Mommas and grand mommas do you understand the potential power you have over your family’s health?
“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old, he will not depart from it.”
Proverbs 22:5-7 ESV – Thorns and snares are in the way of the – Bible Gateway
Although this may be tough at first, when the whining, begging, and tears of little ones aside their health is worth the effort. When the junk is not present in the house, you and I have all the power over better choices.
And it starts in the grocery store by filling the cart with garden goodness and not bringing junk home.
God’s plan for you, me, and our children is to thrive. Therefore, we can be thankful He put all the healing properties we need in the food He created.
Culturally, for me in rural Kentucky, growing up with a high sugar breakfast, lunch, and snacks were the norm. So, when I consider this statement from the CDC’s website, I cringe inside:
“Empty calories from added sugars and solid fats contribute to 40% of daily calories for children and adolescents age 2–18 years—affecting the overall quality of their diets. Approximately half of these empty calories come from six sources: soda, fruit drinks, dairy desserts, grain desserts, pizza, and whole milk. Most youth do not consume the recommended amount of total water.”
Although the choices of my culture can be eliminated at the grocery store, wise marketing and strategically placed items of little nutrition are still present and tempting.
They are placed within view on every isle of the store. Not to mention, television ads are geared towards our little ones.

Momma’s Power to Resist
How does a momma start to change the culture of her home with this onslaught of persuasion making life easier for her?
One way is prayer, another way is knowledge.
When you and I understand how damaging this ultra-processed food is to our child’s genetic code and his ability to fight chronic disease, we realize the value of filling our cart with God’s miraculous healing food instead.
As the tantrums and meltdowns begin at home, we can calmly take the child over to the cabinet or refrigerator and show him the apples, grapes, bananas, mandarin oranges, kiwi, and pineapple that are available.
We’re off the hook because we are not the villainous sugar depriver in his mind. A simple statement like, “Sorry honey, this is what we have to eat” is all he needs to hear.
Just like the myth of Santa roams through his childish mind, so does the myth overly processed food is satisfying and what he craves. Eventually, out of site will be out of mind, too.
Seeing the effects on his nervous system is also helpful in gaining knowledge, as seen in the diagram of handwriting samples below. How can a child think clearly with such frayed neurons?

The Benefits of Momma Gaining Power
Don’t get me wrong, removing ultra-processed food completely, may not be easy the first week. I remember changing my girls’ routine when they were around seven and nine years old. It took them a few days to get used to the lack of junk food in the house, but they survived.
Well, actually, they thrived.
However, for others, retraining the mind may be easier than retraining the taste buds. Not only that, but new taste and textures form slowly for children. Some sources say it may take 10-15 tries before they begin to like new things.
But offering very small amounts to the side of their plate instead of on the plate is a good way to get used to this as the new normal. Also, being careful not to force them to eat or take a bite, helps avoid power struggles where both of us leave the table defeated and upset.
Kids will eventually explore new items themselves out of curiosity, without mom or grandma pushing it on them verbally (2)
Oh, how I remember my own childhood and the reminders from my parents of starving kids in Africa! Missionaries came through church at various times throughout the year to show us pictures of these children, so I knew they were real.
Being thankful and grateful for our food is worth learning as a child and encouraging children to try new things, without guilt, is even more worthwhile. Teaching them how God placed vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in food to help them grow works better than a guilt trip. It shows how much He loves them.
Children receive good reasons to try new things and momma has an arsenal of immune boosting support for the next round of illnesses that are sure to come.
Momma’s Power to Help Restore Gut Health
Common childhood infections of the ears and throat come alongside the use of antibiotics too, don’t they? This is understandable, because kids are young and developing their immune systems. Plus, they are exposed to bacteria and viruses all around them.
So, what’s a mom to do when several courses of antibiotics have also wiped out the good bacteria in their child’s gut?
Momma’s power to help restore this very important component of her child’s health is in her hands, too. Here are three ways I’ve learned help us get started:
- Increase a child’s intake of fermented foods
- Kefir- a cultured milk drink that can be purchased plain and blended with fruit for a smoothie.
- Fermented pickles
- Sugar-free yogurt—the average yogurt for kids has 14grams of sugar, that is over 3 teaspoons!
- Small amounts of kombucha— which is a fermented tea, a little sour, and naturally carbonated.
2. Include finely chopped onions and garlic and other root vegetables in meals
- Root vegetables offer the right amount of natural sugar (oligosaccharides) feeding the good bacteria
- our gut, they help break down fat, increases nitric oxide production, and are high in the antioxidant, quercetin.
3. Explore ways to increase fiber rich foods in every meal
- Oats and the use of whole grains in muffins
- Ground flax and chia seeds can be hidden in soups, on hot cereals, in cookies, or in burgers.
- Encourage as many fruits and vegetables as they will eat, like carrots, apples, celery, bananas, cucumbers, avocados.
Don’t despair, God has placed all things, in many forms, for us to restore health. Trust Him as you explore items with your family to improve your health and prevent chronic disease.
He is worthy of praise!
I am here in the battle with you, and I’m here for you if you or your family need coaching, just contact me!
- van der Horst K, Sleddens EFC. Parenting styles, feeding styles and food-related parenting practices in relation to toddlers’ eating styles: A cluster-analytic approach. PLoS One. 2017 May 24;12(5):e0178149. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0178149. PMID: 28542555; PMCID: PMC5443548.