Energy-Boosting Breakfast Brownies

I love spending time with my family, and I can’t think of a better way to spend time than preparing a batch of brownies! These fiber and protein packed breakfast brownies have all the vitamins and minerals in fresh-milled whole grain, too.

I talk often about intentional eating only because I want more energy and a highly functioning body to do God’s work. I want that for you and your children too! Therefore, it’s worth taking 25 minutes out of my busy schedule to teach them how to live, prepare, and enjoy life a little more. It also helps them avoid future chronic disease.

Plus, handing them processed packaged doughnuts and cakes don’t give them the vitamins, minerals, fiber and protein they need to function in school, pay attention, and learn like these brownies will.


Brownies from the Garden? Yes, and All the Benefits too!

Now, I know you’re probably thinking brownies don’t come from the garden. However, cocoa beans come from one of the most plentiful and nutrient rich gardens in the world! They are packed with phytonutrients and minerals and according to a PubMed article they help muscle uptake of glucose for better use. The better our muscles use glucose the better we control our weight. Cocoa also helps neurons in the circulatory system improve thinking and helps boost the mood (1)

Like cocoa, dates also come from tropical areas. Although high in natural sugar and carbs, they contain a good amount of selenium, magnesium, copper, zinc, and complex B vitamins. Not only that, but they are a good source of fiber. Lord knows, we need more fiber to flush out all the toxins and chemicals we are exposed to daily.

You’ll get even more fiber, protein, B vitamins, and vitamin E in the whole grain and oats used in this brownie recipe. Plus the oats are rich in beta-glucan and known for helping to control diabetes and lower cholesterol. (2)

God’s always looking out for you and your family, my friend. Let’s give Him praise for His abundant goodness!


Oh, how abundant is your goodness,

    which you have stored up for those who fear you

and worked for those who take refuge in you,

    in the sight of the children of mankind!

Psalm 31:18-20 ESV – Let the lying lips be mute, which speak – Bible Gateway

You and I can take comfort in knowing we have such a mighty Champion who stores up goodness for us! He is working for us, in us and through us to reach this lost and broken world. Physically and mentally, my friend! What greater peace than to take refuge in Him. Moreover, when we do, we teach our children to do the same.

They can maneuver through this life with the teachings of faithful parents and grandparents, or flounder aimlessly without purpose. Let’s take that added anxiety and frustration away by giving them the hope and confidence of God; while filling their bellies with good food.

Energy-Boosting Breakfast Brownies

  • 1 15 oz Can Black Beans
  • 2 Cups Fresh-Milled Soft Wheat
  • 1 tsp Baking Powder
  • 3 Tbsp. Cocoa Powder
  • 1/2 Tsp Salt
  • 2 Tbsp. Chia Seeds
  • 2 Eggs
  • 2 Tbsp. Ground Flax Seed
  • 1/3 Cup Pureed Dates
  • 1/2 Cup honey ((or sugar))
  • 1/4 Cup Olive Oil
  • 1 Cup Almond Milk
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

  2. Put 6 dates in a 1/4 cup of hot water and soak 5 minutes, then puree them in a blender

  3. Open the beans, rinse and drain them, then puree them in a blender (or mash with a fork)

  4. Fresh mill a cup of wheat berries and a cup of oat berries (or just use 1 cup store bought whole grain flour and 1 cup ground oats)

  5. In a large mixing bowl add the flour, ground flax and chia seed, salt, baking powder, cocoa, and mix well.

  6. Add the pureed beans, dates, eggs, oil, and milk and stir well.

  7. Place the batter in an oiled 9×13 pan and bake for 25-30 minutes or until the toothpick comes out clean.

  8. Let cool completely.

I left out my favorite walnuts in this recipe for kids at church who have nut allergies, but OH! how much better they would be with some walnuts added!

Thank you for stopping by today and checking out this brownie recipe! I look forward to serving you with any recipe ideas I come up with or come across, as well as encouragement from God’s mighty word. If you or your family need further coaching with health issues or chronic disease, contact me for affordable coaching, I am here for you.

Also, if your church wants to do bread workshops or participate in classes, I am available for speaking engagements and retreats for your ladies’ group.


Latif R. Health benefits of cocoa. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2013 Nov;16(6):669-74. doi: 10.1097/MCO.0b013e328365a235. PMID: 24100674.

Sang S, Chu Y. Whole grain oats, more than just a fiber: Role of unique phytochemicals. Mol Nutr Food Res. 2017 Jul;61(7). doi: 10.1002/mnfr.201600715. Epub 2017 Feb 22. PMID: 28067025.

Smoothies: Simple & Tasty Intentional Breakfast

Part of simplifying health God’s way is looking for easy ways to boost nutrition while on the go. A simple and intentional breakfast smoothie helps you and I stay on track and gives us the energy we need to get through our morning and stay on our intentional eating plan.

To make it even easier, we can pick a large package of organic spring greens from our local grocery store, that’s already been triple washed, to help us get started. Keeping some unsweetened almond milk on hand with some fresh fruit is helpful too. It also gives this smoothie a little sweetness and extra protein.

Combine this morning power drink with a fresh-milled slice of toast and peanut butter and you’ve got a well-rounded breakfast to start your day. It’s a great idea for kids too! The kiddos might really enjoy it with a Fresh Milled Oat and Wheat Poptart.

Benefits of a Power Green Smoothie

The kale and spinach provide vitamin K, C, and A, with potassium and calcium. Banana and Kiwi are going to provide more fiber, vitamin C, a well-rounded B complex (without B12) plus some magnesium. Serve this with a multi-grain English muffin, or toast, and a boiled egg and you have a complete and simple breakfast.

God’s always providing us with wonderful options in His garden!


And to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the heavens and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food.” And it was so.

Genesis 1:29-31 ESV – And God said, “Behold, I have given – Bible Gateway

Everything that has the breath of life, God gives green plants for food. It is so comforting to me, every time I read His Word, to see how He plans for every single need. A good amount of minerals circulating in our blood through the whole food we consume helps decrease leg cramping, relaxes blood vessels, while also providing necessary B vitamins that help us stay calm.

What God puts in the garden is good!

smoothie starter

(1) Facebook has my microblog about different smoothie recipes I like.

