30. . Ish Minute Turkey Meatball & Pineapple Rice

Turkey Meatball & Pineapple Rice is an easy and delicious meal that will be ready in about 30 minutes. My go to for any easy dish is a well-stocked kitchen with all my favorites on hand for easy preparation and delivery to the table. Isn’t that what we all do?

We’ve got our favorite grains, lean meats, beans, root vegetables, salad greens, extra virgin olive oil and spices ready to go!

It makes quick meals a snap and we are leading our families with zeal. Plus, we can pair this meal with a brightly colored side salad of fresh greens, peppers, tomatoes, and fresh herbs and we’ll meet a good chunk of our nutritional needs for the day.

Benefits of Turkey Meatballs & Pineapple Rice

There is a good amount of quality protein and fresh herbs in this dish. But even better, we get sweet pineapple with its bromelain to help us digest our food well. God knew exactly what we needed before the foundation of the world, and he took care and love providing it in the things he created for us!

The zeal of his leadership makes me smile every time I think about it. It makes me want to follow in his footsteps. Do you follow him and lead with zeal, too?


Romans 12 describes the various gifts of grace given to the body of Christ. Among the many gifts, leading with zeal stands out to me for busy parents struggling to care for their families spiritually and physically. It is a massive job we do not take lightly, and we need all the grace we can get!

. . For as in one body, we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.  Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, in proportion to our faith;  if service, in our serving; the one who teaches, in his teaching;  the one who exhorts, in his exhortation; the one who contributes, in generosity; the one who leads, with zeal; the one who does acts of mercy, with cheerfulness.

Romans 12: 4-8

Zeal comes from the Greek work zelos that sounds like boiling water bubbling over. That inner feeling of doing well for others. Setting an example for our children to be people of integrity, honor, and trustworthiness is well worth our hard-fought efforts. Knowing God placed this gift before us and in us, makes it truly doable. . .and enjoyable.

So, here you go! Lead your kids with a 30. . ish minute meal and 5-minute devotion on zeal!

Turkey Meatball & Pineapple Rice

30. . Ish Minute Turkey Meatball & Pineapple Rice

  • 1.5 lbs Ground Turkey
  • 1/2 tsp Salt
  • 1/2 tsp Pepper
  • 1/2 tsp Cinnamon
  • 1 tsp Parsley Flakes
  • 1 tsp Onion Powder
  • 1 tsp coconut aminos

Pineapple Rice

  • 1 cup Rice
  • 2 Cups water
  • 1 Cup Chopped Pineapple
  • 1/2 Red Pepper
  • 1 Clove Garlic
  • 1 tsp Coconut Oil
  • 1 tbsp Chives
  • 2 tsp Coconut Aminos
  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees (Convection Oven if you have one)

  2. Place the turkey in a bowl and add all the spices, mix well and roll into 1 inch balls

  3. Place on a baking sheet and bake 18-20 minutes or until done

Pineapple Rice

  1. Prepare the rice according to the package instructions

  2. In a small pan sauté the peppers and garlic in 1 tsp of coconut oil, add the cooked rice, chopped pineapple, and chopped chives.

  3. Serve with meatballs and a side salad.

I hope you enjoy this turkey meatball & pineapple rice dish as much as we did! There are so many fun ways to make 30 ish minute meals check out the site to find vegan ideas or other quick main course meals! Your talents will bubble over with all the ideas you come up with!

Have a great day and remember to serve your family and others with zeal!

What God puts in the garden is good!

January Week 3 Meal Prepping Fun

Ok, January week 3 meal prepping is underway for the week! Hang in there, busy friend, this is doble! I will list the items and the cost and keep it simple for you.

How are we thinking differently these days about meal prepping?

Maybe we’ve made the decision to move more, have a better attitude, trust the Lord more and the world less, or maybe we are making better choices in our eating habits.

The thought patterns may be small but. . Oh! How effective they become when we take one step at time, master it, then move forward.

Intention is the key for me when it comes to all of these factors. I have to start with prayer, then move to Bible reading first thing in the morning.

As the day progresses so does writing tasks, workflow, moving, and eating. One of my favorite things to do to make my life flow more effectively and help me stay on track is to meal prep.

Although I move between making wraps and quinoa bowls, soups, salads, and meat dishes. . . all play a huge part of my meal prepping days and being intentional.

January week 3 Meal Prepping is super simple and delicious:

Keep in mind, I use organic in all of my meals as much as possible because of the heavily laden pesticides sprayed on our food. So, the prices below reflect that cost.

If organic items are not available or I can’t afford them, I soak the food in baking soda and vinegar to remove the pesticides and rinse them well. I do this with organic, too!

