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15 Strategies to Begin Intentional Eating: Living the Life God Calls us to Live.

The introduction a few weeks ago of Intentional Eating is part of a plan to help you and I, as participants in the body of Christ, live the abundant life God calls us to live. Change begins when we want something better. This may be a better night’s sleep, less pain, more energy, or less brain fog.

As a bible believing child of God, I want His Word to make an impact on my life in every single way and every single decision. So, my mindset is vital to the process of surrender and living for God instead of the desires of my flesh.

Sadly, it has to be the hardest thing I’ve ever done.

No one, including myself, thinks they have a food addiction. That is, until we embark on the next diet adventure or try to eliminate processed food. At that point, our eyes are opened pretty wide.

The apostle Paul understood the struggle so well! After a long battle with his desire to please God and please his flesh he says:

“For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those show live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit.”

Romans 8:5

In the scriptures, God gives clear instruction on how to follow him spiritually and physically. Since you and I are three-part beings, everything we do physically has spiritual impact. Just as everything we do spiritually has a physical impact. Focusing on Him for emotional needs and following His guidelines in the bible for our physical needs, will enable us to live an abundant life.

Mysty PFeffer

In looking at these emotions it is helpful understand our relationship to food. You know the unmet need-to-be-filled emotional roller coaster we venture upon when we’re bored, tired, sad, or lonely.

For others, it may not even be a relationship but mindless munching. Regardless of the reasons, we place a high value on pleasure and convenience in the choices we make every day. 

The sad part is the choices we make are so automatic they require no thought or effort on our part. Don’t feel guilty at this point or beat yourself up, because our culture has taught us to think this way.

The advertising and the internet cookies make sure they know what you want when you type your first three letters into the search bar. They’ll even provide tempting pictures and headings of the items you and I look at often.

However, what would it look like to stop and think before every choice? Asking myself questions like, “Do my choices honor God and the temple of the Holy Spirit? Do they help me function the way He designed me to function?

Of course, we do…sometimes!

The late Dr. Rex Russell’s book, “What the Bible says About Healthy Living” shows us a better way. He gives us three principles of eating the foods God created for us, not altering God’s design, and not allowing food or drink to become an idol are simple and realistic lifestyle goals (1996).

So, with surrender and dependence on the Living God for guidance, here are 15 strategies to begin Intentional Eating:

  1. Intentional eating begins with prayer. Prayer for God to show you and I areas of addiction/idolatry that are hindering our daily function. Praying for wisdom to remove harmful substances and making them less desirable.
  2. Remove toxic food or food altered from God’s design from the weekly grocery list. If the package has ingredients we cannot pronounce, it has been altered from God’s original design and is meant for shelf life not our lives.
  3. Although we don’t want to waste food, intentional eating involves reading every label in the pantry, cabinet, and refrigerator. With our minds set on God and His plan, we can pray if we should buy it again. Also ask Him what we can replace it with, or maybe make our own version with ingredients we can pronounce.
  4. God created vegetables and fruit with powerful antioxidants. To date, over 8,000 phytochemicals have been identified by Scientists. These antioxidants work together to fight cancer, environmental damage from pollution, heart disease and more! Therefore, eating a variety of three to four servings a day are recommended to prevent disease. I know this is hard for people who don’t like vegetables. They must not have had a mom who insisted on them at least trying them frequently at mealtime as a child. The rewards of giving them another try makes retraining taste buds worthwhile. It can be done with fasting, prayer, removal of processed food, and repeated exposure. I cover this in week two of the STRENTH approach to Christian wellness.
  5. Give thanks for every day God gives us to be alive and an encouragement to someone else. We have the beauty of God’s Garden at our fingertips in every grocery store. It is an honor and privilege to have so much produce available to help us function. As we place Him high and lifted up in value above His provision for our daily comfort, we displace our potential idols.
  6. Another intentional eating approach is to understand it is not necessary to eat meat every meal, every day. Exchanging pork and beef for beans, legumes, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds, is a good start as we see clear direction in Gen 1:29. Eating chicken and red meat once a week in addition to plant items will give us adequate protein. Remember the festivals in the Old Testament? Israel ate meat at special occasions or for special guests.
  7. Eating more fish is an excellent way to improve heart healthy, inflammation reducing omega 3 in God’s eating plan. Jesus served fish, ate fish, talked about it and used them in his miracles. It’s worth eating frequently and abundantly. However, Dr. Russel points out in his book, shellfish and catfish are bottom feeders and toxic chemical filters, they will make you sick! Therefore, they are not on God’s list of good things to eat.
  8. Dr. Russell also reveals in his book that pigs eat until they are engorged, and they’ll eat anything, including raw sewage. Have you ever sat down to eat pork and it smelled funny? Their stomachs can’t handle all the food, so it seeps into their muscle, along with all the toxins, chemicals, parasites, and viruses they consumed. So gross, you and I may rethink this process before eating pork (1996).

