Do you ever find yourself wanting more time to relax?
Maybe you just want a few hours to meal prep or play.
My hope for this Better Bonding Challenge is to put some strategies in place to help you and I do just that.
How Does A 414 Better Bonding Challenge Work?
So, welcome to this challenge of 4 weeks/1 night/4-hour better bonding challenge.
Maybe you’ve decided what night to begin your screen free time, and what hours work for you and your family.
Chances are you’re thinking about activities or your grocery list. Perhaps you even have your bible ready.

Or maybe you need more time think about it and are here looking to see what the challenge is all about.
Regardless of where you are in the decision process, I am so glad you are here!
Please take your time, read the post and the graphics and let me know if you have any questions.
Who knows?
Maybe God is calling you and I to gather with our family because He has something extremely good for us in the next four weeks!
And he who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God. And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:27-28
Romans 8:27-29 ESV – And he who searches hearts knows what – Bible Gateway

Most importantly, I know He will honor the time you and I take to draw closer to Him and to one another.

I believe this 414-bonding challenge will be easy to implement, and helpful in giving you and I family time to build our faith in God.
At the same time it builds structure in our homes, places God at the center of our lives, and helps us carry out the Great Commission within our family.
We are equipping our children to read God’s Word, and giving them solid principles, life lessons, and time to discuss how the scriptures apply to our lives.

Part of the challenge includes a time for meal prepping.
Just think for a minute about four whole hours one night a week with no phones, TVs, laptops, or video games!
What would you like to do, distraction free?
Will it be peaceful, or will there be chaos?
Maybe it is a time to think about the health and well-being of the entire family. Preparing meals for the week as a family can help us all plan and eat more nutritious food.
Better food means a better mood and better sleep.
I’m ready for all of that, how about you?
You decide what works best for your family in this wonderful space and time together.
If you need ideas I have worksheet to start you off with an example itinerary. You’ll find it here:

I have some pretty good meal prepping strategies on this website if you’d like to check them out during your meal planning phase!

Once we get the meal prepping strategy ready we can relax.
Have you ever just laid in the floor and let your child or your partner play with your hair.
Oh, my! Keep me awake for the next activity!
Maybe we can adjust the sequence of these activities just a bit and save that one for last! It really depends on your day.
Did you have a long exhausting day moving around a lot or did you sit most of the day?
The energy we expend and the food we consume really affects our energy levels. You do you on this one!

If we’ve had a stressful day we may not feel like play time in this bonding challenge.
However, when we find the energy to get up and move, 9 times out of 10, we feel better for doing it!
What is fun for you and your family? Does kicking or passing a ball sound fun?
Maybe, singing a song and dancing to a tune. . . oops no phone, what will you use? An old-fashioned radio or record player without a screen?

I hope and pray this 414 Bonding challenge is something worthwhile to get you started on family time and a healthier eating routine.
I am here for you if you need encouragement, click here to join. Maybe get some extra support by getting your tribe of friends and family to do this with you!
I look forward to serving you!
Check out the Focused Family Health Podcast and follow for weekly ideas and strategies for biblically improving family health.