1/3/24 Meal prepping ideas

Here are January Week 3 Items and the cost:

  • Organic whole chicken —-$16 (sometimes I get two when they are close to expiration, so keep an eye out!)
  • Carrots —$2.99 for 32 ounces
  • Celery—$2.79 one bunch
  • Onions—$1.59
  • Garlic—$1.99
  • Salsa– $1.79
  • Spring greens–1 lb—$5.99 or 5 ounce container for $3.29
  • Wraps–-Make your own, the recipe I have makes 12 medium wraps, or 16 small. I seriously could not find a decent wrap on the Kroger website that has quality ingredients. If you find one use it!

So, a total cost of this meal prepping is $29 (rounded up) is for 6 servings of soup, 12 Wraps (I already had the flour), and 6 salads. That’s three days of eating for two in our house. It may be two days if you have young children, or 1 day if you have growing teens!

January Week 3 Meal Prepping Chicken

How to do it!

One whole organic chicken in the Instapot for 32 minutes (its 8min per pound)

Chop carrots, celery, onions, and garlic.

Get a small jar of salsa ready (or chop fresh tomatoes/peppers/onions)

You’ll be finished chopping in less than 32 minutes.

Pull the chicken out carefully, and let cool a few minutes until it’s ready to handle.

Separate it into three sections, removing the gristle and bones (I totally puree all the tiny bones and meat in my bullet and only the large bones and skin are wasted, I keep it for my chili) keep the broth and place it in the soup pot of veggies.

One section is shredded for wraps, one for soup, and one for a salad.

Meal prepping, chicken wraps

Don’t you get excited when life becomes a little easier and you don’t have to think about what to cook for dinner every day?

There are more ways to use wraps on this blog so please check them out! I am here to serve and encourage you in your health journey! It does take work, but I think you and I are up to the task!


We can’t do this alone; it takes a good network of supportive people. It reminds me of Nehemiah rebuilding the wall around Jerusalem in the Bible. He had the torn down wall, ruined city, and the people on his heart. Mourning what was lost and thinking about its previous splendor and purpose to honor God, he stepped up to make a difference in the lives of his people.

He rallied each family, and side by side, they began to work on the portions of the wall around Jerusalem.

So, we built the wall. And all the wall was joined together to half its height, for the people had a mind to work.

Nehemiah 4:6

Nehemiah 4 ESV – Opposition to the Work – Now when – Bible Gateway

Amazing things happen when we have a mindset to do the work. Whether it’s moving more, arguing less, loving exponentially, or eating healthier.

Our bodies rally to do the internal work of restoring and repairing our cells the way God designed them to do. The preservatives, additives, pesticides, and poison of the world and food are no longer appealing to us or our children.

Sometimes it takes planning and sacrifice, but the key is keeping it simple and enjoyable, with our focus on the prize.

The prize is good health, a stronger body that fights infection well, and a clear mind. God’s plan established the ingredients for both thousands of years ago in the garden of Eden.

For instance, I can take any of these items to a party and enjoy the party. Once I’ve fed my cells, I can take a small piece of whatever delightful dessert is catching my eye.

I have found, when my cells are satisfied, there are fewer cravings and dissatisfaction. So, a small piece of chocolate or a sliver of cake is enjoyable and savorable as it tops off my healthy meal! I may even choose not to eat it at all!

Regardless of how you approach your battle strategy in being healthier spiritually and physically, I am here for you! Let me know how you’re doing and if you need more wellness coaching, we can do a discovery call!

Chicken Salsa & Tortilla Soup

Chicken Salsa & Tortilla Soup is easy and delicious!

No surprises here! I made my first chicken salsa soup 20 years ago watching the Food Network. It’s been a favorite ever since! I’ve changed it up several times and it still tastes amazing. When I made this for a cousin last week, I wanted to use mostly frozen vegetables so it would be easier for her to replicate.

It turned out pretty good!

Chicken Salsa & Tortilla Soup

  • 2 Chicken Breast
  • 1 8 oz. Jar Salsa
  • 2 cloves Garlic
  • 1 Cup Corn
  • 1-2 Cups Chopped Yellow Squash
  • 2 Tomatoes
  • 2 Tsp. Paprika
  • 2 Tsp. Coriander
  • 2 Tsp. Onion Powder
  • 2 Sprigs Fresh Oregano
  • 4 cups Chicken Broth
  • 1 12 ounce Bag Three Pepper & Onion blend (red/green/yellow)
  1. Season the chicken with spices and chop; place it in a saucepot with 1/2 cup of the broth, minced garlic and chopped onions. Saute until just tender, then add the corn, squash, peppers, tomatoes, salsa, and oregano. Add the chicken broth and simmer about 30 minutes.

    Top with fresh tortillas!

What God puts in the garden is good!

But I have trusted in your steadfast love;
    my heart shall rejoice in your salvation.
 I will sing to the Lord,
    because he has dealt bountifully with me.