9.         Using portion control keeps us from placing food in the idol position. Since our stomachs are roughly the size of the fist, a plate just a little larger than the fist will hold what our bodies need. Experts suggest balancing the plate with a healthy protein, fat, and carbohydrate. The great news about eating from God’s Garden is vegetables and fruit provide all the macro and micronutrients we need to live!  God loves us bunches, doesn’t he?

10.       Slow down when chewing. Digestion begins in the mouth with an enzyme called amylase. Honestly, how many times do you and I frequently swallow half-chewed food? More than I care to admit. It will help you enjoy your food more, make your satisfied quicker, and digest it better with less gas and bloating.

11.       Avoid eating three hours before going to bed or after supper. Eating right before bed can interfere with sleep and the body’s natural detoxification process. Fasting during this time allows it to remove toxins and wastes more effectively. It’s also a good time to wind down and begin a time of reading and prayer. Such practice helps prevent food or drink from becoming a God.

12.       Drink plenty of water, the standard 8-10 glasses, depending of energy exertion is a nice guideline. Unless there is a reason for water restriction in people on dialysis or with heart failure, it is safe to consume this amount of water each day.

13.       Reducing soda consumption is a smart and intentional way to reduce caffeine, sugar, and artificial sweeteners.  Also, the phosphoric acid in soda beverages rob calcium and precious minerals from the bones. A process that especially harmful for children who are building bone and adults who are trying to maintain the bone they have! Excess caffeine, sugar, and artificial sweeteners are thieves of good health. God didn’t make or even think about His people drinking pop (according to the bible). But man, sure has a way of making this poison look and taste appealing to line his pocket.

14.       Alcohol consumption is another thief of health. It may be best for special occasions, or if it’s an addiction, avoided altogether.

15.       Last, but not least, intentional eating helps us be aware of sugar intake. Large amounts of sugar contribute to diabetes, premature aging, decreased muscle tone, robbing of minerals from the blood to balance its effects, hyperactivity in children, obesity, cancer, decreased immunity, and heart disease. And this is only the beginning. Removing or drastically decreasing our desire for this substance is something to pray about.

Encouragement for Implementing Your 15 Strategies of Intentional Eating

In conclusion, God has plenty to say about what he put in the original garden as “good”.  He also gives us plenty of warning about idolatry. Any substance that has power over our everyday decisions and our health is an idol. But he has given us a way to overcome the world, the flesh, and the devil. His son came a took all our sin upon himself in his death and redeemed us through his resurrection.

 Praise God, we can count on the Holy Spirit to guide us through this process.

I am happy to serve you and offer recipes, and strategies to begin intentional eating. Pleasing our Father in heaven more may become more rewarding than satisfying our physical cells in the days to come. I find this hard too, and I’m with you, so if you need a coach to walk alongside you, I am here! Contact me at Mysty Pfeffer Wellness Coaching.

REFERENCES: A searchable online Bible in over 150 versions and 50 languages.

Russell, Rex (October 2006) What the Bible Says About Healthy Living, Revell, 304 Jones Cove Rd. Asheville, NC 28805.

10 Sugar-Free & Hearty Meals for Breakfast

Today I want to provide you with 10 Cane-Sugar free hearty meals to break your fast.

Although the best part of breakfast is that it’s good any time of day. Even if your breakfast time is 11am or later!

Let’s face it, the myth that breakfast is the most important meal of the day needs to go away. If you break your nighttime fast at 11am or later, because you’re not hungry, listen to your body. When you are hungry, think about how important intentional eating can be for incorporating excellent fuel to start your day.

The great thing about trying these 10 hearty meals is they are free of sugar cane and won’t zap your energy midday or cause inflammation or brain fog. Some are sweetened with fresh fruit, that provides natural sugar, antioxidants, and fiber.

When I think about how much kids need this kind of breakfast too, I feel a little guilty. Because I remember my cereal cart packing days when my kids were young. They needed better, but I didn’t understand at the time how little nutritious fuel they were getting with packaged cereal. Although both my girls turned out pretty healthy, now I think more about being an example and providing better nutrition for my grandchildren.

