage, then the potato peels.
- Season with the ranch dressing, stir well, and cook another 8-10 minutes or until the potato peels are tender.
I hope you enjoy this very simple potato peel hash! If you’re new to the site please subscribe to receive health tips and recipes in your inbox a couple of times a month. While you’re here check out other potato recipes like this Potato and Tomato Salad-– Fun fact! Cooled potatoes become a resistant starch, meaning it’s structure changes from a sugary fat storing molecule to a gut feeding microbiota nourishing fiber! How cool is the potato?
Have fun trying the recipes! If you need a health coach for workplace wellness, individual, or family, I’m here for you! Check out the services page here!
God Bless!
Simplifying Health Faithfully
Pandey J, Gautam S, Scheuring DC, Koym JW, Vales MI. Variation and genetic basis of mineral content in potato tubers and prospects for genomic selection. Front Plant Sci. 2023 Dec 22;14:1301297. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2023.1301297. PMID: 38186596; PMCID: PMC10766833.