Psalm 13:4-6 ESV – lest my enemy say, “I have prevailed – Bible Gateway

Check out the blog for more soup recipes! Or if you need help with lifestyle change and coaching for better health and would like a National Board-Certified Health Coach, who is also an RN, I am accepting appointments here!

Ultimate Cabbage Rolls

The ultimate cabbage rolls for you will certainly be different than they are for me. However, when you have issues with nightshade items like tomato, causing digestive upset, you learn to do things differently.

One way, my cabbage rolls are different is the sauce. I use butternut squash for my sauce instead of tomato. It’s easy, you just mix 2 cups of baked butternut squash and add 1 cup of broth (I like bone broth), 1 clove of fresh minced garlic (or 1 tsp garlic powder –use what you have), a teaspoon of chopped rosemary, and 1 tsp of salt.

Another way my cabbage rolls are different is I line the cabbage leaf with either kale or spinach to maximize flavor and nutritional value.

A third way my cabbage rolls are different is I use quinoa instead of rice for a filling. I want more fiber, protein, and nutrients here as well, making them the ultimate cabbage rolls. Now, if you are one of my low carb friends you know what to do!

The benefits of God’s garden goodness cannot be beat!

I have another cabbage roll recipe here, Oregano and Mushroom Cabbage Rolls, where I list the benefits of cabbage and oregano. Hey, not to worry, you can’t have too many ideas for cabbage rolls!

But things like antioxidants, cancer fighting kaempferol, fiber, protein, and minerals are all beneficial ways to maximize the nutrition in our meals. While we are at it, we can nurture our souls with God’s Word!

When I was studying Deuteronomy this morning I was impressed with God’s faithfulness to an unfaithful people. Israel’s story of weakness and forgetting to rely on God for everything is also my own. Maybe it’s yours’s too.

We can both take heart today from God’s reminder in Scripture:

Beware lest you say in your heart, ‘My power and the might of my hand have gotten me this wealth. You shall remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you power to get wealth, that he may confirm his covenant that he swore to your fathers, as it is this day.

Deuteronomy 8 ESV – Remember the LORD Your God – “The – Bible Gateway

Ultimate Cabbage Rolls

  • 1 Head Cabbage (Lightly Cooked, firm yet pliable)
  • 2 Cups Butternut Squash Sauce (See Recipe)
  • 8 ounces Kale or Spinach
  • 1 Cup Quinoa
  • 1 pound Ground Turkey
  • 6 Mushrooms
  • 2 Carrots
  • 1/2 Onion
  • 2 Cloves Garlic (minced)
  • 3 Sprigs Oregano (or 2 tsps. dried oregano)
  • 1/4 tsp salt (use real salt)
  • 1 tsp pepper
  • 1/2 Cup Romano Cheese (grated)
  1. In a Insta Pot or large pot bring your cabbage to a simmer and cook until just tender and pliable. Drain the water off and let it cool.

  2. Get your precooked quinoa and butternut squash ready (I cook these on my prep day so I can use them throughout the week)

  3. In a medium skillet sauté the ground turkey with the chopped onion, carrots, mushrooms and garlic until the meat is done. Add the quinoa, oregano, salt and pepper. Set it aside to cool.

  4. In a 9×13 baking dish spoon 1 cup of the butternut squash into the bottom of the pan and spread it out to cover the bottom of the dish. Set it aside, it is ready for the cabbage rolls to be placed.

  5. Assemble a leaf of cabbage onto a large cutting board, add two or three leaves of kale or spinach and scoop 1-2 tablespoons of the meat mixture, grate a little Romano cheese over it and roll it up until covered. Place it in your prepared 9×13 dish. Repeat until all the cabbage and filling is gone.

  6. Use the remaining butternut squash to drizzle over the rolls and top with the shredded Romano cheese.

  7. Bake for about 15-20 minutes until heated through.

I hope you enjoy these ultimate cabbage rolls and check out the rest of the recipes offered here to make your life a little more whole and a little less complicated. Filling our guts with healthy fiber and vegetable dishes like this is a good start.

I am here for you if you need coaching!

Creamy Celery & Spaghetti Squash Entree

Coaching through food preparation is so much fun for me. I get to come up with a creamy celery & spaghetti squash entree like this one for my classes and workshops. It’s exciting to equip working families with easier and healthier ideas for dinner.

Although I had every intention of using the crunchy bunch of celery stalks for my snacks this week, it didn’t work out that way. All I had to do was wash them, cut off the ends, and place them in some cold water in the fridge. But I got busy working and left them two days too long.

They were soft and limp, not crunchy and juicy—the way I like celery best— when it is ready for slathering some all-natural peanut butter or hummus over. However, I really didn’t want to waste them or put them in the compost pile. So, I decided to make a creamy celery soup with onions, garlic, and almond milk.

