When I think about the amazing miracle body God gifted you and I with, I can’t help but think about king David saying he is “fearfully and wonderfully made”!
I long to encourage and empower you to overcome chronic conditions that zap your strength, steal your energy, and alter your thinking. Just take a few minutes to grasp how every aspect of your physical and spiritual health interacts with one another. It is evident when looking at how all the human body systems work together.
The chronic conditions of dementia, heart disease, diabetes, and autoimmune disorders are a result of underlying inflammation. Studies are showing this chronic inflammation is a result of our environment and what we are eating on a daily basis. God’s perfect plan for our sustenance and nutrition were carefully thought out too!
We are divinely made in the image of God and meant for miraculous purpose! Let’s take a closer look at these wonderful systems.
Facts About the Miracle Body

The Skin
- The skin is the largest organ
- It helps regulate the body’s temperature and fluid balance
- Protects the body from invaders
- Is necessary for vitamin D production
- Interacts with other systems to signal structural proteins and lipids.
- Nerve endings in the skin help you feel cold, heat, and pain. (1)
Muscles and Bones

The Brain
- •There are 100,000 Chemical Reactions in the Brain Every Second
- •The human brain has 100,000 miles of blood vessels
- •The brain is 60% Fat
- •Approximately 20% of the Body’s Total Oxygen Demand is used by the Brain
- •The sense of smell connects to the part of the brain that also controls emotions and memories. That is why smells evoke strong memories.
- (5, 6)
The Heart
- •The heart is the size of a fist
- •The heart pumps 2 ounces of blood with every beat, which is 2,500 gallons daily
- It is responsible for carrying nutrients and oxygen to every part of your body.
- Removes and carries waste products to the kidneys and liver (7)
- •The heart begins beating 22 days after conception

For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.
Romans 1 NIV – Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called – Bible Gateway

The Amazing Liver
- Can break down substances from food like fats and proteins and extracting energy, vitamins, and minerals
- It removes toxins from the body (8)
- Can regenerate cells
- More than 500 vital functions take place in the liver.
- A healthy human liver holds about a two-year store of Vitamin A.
- A healthy liver filters about 1.7 liters of blood per minute.
- It contains 300 billion specialized cells (9)
- During pregnancy, the liver increases in size and weight to accommodate the changing metabolic demands and hormonal balance of the mother.
The Breath of Life is in The Lungs
- The air we breathe contains 21 percent oxygen, but our bodies only use 5 percent — the rest is exhaled.
- Seventy percent of waste is eliminated through your lungs just by simply breathing.
- Children and women breathe faster. Children and women have a higher breathing rate than men.
- Humans exhale up to 17.5 milliliters of water per hour.
- (10)

I love what God’s Word says about how you and I were formed……
- •Job says you shaped me and made me… (Job 10:8a)
- •Remember that you molded me like clay…..(Job 10:9a)
- •The Spirit of God has made me, the breath of the Almighty gives me life (Job 33:4
- •Psalm 119:73 Says your hands made me and formed me, give me understanding to learn your commands.
- •My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth
We are not accidents of random processes and evolution! We were thought out and carefully planned as image Barrers of our mighty God. The depth of these intricate systems reveals His thoughtfulness, mastery, and divine nature. I am humbled and continually amazed at how the body works to maintain and restore function each day. The intentional eating series emphasizes how we care for this beautiful gift of glory.
I am sharing this wonderful and miracle information about the body with you today in preparation for the upcoming courses on how to steward this wonderful gift of God. Please stay tuned as we learn about the detrimental effects of ultra-processed food, excess sugar, the benefits of fasting, and taking authority over inflammation in the coming weeks.
I’m starting a 40-Day Sugar Fasting Challenge January 1st! I hope you join me as we begin this pilgrimage of stewardship. I am here for you and ready to help as your RN Health and Wellness Coach, you can book an appointment with me here!
I look forward to serving you!
Simplifying Health God’s Way
Battafarano G, Rossi M, Marampon F, Minisola S, Del Fattore A. Bone Control of Muscle Function. Int J Mol Sci. 2020 Feb 11;21(4):1178. doi: 10.3390/ijms21041178. PMID: 32053970; PMCID: PMC7072735.
Chuong CM, Nickoloff BJ, Elias PM, Goldsmith LA, Macher E, Maderson PA, Sundberg JP, Tagami H, Plonka PM, Thestrup-Pederson K, Bernard BA, Schröder JM, Dotto P, Chang CM, Williams ML, Feingold KR, King LE, Kligman AM, Rees JL, Christophers E. What is the ‘true’ function of skin? Exp Dermatol. 2002 Apr;11(2):159-87. doi: 10.1034/j.1600-0625.2002.00112.x. PMID: 11994143; PMCID: PMC7010069.
Kirk B, Feehan J, Lombardi G, Duque G. Muscle, Bone, and Fat Crosstalk: the Biological Role of Myokines, Osteokines, and Adipokines. Curr Osteoporos Rep. 2020 Aug;18(4):388-400. doi: 10.1007/s11914-020-00599-y. PMID: 32529456.
NIH,2022, How the heart works, How the Heart Works – What the Heart Looks Like | NHLBI, NIH