Thank You for Joining the Challenge!

 Week One

  1. Pick the day of the week you want to go screen free for your four-hour downtime.
  2. Pick the time frame for turning off all phones, TV, Computers for all family members. ex. 5pm-9-m 6pm-1opm.


414 Bonding Challenge Grocery List

Example  Worksheet for Week One

Welcome to week one of our 4 week/1 night/4-hour better bonding challenge. You’ve decided what night to begin your screen free time, and what hours. You’ve obtained your grocery list and have your bible ready. So, let’s dig in together!

Activity #1 — 30 minutes


Scripture: Read Genesis Ch. 4:1-16 together.

Questions & Discussion

Why do you think Cain’s sacrifice was not acceptable?

What does God say to him in verse 6 & 7?

What is the root of Cain’s anger?

What is his attitude toward God after killing his brother?

How are we like Cain in our thoughts, words, and actions?

How does God show Cain mercy despite his attitude?

Activity #  2   30 minutes of Exercise

Take 30 minutes to get outside and walk, bike, play kickball, or swim together.

Activity #  3  Get ready for some meal or snack prepping.  (60-90 minutes) Get the kids and hubby involved. Together we can wash, chop, dry, and seal our veggies for the week much more quickly than one person doing it.

One may chop and prepare the roasted veggies and the lean meat of choice for the grill, while the other prepares the salad greens with their favorite toppings and puts the quinoa on to cook.

The large container of greens should be enough for ten salads for the week. They keep much better with low moisture vegetables like carrots, celery, beets, etc.

Ideas for homemade dressing:

  1. Ranch—-A container of sour cream with 1 tablespoon each dried or fresh (garlic, onion, parsley, dill) ½ tsp salt, ½ tsp pepper.
  2. Olive Oil—-2 ounces olive oil, 1 tablespoon apple cider, white wine, or rice vinegar, ½ tsp salt, ½ tsp pepper, 1 tsp honey (optional).


Activity # 4 Clean up our mess….together!   (30 minutes).


Activity # 5 Play a board game or card game together. (60 minutes).

No cheating by turning on the phones for recipes or reading the bible. Prepare ahead of time with the grocery list and by printing your favorite recipes.

At the end of the evening discuss how the four hours of activities went and what activities you’d like to try for next week.