I had a spaghetti squash in the fridge too, and some left over rotisserie chicken. The entree in my mind began to take shape and form, you see the picture coming together too, don’t you?

Celery Benefits Are Amazing!

According to a horticultural college in Nanjing, China, celery’s medicinal benefits include anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, lipid lowering, and glucose lowering properties. It is loaded with antioxidants like: caffeic acid, p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, apigenin, luteolin, tannin, saponin, and kaempferol. (1)

That’s impressive, however, it’s vitamin A, vitamin C, and abundant flavonoid compounds are why it is used medicinally in cultures around the world. Here is a list of benefits from this amazing plant:

  • Reducing risks of cardiovascular disease
  • Preventing jaundice and liver disease
  • Eliminating Urinary tract obstructions
  • Gout
  • Rheumatic disorders
  • In animal studies it increased sperm count and fertility
  • Reduces blood pressure and lipids, therefore strengthening the heart
  • The seeds are used for chronic asthma, bronchitis, and skin disorders
    (A Review of the Antioxidant Activity of Celery (Apium graveolens L) – PMC (nih.gov)
creamy celery entree


God’s divine nature is clear in the things He made. Our cells’ every need was thought of and provided for before we were born. It gives me a sense of trust and amazement every time I study the antioxidants in food. With a deep feeling of appreciation, we can enjoy items like this from the garden and steer clear of ultra-processed foods that rob our health.

“Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord.  He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit.”  The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?

Jeremiah 17:7-9 ESV – “Blessed is the man who trusts in the – Bible Gateway

We are blessed when we trust in the soul saving Word of God and when we take part in His gardens around the world. I want to be like this tree planted by the water with roots deeply seeded in God to bear fruit. You and I are wise to understand the heart is deceitful above all things and maybe, too, are the American taste buds for harmful food. We can’t really be to blame; it is all we’ve been taught since we were old enough to sit in front of Saturday morning cartoons.

It can change and so can we. Knowlege, my friend, is the beginning of wisdom!

Creamy Celery & Spaghetti Squash Entree

  • 1 Cup Spaghetti Squash (Cooked)
  • 1 Cup Chicken (Cooked)

Celery Soup

  • 1 Bunch Celery
  • 3 Cloves Garlic
  • 1/2 Small Onion
  • 1 Tsp Ghee or 2 tbsp Water
  • 1 32 ounces Bone Broth
  • 1 tsp Coriander
  • 1 tsp Oregano
  • 1/2 tsp Salt and pepper
  • 1 Cup Unsweetened Almond Milk
  • 2 Tbsp Flour
  1. Bake the Spaghetti Squash an Hour, then set aside until ready to slice in half and remove seeds. Using a fork gently flake the inside flesh of the squash to look like spaghetti.

  2. Gather Chicken (I used a cup of leftover rotisserie chicken, you can bake a breast in the InstaPot for 10 minutes or however long it takes in your air fryer)

Celery Soup

  1. In a large stock pot sauté the cleaned and chopped celery in water or ghee, add the onions and garlic and cook until tender. Add the spices then the 32-ounce box of bone broth (or 4 cups fresh if you have it!) Bring to a boil and simmer 10 minutes. In a large cup mix the flour and almond milk until flour is dissolved, pour it into the broth and cook until just thickened.

  2. Plate your spaghetti squash, top it with the chicken then the celery soup, and shave some fresh grated parmesan on top then add fresh parsley or basil.

I hope you enjoy this very easy to prepare meal. You’ll be happy to know it counts as an anti-inflammatory and a low carb meal, too! If you’re into that sort of thing. The spaghetti squash can feed a family of four easily or be ready for a family of one for several meals. I’ve used it for chili and with Kale Pesto to make some delicious low carb dishes!

If you are in need of more individualized attention to feed your family good food or in need of health coaching, let me know, we can book and appointment! I look forward to serving you!

10 Easy Tortilla Wrap Ideas for Dinner

A wrap is my favorite go-to, easy meal after a long day. Not only is a wrap convenient, but it is also delicious and easy to make. You can find three of my favorites by clicking here! Every week, I set aside a couple of hours to prepare these tortillas, chop my vegetables, and prepare my fresh mayo, and sauces for the days to come. Another plus for thinking ahead is, we won’t’ miss out on any nutrition!

We need good fuel to get our cells ready for the work we have to do. Moreover, the principles of eating whole food, with something raw, and something fermented helps us maintain microbial gut health. This task is also easily accomplished with a wrap.

And, Oh!…My goodness… What God puts in the garden is good!

I’m always humbled by His thoughtfulness and awed by His wonderful provision.

Tortilla with Fresh Milled Grain


Psalm 37 shows you and I an example of his provision, while holding onto hope, when times are tough. Although Israel saw days of hardship and were overcome by enemies, the Psalmist reminds them, the wicked only appear to prosper. God see’s everything they do, and they will be “cut off”. However, those who follow God and remain upright, have a future of peace. They also have abundance during famine.

