Although it’s late January, I’m already thinking about planting cabbage. The seeds can be planted now and ready for the ground by St. Patrick’s day. Our usual cold hearty planting time. I’m picturing how nice this cabbage will be paired with other vegetables. I like the idea of artichoke stuffed cabbage rolls. So, in preparation for the planting season, I’ll get to work on that recipe.
In addition to this recipe’s tastiness will be it’s nutritional value. Artichokes are rich in polyphenols, flavonoids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and phytosterols. All amazing wonders in building cells, fighting cancer and sustaining the human body. Paired with cabbage, carrots, mushrooms and onions, this meal is sufficient to make the cells happy!
Since it just would be a shame to only feed my cells, I want to feed my soul too. In a broader sense, we can know the sufficiency of Christ for fulfilling all of our spiritual needs. Paul says to the Philippians, everything he’d gained in life-education, status, good religious family, and zeal for God are all considered a loss because of Christ:
More than that, I also consider everything to be a loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. Because of him I have suffered the loss of all things and consider them filth, so that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own from the law, but one that is through faith in Christ—the righteousness from God based on faith. “
Philippians 3 HCSB – Knowing Christ – Finally, my brothers, – Bible Gateway
Philippians 3:8-9
There you have it! Sufficient food from the garden and surpassing value of Christ as Lord over our souls. What a sweet combination to traverse the rigorous journey of life. I hope you enjoy a little of both today, my friend!
Artichoke Stuffed Cabbage Rolls
- 1 Head Organic Cabbage
- 1 6 ounce Jar Artichoke Hearts
- 2 Carrots chopped
- 3 Mushrooms Chopped
- 1 Cup Precooked Quinoa or Multigrain Rice
- 1/2 Cup Chopped Onion
- 2 Cloves Minced Garlic
- 2 Tbsp Organic Extra Virgin Olive OIl
- 2 ounces Cream Cheese (optional)
- Wash and cut the tip off the cabbage. Slice it down the center and place in a large pot. Add 4 cups of water, cover with a lid and bring to a boil, simmer until just tender. Do not overcook. Drain, lightly salt and let cool until able to handle. Meanwhile sauté the mushrooms in Olive oil until tender, Add the onions, garlic, and carrots, and precooked quinoa or rice. Drain the jar of artichoke hearts, and rinse if too vinegary. Add that to the skillet until just warmed. Add salt and pepper to taste.Add a tablespoon of the vegetable filling to a leaf of cabbage, roll up and place in a 9×13 dish. Continue filling and rolling until all the leaves are used. In the same skillet of the vegetables place another tablespoon of olive oil, add 2-3 ounces of cream cheese and pour over cabbage leaves. Bake at 350 for about 10 minutes or until bubbly.
Look for more ways to cabbage Here. I hope you and your family enjoy these sufficiently sound artichoke stuffed cabbage rolls as much as my family does!
God Bless You! What’s in the garden is good!