They can break their fast with sugar free & hearty meals like the ones listed below instead of highly processed cereals, with synthetic vitamins, colorings, and chemicals that damage cells instead of build healthy cells. I know fruit gets a bad rap in the weight loss world, but I truly believe what God put in the garden is good and for our good.

So, if removing cane sugar from our palates is doable with fresh fruit and provides powerful antioxidants, I’m going for it!

Now, before I start there are a few things I want you to understand about me and my cooking and recipe development:

  1. I am not a dietician and do not calculate calorie requirements, nor develop meal plans for people. My background is nursing, education, psychology, and coaching with 18 months of wholistic nutrition via Clayton College of Natural Health (which is no longer operating) and personal study of nutrition over the years. My love for whole food and whole people drives me to read as many nutrition books as possible. Books of particular interest are the ones that are driven by evidenced-based studies.
  2. I do not count calories, fat, or carbohydrates when I eat or develop recipes. However, if you do, I respect your decision to do so and will provide that information for you. The reason I do not calculate these things is because I strive to create recipes that are whole food from God’s garden, using fruit, vegetables, grains, lean meat, spices, and herbs. When we eat whole food and cut out denatured processed food with dies, chemicals, flavorings, and additives, we are full and satisfied with smaller amounts for a longer period of time. Therefore, we maintain an optimal balance of macronutrients and bodily requirements, while maintaining a healthy weight.
  3. Lastly, I practice and teach my clients intentional eating. A process where we savor food and use it for its purpose of sustenance (and enjoyment), while asking the Holy Spirit to lead us in utilizing the spirit of self-control. Keeping treats and small amounts of sugar for special occasions is the goal of a well-balanced healthy lifestyle. It guides us through the mindset of approaching God’s provision with respect and care, while not being controlled by our desire to consume large amounts of anything in daily use.
So, without further ado, here are 10 Cane-Sugar-Free & Hearty Meals to Break Your Fast:

# 1 Spelt & Walnut Breakfast Bowl

You can use this recipe any time of the day and change up the grain to barley, quinoa, or farrow. Whatever your grocery store has on hand in their grain or seed isle that can be soaked overnight and heated gently in the morning to provide a good source of various vitamins. Don’t be concerned about the number of calories in the walnuts. You only need 1 ounce for this dish and that is about 3 walnuts, chopped. YES, you’ll get 185 calories, but you’ll also get 4 grams of protein and 2 grams of fiber as well as heart rich omegas! God knows what he’s doing, he provides big impact in small amounts for a reason. We just have the convenience (and expense) of someone else making them easily attainable. Just picture the forager picking through that black drudge of a fallen walnut to get to the very hard nutshell and then trying to pry it open to enjoy the nutritious center!

Yep, go ahead and praise Him today for being born at this time!

# 2 A Mood Boosting Breakfast with Salmon Tortilla

I love using leftovers from the night before to break my fast. It’s two meals in one, so when cooking dinner, I begin to think ahead to breakfast. If you make your own tortillas, use unbleached organic flour and store it in the fridge for best freshness. Otherwise, it goes rancid after 30 days. I like grinding my own wheat berries once a week on my preparation day to incorporate all the nutrients God provided. If you can do that great, I can help you out with a prep day workshop. Another option is to look at the ingredients on the label and look for 100% Whole Wheat flour in your tortillas or whatever grain or grain less flour you prefer.

#3 Quinoa & Chia Breakfast Bowl

Quinoa is such a versatile seed, and I enjoy it in many meals! If you’ve tried it, you know what I’m talking about. It’s also a complete protein, is loaded with fiber and works in your gut like as the best stool softener ever! Yep, this old nurse just said that in a post. Believe me, gut health is one important key to brain and heart health and the sooner we feed our temples of the Holy Spirit the right fuel, everything else works better too!

#4 3 Way Asparagus Breakfast

I told you I’m usually thinking of breaking my fast with dinner, and since asparagus is on the menu at least once a week in our house, we have some leftover for the next day. Now, I was hesitant to buy this for a few weeks because it became so expensive, then I realized I pay almost that price for a fourth of what I get in an entire bundle when I go out to eat. So, why not buy the bundle and enjoy it in three meals? Since I’m always battling my fleshly desires for sugar, it’s nice to have something filling and enjoyable to replace the crave. Fresh fruit in season helps me do this. So, if you’re looking to remove the desire for sugar from your palate too, I hope you like this as a brunch or lunch idea. Your brain and heart will surely thank you!