As you and I look around at the abundance of material things, activities, and values of our society, we see things becoming less available and prices doubling; however, me can take comfort knowing, God’s children are not forsaken. The promise in this passage for Israel, and I believe us, is we will not have to beg for bread any more than they did.

I’m sad to say we do, however, face a famine of nutritious bread when we rely on man-made items with bleached flour and preservatives!

I have been young, and now am old,

    yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken

    or his children begging for bread.

He is ever lending generously,

    and his children become a blessing.

Psalm 37:24-26 ESV – though he fall, he shall not be cast – Bible Gateway

Here are 10 Easy Wrap Ideas for Dinner

Salmon Wrap
Salmon, Egg, & Krout Wrap
  • 1. Salmon Egg & Krout Wrap
    Preheat oven to 375. Season the salmon with a tablespoon each fresh oregano, dill, minced garlic and add 2 tablespoons coconut amino acids.
  • Bake 15-20 minutes depending on your preference for doneness.
  • Serve over a fresh milled tortilla with fresh greens, a fried egg, and 1 tablespoon of sauerkraut.
    Sauce: 1 tablespoon fresh mayonnaise, 1 Teaspoon coconut amino acids.
Egg, Salmon, Broccoli Wrap
Egg, Sweet Potato, & Salmon Wrap

2. Egg, Sweet Potato, & Salmon Wrap

  • This easy wrap uses leftover salmon & sweet potatoes.
  • Heat a skillet over medium heat, add olive oil and two beaten eggs.
  • Cover with slices of sweet potato, fresh broccoli, and sliced cooked salmon.
  • Top with fresh dill and oregano, cook until all ingredients are heated through and done.
  • Serve over your favorite multi-grain tortilla or sweet potato tortilla!
Chicken, Garden Greens Wrap
Chicken and Garden Green Wrap

3. Chicken and Garden Greens Wrap

This chicken with garden greens wrap is the easiest wrap of all! I often use a rotisserie chicken, with fresh greens, a sliced avocado, and ranch dressing. Yum!

Tuna Wrap
Tuna & Zucchini Relish Wrap
  • 4. Tuna & Zucchini Relish Wrap
  • The multigrain wrap is so full of fiber, protein and nutrients you’ll love this simple combination for increased omega 3 and less inflammation.
  • Prepare the zucchini relish by shredding one zucchini, 1/2 red onion, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar (or whatever vinegar you have on hand), and 1 chopped banana pepper.
  • I layer the relish over the tortilla, spread on some fresh baby kale, then the tuna, and top with more zucchini relish. It’s fabulous.
Ground Turkey & Shredded Veggie Wrap
Ground Turkey & Shredded Veggie Wrap

5. Ground Turkey & Shredded Veggie Wrap

  • Heat a skillet to medium and sauté a lean, made by you turkey sausage until done. Don’t fret, all you have to do is add a clove of fresh minced garlic, 1/2 fresh minced onion, 1/2 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp pepper, 1 tsp oregano, 1/2 tsp coriander, and 1/2 tsp ground celery to the one pound of ground turkey.
  • In a separate dish, shred a carrot, a yellow beat, one zucchini, half a cucumber, and half a red onion. Place your tortilla on the plate spread a little honey mustard sauce over the bottom, top with fresh salad greens, the turkey sausage, then the shredded veggies. If you’re like me, you can’t eat just one!
Steak & Broccoli Wrap
Steak & Broccoli Wrap

6. Steak & Spinach Wrap

  • Heat your skillet to medium heat and add your favorite sliced steak. Sauté until tender and your preferred doneness.
  • In a separate bowl combine fresh spinach, shredded carrots, shredded beats, fresh steam broccoli, and fresh steamed snap peas.
  • Serve over your favorite multigrain tortilla with tzatziki sauce or chili sauce.
Beef & Beet Wrap
Beef and Beet Wrap

7. Beef & Beet Wrap on a Multi -Grain Wrap

  • Heat a skillet to medium heat, mix the 1 Lb of lean ground beef with 1 clove of garlic, salt, and pepper, and form into patties.
  • Sauté the patties with fresh sliced onions and cook until done in the center.
  • Place the tortilla on a plate, apply a tablespoon of fresh mayonnaise or mustard, cover with fresh salad greens, the burger and a shredded beat or red cabbage slaw. You will enjoy all the pleasure of a burger without any of the guilt.
Cod Fish  Wrap
Cod Fish & Fresh Greens Wrap

8. Cod Fish & Fresh Greens Wrap

I love fish and the milder the flavor the better. Two of my favorites are cod and mahi-mahi. They both cook quickly and are wonderful in a wrap.

