Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-`8
1 Thessalonians 5 ESV – The Day of the Lord – Now concerning – Bible Gateway
Is there someone in your life that reminds you to hold fast to the good and be thankful in all circumstances? Who is the person telling you to look at the bright side?
I’ll be honest, I’m not always thankful in every circumstance.
Other than Paul in my daily bible reading, there is no one around me reminding me to be thankful in all circumstances either.
Sometimes I savor a little self-pity before conviction takes over and I see God is up to something. My heart needs tweaking from the Holy Spirt to hold fast, love more, give grace, and be patient.
When I think I have difficult times, all I have to do is attend a local community sporting event or interact with children at our Wednesday night church program, and see my life is not as complicated as I think.
Satan is harassing families and tearing them apart. The grade schooler playing soccer and running to the sidelines for a drink of water from his parents seems perfectly normal. The little girls at church giggle and hold fast to the joy of playing with others, until they settle down for our lesson and tell me about their parents in jail.
I notice the distance of the soccer player’s mom and dad from grandma and grandpa at the game. I also wonder about who is mothering these girls while they are separated from their mothers. I’m more than a little sad, I’m angry because I know Satan loves this. He thrives on tearing these families apart.
Many grandparents in the area are raising their grandchildren due to the drug use of their parents. They do the best they can and hope for the better days ahead. I’m certain they are especially hoping for freedom from this cancer of the soul.
In his letter to Thessalonica, Paul says,

Hold Fast to What’s Good in Life!
They are holding fast to the good, while their children are struggling with evil. A physical example of what I sense in the families of those sweet girls on Wednesday night. Lord, may they never fall into the cycle of addiction their parents are trapped in at the moment. Instill them with the power of your Word, so they abstain from every form of evil.
Only Jesus can soothe the loneliness of an absent mother, calm the overwrought emotions of a fearful child, and remind them who He is. He is the Great I am. He is worth rejoicing, and only He will find a way for these families to survive all the evil placed before and upon them!
I pray for them to find relief, and the sanctuary of hope through Jesus. As I studied the state of humanity in bible study this week the question arose, “What are you most looking forward to when Jesus returns?”
I’m looking forward to no more child abuse and innocents suffering!
I’m tired of Satan having his way with families, as the evilness of the human heart overflows with pain and misery, looking to fill the void with substances and hurting those they love in the process.
Thanks, in All Circumstances
How do I rejoice and give thanks in these circumstances?
I rejoice because I know the Healer who can put his arms of protection around these families. I look to prayer warriors who call upon the name of the Lord to remove wicked desires and unnatural cravings. I ask for forgiveness for lack of action on my part, and pray He shows me a way to help.
Most of all I rejoice that God is good, and I can hold fast to what’s good. Although He doesn’t remove all evil, He works it out for those who love Him. In His timing, and in His way.
If you are also struggling to rejoice in all circumstances and mourning the status of torn families, I pray He shows you how to hold fast to what is good, too.
You and I can take comfort in knowing, Jesus has the power to reconcile all the angry, frustrated, drug-addicted, abused, and sad people we know to God, in one body through the cross, thereby killing the hostility. Because he came and preached peace to everyone far off and those who are near (Ephesians 2:16-17).
Glory to God.
If you need further encouragement to embrace bold faith, check out more devotions here!