# 5 Quinoa Breakfast Treats

I know, more quinoa, right? Yes! I got 5 lbs. on sale through a food distributor and it’s cheaper than the local grocery store. They used to sell a mix of quinoa and rice in a boil-in-bag, but I don’t see that anymore. No worries, quinoa is easy to prepare and keeps in the refrigerator for at least 7 days. Oh, and it quadruples in size so one cup raw equals a whole pan cooked! It can then be used frequently for various meals in place of rice or bread. I rinse mine according to package directions, add water in a 2:1 ratio, bring it to a boil, place the lid on it, and turn off the burner; leaving it there for at least 20-30 min. It is always light and fluffy and ready to use.

#6 Kale & Mushroom Pita Pockets

There are some really good whole-grain pita bread options in the grocery store. So, when reading how I make mine, don’t feel pressured to make the same thing or think it’s too difficult. The first thing I learned to do as a young lady beginning to cook is improvise! In other words, use what you have that is doable for you and incorporate the ideas in the recipe as something easily adjustable for your schedule, routine, or preferences. I grew up with my mom buying pita bread from the grocery store. It was probably in one of her fad diet magazine articles she always read.

#7 Avocado & Watercress English Muffin

Who says you can’t have fresh greens for breakfast? They are so refreshing and filling with eggs and whole grains. Although, these whole grains are not 100% cane sugar free, they are close. I use one teaspoon to help the yeast develop, but other than that they are mostly sugarless. See the graphic below of why I take two hours out of my week to grind my own flour and make my own bread. You deserve better too, better ingredients and better health. Again, I don’t expect others to go the extra distance to invest in a grain mill and wheat berries, however it is a wise investment. Maybe ask for one as a Christmas or birthday gift. It will be the gift that keeps on giving. When you read the labels below, you see why joints ache, and brains are foggy.

# 8 Kale and Apple Sausage Omelet

I use Aidell’s Chicken apple sausage for this hearty brunch or breakfast meal, but you can easily use ground chicken with an apple and spices. In fact, I’m going to have to come up with some of my own chicken-apple meat balls because I’m not sure if the “spices” on the label include MSG (monosodium gluconate). Each link is loaded with sodium too, about 700mg, if I made my own that would be reduced considerably. However, in a pinch, this packaged product claims no nitrates or nitrites are added to the product.

# 9 Peanut Butter & Apple

A simple apple with 2 tablespoons of crunchy peanut butter has to be one of my all-time favorites! It’s also an easy meal for breaking the fast. However, it is most healthy when purchasing the all-natural peanut butter with salt only. Did you know manufacturers add partially hydrogenated oil to their peanut butter? Say what! Yes, it is cheap and fills the jar, but is so damaging to growing cells.

Now, I’ll admit the all-natural peanut butter takes more work. I’ve found the simplest way to mix it is to find a bowl with a lid and pour the entire contents of the jar into the bowl and mix it with a fork. I store the bowl in the fridge for easy access and no further need to stir. The texture of the “Crunchy” is my personal favorite, and find it is very filling until my next meal.

Hearty Apple Breakfast
Hearty Apple & Peanut Butter

# 10 Eggs and Kraut with Fresh Herbs

Ok, I know what you’re thinking, sauerkraut for breakfast….no way! Haha, I know it sounds crazy but when you give up sugar your taste buds change! We have new and exciting dimensions in flavor to explore. You and I also need to feed our good gut bacteria daily to enhance our immunity and our mood. In this article the whole egg and cholesterol myth is debunked as well.

Did you know eggs have all the B vitamins you’ll need? Yes, according to a National Institute of Health article on the nutritional facts of eggs, “. The egg yolk contains high amount of vitamin A, D, E, K, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, and B12, while egg white possesses high amounts of vitamins B2, B3, and B5 but also significant amounts of vitamins B1, B6, B8, B9, and B12 (Table 2). Eating two eggs per day covers 10% to 30% of the vitamin requirements for humans” that’s a hearty meal for sure! (1). The only vitamin I don’t see in this baby is vitamin C, but eat an orange or kiwi with this and you’re covered.

Last thoughts on 10 Cane-Sugar Free & Hearty Meals

I hope and pray this post helps you develop some sugar free and hearty meal ideas for breaking your fast other than cereal. There are so many more ideas out there from popular Christian Bloggers your options are limitless! Regardless if you are following a vegan, paleo, gluten free, or just a normal person like me plan, there are recipes available everywhere on social media.