Since a problem for many people, and maybe you too, is casein and whey in dairy, causing increased inflammation, we’re omitting regular milk. Pasteurization may remove pathogens, but it also removes the necessary enzymes needed to digest milk properly for adults. It Seems like there would be a set standard to create clean milk nationwide at the milking facility, rather than remove vital ingredients after the fact.

If you’re like me, it may take several years to realize just how stiff joints can be after consuming dairy. Since I’m sure God wants us to function at our highest potential physically and spiritually, we can rethink what we put in our mind and bodies to help us maintain health.

So now, when considering a cool summer treat, using unsweetened vanilla almond milk (USVAM) to make one, instead of ice cream makes more sense. It slows down the stiffness and pain. If you’re interested, some favorite smoothie combinations are listed here:

Blueberry, avocado Smoothie
1/2 cup frozen Blueberries, 1/2 of an avocado, 1 cup USVAM

Banana Strawberry
1 banana, 3 frozen strawberries, 1 cup USVAM

Orange, Banana
1 frozen orange, 1 banana, 1 cup USVAM

Plus, the recipe of the day.

Simple & Intentional Breakfast Smoothies

  • 1/2 Cup Spinach (Fresh)
  • 1/2 Cup Kale (Fresh)
  • 1/2 Cup Arugula (Fresh)
  • 1 Cup Unsweetened Almond Milk
  • 1 Kiwi
  • 1 Banana
  1. Add ingredients to a Nutribullet blender and blend for 30 seconds. Enjoy

I hope you enjoy this smoothie recipe and the others listed above. Be sure to let me know what your favorite combination is! I am here for you if you need guidance and encouragement fighting chronic disease and getting healthier. There are many free resources and recipes to help get you started, especially my 15 strategies for intentional eating. However, if you need more personal attention, I’d be happy to meet with you for a consultation here: Coaching Services.

10 Easy Tortilla Wrap Ideas for Dinner

A wrap is my favorite go-to, easy meal after a long day. Not only is a wrap convenient, but it is also delicious and easy to make. You can find three of my favorites by clicking here! Every week, I set aside a couple of hours to prepare these tortillas, chop my vegetables, and prepare my fresh mayo, and sauces for the days to come. Another plus for thinking ahead is, we won’t’ miss out on any nutrition!

We need good fuel to get our cells ready for the work we have to do. Moreover, the principles of eating whole food, with something raw, and something fermented helps us maintain microbial gut health. This task is also easily accomplished with a wrap.

And, Oh!…My goodness… What God puts in the garden is good!

I’m always humbled by His thoughtfulness and awed by His wonderful provision.

Tortilla with Fresh Milled Grain


Psalm 37 shows you and I an example of his provision, while holding onto hope, when times are tough. Although Israel saw days of hardship and were overcome by enemies, the Psalmist reminds them, the wicked only appear to prosper. God see’s everything they do, and they will be “cut off”. However, those who follow God and remain upright, have a future of peace. They also have abundance during famine.

As you and I look around at the abundance of material things, activities, and values of our society, we see things becoming less available and prices doubling; however, me can take comfort knowing, God’s children are not forsaken. The promise in this passage for Israel, and I believe us, is we will not have to beg for bread any more than they did.

I’m sad to say we do, however, face a famine of nutritious bread when we rely on man-made items with bleached flour and preservatives!

I have been young, and now am old,

    yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken

    or his children begging for bread.

He is ever lending generously,

    and his children become a blessing.

Psalm 37:24-26 ESV – though he fall, he shall not be cast – Bible Gateway

Here are 10 Easy Wrap Ideas for Dinner

Salmon Wrap
Salmon, Egg, & Krout Wrap
  • 1. Salmon Egg & Krout Wrap
    Preheat oven to 375. Season the salmon with a tablespoon each fresh oregano, dill, minced garlic and add 2 tablespoons coconut amino acids.
  • Bake 15-20 minutes depending on your preference for doneness.
  • Serve over a fresh milled tortilla with fresh greens, a fried egg, and 1 tablespoon of sauerkraut.
    Sauce: 1 tablespoon fresh mayonnaise, 1 Teaspoon coconut amino acids.
Egg, Salmon, Broccoli Wrap
Egg, Sweet Potato, & Salmon Wrap

2. Egg, Sweet Potato, & Salmon Wrap

  • This easy wrap uses leftover salmon & sweet potatoes.
  • Heat a skillet over medium heat, add olive oil and two beaten eggs.
  • Cover with slices of sweet potato, fresh broccoli, and sliced cooked salmon.
  • Top with fresh dill and oregano, cook until all ingredients are heated through and done.
  • Serve over your favorite multi-grain tortilla or sweet potato tortilla!
Chicken, Garden Greens Wrap
Chicken and Garden Green Wrap

3. Chicken and Garden Greens Wrap

This chicken with garden greens wrap is the easiest wrap of all! I often use a rotisserie chicken, with fresh greens, a sliced avocado, and ranch dressing. Yum!

Tuna Wrap
Tuna & Zucchini Relish Wrap
  • 4. Tuna & Zucchini Relish Wrap
  • The multigrain wrap is so full of fiber, protein and nutrients you’ll love this simple combination for increased omega 3 and less inflammation.
  • Prepare the zucchini relish by shredding one zucchini, 1/2 red onion, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar (or whatever vinegar you have on hand), and 1 chopped banana pepper.
  • I layer the relish over the tortilla, spread on some fresh baby kale, then the tuna, and top with more zucchini relish. It’s fabulous.
Ground Turkey & Shredded Veggie Wrap
Ground Turkey & Shredded Veggie Wrap

5. Ground Turkey & Shredded Veggie Wrap

  • Heat a skillet to medium and sauté a lean, made by you turkey sausage until done. Don’t fret, all you have to do is add a clove of fresh minced garlic, 1/2 fresh minced onion, 1/2 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp pepper, 1 tsp oregano, 1/2 tsp coriander, and 1/2 tsp ground celery to the one pound of ground turkey.
  • In a separate dish, shred a carrot, a yellow beat, one zucchini, half a cucumber, and half a red onion. Place your tortilla on the plate spread a little honey mustard sauce over the bottom, top with fresh salad greens, the turkey sausage, then the shredded veggies. If you’re like me, you can’t eat just one!
Steak & Broccoli Wrap
Steak & Broccoli Wrap

