God does not want you and I floundering, my friend! He wants us flourishing! So, when we change our minds, it empowers us to change our lives!
Jesus said, “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.”
When I asked my class yesterday to share their greatest strength, they all paused. People do not stop to think about their strengths. But each one of them have overcome challenges, heartache, defeat, and health issues just like you and me.
Yet here we all are facing a new day.
So, do not beat yourself up today. The health issue you are facing may seem like a mountain you cannot climb. But remember, God has given you the strength to move every mountain.
Jesus reminded the disciples about this when they could not remove the demons in Mathew 17:19-21
“Then the disciples came to Jesus privately and said, “Why could we not cast it out?” He said to them, “Because of your little faith. For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.”
Mathew 17:19-20 ESV – Then the disciples came to Jesus – Bible Gateway

How to Change
I am praying for a shift in our thinking of health and wellness, so our individual mountains will move for us too!
The shift comes from the strength of our faith. We are a children of God and we house the indwelling Holy Spirit.
When we approach our health like we approach any aspect of loving fulfillment in our lives, there is also a shift in thinking.
Trusting in the Holy Spirit, who loves us, and showers us with reassurance gives us the ability to value our bodies in a new way.
- We want more energy—show us what zaps our energy, Lord!
- We want less pain—-open our eyes to the items that are causing our pain, God.
- We want to be loved and appreciated—-fill the empty places of our hearts, Lord, so we don’t turn to food or drink for comfort.
- We want to maintain our independence—God, strengthen us to do your will, and fasten our desires on you!
- We want clear thoughts and peaceful minds—Only you God, can settle the restlessness in our souls.
It is a journey, my friend. But oh, when we reach that peak and look back at the journey, we see God all over it!

Although you may be like me and battle this flesh every single day. . . and oftentimes lose, He is still with us and helping us.
Once we learn that the physical choices we make each day have an impact on our emotional and spiritual health, we can became intentional about eating and moving.
Study after study proves how what we eat, how we move (or don’t move) our bodies, how we sleep, and how we forgive others affect our mental and physical health.
The good news is, when we change our minds, it empowers us to change our lives.
God has given us every tool to do it in His Word and with His food from the garden.
I’m praying we trust Him and rely on Him in order to see victory and joy instead of the enemy stealing it!

My prayer for you today, friend:
Lord, you are my portion and my lot, my very great reward. Will you be with me and my friend today to help us see contentment in you, and satisfaction and joy in your presence as we read scripture? May your presence fill us with worthiness and grace. Eliminate the feelings of fear, loneliness, shame, and guilt as we lay our hearts open before you. As you give us peace Lord, may we renew our minds to do your will. In fully trusting You, we change our minds, and it empowers us to change our lives.
God bless you,
Simplifying Health God’s Way