“And next to him…..”

Week 1

Day 4

Yesterday, we saw Nehemiah’s confidence in God on display as he faithfully delegated repairs to his countrymen.  Refusing to be hindered by rumors, stage attacks, or gossip, he confronts his opposition head on. A direct controller.  My kind of guy! Perfectly suited to God’s assigned task of rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem. Perhaps, God is calling us to follow in his footsteps of faith.

Just as Jerusalem is surrounded by a crumbling wall, we too are interacting with people in the same situation. Their tumbling walls of social ease are gone. They are facing hard times in an uncertain world, without faith or hope. Coping with shreds of anxious emotions, they are unsure where to turn. Our opportunity to repair walls like Nehemiah is at hand.

The good news for our struggling countrymen is Jesus. He takes upon himself deteriorating walls of false security, selfishness, anger and bitterness. He restores a bleeding heart of anxious emotions to a mighty fortress of forgiveness, love, kindness, grace and hope!

I for one, can sure feel that grace and kindness through my local body of believers!

I’m sure you can too! We are stronger together.

As we read Nehemiah chapter 3 again today; take note all of the areas of the crumbling wall and gates to be restored; we will see specific names and families involved.

May Nehemiah’s confidence in the Lord be a beacon of light for our faith too! We can take our time and pray about that task (or person) he has laid upon our hearts. Or maybe, investigate areas where our hearts are drawn to serve. The slowed pace of life gives us more opportunity to learn more about situations and needs of others. The role does not have to be a big one. We can each participate in the area God has personally trained us for. 

That is exactly what happens in Nehemiah chapter 3. Each person does his (and her) part to rebuild or repair gates and parts of the wall. Read through that chapter and note how many times the phrase “and beside him’ is noted____________.

Yes! Just as each person or family is assigned to do a part of the work, we are assigned to do our work. Note how the Body of Christ works together, in different aspects to fulfill the work of the church in the following verses:

Romans 12:3-8

1 Corinthians 12:12-26

Praise God, all members of one body! We rejoice together, we build together, learn from one another, support and encourage one another. Person by person, we build that mighty fortress of faith. Unlike the rebuilt wall of Nehemiah’s day that is built in 52 days and will be torn down again, ours is a fortress that lasts for eternity! The gates of hell cannot not prevail!

Prayers for all of us as we meet the call to serve, and fill the world with our hope in Jesus! Thank you for studying with me!


Mysty Pfeffer

I'm Mysty, a student of God's magnificent word and everything He places in the garden to sustain and nourish us, body and soul. I am a wife, mother, registered nurse and Master Certified health and wellness coach. I love to share recipes, encouragement, and simplify health God's way.

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