6. Steak & Spinach Wrap

  • Heat your skillet to medium heat and add your favorite sliced steak. Sauté until tender and your preferred doneness.
  • In a separate bowl combine fresh spinach, shredded carrots, shredded beats, fresh steam broccoli, and fresh steamed snap peas.
  • Serve over your favorite multigrain tortilla with tzatziki sauce or chili sauce.
Beef & Beet Wrap
Beef and Beet Wrap

7. Beef & Beet Wrap on a Multi -Grain Wrap

  • Heat a skillet to medium heat, mix the 1 Lb of lean ground beef with 1 clove of garlic, salt, and pepper, and form into patties.
  • Sauté the patties with fresh sliced onions and cook until done in the center.
  • Place the tortilla on a plate, apply a tablespoon of fresh mayonnaise or mustard, cover with fresh salad greens, the burger and a shredded beat or red cabbage slaw. You will enjoy all the pleasure of a burger without any of the guilt.
Cod Fish  Wrap
Cod Fish & Fresh Greens Wrap

8. Cod Fish & Fresh Greens Wrap

I love fish and the milder the flavor the better. Two of my favorites are cod and mahi-mahi. They both cook quickly and are wonderful in a wrap.

  • Heat your skillet to medium. Season the cod with 1/2 tsp each, onion powder, fresh oregano, chili powder, and pepper. Sauté 1 Lb of cod or mahi-mahi in a little avocado oil for 10 minutes in a medium heat skillet or until done inside).
  • Place your wrap on the plate, apply a tablespoon of tzatziki sauce (1/2 cup yogurt, 1 tsp fresh minced garlic, 2 tbsp. shredded cucumber, 1/2 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp pepper, 1 tsp lemon juice, 1 tsp fresh dill or parsley).
  • Cover the multigrain tortilla with fresh greens, the fish, and top with sliced avocado.
Almond Veggie Wrap
Almond Veggie Wrap with Butternut Squash Sauce

9. Allmond Veggie Wrap with Butternut Squash Sauce

  • Use a tablespoon of prepared butternut squash on the bottom of your multigrain tortilla (I bake mine on my prep day and store it in the fridge to heat as needed).
  • Top with spinach, kale, or whatever fresh greens you have on hand.
  • Top with your favorite fermented vegetables, kimchi or a cauliflower blend is wonderful!
  • Next, scatter on the slivered almonds and enjoy!
Steak& Cabbage Wrap

10. Sauteed Cabbage & Lamb

  • In a medium skillet sauté 1/2 head of cabbage, 1/2 onion, 2 sliced carrots, 1 clove of garlic, and 2 mushrooms until just tender.
  • In a separate skillet prepare lamb chops or sliced steak as you normally do until done.
  • Place a dollop of avocado dressing on a multigrain tortilla (the dressing is 1 whole avocado, 1 minced clove of garlic, a pinch of salt and pepper, the juice of 1/2 lemon, and 1 spoon olive oil).
  • Cover with fresh greens and top with your sliced lamb.

I hope you enjoy these easy dinner ideas as you think about how to prepare healthier meals for yourself and your family. Eating whole food each day can be simple and delicious with a little preparation! If you need help getting started, consider a prep day workshop with me online, at your women’s club, or church group.

I am here to serve you and help you simplify your health, God’s way.

Healthy Low Acid Pizza with Fresh-Milled Grains

The garden gives me so much inspiration for new recipes! The possibilities are endless, but a low acid pizza is on the top of my list today. Most of us enjoy a good pizza now and then. But for those of us who suffer from acid reflux, it’s one of the hardest things on our stomachs. That is why I’m using butternut squash to create my sauce on this low acid pizza. I’m also using part of my weekly bread dough for a fresh-milled crust. The abundance of vegetables in the garden this summer make this pizza easy to prepare.

Benefits of Low Acid Pizza

The best part of this low acid pizza is most of the toppings come straight out of the garden. A little kale, onions, and zucchini provide a nice variation for toppings, while the butternut squash makes a sweet and flavorful sauce. Of course, you don’t have to have a garden to enjoy these toppings, any local farmer’s market or grocery store can supply everything you need.

low acid pizza

The multi grain crust provides a decent amount of B vitamins, essential amino acids, beta carotene, protein and fiber. At the same time, those delicious summer vegetables provide plenty of magnesium, manganese, calcium, and vitamin A. Fresh oregano and basil add just enough spice, while the chicken apple sausage (nitrate and nitrite free!) gives this low acid pizza more flavor and protein.

God is always looking out for us and giving us plenty of options to choose from. His gardens around the world just can’t be beat. Nothing compares to the benefits and antioxidants available in fresh greens and whole grains for our physical health. Moreover, he has provided abundantly for our spiritual health in his Word and his Son, Jesus!

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.

2 Corinthians 1 ESV – Greeting – Paul, an apostle of Christ – Bible Gateway

I pray you find comfort in the steady promises of scripture…and this healthy low acid pizza today. If you’re struggling with eating healthier, I can give you plenty of ideas here, so look around! But if you need more than a few recipes to get you feeling better, I can help you there too, just check out the services page. I do group, individual, and family coaching!

Low Acid Pizza with Fresh-Milled Grains

  • 1 Lb Pizza Dough (Fresh-Milled with Wheat & Flax taste great.)
  • 8 ounces Butternut Squash
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1/2 Cup zucchini (sliced)
  • 1/2 Cup Spinach
  • 1/2 Cup kale
  • 1/4 Cup Onion
  • 1/4 Cup Mozzarella
  • 1 link Chicken Apple Sausage
  • 1 tsp onion powder
  • 2 tsp fresh oregano
  • 1 tsp basil
  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees

  2. Prepare the dough ahead of time as you make your bread for the week. My dough is 2 cups of flour (a mix of hard white/hard red/oats/flax), 1/2 tsp salt, 2 tsps. yeast, 3/4 cup warm water, 2 tbsp olive oil. Mix, knead 1 minute, set aside to rise until double. Punch it down and roll it out on our pizza pan.