Best wishes to you on your journey for a wholesome eating lifestyle!


The Golden Egg: Nutritional Value, Bioactivities, and Emerging Benefits for Human Health (

Réhault-Godbert, S., Guyot, N., & Nys, Y. (2019). The Golden Egg: Nutritional Value, Bioactivities, and Emerging Benefits for Human Health. Nutrients11(3), 684.

The STRENGTH Approach to Christian Wellness

Mysty Pfeffer, RN BSN, Certified Health Coach

The STRENGTH approach to Christian Wellness places Christ in the center of the mind, will, and emotions. God’s Word is the lens through which we view our world, our relationships, and our bodies. Therefore, as we receive his divinely inspired Word, it changes our mind will, and emotions from an inward, self-seeking focus to a God-focus.

When you and I gladly submit our lives to a wiser, loving Father, we see more clearly, His plans are for our good and His glory. Also, when we learn the value of intentional eating, we’ll begin to appreciate the tender heart of our loving Father. He provides everything we need to sustain us.

In this eight-week series, I hope to present the STRENTH approach to you and walk with you if you are interested in getting out of a rut. The senseless cycle of feeling dejected and like a failure because change is so intimidating.

Lifestyle choices are so habitual, developing new ways of thinking takes courage and support. Getting to a place of confidence may require outside help because we don’t always receive the foundational reinforcement from those we care about the most.

There is good news!

I offer a 30-minute free consultation via zoom to help support you and get you started. If you need more coaching assistance, we can discuss further appointments.

By subscribing to this website, you will receive a weekly newsletter with the latest posts of encouragement and recipes to help you incorporate the STRENGTH approach every day.

Below is an explanation of what STRENGTH stands for and what to expect in the coming weeks. I am so excited to start this journey with you!

Strength Approach
The STRENGTH Approach to Christian Wellness

You and I don’t’ need a new year to begin a new way of living in victory, it can begin any day! Below is a brief description of the process. We can cover each step in more detail each week as we will have a fully prepared agenda!

Strategies for Change

Strategies begin with small steps that lead to big changes. The first strategy is to pray for more of God and less of self. A focus on self will always find discontent because it is on wants instead of needs. Second, we’ll pray about what God is calling us to change in our lives. It may be in an area of relationship in the workplace, church, or home. Or it may be the failure to grow in faith due to fear/anger/anxiety in a toxic culture.

Tastes that Satisfy

Tastes are powerful motivators and distractors! Did you know our taste buds replenish themselves every ten days? New cells can develop new tastes as we begin to learn the value of intentional eating and why God’s Garden is so Good.

Receive benefits of God’s provision

In scripture and the garden God provides a healing plan to restore and repair cells. Mind, body, and spirit are renewed when we walk with him daily. You and I can explore filling our minds with promise, purpose, and strength.

Engage family and friends for support.

Although it would be nice, we truly cannot do these things alone. How many times have we started a new plan and someone close to us unwittingly tempts us to take three steps back?  We’ll learn how to confront and command respect for our choices… in a nice way! They may even want to join us!

Never give up hope.

We’ll number the days of relying on ourselves to do everything and focus on needs and not wants. Numbering the days of reliance on comfort food, material items, gossip or whatever is holding us back will bring new life to the hope within us.

Grace to self for times of weakness.

Let’s face it we all have setbacks, obstacles, and moments of weakness. Grace doesn’t condemn but realizes change is a process. Victory comes in permanent lifestyle habits that build a stronger mind and body. But it doesn’t always happen in one or two weeks. It takes repeated failures to learn and grow.

See, more good news! We’ll learn to look at failure in a whole new light!

Thank God for His faithfulness as we actively express our gratitude.

God loves us despite our continually turning to the things of this world to satisfy our longings. We can tell him in prayer our deep desires, and our struggles. Thankfulness and actively showing gratitude in our communities will fill us with assurance. God listens and understands, as he stands beside us along the way.

Hold onto the Holy Spirit as He Guides Us in Change.

Scripture memory is so helpful in this area, especially when temptation is present and persistent. He is for us and not against us! He wants our mind and body to live the abundant life Jesus calls us to live.

There! We now have the eight-step process to make lifelong change. Does this sound like a plan?

Stay tuned for the next eight weeks as we break down the eight steps of this plan to help us get started on a cleaner, clearer, healthier, way of living.

