Don’t you appreciate wonderful facts about roots like parsnip? Look at what Jeremiah says below:

They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”

Jeremiah 17:8

The root vegetables, withstands cold, takes cover underground, and fill our bellies with rich fiber. We can draw comfort from the nourishment they provide just as they draw and produce the nutrients from the ground. Providing a wealth of vitamin C to nourish our cells, this tasty root is the star of our dish today!

Saute’ in heated Skillet with 2 Tbsp Olive Oil The following washed and chopped veggies:

1 Parsnip, 3 radishes, 1/2 onion, 1cup red cabbage

Saute until tender and carmalized


Prepare 1 can of rinsed and drained chickpeas in a saucepan with the following:

2 Tbsp Sunflower seeds, 2 tsp worcestershire sauce, 1 teaspoon no salt seasoning, and 1 Tbsp olive oil.

Saute’ until browned.

Prepare quinoa according to package directions.

Fluff with fork, add 1/2 juice of lemon. 2 tsp fresh chopped lemonbalm and 1/4 tsp salt.

Roots never fail to bear fruit! I hope you enjoy!


Mysty Pfeffer

I'm Mysty, a student of God's magnificent word and everything He places in the garden to sustain and nourish us, body and soul. I am a wife, mother, registered nurse and Master Certified health and wellness coach. I love to share recipes, encouragement, and simplify health God's way.

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