  3. Prebake the butternut squash, peel it and mash it with a minced paste of garlic and salt. Spread it over the crust.

  4. Top the butternut squash with onions, spinach, kale, sausage slices, cheese and fresh basil and oregano.

  5. Bake at 375 for 20-25 minutes.

A Simple Fresh-Milled Lemon Cake Roll

I’m using spelt today for my fresh-milled lemon cake roll. All I can say is, it’s been an adventure turning my original pumpkin roll recipe into various fruit flavored concoctions! But mastering the method to prepare this super easy 25-minute cake is worth the effort!

Just imagine all the different flavors! Check out my Dye-Free Red Velvet Cake Roll or my Low Sugar Orange Creamsicle Cake Roll for some delicious examples of ways you can make one too!

The trick for me on this recipe is adjusting the amount of spelt. I started with 3/4 cup and realized the batter was too runny, so I added a 1/4 cup hard white. I used a zucchini squash for added filling, and it may have contained too much water. Patty pan or hubbard squash may give it yellow color with less water content. I’d use whatever squash, (pineapple or banana) you have on hand.

The consistency with the extra flour looked like my original cake batter, so I went forward with that amount for this lemon cake roll. The freshness of lemon sounded so good for a summer treat for my hubby. I decided to use two in this recipe with the zest. Now, if you find this is still not enough lemon flavor, think about adding a small amount of lemon extract. It really depends on the freshness of your lemons.

Fresh Milled Lemon Cake Roll with Spelt

Benefits of Fresh-Milled Lemon Cake Roll with Spelt

As most of you who follow my blog know, I don’t eat or recommend eating a lot of sweets. So, when I do prepare a treat for my family, I want it to be low in sugar and higher in fiber, protein, vitamins, freshness, and taste. Today, I’m using spelt to make this lemon cake roll. I’m also adding a little bit of hard white wheat.

Fresh-milled spelt is higher in lipids and unsaturated fatty acids than wheat, although lower in tocopherol (natural vitamin E) according to a comparison study done in Belgium. (1) The same study of spelt showed ” copper, iron, zinc, magnesium, and phosphorus contents were higher. Although higher in phosphorous, the phytic acid content was 40% lower in spelt than in wheat.
Now, I know some sources claim phytic acid is an anti-nutrient and it gets blamed for depleting magnesium… but let’s not forget God designed it and created it perfect. It protects the phosphorous in the seed until it’s milled. It also binds to cadmium and lead in our systems to remove these toxic metals from the body. Plus, it plays a role in lowering blood glucose, alongside the bran and germ with their high fiber and protein content. (2)
Additional benefits of using spelt for this lemon cake roll is the quality B vitamins it provides to aide hormone balance, while helping to build bones and the immune system. You can download my free pdf profile of nutrition comparison for grains when you subscribe to my website. I love sharing the benefits of everything God places in the gardens around the world to protect us and provide for our defense! He is always looking out for us, spiritually through his Word and physically through vitamins, antioxidants, and nutrients in REAL food.

I’m feeling God’s provision like a big hug today, how about you!

Fresh-Milled Lemon Cake Roll

  • 3/4 Cup Spelt Flour
  • 1/4 Cup Hard White Flour ((If using store bought flour keep it 3/4 cup))
  • 3 Eggs
  • 2 Lemons
  • 1/2 Cup Organic Sugar
  • 1 Pinch Stevia
  • 1/2 Cup Squash

Cream Cheese Filling

  • 8 ounces Organic Cream Cheese
  • 1 Lemon (Use zest and 1/2 the juice)
  • 1/2 Cup Powdered Sugar
  1. Preheat Oven to 375

  2. In a large mixing bowl, zest the two lemons, then peel them and separate the flesh from the membrane wall and place it in the bowl (This makes about 1/4 of a cup)

  3. Measure 1/2 cup of pureed cooked squash of your choice and place it in the bowl with the lemon (Whatever fruit you use, you need a total of 3/4 cup).

  4. Add the 3 eggs, sugar and stevia, and beat well.

  5. Add the flour, baking soda, and salt.

  6. Prepare a jelly roll pan with a tiny bit of oil, covered with parchment paper and a little more oil. Spread the prepared batter over the paper and bake the cake at 375 for 10 minutes.

  7. Once the cake is done, spread a dish towel on the counter and cover with 1/4 cup of powdered sugar. Carefully place the baked cake onto the towel and gently roll. Place in the freezer 15 minutes.


  1. Zest the 3rd lemon into a bowl, add 8 ounces of cream cheese (you can substitute 1 stick of butter in a pinch if you don't have cream cheese), plus 1/2 cup of powdered sugar. You can also add 1/4 tsp of lemon extract if you like a stronger lemon flavor. Beat well with a mixer, until it's fluffy.

  2. Once the cake is completely cooled, unroll it and place your lemon butter cream icing evenly across the inner part of the cake. Roll again then lightly dust with powdered sugar.

  3. Serve immediately or chill and serve later.

Well, that wraps it up nicely for this lemon cake roll recipe, my friend. I hope you invite God’s goodness into all of your baking and skip the overly processed items that deplete health. It’s easy to do one step at a time. Remember, I’m here to coach you along the way if you need individual, family, or group coaching, so just let me know on my services page. I look forward to serving you!

God bless!


Ruibal-Mendieta NL, Delacroix DL, Mignolet E, Pycke JM, Marques C, Rozenberg R, Petitjean G, Habib-Jiwan JL, Meurens M, Quetin-Leclercq J, Delzenne NM, Larondelle Y. Spelt (Triticum aestivum ssp. spelta) as a source of breadmaking flours and bran naturally enriched in oleic acid and minerals but not phytic acid. J Agric Food Chem. 2005 Apr 6;53(7):2751-9. doi: 10.1021/jf048506e. PMID: 15796621.

Biskup I, Gajcy M, Fecka I. The potential role of selected bioactive compounds from spelt and common wheat in glycemic control. Adv Clin Exp Med. 2017 Sep;26(6):1013-1019. doi: 10.17219/acem/61665. PMID: 29068605.

