Mysty Pfeffer, RN BSN, Certified Health Coach
The STRENGTH approach to Christian Wellness places Christ in the center of the mind, will, and emotions. God’s Word is the lens through which we view our world, our relationships, and our bodies. Therefore, as we receive his divinely inspired Word, it changes our mind will, and emotions from an inward, self-seeking focus to a God-focus.
When you and I gladly submit our lives to a wiser, loving Father, we see more clearly, His plans are for our good and His glory. Also, when we learn the value of intentional eating, we’ll begin to appreciate the tender heart of our loving Father. He provides everything we need to sustain us.
In this eight-week series, I hope to present the STRENTH approach to you and walk with you if you are interested in getting out of a rut. The senseless cycle of feeling dejected and like a failure because change is so intimidating.
Lifestyle choices are so habitual, developing new ways of thinking takes courage and support. Getting to a place of confidence may require outside help because we don’t always receive the foundational reinforcement from those we care about the most.
There is good news!
I offer a 30-minute free consultation via zoom to help support you and get you started. If you need more coaching assistance, we can discuss further appointments.
By subscribing to this website, you will receive a weekly newsletter with the latest posts of encouragement and recipes to help you incorporate the STRENGTH approach every day.
Below is an explanation of what STRENGTH stands for and what to expect in the coming weeks. I am so excited to start this journey with you!

You and I don’t’ need a new year to begin a new way of living in victory, it can begin any day! Below is a brief description of the process. We can cover each step in more detail each week as we will have a fully prepared agenda!
Strategies for Change
Strategies begin with small steps that lead to big changes. The first strategy is to pray for more of God and less of self. A focus on self will always find discontent because it is on wants instead of needs. Second, we’ll pray about what God is calling us to change in our lives. It may be in an area of relationship in the workplace, church, or home. Or it may be the failure to grow in faith due to fear/anger/anxiety in a toxic culture.
Tastes that Satisfy
Tastes are powerful motivators and distractors! Did you know our taste buds replenish themselves every ten days? New cells can develop new tastes as we begin to learn the value of intentional eating and why God’s Garden is so Good.
Receive benefits of God’s provision
In scripture and the garden God provides a healing plan to restore and repair cells. Mind, body, and spirit are renewed when we walk with him daily. You and I can explore filling our minds with promise, purpose, and strength.
Engage family and friends for support.
Although it would be nice, we truly cannot do these things alone. How many times have we started a new plan and someone close to us unwittingly tempts us to take three steps back? We’ll learn how to confront and command respect for our choices… in a nice way! They may even want to join us!
Never give up hope.
We’ll number the days of relying on ourselves to do everything and focus on needs and not wants. Numbering the days of reliance on comfort food, material items, gossip or whatever is holding us back will bring new life to the hope within us.
Grace to self for times of weakness.
Let’s face it we all have setbacks, obstacles, and moments of weakness. Grace doesn’t condemn but realizes change is a process. Victory comes in permanent lifestyle habits that build a stronger mind and body. But it doesn’t always happen in one or two weeks. It takes repeated failures to learn and grow.
See, more good news! We’ll learn to look at failure in a whole new light!
Thank God for His faithfulness as we actively express our gratitude.
God loves us despite our continually turning to the things of this world to satisfy our longings. We can tell him in prayer our deep desires, and our struggles. Thankfulness and actively showing gratitude in our communities will fill us with assurance. God listens and understands, as he stands beside us along the way.
Hold onto the Holy Spirit as He Guides Us in Change.
Scripture memory is so helpful in this area, especially when temptation is present and persistent. He is for us and not against us! He wants our mind and body to live the abundant life Jesus calls us to live.
There! We now have the eight-step process to make lifelong change. Does this sound like a plan?
Stay tuned for the next eight weeks as we break down the eight steps of this plan to help us get started on a cleaner, clearer, healthier, way of living.
Maybe we can keep Psalm 73:26 in mind today as we begin this new journey–
My flesh and my heart may fail,
but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
I look forward to walking alongside you on your STRENGTH journey! Be sure to let me know how I can better serve you in the coming weeks as we begin.