Our entire family loves broccoli! The bigger, the better. Since the dark cherries are slightly tart and sweet, I wanted to combine them with the broccoli for a broccoli and cherry salad. This crop of broccoli is much more impressive than the last two year’s crop.
I decided at the end of February to dig some fresh compost to fill our boxed bed before planting the broccoli. Since the tree line to the right of our property has been the dumping ground of all grass clippings, old trees, leaves, and vegetables rinds for the past twenty-five years, it seemed like a good place to find multiple nutrients.
Leave it to God to use time and His creation to decompose one source of vegetation to nourish and help another grow! He never ceases to amaze me. The broccoli seedlings were planted in late March and survived temperatures as low as 21 degrees! We covered them with a sheet and hoped for the best! You can see below, with a little tender loving care and resilience these plants thrived!

Much like the covering of theses plants in the frigid air, my heart needs God’s covering to protect it too. Especially when there are some tough moments when I feel some coldness from others. I admit my part in this, ask forgiveness, and cry out to God to heal the relationship. It is all I can do.
Do you know what happens? He holds me through the cold. I feel the warmth of his love envelop me and protect my heart just like that sheet protected my plants that freezing April morning.
My heart recoils within me my compassion grows warm and tender.
Hosea 11:8b
We can enjoy what He puts in the garden and savor the nourishment for our souls in His Word.
God Bless you as you partake of both today!

Broccoli & Cherry Salad
- 3 Large Heads Broccoli
- 1 Large Carrot
- 1 TBSP. Finely Chopped Onion
- 1/2 Cup Chopped Brazil Nuts
- 1/2 Cup Fresh Sliced Cherries
- 2 TBSP Fresh Chopped Lemon balm
- 1 Ounce Apple Cider Vinegar
- 2 Ounces Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- 1 TSP Honey
- 1 Tsp Onion Powder
- 1/2 Tsp Himalayan Salt
- 1/2 Tsp Pepper
- Chop the Broccoli and Blanch 1 minute in Boiling Water, Drain in a colander and run cool water over it to stop the cooking process. Then season with onion powder, salt, & pepper.Meanwhile, chop the onion and Brazil nuts. Also clean and thinly slice the carrot and the cherries. Lastly, chop the fresh Lemon balm. Combine the apple cider vinegar, olive oil and honey in a cup and mix well. Add all the ingredients to a large bowl and combine. Eat immediately or store in the refrigerator until ready to serve.