Fresh Milled Flour & Sourdough Bread

The best part of using fresh milled flour for baking and sourdough bread is knowing all the goodness God created in the wheat is present in the bread! Learning about the ancient grains and bread making is also a treat to understand and incorporate in my daily life. I’ll give you a little history, tell you what I learned about making sourdough bread these past few months, and provide you a link to the easiest sourdough bread recipe I found. I’ll also place a link to the best video that showed me how to do it.

History of Sourdough

Although, evolutionists and Scientists teach humans were hunter gatherers before farming practices came to be, evidence is now emerging to tell a different story. Fourteen-thousand-year-old breadcrumbs from an archeological dig of Natufians in the area of the Jordan river reveal the remains of einkorn wheat, tubers, barley and oats (1). The new discovery dates flour making much older than previously thought and one researcher states maybe even as far back as hunter gathering times. It is a story similar to what we learn from Scripture.

The bible teaches that humans began farming practices with our first parent, Adam. After the fall, God told him he would work the ground in pain to eat of it all the days of his life. Among the thorns and thistles, Adam would eat the plants of the field by the sweat of his face (Genesis 3 18-19).

His son, Cain, was also a farmer. A worker of the ground, he brought to the Lord an offering from the fruit of the ground. Noah was told by God to take every sort of food that is eaten and store it up for his family and the animals (Genesis 6:21). After the flood, Noah became a man of the soil and planted a vineyard (Gen. 9:20).

 The arduous task of separating the chaff and grinding the grain into a fine flour for bread must have been worth the effort. The first bread was a type of flatbread still eaten in the middle east, while the Egyptians are credited with allowing the bread to ferment. Sourdough bread found in Switzerland, is dated 3700 BCE. The bread developed gases to expand the loaf and a piece of the dough was removed and saved for adding to a fresh batch.

It is thought the dough picked up yeast from the air in a form of spontaneous fermentation. Later, yeasts were developed by bakers to make yeasted breads. However only wheat and rye varieties have enough gluten to form raised loaves.

I started using the fresh milled flour for all of my baking in September of 2021. Over the next few months, I began noticing a difference in my energy level and lack of sugar cravings. A few months later, I realized I did not get my usual sinus headache and drainage during our musty Ohio valley spring weather. I had watched Sue Brecker’s “Bread of Life” tutorial on the benefits of grain and found everything she said to be true.

Fresh Milled Flour & Sourdough Bread

Although I’m not an affiliated with this company, I found the resources at Bread Beckers very helpful! So, I bought Sue’s little red book and began making the Zojirushi versatile bread recipe. After months of fresh milling flour, making my tortillas, and experimenting I became interested in sourdough bread. If shortages continue in the food industry, I don’t want to depend on yeast to make a loaf of bread. However, living off tortillas and flatbread like Israel did for Passover is fine with me!

But since I’m a geek and love to learn new things, sourdough baking appealed to me.

Here’s is What I learned About Sourdough Baking with Fresh Milled Flour

  1. You need a good starter. A good starter is key to making a delicious loaf of bread. Don’t get me wrong, you can begin by making your own, but it will taste very sour when you do, and it won’t rise as well. I tried to make my own starter several times and it made a low rising bread with a beer-like taste. I’d almost give up until I met a very nice girl at a lady’s summit, and we started talking about food fermentation. She was kind enough to bring me some of her sourdough starter from Italy. She’s had this starter ten years! All I can say is…IT IS THE BEST! So, thanks Chaeney!
  2. You need patience. This is not a quick process. In fact, it is going to take 12 to 24 hours to make a loaf of bread. So be patient. On the other hand, it is very easy and requires minimal ingredients. For instance, you need fresh-milled grain, water, salt and starter. That’s it! I pick one day a week to make bread and plan my day accordingly. Mornings work better for my schedule and the first thing I do is get it out of the fridge and feed the starter. It will sit on the counter for about 6-8 hours (depending on room temperature) and when it peaks (doubles in size and is still foamy) it is ready to go into my fresh milled flour. I do all my other chores but keep an eye on the starter. When I notice it has doubled, I begin to mill my grain.
  3. Be prepared. I watched plenty of YouTube videos to get the process down. I suggest you do the same. It helps to see what to expect as people gather their supplies and show you how to knead the dough. Here is my favorite video that showed me how to do it, Easy Everyday Sourdough Bread: Full Method and Parchment Paper Baking Trick – YouTube. Find one that works best for you. My favorite recipe to use for this sourdough bread is at, it gives you step by step instructions also and alternatives to using a Dutch oven. I’ve done a Dutch oven, an iron skillet, and my loaf pans covered with aluminum foil…it tastes the same.

The fresh-milled wheat is very nice in the recipe above, but I use 4 cups instead of 4 and 1/4 cups. Most of the bakers I watched said to use a scale and measure in grams for best results. I have not done that, but I’m still experimenting. In applying the flour, water, and folding method, I look at the moisture of the dough and keep it sticky. I have not used the fridge to raise the dough overnight either.

Once you get comfortable making the bread with fresh milled flour, you can experiment with spices and making rolls. My bread is never perfect, but it tastes good. I was able to use the Easy Sourdough Bread Recipe to make cinnamon rolls this morning, and they were delicious. They were chewy on the inside and crusty on the outside, with a honey and cinnamon center.

I know God will bless you as you learn to master this process too! Have fun and remember, what God puts in the garden is good!

If you’re looking to learn more about fresh milled flour and baking with it let me know! You can attend a bread workshop in person or on zoom to get started. Also, if you need help getting healthy, I can help! Sign up here.

fresh-milled grain workshop
Bread Workshop

Below is a free download of my favorite grains and their nutritional value, it is available here and when you subscribe to my site! You’ll receive a weekly newsletter of tips, encouragement, and recipes! God bless you and enjoy your baking days.

Fresh-Milled Oat & Wheat Poptart

I’m trying every way I can to get the children around me to eat fresh-milled flour. It’s not easy! Because they are so used to the texture of refined white flour. Especially if they have some taste/texture issues and a sensory processing disorder. In most cases, I can’t persuade or bribe three of my little ones to make sense of the grainy flour enough to take the plunge. It hits their sensitive little tongues and somehow the texture signal fires out faster than the taste neurons do.

