I am reviewing “Everyday Theology, What You Believe Matters” by Mary Wiley, today because it’s so good you’ll want to add it to your list of must do studies! It is not only foundational, encouraging, and biblically solid, it will prepare you to articulate solid truth for the world.
Why is that so important?
Well, because the world is really busy filling my mind, my kids’ minds, and your mind with its views!
I notice this every day in media, marketing, articles, and even health promoting sites. However, I experienced it yesterday through casual conversation, meeting a new person for the first time. The person was so adept at incorporating his worldview into everything he said, I left the encounter knowing exactly where he stood on every frontline issue.
His choice of words to describe his role at a previous school gave a brief view of what he taught. However, the Hillbilly antics of the people who lived there filled his conversation and expressed his perception of the racial divide. By the time we were ready to leave, I knew his views on marriage, abortion, and conservatives.
My friend, I want our radically different views of life, marriage, and family to roll off our tongues in casual conversation too! Mary Wiley’s, “Everyday Theology” is going to help us do that! More importantly, it will show us how to do it in a non-confrontational or negative way.
Sessions Covered in Everyday Theology
We will start the study learning about the following topics:
- Scripture
- God
- Jesus
- The Holy Spirit
- Humanity
- Salvation
- The Church
- The End Times
In this eight-week study, you will get a clear view of everyday theology and how to talk about your beliefs with others. If you want a study guide to follow, you can order it with her video teaching sessions at Lifeway.com.
A sneak peek for the study is also available if you want to check it out too.

In our introduction and the following weeks reveal the importance of forever. When we examine scripture and see God’s plan for order and protection, we see love and guidance for a more peaceful way to live. I want that for myself and my family, and I want it for you!
Let’s take a look at the term “forever”.
What does forever mean to you?
To me, it means to the end of the age and beyond death. Our scripture memory verse today in Isaiah 40:8 describes God’s Word as standing forever.
I invited a lady to bible study yesterday because this day of study helped me clarify my purpose.
Sharing with her how studying the bible has changed my life for the better just rolled off my tongue. The thought provoking questions that make me think about what I’m reading has transformed my life more than just sitting down to read a chapter or listening to a sermon ever could.
However, even though I’ve enjoyed bible study for personal growth over the years, it’s never been something I wanted to keep secret.
The urge to share it with you and others just kind of took over my life. It has nothing to do with me being a good person, but evidence of the transforming Word of truth hitting a humbled heart. I want everyone I know to experience this!
My friend, God’s Word is forever, because it’s relevant, meaningful, and purposeful. It is everyday theology coming alive is us as we share his living and active Word that is sharper than a double-edged sword to pierce the thoughts and attitudes of every heart!
Spend some time in the following Psalm to understand a heart longing for God and understanding how important it is to communicate with our heavenly Father.
Psalm 119:89-91
Psalm 119:92
Psalm 119:97-104
Mary Wiley says, “If we love God without loving God’s Word, we don’t really know the object of our affection.
Pray for a desire to seek God in His Word over every other desire in your life. He’ll gladly answer this prayer and give you the true desire of your heart…Him.
I look forward to walking alongside you in your journey, please check out the blog for recipes and the devotions for encouragement.
Simplifying Health God’s Way