  • Heat your skillet to medium. Season the cod with 1/2 tsp each, onion powder, fresh oregano, chili powder, and pepper. Sauté 1 Lb of cod or mahi-mahi in a little avocado oil for 10 minutes in a medium heat skillet or until done inside).
  • Place your wrap on the plate, apply a tablespoon of tzatziki sauce (1/2 cup yogurt, 1 tsp fresh minced garlic, 2 tbsp. shredded cucumber, 1/2 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp pepper, 1 tsp lemon juice, 1 tsp fresh dill or parsley).
  • Cover the multigrain tortilla with fresh greens, the fish, and top with sliced avocado.
Almond Veggie Wrap
Almond Veggie Wrap with Butternut Squash Sauce

9. Allmond Veggie Wrap with Butternut Squash Sauce

  • Use a tablespoon of prepared butternut squash on the bottom of your multigrain tortilla (I bake mine on my prep day and store it in the fridge to heat as needed).
  • Top with spinach, kale, or whatever fresh greens you have on hand.
  • Top with your favorite fermented vegetables, kimchi or a cauliflower blend is wonderful!
  • Next, scatter on the slivered almonds and enjoy!
Steak& Cabbage Wrap

10. Sauteed Cabbage & Lamb

  • In a medium skillet sauté 1/2 head of cabbage, 1/2 onion, 2 sliced carrots, 1 clove of garlic, and 2 mushrooms until just tender.
  • In a separate skillet prepare lamb chops or sliced steak as you normally do until done.
  • Place a dollop of avocado dressing on a multigrain tortilla (the dressing is 1 whole avocado, 1 minced clove of garlic, a pinch of salt and pepper, the juice of 1/2 lemon, and 1 spoon olive oil).
  • Cover with fresh greens and top with your sliced lamb.

I hope you enjoy these easy dinner ideas as you think about how to prepare healthier meals for yourself and your family. Eating whole food each day can be simple and delicious with a little preparation! If you need help getting started, consider a prep day workshop with me online, at your women’s club, or church group.

I am here to serve you and help you simplify your health, God’s way.

Healthy Low Acid Pizza with Fresh-Milled Grains

The garden gives me so much inspiration for new recipes! The possibilities are endless, but a low acid pizza is on the top of my list today. Most of us enjoy a good pizza now and then. But for those of us who suffer from acid reflux, it’s one of the hardest things on our stomachs. That is why I’m using butternut squash to create my sauce on this low acid pizza. I’m also using part of my weekly bread dough for a fresh-milled crust. The abundance of vegetables in the garden this summer make this pizza easy to prepare.

Benefits of Low Acid Pizza

The best part of this low acid pizza is most of the toppings come straight out of the garden. A little kale, onions, and zucchini provide a nice variation for toppings, while the butternut squash makes a sweet and flavorful sauce. Of course, you don’t have to have a garden to enjoy these toppings, any local farmer’s market or grocery store can supply everything you need.

low acid pizza

The multi grain crust provides a decent amount of B vitamins, essential amino acids, beta carotene, protein and fiber. At the same time, those delicious summer vegetables provide plenty of magnesium, manganese, calcium, and vitamin A. Fresh oregano and basil add just enough spice, while the chicken apple sausage (nitrate and nitrite free!) gives this low acid pizza more flavor and protein.

God is always looking out for us and giving us plenty of options to choose from. His gardens around the world just can’t be beat. Nothing compares to the benefits and antioxidants available in fresh greens and whole grains for our physical health. Moreover, he has provided abundantly for our spiritual health in his Word and his Son, Jesus!

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.

2 Corinthians 1 ESV – Greeting – Paul, an apostle of Christ – Bible Gateway

I pray you find comfort in the steady promises of scripture…and this healthy low acid pizza today. If you’re struggling with eating healthier, I can give you plenty of ideas here, so look around! But if you need more than a few recipes to get you feeling better, I can help you there too, just check out the services page. I do group, individual, and family coaching!

Low Acid Pizza with Fresh-Milled Grains

  • 1 Lb Pizza Dough (Fresh-Milled with Wheat & Flax taste great.)
  • 8 ounces Butternut Squash
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1/2 Cup zucchini (sliced)
  • 1/2 Cup Spinach
  • 1/2 Cup kale
  • 1/4 Cup Onion
  • 1/4 Cup Mozzarella
  • 1 link Chicken Apple Sausage
  • 1 tsp onion powder
  • 2 tsp fresh oregano
  • 1 tsp basil
  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees

  2. Prepare the dough ahead of time as you make your bread for the week. My dough is 2 cups of flour (a mix of hard white/hard red/oats/flax), 1/2 tsp salt, 2 tsps. yeast, 3/4 cup warm water, 2 tbsp olive oil. Mix, knead 1 minute, set aside to rise until double. Punch it down and roll it out on our pizza pan.