Maybe we can keep Psalm 73:26 in mind today as we begin this new journey–

My flesh and my heart may fail,

    but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

I look forward to walking alongside you on your STRENGTH journey! Be sure to let me know how I can better serve you in the coming weeks as we begin.

Avocado & Watercress English Muffin

A sourdough, fresh-milled English muffin filled with watercress, egg, and avocado is an extra special treat for a cool winter morning…well really, any morning. However, these muffins do take a little tender loving care, so I do them on my preparation day.

The flavor and texture of these whole grain English Muffins is so good, it is worth the additional work. To get ready ahead of time, I use my Betty Crocker cookbook to find a sourdough starter. I used 2 cups of fresh-milled hard wheat flour, 2 1/2 cups warm water, 2 teaspoons yeast, and 1 tablespoon of sugar. I mixed this well in a 2-quart mason jar then covered it with a paper towel and screwed on the rim. The next day, there was some thick alcohol smelling liquid on the top, I learned this is called “hooch”.

Great…some sites said it’s harmless and just stir it in, while others said, pour it off. The first ten days I stirred it in and did not see a good rise in my rolls or my first batch of English muffins. So, on the second round, I began a new starter and poured off the hooch each day. The Betty Crocker recipe did not say to feed it daily, so I did not add flour or water the first seven days, I just stirred it two-three times each day.

Mind you this process takes seven to ten days, so if you don’t have that kind of patience, find a good quality English muffin at your local grocery store…preferably one without “enriched bleached flour, Calcium Propionate, Calcium Sulfate, Ammonium Chloride, Fumaric Acid, or Soybean Oil…..oh, and good luck with that while you’re searching!

You see now, why I value making my own!

Dave’s Killer Bread-organic English Muffins will pass the additive test and cost around $5.50. Also, there is Simple Truth Organic English Muffins for $3.99.

However, if you’re up for the challenge and you are having a bread making day, go for this recipe from Breadbecker’s , because it’s delicious! However, I use water in my starter, not milk. When they are done, I store all ten of them in the fridge and eat one every day!

Avocado & Watercress English Muffin

Today, I’m frying up one egg, applying half of an avocado, and a 1/2 cup of fresh watercress to make this delightful breakfast. That’s all there is to it, getting the dough down is the fun part.

If you are cutting calories or fat, you can omit the olive oil and use just a smidge of oil on a hot cast-iron surface, this will save you about 100 calories. I use a very small amount of olive oil to fry my eggs and I’m careful not to let the temperature get above 350 degrees, so it doesn’t become a trans-fat, as some researchers claim.


This power-packed breakfast will provide around 474 calories (with the oil), 14 grams of heart-healthy fat, 5 grams of fiber, and 6 grams of protein. Not only that, but you’ll have a decent start to your B vitamins, C, E, and trace minerals calcium, magnesium, zinc, and selenium.

Sign me up for some intentional eating! I know what God puts in the garden is good! He is faithful to provide exactly what we need when we need it. Doesn’t that make you have a better start to your day alongside a Avocado & Watercress English Muffin?

Avocado & Watercress English Muffin

  • 1 Whole Grain English Muffin
  • 1/2 or 1 cup Fresh Watercress (or dark leafy greens)
  • 1 Tbsp. Plain Greek Yogurt
  • 1 large Egg (Poached/fried or however you like it)
  • 1/2 tsp Onion Powder
  • 1/2 Fresh Cut Avocado, diced
  1. Heat your skillet and prepare your egg

  2. Toast your Whole Grain English Muffin and set aside.

  3. Wash and dry your watercress. Place on your English muffin and sprinkle with yogurt and onion powder, add the egg and the diced avocado and enjoy!


When I think about how important dough was to ancient people, I have a new respect for the saying, “bread of life”. During the famine of Jacob’s day he prepared gifts of almonds, a little balm and a little honey, gum, myrrh, and pistachio nuts (Gen 43:11).  They had food, and they still had their flocks and herds. It was grain they lacked. Jacob heard about Egypt having grain and sent his sons to get it. When they ran out, it was a matter of life and death.

The seven years of plenty that occurred in the land of Egypt came to an end, 54 and the seven years of famine began to come, as Joseph had said. There was famine in all lands, but in all the land of Egypt there was bread. 55 When all the land of Egypt was famished, the people cried to Pharaoh for bread. Pharaoh said to all the Egyptians, “Go to Joseph. What he says to you, do.”

