The Glory of His Presence
I commute an hour to work along the hill crested valley of the Ohio river. In the morning, the sun surrounds the winding road, casting a pinkish-crimson glow across the water. The evening ride home comforts me too as the soft peach and orange hues settle over the hilltops. With so much time on my hands, it is important to use it wisely and bring my mind under the control of Jesus.
I can hear the Psalmist’s words of praise to God hemming him in, behind and before. As I see His glory unfold every morning, I feel Him going before me. It is a time of prayer, listening to hope filled music, and messages of the Christian faith.
One morning, when listening to the radio, I heard a message about “carnal Christians”. As I’m listening, I remember another preacher referring to the lifestyle of a famous singer when talking about the same subject. In all honesty, I’m feeling that cognitive dissonance that occurs when something I hear doesn’t line up with the bible. In fact, carnal means a person is relating to physical, especially sexual needs and activities, that are not Christ-like at all.
Under The Control of the Flesh
The message on the radio is calling “carnal Christians” people who remain new, or baby Christians throughout their lives without ever growing in faith. The pastor said, these people know Christ, make a confession of faith, get baptized, then continue to live their same old ways. He he was in no way condemning to this “churched” population. In fact, I thought he was trying to reach them in their current state of faith.
Apparently, many people are stuck in a state of living for themselves and the desires of the flesh. A place I remember finding comfort in during my twenties and early thirties, all too well.
Who Am I Lifting Up?
I was a believer who put education, family, and building a home above God. As a result, I was delayed in finding true contentment. Looking back, I can see the difference of living for myself and living for Jesus. In addition, it helps me see where we, the church, can come in boldly for “new” Christians. We can invite them to our homes and mentor to them through our behavior and attitudes. The bible calls it, righteous living. Its an opportunity to answer questions and teach God’s word in small groups. Not only that, we can share our excitement about true freedom as we study God’s heart and intention for our lives in His word.
After all, it’s digging into God’s word where we understand His character and holiness. We see equal amounts of love alongside His justness. Moreover, we understand His intolerance of sin, because of its destructiveness and power to separate us from Him…for eternity. It is also where the healing power of Jesus changes our own hearts to be in alignment with His.

How I Feel
I’m afraid carnal Christians are either unaware or unaccepting of this important reality; the healing power of Jesus. Those failing to find freedom in Christ are the people I understand and long to minister to most. However, my question for these ministers is, how can carnal Christians remain that way for years and not experience change?
According to the bible I am either under the control of Jesus, myself or the devil.
How short lived that clarity is for the people of Jesus’ day! Unfortunately, it resembles the people of today.
What Do I Do?
The freedom from the law, the right to do anything, is directed to people in Christ, not people apart form Christ. The freedom in Christ is freedom from the punishment of the law, but it does not take away our love for the right way to live.
Therefore, I don’t see carnal people claiming to know Jesus brought under the control of Jesus, but only themselves. Their desire is to please the flesh over pleasing Christ.
I want to ask the pastor on the radio, “Does your message glorify the power of Christ’s death and resurrection or does it diminish it?” If you describe these people as followers of Christ, and they’re just immature and stuck in the ways of the world “for years and years” how does that compare to the apostle John’s observations?
Brought Under the Control of Jesus
The apostle John says:
This is how we are sure that we have come to know Him: by keeping His commands. The one who says, “I have come to know Him,” yet doesn’t keep His commands, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But whoever keeps His word, truly in him the love of God is perfected. This is how we know we are in Him: The one who says he remains in Him should walk just as He walked.
1 John 2:4-6
The apostle Paul says:
For you were called to be free, brothers; only don’t use this freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but serve one another through love. I say then, walk by the Spirit and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh. For the flesh desires what is against the Spirit, and the Spirit desires what is against the flesh; these are opposed to each other, so that you don’t do what you want. Now the works of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, moral impurity, promiscuity, idolatry, sorcery, hatreds, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambitions, dissensions, factions, envy, drunkenness, carousing, and anything similar. I tell you about these things in advance—as I told you before—that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
Galatians 5 HCSB – Freedom of the Christian – Christ has – Bible Gateway
Yes, it is a process and we will fail time and again. But Jesus gives us a desire to please him, to hunger for the things he hungers for, and in the process He turns our lives upside down! It’s with Him, that we long to spend hours of our time. Those things of the flesh are no longer appealing. So, if I’m struggling in an area, I need someone to help me get out of it.
Moreover, I need to be there for someone else to help them along.
Me or Jesus?
Maybe the intention of the pastors is to help people struggling see there is a better way. I do understand that process, I just don’t understand the terminology; carnal and Christian are not in the same category or sphere of influence. I know because I’ve been there and still struggle with the consequences, many years later! Therefore, I have no condemnation for anyone stuck where I was.
In fact, my heart for this group of people is to identify their struggle, hold their hands, and offer them support. However, giving them comfort without giving them truth is an eternal death sentence. I don’t want them to suffer the destruction that awaits people who are deceived! Nor do I want them to live defeated, afraid, or guilt-ridden. They need my help. Someone who is familiar with the pain of being under the control of the flesh and not under the control of Jesus.
Even though it took me years to figure this out, it doesn’t have to be that way for them! They can come to know Him fully and be enveloped in His presence from every member of church and through their prayers.
Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The urgent request of a righteous person is very powerful in its effect.
James 5 HCSB – Warning to the Rich – Come now, you – Bible Gateway
Although, the landscape of the culture may look bleak, the unfolding glory of God’s presence has never diminished! His mercies are new every day in the shadows of persistent sin and His word is still available to bring myself and carnal Christians under the control of Jesus. Praise and glory be to God the Father for sending His only Son to take the punishment I deserve. May I not only see it daily, but share it with those in need.