Comparing Fresh-Milled Oat & Wheat Poptart to Store-bought

My hope is these fresh-milled oat & wheat Poptarts will taste so good they’ll won’t notice the change in texture. After all, the real fruit filling and slightly sweet pastries pack a good amount of fiber, protein, minerals, and natural B and E vitamins to start their day. Mom can rest in the knowledge she gave her child a quality breakfast treat to meet part of his daily needs, without red dye 40, synthetic vitamins, and genetically modified oils and corn syrup found in a store-bought Poptart. Plus, they’ll reduce the sugar from 25 grams to 4.9 grams, that’s cutting over 6 teaspoons of sugar to one teaspoon!

To help parents prevent future heart disease in their children, it is recommended from the American Heart Association to limit sugar to 6 teaspoons per day for children and women, and 9 teaspoons for men (1)

Oat & Wheat Strawberry Poptarts

Best of all, making a child’s own treats teaches them life skills. Not only will they use their reading, math, and science knowledge to understand a recipe, the opportunity to teach them God’s loving kindness is also present. I want the little ones in my life to know how much He cares for them in the little things. His thoughtful provision of their every need is evident in the nourishing value of the food He created. I also want them to know the choices they make now impact their quality of life later. So, eating real food, without dyes, artificial flavors, preservatives, and fillers reduce inflammation of their cells and promote better mental and physical health.

Train up a child in the way he should go;

    even when he is old he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 22:5-7 ESV – Thorns and snares are in the way of the – Bible Gateway

Fresh-Milled Oat & Wheat Poptart

  • 1 Cup Oats (Fresh-Milled)
  • 1 Cup Wheat (Fresh-milled)
  • 1/2 Cup Butter (I have substituted chilled organic olive oil too, and it works just as well.)
  • 4-5 Tbsp. Kefir ( ( or almond milk, or water))
  • 1 egg (separated)
  • 1/2 Tsp. Salt
  • 1/4 Tsp. Cinnamon
  • 1/4 Tsp. Nutmeg
  • 1 Tbsp. Sugar


  • 1 Cup Strawberries ((Fresh or Frozen) Use any fruit you like!)
  • 2 Tbsp. Maple Syrup (Or honey)
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 1 Tsp. tapioca flour
  • 1 Tsp. vanilla
  1. Preheat oven to 350 Degrees

  2. Put your fruit in a small saucepan and place it on the stove on low, 1-2. Let it come to a simmer while you prepare your pastry dough but watch it and stir it occasionally to break down the fruit.

  3. Combine your flour, salt, sugar, cinnamon, and nutmeg in a mixing bowl and whisk well. Using a pastry cutter blend in the butter (or chilled olive oil if keeping it vegan). The dough will be crumbly but dry.

  4. Separate the egg and keep the whites for a brush over your pastry later. Add the yolk to the 4 tablespoons of kefir or milk substitute you are using to bring the dough into a formable pastry dough. If it looks dry, use the 5th tablespoon of milk. You can chill it for an hour if you like, then roll it out.

  5. Check on your fruit filling, it should be heated and ready to purée in a blender or food processor. The fruit should have enough liquid present, so you don't have to add water, that is why you are heating it very low. But some fruit with low water content, like blueberries may need a little (say 2 Tbsp.) water added. Use your best judgment without letting it burn.

    Once it is pureed, place it back on the stove and add the maple syrup or honey. It will still be too thin and watery, so add the tapioca starch and stir until the fruit thickens to a thick paste. Remove from heat and add vanilla, stir well and set aside until it cools and you work on your dough.

  6. Preheat oven to 350 Degrees

  7. Get your chilled dough out and place a large piece of parchment paper on the counter and another over the ball of dough. Roll the dough out thinly and evenly between the paper, then peel off the top layer of paper and cut off the outer edges. Form a square of the dough, then cut dough into small rectangles (about 2.5 inches by 3 inches). Use a fork to place small holes in the dough.

  8. Once you have your dough pieces cut place it on the parchment paper, hole sides down on a baking sheet. Spread a teaspoon or so of the fruit filling on the inside of the square, leaving about a 1/4 of an inch unfilled dough around the edges.

  9. Place the second piece of dough over the filling on your bottom square evenly and press the edges together with a fork. Brush with the egg whites and bake at 350 degrees for about 18-20 minutes or until golden brown.

As I type the instructions I think wow, this sounds complicated and difficult, but it’s really not. I’ll post a video. There are a few ingredients and steps to think about but assigning a child the task and asking them questions about how to create something better and more nutritious than a store-bought product will give them a sense of accomplishment.

I also think the time spent bonding together, laughing, tasting, and exploring new ideas is much more enjoyable than an evening filled with everyone in their own little electronic world. I pray you have that time together with your precious little ones! They grow up so fast, every moment with them will be cherished some day!

If you need more recipe ideas check out the Garden, I’m here to help you convert any favorite processed food into a delight from God’s garden! I am also available to pray for your family, offer educational workshops, or help coach you through a difficult time. So, just let me know by picking a time on the calendar for a free consultation here!

I look forward to serving you! God bless.

Loaded Blueberry & Quinoa Oatmeal

Are you looking for an easy breakfast that will keep you full all morning? Look no further! Here is a loaded blueberry & quinoa oatmeal you can enjoy quickly. Cooking grains or seeds like quinoa (that act like a grain) ahead of time for the week makes a meal ready in less than five minutes. It’s also healthy, filling, and delicious!

I’ve been a huge fan of quinoa for many years and use it instead of rice or pasta in most of the dishes I make. This makes sense to me because I’m not a big fan of either of those sticky starches. Quinoa, on the other hand, doesn’t have the same stickiness, it’s dry and fluffy, yet slightly on the crunchy side. It’s my kind of filler for any side dish or main dish. Plus, it’s loaded with good nutrition!

Benefits of Blueberry & Quinoa Oatmeal

As my vegan friends are aware, quinoa contains all the essential amino acids necessary to make it a complete protein. It is also rich in fiber, magnesium, potassium, zinc, choline, and betaine. It is higher in natural vitamin E and folate than any other grain-like breakfast dish. And combined with oats it provides a decent amount of calcium.

