Fresh-Milled Spelt & Oat Streusel cake with pears, honey, and pecans is an easy recipe to throw together for a gathering. I developed this recipe for a friend with several food sensitivities. Since he has a considerable amount of pain when he eats wheat and dairy, those items were off the list!
Surprisingly, he does tolerate gluten, so the spelt works well for this recipe. The fresh-milled grains provide good nutrients from the bran and germ, while the pears and pecans add flavor and richness. I substituted cardamon and nutmeg for cinnamon because of a mild sensitivity, and coconut milk to replace the dairy.
Overall, this cake turned out light and fluffy, with just the right amount of sweetness.
Now before you go thinking, what RN Health Coach advocates dessert?
One who balances a whole food eating plan with occasional treats, that’s who!
You and I don’t have to give up ALL enjoyment to live a healthy life. We simply have to follow wise principles:
- Choose Wisely
- Minimize sugar to 6 teaspoons or less a day as recommended by the American Heart Association.
- Eat whole plant-based items 80-90% of the time.
- Choose quality proteins the rest of the time (organic beans/legumes/farm fresh eggs/poultry/grass-fed beef, clean fish, etc.)
If you ever need help revamping recipes and looking a nutrition with a biblical perspective, I’d be happy to help you out.
More importantly, I hope you like this recipe as much as my friend did. If you’re looking for more ideas for wheat free recipes check out this link: Mysty’s Gluten Free Recipes.
Spelt & Oat Streusel Cake Benefits
The benefits of fresh-milled spelt per cup are omega 3 (113mg) omega 6 (2076mg) vitamin A (44 IU) K (4.4 mcg) Niacin B3–11.9mg, magnesium 237 mg, potassium 675mg, selenium 20.4 mcg, zinc 5.7mg. Combine this combo with the fresh-milled oats and you and I receive a good amount of zinc, calcium, B1 and B5, too. Plus, approximately 38 grams of fiber.
The rich nutrients of this spelt & oat streusel cake help contribute to better digestion, circulation, hormone regulation, bone health, and immunity!
I’ll take more of that in my little coffee cake, won’t you?
God prepared everything you and I need in the things that He made, my friend! Gratitude comes naturally when we are loved and cared for in such a nice way! The Psalmist, king David, uses the perfect words to express gratitude for the blessings from God.
Give thanks. Sing praise. Honor His presence. Read His Word. Attend church.
Are ways he gives thanks to God for his health and provision. Gods’ name and His Word are high and lifted up for all to see. We can always rest in that, my friend! His steadfast love and faithfulness will be with us forever.
Psalm 138:1-3 ESV – Give Thanks to the LORD – Of David. I – Bible Gateway
I give you thanks, OÂ Lord, with my whole heart;
    before the gods I sing your praise;
I bow down toward your holy temple
    and give thanks to your name for your steadfast love and your faithfulness,
    for you have exalted above all things
    your name and your word.
Spelt & Oat Streusel Cake Recipe

Fresh- Milled Spelt & Oat Streusel Cake
- 2 1/4 Cups Spelt & Oat Flour Fresh-milled
- 1 Tsp. Cardamon
- 1/2 Tsp. Nutmeg
- 1 Tbsp. Baking Powder
- 1 Cup Coconut Milk
- 3 Egg Whites
- 1/2 Cup Honey
- 1/2 Cup Pecans Finely Chopped
- 1 Large Pear Chopped
- 1/2 Cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Streusel Topping
- 1 Tbsp Honey
- 2 Tbsp Pecans Chopped
- 1 Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- 1/4 Tsp. Cardamon
- 1/4 Tsp. Nutmeg
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
- Combine the flour, baking powder, and spices together in a bowl and mix well.
- Add the egg whites, oil, coconut milk, honey, mix well. You can use a mixer, I just use a whisk. Fold in the pear, and pecans. Set it aside for about 15 to 20 minutes so the grain soaks up the liquid.
- Pour the cake batter into a greased 9×9 pan.
- Mix the streusel toppings together and spread over the cake. Bake for about 40-45 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean.
- Drizzle with powdered sugar or a honey glaze and enjoy. Refrigerate all leftovers, as fresh-milled wheat products go stale and rancid very quickly!Enjoy!
If you give this spelt & oat streusel cake a try, please give it a rating too! I want this blog to be free from advertising and keep it encouraging. So sharing the link with your friends helps me out! There are also handy social share buttons here too, so you can share this recipe and encouragement with others.
When we have a good understanding of the benefits of God’s garden, we want everyone we know to make wiser choices, right?
The good news is simplifying health also tastes delicious!
Let me know how you use your fresh-milled grains to make occasional treats for your family and friends!
Take care!
Simplifying Health God’s Way