How Changing a Few Daily Habits Builds Immunity
My friend, if you want some simple ways to increase your ability to fight off infection look no further. Today, I am sharing 10 Easy Ways to strengthen your immune system naturally. Claude Bernard, the father of physiology said,
Diseases hover all around us, their seed scattered in the wind
but they do not settle in the terrain unless the terrain
is ready to receive them.
Diseases are here to stay, and viruses mutate, as evidenced by over 100 variants of the flu. Your and my best defenses are given by God above, and mindfully incorporating them into our daily routines will strengthen our immune systems naturally. Here are my top 10.
1. Sunshine
“And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. And God saw that the light was good (Gen. 1:3-4a). God’s presence and spoken word provided the light. Later, on the fourth day, He creates the greater light to rule the day and separates the light from the darkness (Gen. 1:16-19). Ruling the day with massive energy production, the sun is busy controlling wind and weather. It also provides life and growth to plants, while synthesizing vitamin D in the human skin.
Although Ultraviolet Rays (UVR) from the sun often get a bad rap. The danger of UVR only accounts for 0.1% of the total global burden of disease, whereas not getting enough sunlight daily accounts for 3.3 billion debilitating diseases (1). For instance, melanoma is often found to be dangerous to light skinned people who need protection from EXCESS sunlight, not ALL sunlight.
“Over 1,000 different genes governing every tissue in the body are now thought to be regulated by vitamin D3 including calcium metabolism, neuromuscular, and immune system functioning”
Meade, 2008
The amount of sunlight you need depends on your skin type. Light skinned people can receive approximately 50,000 IU’s with just a half and hour in the sun. Tanned and darker skinned people may receive anywhere form 8,000 -30,000 IU’s.
God has provided us beautiful provision for our immune systems with this great light. So, I pray you make time today for a little sunshine. It may be obtained on your lunch break or sitting on the front porch for 3o minutes. Letting children play and setting the timer on a phone for 30 minutes before showering them, or yourself, with sunscreen is helpful too. It will do you and the little ones a world of good.
2. Eating Fruits and Vegetables
“The earth brought forth vegetation, plants yielding seed according to their own kinds, and trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind. And God saw that it was good (Gen 1:12). Our Father, God, is such a fine designer, before he creates humankind he prepares for their provision. Scientists are discovering the power of fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices in the form of antioxidants. Polyphenols, flavonoids, carotenoids, are just a few examples of properties in plants that combat oxidative stress on human cells. Therefore, creating anti-oxidants to help us fight damage to cells.
Over the past fifty to sixty years scientists have discovered thousands of beneficial antioxidants in plants to ward off disease, repair cells, and help the body function more effectively. Moreover, they contain sufficient amounts of fiber to nourish the gut and help move waste products of metabolism out of the body. God’s plan in the garden is still good today.
3. Adding Fresh Herbs to Meals Daily
Not only do fresh herbs and spices add delicious flavor to our daily intake, they also provide a profound ability to strengthen the immune system. Rosemary, sage, oregano, parsley, and mint are just a few herbs supplying anticancer, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory power to the cells (1).
Many herbs are easy to grow perennials that can be added to backyard gardens or patio containers for year round enjoyment. Herbs are also helpful in teaching children to appreciate tastes other than sweet! Tangy, savory, and bitter flavors are good to incorporate early in life to train the taste buds for healing benefits of herbs.

4. Restore the Gut Biome
Although, restoring the gut biome may sound like a foreign task, it is essential to the bodies ability to fight disease. The intestines or our “gut”, is responsible for nutrient absorption and establishing a barrier to harmful macromolecules. It is also home to billions of good and bad bacteria. Long-term use of antibiotics kill good bacteria in the gut and allow the harmful bacteria and fungus to grow. Sugar also altars gut biome in a negative way by enhancing the growth of pathogenic bacteria in the gut (I’ll discuss it’s effect on immunity more in # 6).
Restoring gut biome starts with reducing sugar and artificial sweetener consumption. Artificial sweeteners, like sucralose (Splenda) destroy the good bacteria in the gut and damages the replication of others. On the other hand, excess sugar feeds harmful bacteria. Adding fermented foods like sauerkraut, kombucha, kimchi, kefir, and unsweetened yogurt feed the good gut bacteria and allow more to grow.
5. Exercise
Regular exercise, such as consistent walking, biking, hiking or swimming for 30 minutes every day has a positive impact on the immune system. It increases blood flow, conditions skeletal muscles and the heart, improves endorphins that regulate hormone function, and enhances cell function. Neutrophils, helper T cells and B cells are maintained through physical activity (2).

