Chicken Tortilla Soup.….AIP style….minus peppers, tomatoes, corn and tortillas. I could not tell the difference! 🙂

Here is what I did on my preparation day.
I washed and peeled 3 carrots and one beet. I put them in a saucepan with 1 clove of garlic and 1/2 onion 1/2 teaspoon salt. Add three cups of water, bring to a boil and simmer until vegetables are tender. Let them cool, then puree in a Nutribullet store in the fridge until ready to use. (This is my substitute for tomato sauce)
2. Chicken breast cubed
1/2 onion (optional)
1 small zucchini chopped
1 yellow squash chopped
1 clove garlic minced.
1 carrot chopped
3-4 radishes sliced
1 stalk of celery chopped
2 teaspoons poultry seasoning
1 tsp paprika
1 tsp margoram
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 box 32 oz. chicken broth plus two cups water.
2 Cups Pureed Beat/Carrot Sauce
Sauté chicken and seasoning with heated olive oil, salt and pepper. (Or use leftover rotisserie chicken) Add onions, garlic, and chopped vegetables. Add your pureed beat mixture and the broth.
Granted, at this point the pot looks like something from a horror movie. Don’t be alarmed! 🙂 The colors and flavors meld together nicely as it simmers.
Bring to a boil and simmer until vegetables are tender. About 30-40 min.
I wanted to add a cup of jicama to this, but there was none at the grocery store. It would be nice in this soup though.
What’s in the garden is good!