  3. Prebake the butternut squash, peel it and mash it with a minced paste of garlic and salt. Spread it over the crust.

  4. Top the butternut squash with onions, spinach, kale, sausage slices, cheese and fresh basil and oregano.

  5. Bake at 375 for 20-25 minutes.

Quinoa & Black Bean Medley

A couple of years ago my daughter signed up for Purple Carrot. As with all great ideas and plans, not every recipe will please the masses. However, there was one she shared with me that featured black beans and sweet potatoes. Oh boy, was it a great combination! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve eaten it as a meal when I’m not wanting to spend a lot of time in the kitchen. My inspiration for this Quinoa & Black Bean Medley comes from that dish.

I use sauteed onions and garlic in olive oil, then add the sweet potato with salt, paprika, and cumin. After the potatoes soften a little, I add the rinsed black beans and precooked quinoa. I then top this dish off at the end with fresh oregano and kale from the garden. It is so good!

Health Benefits of Quiona & Black Bean Medley

The benefits of this medley are pretty impressive too! As many of you know quinoa is a complete protein (8grams per cup), rich in fiber (5 grams per cup), while providing a powerhouse of vitamins and minerals. So paired with the 8 grams of fiber and 7 grams of protein in black beans, you and I are one step closer to meeting our daily requirement in this dish. If that is not impressive enough, just think of the polyphenols and B vitamins present alongside garlic, onions, kale, and sweet potatoes. You’ll see the nutrition facts for this dish below in the recipe.

Sweet potatoes contain provitamin A, a nice supply of potassium, B5, B6, and naturally occurring vitamin E. Why is natural occurring vitamin E important? Because synthetic vitamin E (alpha tocopherol) has been implicated in negative outcomes for health! In a meta-analysis study it has been shown to increase all cause mortality! (1)

So, please, ditch the synthetic garbage and stick with God’s essential nutrients he provided for brain health, metabolism, energy, fighting inflammation, and disease. In addition to the sweet potato beauty, the powerhouse of kale is providing antioxidants, vitamin C, vitamin K, and calcium. It grows easily in the back yard or container garden too!

Buy some seeds in the spring and enjoy this wonderful vegetable all summer!

Snap Peas & Kale


Moreover, feel confident in this: God knew exactly how to provide for your every need before you came to be. From reducing oxidative stress, helping your cell’s fight cancer, improving your digestive health, controlling blood sugar, and lowering your risk for chronic disease; He has a plan in the food he provides. The Psalmist is overwhelmed with God’s glory in the beauty of the moon and stars. He sees a bigger picture of life outside himself, and wonders at the mightiness of God.

It is exactly how I see God when I think of how mindful He is of us when reading about the nutrition facts in plants and animals. He also created a body for you and me that is always working overtime to undo the toxic elements it is exposed to. Although we are crowned with glory and honor and dominion over animals, plants, and creatures of the sea; alongside the great honor, comes stewardship.

When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him? Yet you have made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor.

Psalm 8:3-5 ESV – When I look at your heavens, the work – Bible Gateway

Humbly accepting his great gift of healing for our spiritual health occurs by accepting His Son, Jesus Christ. But mindfully choosing the food he provides for our body’s health from the garden, over man-made harmful products, is also a way to honor Him physically.

God is so worthy of praise, isn’t He?!

Quinoa & Black Bean Medley

  • 2 Sweet Potatoes
  • 1 Can Black Beans (rinsed and drained)
  • 1 Cup Quinoa (Precooked)
  • 2 Cloves Garlic (Minced)
  • 1/2 Medium Onion
  • 2 Tbsp. Oregano (Fresh)
  • 2 Cups Kale (Fresh Chopped)
  • 1 tsp Salt
  • 1 tsp Paprika
  • 1/2 tsp Cumin
  • 1 Tbsp Olive extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/2 Cup Water
  1. Heat a skillet to low/medium heat. Add the olive oil, onions and garlic. Sauté until tender.

  2. Add the chopped sweet potatoes and cook until tender about 5 min, Sprinkle with paprika.

    Add the rinsed black beans and the water. Stir occasionally, then add the precooked quinoa. Season with salt and cumin.

  3. Lastly, stir in the chopped oregano and kale and stir until just wilted. Serve immediately.


Clarke MW, Burnett JR, Croft KD. Vitamin E in human health and disease. Crit Rev Clin Lab Sci. 2008;45(5):417-50. doi: 10.1080/10408360802118625. PMID: 18712629.

Chicken & Kale Lover’s Pizza

When I’m stuck in my house and want a pizza I have to see what is available for ingredients. Today there is a package of Adel’s Chicken Apple Sausage and mozzarella in the fridge. There is also can of tomatoes, some onions, and kale from the garden. Good enough! Dave and I will have a Chicken & Kale lover’s Pizza in no time.

