Why do A Challenge?
This is going to be a fun way for you and your family to bond better!
For four weeks you and I are going to commit to one night a week for four hours, no screen technology.
That means no phone, television, laptop, or desktop computers of any kind for four whole hours, one night a week.
Instead, we are going to invest our time in activities that help us focus on God, healthier living, and time with our family, without distractions.
It doesn’t matter how old you are, or if you have children or not. There is a plan for you in this challenge!
So, if you’re single over fifty, or under forty with kids there is a plan for you.
Your bonding time may alter, depending on your status. For instance, singles may be bonding more with friends and neighbors.
Just let me know in the event section which category you fall into (single/with children–single without children–married with children/married without children) so I can send you the appropriate activity suggestions for the following weeks.
Now, don’t be nervous about turning your cell phone off for four hours. It’s the real challenging part. We can let everyone know what we’re doing and why. The phone will be checked as soon as the four hours is over.
What You Commit to and Can Expect:

I’m ready for some better bonding, how about you?