The idea of superpower is ingrained in our minds as we watch fictional heroes saving the world from evil. Let’s face it, good versus evil makes a good story. It also fills our hearts with hope that evil will be conquered someday.
I often wonder what would happen in the daily choices of my friends and family if they understood there is a continual battle in our bodies of good and evil too. Not just in the mind and thoughts we battle, that goes without saying. I’m talking about at the cellular level when infection and exposure to chemicals in our environment begin to attack our cellular structure.

The good news for us is God provides superpowers in his garden goodies to help us conquer daily attacks. Just like he provides his Word to ward off spiritual aggression, he equipped an arsenal of fruits and vegetables to defend our bodies too!
For instance, the superpower of vitamin C can knock out infection, bring damaging free radicals under control, and feed the supporting structures of tendons (1). But that is just the beginning. According to the National Institutes of Health, vitamin C is required for the synthesis of collagen, integral to wound healing, improves the use of nonheme iron, and can prevent or delay cancer and cardiovascular disease. (1)
The evidence of science is revealing some pretty impressive superpowers! Are you feeling the love of your Creator yet?
1 Corinthians 2:9 “But, it is written, ‘What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him’
Below are some additional facts about vitamin C’s superpower.
- It must be ingested by humans for survival.
- Kiwi fruit increases plasma vitamin C levels, and one serving provides the recommended daily amount. (3)
- Consistent consumption of fruits and vegetables (not supplements) are associated with lower cardiovascular disease risks in meta-analysis studies.
- Plasma concentrations of vitamin C are low in people with cancer
- It reduces monocyte adherence to the endothelium; those spiked white blood cells that release inflammatory markers and attached to the lining of the blood vessels.
- Vitamin C improves nitric oxide (a chemical messenger in the body crucial for blood vessel health and blood vessel relaxation) allowing blood to flow more smoothly and blood pressure to be reduced.
- Vitamin C are found in immune cells and contribute to effectiveness of memory B and killer T cells.
- Bioavailability (saturation and usefulness for the cells) of vitamin C peaked at 200mg for a single dose. (4) This means more than 200mg at one time is going to be excreted in the urine and is not thought to be useful for the cells.
- Results from two case-control studies indicate that vitamin C intakes greater than 300 mg/day reduce the risk of cataract formation by 70%–75%. (1)
- Higher doses of vitamin C are necessary during times of infection due to the increased inflammatory response and metabolic demand. (4)
- Lack of vitamin C is related to low levels of mental vitality; whereas consuming vitamin C increased work motivation and focus. (5)
- Vitamin C’s role in neurotransmission and development supports its use for therapeutic and prevention of mental illness. (6)
My friend, God’s thoughtfulness in making this essential nutrient for our good and his glory is mind blowing. I am excited, grateful, and thankful for his loving care in the simplest items of everyday life. Enjoy and share the graphic below for a quick reference of food sources to obtain vitamin C’s superpower!

I pray you and I enjoy more of them as we learn to become good stewards of our bodies and build strength to carry out the work, he has called us to do. If you need help getting started with more confidence in reaching your health goals just let me know! I am available for wellness coaching; I work with individuals, families, and groups!