The way of peace through the arrival, and life of our Lord Jesus Christ continues through the announcement of his birth to the lowly shepherds in Luke 2. The shepherds are keeping watch over their flock by night as the glory of the Lord shines around them (vs8). Do you ever wonder why the presence of the Lord’s glory fills them with great fear?
It seems like a repeated occurrence throughout the bible and in opposition to the way of peace. After all, fear is not peaceful. Yet, in the presence of just the shadow of God’s glory, it demands a posture of submission. An indication to us of where we stand, in our own sinful flesh, in opposition to God.
However, the beauty of the message speaks into the fear of the Shepherds and announces…
“Fear not, behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” (Luke 2:10-11).

A Savior Who is Christ The Lord
Yes! A Savior to deliver, make alive, and preserve them, and us, from all evil and danger. Our Christ, the anointed Messiah. He rules in the hearts of his followers and directs them in the way of peace. He is announced as the great high priest who atones for our sins. Mary, herself rejoices in her need for this Savior, in Luke 1:47.
We also see in this title, he is “the Lord”. The supreme eternal being who rules heaven and earth. All spiritual authority is placed upon him to be a prophet that reveals the will of God. A the way of peace for the soul only Christ can fill. In addition, he is the priest who offers up atonement for sin. For he alone has the power to remove the guilt and pollution of sin. While he enlarges the influence of his Spirit to preserve and seal those who follow his way. (Adam Clarke Commentary,
This bold revelation and proclamation of this all-powerful Savior is wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger (vs. 12) The shepherds will witness all this power in the humble state of our Savior’s birth and appearance. He came in this lowly state to destroy the root of all evil in the souls of men, pride. A sure sign for us to also live in humility, as the bold way to declare our fellowship with the Prince of Peace.
More importantly, this declaration is followed by a multitude of heavenly host praising God, and saying,
“Glory to God in the highest; and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!”
This humble babe is given all worship, praise and honor among the heavenly beings. Perhaps a prelude to the promise of scripture later written by Paul in Romans. A promise that before him every knee will bow and every tongue confess to God (Rom 14:11).
Also, the way of peace through Christ is revealed in those who reconcile their state of sinfulness to the authority of the Savior. They experience peace in their soul and towards their neighbors. As well as boldly displaying this peace through their humble words and actions.
In closing, I pray you have the peace of Christ in you this season and throughout the coming year! Although it is not a state of being for those outside the will of God, it is for us who trust in Christ. Nor is it for the scoffers and professors in this fallen culture chasing after the alluring things the prince of this world dangles before them. It is for the light of peace in us that shines in the presence of a hostile world. Its purpose is to reveal the true longing of every heart is something only Christ can fill.