Take comfort knowing this is a wonderful gluten-free alternative for people with celiac disease, while it also provides a strong amount of protein for my vegan friends. It’s a win-win for us meat eaters too, because the way this bad boy feeds the good gut bacteria is phenomenal. It works as a prebiotic by supplying bioactive peptides and polysaccharides. During an in vitro study, dietary fractions of quinoa showed anticancer activity, bile acid binding, and radical scavenging activity. (1)

If you’re looking to improve your heart health, you’ll be happy to know, quinoa combined with oats doubles the cholesterol lowering impact of this breakfast bowl too. Don’t you love another good reason to eat well? A regular intake of blueberries and their anthocyanins help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, improve weight maintenance and neuroprotection. (2)

The walnuts are heart protective and rich in omega 3 fatty acids, while pumpkin seeds are known to help lower LDL cholesterol in animal studies, and breast cancer in others. (3, 4). The additional benefits of these nuts and seeds make this loaded blueberry & quinoa oatmeal bowl a very nutritious option for breakfast. There is no better way to experience contentment than resting in the knowledge God has always had a plan for our good health!


“The counsel of the Lord stands forever,

    the plans of his heart to all generations.”

Psalm 33:10-12 ESV – The LORD brings the counsel of the – Bible Gateway

Yes! His counsel stands forever, and the plans of his heart are clear! His Word assures you and I He is for us and not against us. Over and over, we see in the bible two clear things:

1. His love endures forever, and

2. He loves righteousness and justice..

The psalmist says, “the earth is full of the steadfast love of the Lord”. He proved it by becoming a man and dying on the cross for you and me. And he proves it daily in the gift of healing through His gardens around the world. He is worthy of praise!

I thank you for spending time with me today and taking a look at the perfect plans of our Creator in the garden and in the hope of His mighty love!

Remember, if you need wellness coaching, I am available to help just contact me here: on my wellness package page . You can find other recipes for quinoa here: Sweet & Spicy Chicken Zucchini Quinoa Bowl, Power Quinoa & Cucumber Salad

May He bless you and keep you this day and every day!

Loaded Blueberry & Quinoa Oatmeal

  • 1/4 Cup Oats
  • 1/4 Cup Quinoa (Precooked)
  • 1 Tbsp. Raw Pumpkin Seeds
  • 1 Tbsp Walnuts
  • 1 Tsp Cinnamon
  • 1/4 Cup Water
  • 1/4 Cup Blueberries
  • 2 Tsps. Maple Syrup (Optional)
  • 1/4 Cup Kefir
  1. In a medium bowl add the 1/4 cup of oats and water, plus cinnamon. Stir and heat according to package directions. This takes 1 minute in the microwave (if you use microwaves).

  2. When done, add the quinoa, pumpkin seeds, walnuts and blueberries and stir.

  3. If desired, top with maple syrup then the kefir and enjoy!


(1) Zeyneb, H., Pei, H., Cao, X., Wang, Y., Win, Y., & Gong, L. (2021). In vitro study of the effect of quinoa and quinoa polysaccharides on human gut microbiota. Food science & nutrition9(10), 5735–5745.

(2) Kalt, W., Cassidy, A., Howard, L. R., Krikorian, R., Stull, A. J., Tremblay, F., & Zamora-Ros, R. (2020). Recent Research on the Health Benefits of Blueberries and Their Anthocyanins. Advances in nutrition (Bethesda, Md.)11(2), 224–236.

(3) Abuelgassim, A. O., & Al-showayman, S. I. (2011). The effect of pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L) seeds and L-arginine supplementation on serum lipid concentrations in atherogenic rats. African journal of traditional, complementary, and alternative medicines : AJTCAM9(1), 131–137.

Quinoa & Black Bean Medley

A couple of years ago my daughter signed up for Purple Carrot. As with all great ideas and plans, not every recipe will please the masses. However, there was one she shared with me that featured black beans and sweet potatoes. Oh boy, was it a great combination! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve eaten it as a meal when I’m not wanting to spend a lot of time in the kitchen. My inspiration for this Quinoa & Black Bean Medley comes from that dish.

I use sauteed onions and garlic in olive oil, then add the sweet potato with salt, paprika, and cumin. After the potatoes soften a little, I add the rinsed black beans and precooked quinoa. I then top this dish off at the end with fresh oregano and kale from the garden. It is so good!

Health Benefits of Quiona & Black Bean Medley

The benefits of this medley are pretty impressive too! As many of you know quinoa is a complete protein (8grams per cup), rich in fiber (5 grams per cup), while providing a powerhouse of vitamins and minerals. So paired with the 8 grams of fiber and 7 grams of protein in black beans, you and I are one step closer to meeting our daily requirement in this dish. If that is not impressive enough, just think of the polyphenols and B vitamins present alongside garlic, onions, kale, and sweet potatoes. You’ll see the nutrition facts for this dish below in the recipe.

Sweet potatoes contain provitamin A, a nice supply of potassium, B5, B6, and naturally occurring vitamin E. Why is natural occurring vitamin E important? Because synthetic vitamin E (alpha tocopherol) has been implicated in negative outcomes for health! In a meta-analysis study it has been shown to increase all cause mortality! (1)

So, please, ditch the synthetic garbage and stick with God’s essential nutrients he provided for brain health, metabolism, energy, fighting inflammation, and disease. In addition to the sweet potato beauty, the powerhouse of kale is providing antioxidants, vitamin C, vitamin K, and calcium. It grows easily in the back yard or container garden too!

Buy some seeds in the spring and enjoy this wonderful vegetable all summer!

Snap Peas & Kale


Moreover, feel confident in this: God knew exactly how to provide for your every need before you came to be. From reducing oxidative stress, helping your cell’s fight cancer, improving your digestive health, controlling blood sugar, and lowering your risk for chronic disease; He has a plan in the food he provides. The Psalmist is overwhelmed with God’s glory in the beauty of the moon and stars. He sees a bigger picture of life outside himself, and wonders at the mightiness of God.

It is exactly how I see God when I think of how mindful He is of us when reading about the nutrition facts in plants and animals. He also created a body for you and me that is always working overtime to undo the toxic elements it is exposed to. Although we are crowned with glory and honor and dominion over animals, plants, and creatures of the sea; alongside the great honor, comes stewardship.

When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him? Yet you have made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor.