6. Reducing Stress Strengthens the Immune System
Solomon says, “Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs him down, but a good word makes him glad.” (Proverbs 12:25). The repeated stress response we are given by God to flee danger or fight in our defense is constantly triggered through daily stressors. Moreover, the hormones that regulate this response are overstimulated in areas of our lives that are not life threatening. Excess worry over finances, health, relationships, our self-worth, abilities or lack thereof, create tension and steal our joy.
Truly trusting in God and the promises in His word will help us navigate undo or imagined crisis that we struggle to overcome. Although short-term stress is good for stimulating our immune system, long-term stress contributes to excess inflammation and reduces cytokine response and T-cell function over time (5).
Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God
1 Peter 5:6-8 ESV – Humble yourselves, therefore, under the – Bible Gateway
so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.
7. Get A Good Night’s Sleep
A beautiful thing God designed to restore our bodies while we sleep is something scientists call autophagy. A process that involves the metabolic function of our cells to clean up the debris and dead cells, while restoring and repairing cell walls. Our bodies are doing more work during the night than when we are awake. That is why it is so important to get a good night of uninterrupted sleep.
A few ways to do this are praying before bed and meditating on God’s Word, turning off the television, disabling Wi-fi beside our bed on our phones, and cutting out caffeine six hours before going to bed.
8. Reduce Sugar & Highly Processed Food Intake
Proverbs says it’s not good to eat too much honey and a man (or woman for that matter) who lacks self-control is like a city is like a city broken into and left without walls! Eating too many sweets is becoming a huge health hazard all around. If manufacturers put it in our cereal, breakfast bars, snacks, ketch-up, salad dressings, sauces, stews and even chips—how are we supposed to limit harmful intakes of less than 10% for ourselves and our children?
We can’t, unless we stop eating highly processed food. The preservatives are designed to keep food on the shelves, but NOT help you fight infection. The body has to work overtime to process all of the chemicals added to our food!
According to medical sources, a high sugar diet is also linked to reduced white blood cell function which affects our ability to fight viruses, bacteria and pneumonia. Some sources report this high sugar intake reduces the WBC by 40% (4). Limiting the craving for sugary beverages can be done by consuming fresh fruit high in vitamin C that helps build the immune system and fight infection.
We can even substitute Kool-Aid with 100% fruit juice. However, without its valuable fiber fruit is just as high in fructose as a soda. So, the amount of sugar can be reduced, and the volume doubled by mixing it with equal parts of water. Kids and adults will adjust their taste buds as they are offered this substitute repeatedly.
So, load up the fridge with fresh strawberries, cantaloupe, kiwi, and oranges today for slow edible grazing throughout the day to strengthen your immune system!
9. Eliminate Smoking & Smokeless Tobacco Products
I know this is a no-brainer, but seriously people are still sucked into this really damaging habit. Especially since smoking and other tobacco products help people cope with stress. Although its addictive pattern is a stronghold for many, God gives us the power through the Holy Spirit to send this addiction away.
Physically, smoking destroys the cilia in the airway that helps cough up dust trapped in the mucous. Sublingually, the chemicals and toxins placed on the plants as they grow are absorbed into the body. Not only do damaging carcinogens enter the lungs and mucous membranes and damage cells, but viruses and bacteria entering the lungs are given opportunity to grow and spread. Stopping today can kickstart God’s beautifully designed plan to strengthen your immune system.
10. Reduce Alcohol Intake
Excessive alcohol on the other hand, depletes the body of necessary B vitamins like thiamine and folate. Over time, this depletion affects the ability of the immune system to fight infection. The standard recommendation of intake is one drink for women (12 oz beer or 6oz of wine) and two for men to prevent adverse effects of Chronic Disease.
I hope these 10 easy steps to naturally strengthen your immune system has been helpful for you today! For more ideas to boost fruits, vegetables, and fresh herbs into your daily routine visit The Garden
Benefits of Sunlight: A Bright Spot for Human Health (
Mead M. N. (2008). Benefits of sunlight: a bright spot for human health. Environmental health perspectives, 116(4), A160–A167.
Antioxidant Activity of Spices and Their Impact on Human Health: A Review (
Yashin, A., Yashin, Y., Xia, X., & Nemzer, B. (2017). Antioxidant Activity of Spices and Their Impact on Human Health: A Review. Antioxidants (Basel, Switzerland), 6(3), 70.
Physical Activity and Diet Shape the Immune System during Aging (
Weyh, C., Krüger, K., & Strasser, B. (2020). Physical Activity and Diet Shape the Immune System during Aging. Nutrients, 12(3), 622.
Harmful Effects of Excess Sugar | Ask Dr Sears
Effects of stress on immune function: the good, the bad, and the beautiful – PubMed (
Dhabhar FS. Effects of stress on immune function: the good, the bad, and the beautiful. Immunol Res. 2014 May;58(2-3):193-210. doi: 10.1007/s12026-014-8517-0. PMID: 24798553