Intentional Eating Series 1

            Intentional eating begins with a new mindset. If I can clearly see a plan set before me to thrive, I want to be a part of it and share it with you. God’s plan from the third day in the garden is exactly where that begins. Mindsets change from what is pleasing to the flesh and become what is pleasing to God when you and I follow his plan.

He is pleased when we obey Him. I believe it’s just like when I am pleased my grandkids don’t run out into the street when a car comes. Preventing our hurt saves Him hurt.

Jesus said, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever”

John 14:15 ESV

Although we are sometimes taught to think of everything he said in spiritual terms, he put the spirit in a body, with a mind, that makes decisions every day. It’s easy to play the Pharisee in terms of other sins against the body than the one I am most guilty of…food.

You know, those certain items in the daily routine that have no nutritional value and are loaded with preservatives that are damaging to the cells. The “Frankenfoods” that are more than a habit, they’re must haves. When there is physical withdrawal from them or when my mouth waters at the site and smell of them, I might have an idol.

It may be easy for some people to deny food as an idol, but I’d like to see them give up their favorites to fast and pray so they see what happens. When you and I are intentional about eating what God provides in the garden, we are less prone to food idolatry and chronic disease. My friend, obeying God’s plan this way means less suffering for us, which is pleasing to God!

  “I see a day not long from now when every major mainstream media outlet proclaims this headline: Christians are the world’s healthiest people, with less heart disease, diabetes and obesity than the rest of the world and have a vibrant level of health”

Jordan S. Rubin

Can you see that day coming too?

I can, and it is my passion for the body of Christ. I have spent half of my life caring for, teaching, and comforting families of the sick and dying as a registered nurse. When I look at God’s plan unfold in the bible, I long for my brothers and siters to grasp the abundant life God calls them to live.

His plan is for our good and prosperous health! Not only that, but he provides everything we need to maintain and sustain the bodies he gave us to house the Holy Spirit.

I found the quote from Rubin, in the foreword of a book I just finished by Dr. Rex Russell, “What the Bible Says About Healthy Living.  Dr. Russell’s three principles are easy to follow and very rewarding.

  1. Eat the Foods God Created for you
  2. Don’t Alter God’s Design
  3. Don’t let Any Food or Drink Become Your God “( 1996)

Intentionally incorporating this way of eating every day will change our minds about the choices we make each day. I don’t know about you but I’m tired of battling repeated sinus infections, colds, GERD, and arthritis pain! Changing my eating healed my irritable bowel syndrome years ago, it can help with these problems too.

 Even though I eat healthy; practicing 80 percent whole plant based, clean meat items, and 20% junk, I still suffer. I’m ready to start a new plan, God’s plan, with a new mindset. I will be sharing what I learn in Dr. Russell’s book and others in an upcoming workshop an on the Strengthen Your Heart blog with the STRENTH approach to wellness.

Stay tuned for times and dates for an Intentional Eating series as well. I am here for you and will pray with you and coach you any time!

Intentional Eating Series 1


Russell, Rex, M.D. 1996, “What the Bible Says About Healthy Living” Baker Publishing Group, P.O. Box 6287, Grand Rapids, MI 49516-6287


Mysty Pfeffer

I'm Mysty, a student of God's magnificent word and everything He places in the garden to sustain and nourish us, body and soul. I am a wife, mother, registered nurse and Master Certified health and wellness coach. I love to share recipes, encouragement, and simplify health God's way.

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