I did a little investing towards the flour for this pizza. You, of course, use what is available to you. But I’m totally into grinding my own whole grain kernels and milling freshly grained wheat! Using this method, there is no fortified processing or enrichment necessary. What God put in the grain is still in tact and ready to nourish this body. Plus it is not bleached and sitting on a shelf becoming rancid.

Check out Sue Brecker’s site on how to begin milling your own wheat.


100 grams of soft white kernel (whole grain) wheat is quite nutritious too! It provides a good sources of zinc, potassium, manganese, thiamin, niacin, and folate. Check out the nutrition facts here. Put this whole wheat together with some nitrate and nitrite free sausage, top with some fresh kale and onions, and yum this Chicken & Kale Lover’s Pizza becomes an easy delicious and nutritious pizza.

Chicken and Kale Lover’s Pizza

  • 2 Cups Fresh Milled Whole Grain Flour
  • 1/4 Cup Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 1/2 Tsp Garlic Powder
  • 1 Tsp Onion powder
  • 1/2 Tsp Salt



  • 2 Links Adel's Chicken Apple Sausage Chopped
  • 1 Cup Fresh Chopped Kale
  • 1/2 Cup Fresh Chopped Onions
  • 1 15 oz can Diced Basil, oregano, garlic tomatoes
  • 1/2 Cup Fresh Mozzarella
  1. Preheat oven to 400

    Crust: Combine the flour, spices, and mix well. Add the olive oil and mix until crumbly, add 1/2 cup hot water to this and mix onto surface until well combined. Roll out the dough onto a stone pizza pan and bake 10 minutes. Remove from the oven to add toppings.

    I puree the tomatoes in my bullet and strain all the water out (you can substitute your favorite pizza or alfredo sauce here) and spread on the partially baked crust.

    I then add my chopped chicken sausage, kale, onions, and cheese.

    Bake for 15 minutes until cheese is golden brown.



The beauty of nutrition in the food we eat is the plan of provision for our sustenance. Where there is evidence of a physical plan, there is also a spiritual plan. The earth opens to bear its fruits of nourishment and Isaiah reminds us the heavens open to provide spiritual renewal.

“Shower, O heavens, from above,

    and let the clouds rain down righteousness;

let the earth open, that salvation and righteousness may bear fruit;

    let the earth cause them both to sprout;

    I the Lord have created it.

Isaiah 45:7-9 ESV – I form light and create darkness; I – Bible Gateway

I pray you enjoy the richness of the Lord in the land of the living today and every day. If you ever need prayer just let me know!

Here are some more ideas from my kitchen to yours!

Ground Beef & Sweet Potato Sauté

Ground Beef & Sweet Potato Sauté is a quick and delicious week night meal that is ten times better than anything in a box! This recipe comes to you from my kitchen as I wondered what to do with a few garden sweet potatoes. Harvest time is always a fun time to play with new ideas and… my food. So for this dish, all you need is some fresh sweet potatoes, ground beef, herbs, and root veggies and you are ready to go.


Sweet potatoes provide a decent amount of fiber (6.5 grams) for gut health. It also has the antioxidant (anthocyanin) for a neuroprotective role and decreasing neuroinflammatory markers; which is good news for aging brains(1). They also contain a good amount of manganese, vitamin A, and beta-carotene. Plus, they are yummy in this ground beef and sweet potato sauté. Just add some chili powder, fresh oregano, onions and celery.

Pair this dish with a side of steamed broccoli and you have a well balanced and EASY supper! What God puts in the garden is so good!

Go to the ant, O sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise. Without having any chief, officer, or ruler, she prepares her bread in summer and gathers her food in harvest

Proverbs 6 ESV – Practical Warnings – My son, if you – Bible Gateway

Ground Beef & Sweet Potato Sauté

Get ready for an easy week night meal that is quick and satisfying!

  • 1 Lb Lean Ground Beef
  • 1 Large Sweet Potato, peeled and chopped
  • 1/2 Cup Celery chopped
  • 1/2 Cup Onion chopped
  • 1 Tsp Chili Powder
  • 2 Tsp Fresh Oregano
  • 1/2 Tsp Salt and Pepper
  1. 1. Sauté ground beef with the onions, celery, spices, and sweet potato until brown.

    2. Serve with side of steamed broccoli, YUM!

For more recipes look in the garden


The Anti-Neuroinflammatory Role of Anthocyanins and Their Metabolites for the Prevention and Treatment of Brain Disorders – PubMed (nih.gov)

Henriques JF, Serra D, Dinis TCP, Almeida LM. The Anti-Neuroinflammatory Role of Anthocyanins and Their Metabolites for the Prevention and Treatment of Brain Disorders. Int J Mol Sci. 2020 Nov 17;21(22):8653. doi: 10.3390/ijms21228653. PMID: 33212797; PMCID: PMC7696928.