56 So when the famine had spread over all the land, Joseph opened all the storehouses and sold to the Egyptians, for the famine was severe in the land of Egypt. 57 Moreover, all the earth came to Egypt to Joseph to buy grain, because the famine was severe over all the earth.

Genesis 41:53-57


Dough is offered in the sacrifice to God as well. The grain offering is mentioned 131 times in the Old Testament. “

Numbers 15:20 says “Of the first of your dough you shall present a loaf as a contribution; like a contribution from the threshing floor, so shall you present it.

We can appreciate the importance of this nourishing substance as a gift from God and to God as we partake each day. Even as a special place deep in our hearts remembers the spiritual bread of sacrifice in the presence of Jesus, our Lord.

I pray you have wonderful day partaking of both!


Avocado Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits (

English muffins, whole-wheat Nutrition Facts & Calories (

Watercress Benefits Nutrition Facts and Recipes – Dr. Axe (

Tangy Tuna Balls

Tangy Tuna Balls with Fresh Dill

There is minimal time left for the dill plants here in the Ohio valley, so I’m salvaging what I can for these Tangy Tuna Balls. Although, I’ve tried to bring a few dill plants inside to water and continue to use, they shriveled up and died.

I’ll definitely have to look into freeze drying for next year! In the meantime, I want to use what’s left of the dill to make tuna balls. I call them tangy tuna balls because I want to hide the bland and sometimes fishy taste that turns people off of tuna. It’s easy to add a little Samba Oelek chili sauce to this recipe to hide that unwanted fishy taste.

Tangy Tuna Balls

There are two reasons to be excited to make tuna balls. First, it much healthier than the old sausage ball recipe our moms used to make. Plus, there is no hydrogenated oil from bisquick or nitrates and msg from sausage to pollute our cells.

In addition, celery, onion, and dill, with the chili sauce sounds much better to add to tuna than cheddar and bisquick. I know….there are recipes on Pinterest that do this, and it probably tastes good, so if you prefer that route, go for it! You’ll still get benefits from tuna, even if it’s not tangy.

Benefits of Tuna

Speaking of benefits, the second reason to be excited about tuna balls is the wonderful amount of omega-3 they provide for our brains. Three ounces can have up to 2.5-2.6 grams for three ounces. Tuna is also rich in protein (40 grams) B vitamins, calcium, zinc, selenium, and choline.

Chili and other All wonderful for cell repair and maintaining muscle mass. God is so thoughtful in placing these creatures in the sea to help us function at our best!

Don’t forget there are also benefits like desensitizing pain receptors in nerve cells from chili peppers, too! (1) Dill, on the other hand, has been made into powder and studied for decreasing insulin levels in Type 2 Diabetes. In the same study, dill powder was found to lower LDL cholesterol (the bad stuff) while increasing HDL (High density lipoprotein-aka the good stuff) (2).

Proof positive, God loves you and provides for you in every way!


therefore thus says the Lord God,
“Behold, I am the one who has laid as a foundation in Zion, a stone, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone, of a sure foundation: ‘Whoever believes will not be in haste.’

Isaiah 28 ESV – Judgment on Ephraim and Jerusalem – Ah, – Bible Gateway

Isaiah tells about the future “precious cornerstone” that will be a sure foundation. He is talking about Jesus, of course. Believing in him, we cannot go wrong. The assuredness you and I need in our spiritual lives is just as important as the benefits of the provision God provides in the garden. Have a blessed day as you partake of both, my friend!

Tangy Tuna Balls

  • 3 5 ounce cans Tuna (in water/oil, (your choice)
  • 2 Tbsp. Minced onion or chalet
  • 1 Tbsp. Fresh Dill or 1 tsp. dried
  • 2 Tbsp. Minced celery
  • 1 Tsp. Sambre Oelek Chili Sauce
  • 1 Tsp. Mustard
  • 1 raw Egg
  • 2 Tbsp. Ground fresh grain (oats or wheat)
  • 1 Tsp. Each Onion Powder, Chili powder and Paprika

Tangy Dipping Sauce

  • 1/2 Cup Plain Greek Yogurt (or sour cream)
  • 2 Tsps. Sambre Oelek Chili Sauce
  1. Preheat oven to 400 Degrees

  2. Combine the tuna and spices and herbs together, then add the onion and celery. Add the chili sauce, egg, and mustard, mix until incorporated.