Psalm 8:3-5 ESV – When I look at your heavens, the work – Bible Gateway

Humbly accepting his great gift of healing for our spiritual health occurs by accepting His Son, Jesus Christ. But mindfully choosing the food he provides for our body’s health from the garden, over man-made harmful products, is also a way to honor Him physically.

God is so worthy of praise, isn’t He?!

Quinoa & Black Bean Medley

  • 2 Sweet Potatoes
  • 1 Can Black Beans (rinsed and drained)
  • 1 Cup Quinoa (Precooked)
  • 2 Cloves Garlic (Minced)
  • 1/2 Medium Onion
  • 2 Tbsp. Oregano (Fresh)
  • 2 Cups Kale (Fresh Chopped)
  • 1 tsp Salt
  • 1 tsp Paprika
  • 1/2 tsp Cumin
  • 1 Tbsp Olive extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/2 Cup Water
  1. Heat a skillet to low/medium heat. Add the olive oil, onions and garlic. Sauté until tender.

  2. Add the chopped sweet potatoes and cook until tender about 5 min, Sprinkle with paprika.

    Add the rinsed black beans and the water. Stir occasionally, then add the precooked quinoa. Season with salt and cumin.

  3. Lastly, stir in the chopped oregano and kale and stir until just wilted. Serve immediately.


Clarke MW, Burnett JR, Croft KD. Vitamin E in human health and disease. Crit Rev Clin Lab Sci. 2008;45(5):417-50. doi: 10.1080/10408360802118625. PMID: 18712629.

Sweet Potato & Asparagus Frittata

I had left over asparagus sauteed in garlic from dinner last night and thoughts of adding it to a sweet potato frittata was born! It’s a simple, delicious, dairy free and gluten free dish for a brunch my friends and I are enjoying today.

Since I love making easy main dishes, this is a no-brainer!

And the best part of making a sweet potato & asparagus frittata is the flavors blend well for breakfast or brunch. My keto friendly family and friends will also be happy with the lower carb and calorie calculations. The combined nutritional benefits of sweet potatoes & asparagus are impressive also.

Benefits of Sweet Potato & Asparagus

Sweet potatoes are rich in beta carotene, an antioxidant thought to help fight cancer and improve vision. It is a good source of fiber (about 3 grams per 3 ounces) Vitamin A, B6, and C, while also providing a portion of every amino acid needed to build protein except hydroxyproline.

What’s good to know about vitamin B6 is it is responsible for over 100 enzyme actions responsible for metabolizing protein. It is helpful for the heart because it balances homocysteine levels in the blood. Not only that, but it builds the immune system by forming lymphocytes and builds blood by helping produce hemoglobin (the molecule that carries oxygen through the blood) (1) B6 is important for cognitive function and neurotransmitter function too!

One cup of chickpeas contains the highest amount of B6 at 1.1mg/serving followed by beef liver, tuna (0.9mg/serving), and salmon (0.6mg/serving).

Asparagus is rich in vitamin K and folate. Folate is vital for preventing neural tube defects in a growing fetus and is important for DNA reproduction. The natural form is called folate, while the synthetic form is called folic acid. Asparagus has good amounts of flavonoids that help fight cancer, lower blood pressure, and help fight bacteria and viruses (2)

God’s Plan in The Garden

I read about the benefits of garden plants and see precision in how God cares for His prize creation.

Yes, you and I are part of His prize creation. We are made in His image and likeness. Therefore, respecting and being good stewards of our bodes involves filling them with gifts from His designed garden. We can honor His gift of resilient bodies He gave us by sustaining and nourishing them with foods like these. Just as God prepared His Word to nourish our souls. Teaching our children and their children the same principles help them know God, and His goodness, while giving their cells the ability to fight disease as they age.

 “Only take care, and keep your soul diligently, lest you forget the things that your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life. Make them known to your children and your children’s children

Deuteronomy 4:8-10 ESV – And what great nation is there, that – Bible Gateway

Sweet Potato & Asparagus Frittata

  • 1 1/2 Cups Sweet Potato (Grated)
  • 1 Cloves Garlic
  • 1 Cup Asparagus
  • 1 Cup Spinach
  • 2 Tsp Avocado Oil
  • 10 Eggs
  • 1/4 Cup Romano Cheese (Grated)
  • 1 TSp Onion Powder
  • 1/2 Tsp Paprika
  • Pinch Cinnamon
  • 1/2 Tsp Pepper
  • 1/4 Cup Almond Milk (Unsweetened)
  • 1 Tbsp. Oregano (chopped)
  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

  2. In an iron skillet (or other oven compatibale skillet) sautee 1 cloves of minced garlic in 2 tsp avocado oil for about a minute. Add the chopped asparagus and cook until just tender about a minute. Salt to taste then remove asparagus to a bowl and set aside.

  3. In the same oiled skilled add the shredded sweet potato, paprika, cinnamon, and pepper. Mix spices and oil into the potato slightly and spread it over the bottom of the skillet and up the sides. Bake in the oven 15 minutes.

  4. Meanwhile prepare the eggs in a large bowl by adding salt, onion powder, a dash of pepper and 1 tbsp. chopped oregain. Then add the milk and whisk well.

  5. Once the potatoes have cooked 15 minutes remove them from the oven and pour the egg mixture over the potatoes. Spread the chopped spinach and chopped asparagus evenly over the eggs. Top with the shredded Romano cheese and bake for 15-20 minutes or until eggs are done.

I hope you enjoy your sweet potato & asparagus frittata! It pairs nicely with some quinoa & walnut bread if you have the patience and desire to benefit from fresh milled bread making. It is a time-honored skill children can learn alongside you. Maybe even, one they will treasure forever.

Please do me favor, if you’ve tasted this recipe from my kitchen or are making if for yourself leave me a rating! I am always in need of improvement, Ya know! Many blessings to you and God bless!


  1. Greenberg, J. A., Bell, S. J., Guan, Y., & Yu, Y. H. (2011). Folic Acid supplementation and pregnancy: more than just neural tube defect prevention. Reviews in obstetrics & gynecology4(2), 52–59.

2. Li, Y., Yao, J., Han, C., Yang, J., Chaudhry, M. T., Wang, S., Liu, H., & Yin, Y. (2016). Quercetin, Inflammation and Immunity. Nutrients8(3), 167.