Life’s Stress is Like a Wrecking Ball
I have the experience of witnessing the long-term results of anxiety and stress on precious sisters in Christ every week. The repeated activation of the stress response causes physical damage over time. Similarly, a picture of a wrecking ball swinging against a concrete building comes to mind in these strong women I love. Just as sharp, fast hits repeatedly strike to weaken the structure of a building, the natural stress response attacks their hearts.
The response to stress is a stimulation of hormones like dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine, preparing her to respond to a perceived threat. As a result her heart rate increases, her blood vessels constrict, blood pressure elevates, there is a release of insulin from the cells, and escalating lipids. A response of God-given hormones designed to help fight or fly away from the perceived threat.
In a genuine emergency, she needs this natural response. However, during everyday life, such as meeting deadlines or keeping pace with a demanding work schedule, the threat is more personal and frequent. It may come in the form of a micromanaging supervisor or tense moments of sustaining peak performance. My friend in the corporate world also adjusts hourly to the lack of resources available to accomplish outcomes in her 40–60-hour week.

Search Me God and Know My Anxious Thoughts
Not only does she face continual anxiety at work, but she also has the pressure of providing for her family. A burden to be alert financially, physically, and emotionally is persistent. Moreover, stressors that stimulate the same emergency response meant for prolonging life in the short term become fast, frequent hits multiple times a day, attacking and damaging her heart.
Her lifestyle is fast-paced, and her heart is pumping with all its ability to keep up with the continual demand. I can empathize with her anxious thoughts. However, I want her to know, God’s word has power over life’s wrecking ball. I imagine reading the Psalms; a lonely shepherd boy who became a King felt sharp, fast hits too. He wrote the most life-giving words of hope during his suffering as he turned his despair towards God.
David says, “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.” There is no doubt David knew some stress. He, too, had an angry, demanding boss, multiple enemies, brothers who were jealous of him, and children who disrespected him.
David served King Saul faithfully despite his ridicule, and he trusted God to conquer Goliath. He was on the run and hiding in caves as his angry boss chased him with an army. The king’s son, Absalom, incited half of Israel against him and took over his palace. Yet, God’s presence and protection assured David, the multiple attempts to kill him would fail.
God’s Word Has Power of Life’s Stressors
At the peak of his stress, he pours out his heart to God and remembers the Almighty’s promise in his distress. David says, “Lord, how my foes increase, there are many who attack me! But You, Lord, are a shield around me. His eyes are swollen from grief as he pleads for evildoers to depart. The assurance of being heard by the Lord is present in his plea for help. You see, he understands the value of examining his thoughts and emotions before God. Therefore, he sings how magnificent God’s name is (Psalm 3:1-3, 6:7-9, 7:9, 17, 8:1).
Although he fell into sin, repentance brought him freedom. Even though he turned a blind eye to his sons’ evil and hard feelings escalated into full-blown nationwide rebellion, he trusted God’s word to see him through.
Through his Psalms, David teaches us to hope in Him who sees all things and works them to our good and for His glory (Romans 8:28). Although Psalm 23 is a frequent chapter written for those who have passed, many who have walked in the shadow of a cardiac event can bear witness; its evil is real and the shadow of death foreboding.
Proof of Power Over the Enemy
The enemy is a life-threatening, chronic condition that requires vigilant attention while managing everyday stressors. My friend, take comfort in David’s words. He trusted God with all his heart on his road to recovery. May you also give Jesus your fears and anxiety as the power of God’s word deflects the wrecking ball of the stress response to your own heart.
Psalm 23
The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I lack. He lets me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters. He renews my life; He leads me along the right paths for His name’s sake. Even when I go through the darkest valley, I fear no danger, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff—they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Only goodness and faithful love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord as long as I live. (Holman Christian Standard Bible, 2003)
Psalm 23 ESV – The LORD Is My Shepherd – A Psalm of – Bible Gateway