  3. Add the ground grain (oats or wheat) and mix until it holds together well.

  4. Form into balls, place on a cookie sheet and bake 12-15 minutes or until crisp.

  5. Serve hot with dipping sauce and enjoy!


Chili Peppers, Curcumins, and Prebiotics in Gastrointestinal Health and Disease – PubMed (

Patcharatrakul T, Gonlachanvit S. Chili Peppers, Curcumins, and Prebiotics in Gastrointestinal Health and Disease. Curr Gastroenterol Rep. 2016 Apr;18(4):19. doi: 10.1007/s11894-016-0494-0. PMID: 26973345.

The effects of Anethum graveolens (dill) powder supplementation on clinical and metabolic status in patients with type 2 diabetes – PubMed (

Haidari F, Zakerkish M, Borazjani F, Ahmadi Angali K, Amoochi Foroushani G. The effects of Anethum graveolens (dill) powder supplementation on clinical and metabolic status in patients with type 2 diabetes. Trials. 2020 Jun 5;21(1):483. doi: 10.1186/s13063-020-04401-3. PMID: 32503652; PMCID: PMC7275438.

Strengthen Your Heart Blog

Tuna & Red Pepper Melt with Dill

A tuna and red pepper melt with dill is a quick easy dinner loaded with vitamin C, omega 3, and antioxidants. Since, I’m always looking for an easy meal after work, the quick preparation of this dish is a plus too!


When I read an article about antioxidants I find comfort in knowing God preplanned its use long before I came along. Therefore if the article names flavonoids, anthocyanins, and saponins to help with inflammation I’m impressed.

However, when I look further into the research, and see dill showing a 70% free radical scavenging capacity and a 63% chance of chelating to heavy metals, I’m blown away! (1). Since I am exposed to heavy metals every single day, it makes sense to eat some fresh herbs that bind to them and move them out of my system.

Moreover, with this dish you’ll get plenty of Vitamin C, Vitamin A, fiber, a little calcium and good dose of essential fatty acids. The tuna alone will equip you with omega 3 (433mg), niacin (102%) , B12 (77%), and selenium (177% of your daily value). (2)

What shall I render to the Lord for all His benefits to me, indeed!

What shall I render to the Lord for all His benefits to me?  I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord,  I will pay my vows to the Lord in the presence of all his people.

Psalm 116 ESV – I Love the LORD – I love the LORD, – Bible Gateway

Tuna & Red Pepper Melt with Dill

  • 1 Large Red Pepper
  • 2 3 ounce Cans Tuna
  • 1 Tbsp. Minced Onion
  • 2 Tbsp. Minced Celery
  • 1 Tbsp. Spicy Brown Mustard
  • 1 Tsp. Mayonnaise
  • 2 Tbsp. Sunflower Seeds
  • 1 Tsp. Onion Powder
  • 1/2 Cup Fresh Spinach Leaves
  • 1 Slice Havarti Cheese
  1. Turn broiler in the oven on Low.

    Wash and Slice the Red Pepper in four slices

    Place the Spinach leaves onto the Red Pepper wedges and sprinkle with onion powder.

    Drain the tuna and place it in a small bowl. Add the onion, celery, sunflower seeds, mustard, and mayo and mix well.

    Divide the tuna mixture over the four red pepper wedges and cover each with 1/2 slice of cheese (cut in fourths).

    Place in a dish under the broiler until the cheese melts, just a couple of minutes. Top the pepper slices with fresh dill and enjoy!

So, enjoy this simple and nutrition packed meal for an easy and satisfying dinner! Also, while you’re here check out some other recipes, because what God puts in the garden is good!


  1. (PDF) Antioxidant Potential of Different Dill (Anethum Graveolens L.) Leaf Extracts (
  2. Fish, tuna, light, canned in water, drained solids Nutrition Facts & Calories (

Ground Beef & Sweet Potato Sauté

Ground Beef & Sweet Potato Sauté is a quick and delicious week night meal that is ten times better than anything in a box! This recipe comes to you from my kitchen as I wondered what to do with a few garden sweet potatoes. Harvest time is always a fun time to play with new ideas and… my food. So for this dish, all you need is some fresh sweet potatoes, ground beef, herbs, and root veggies and you are ready to go.


Sweet potatoes provide a decent amount of fiber (6.5 grams) for gut health. It also has the antioxidant (anthocyanin) for a neuroprotective role and decreasing neuroinflammatory markers; which is good news for aging brains(1). They also contain a good amount of manganese, vitamin A, and beta-carotene. Plus, they are yummy in this ground beef and sweet potato sauté. Just add some chili powder, fresh oregano, onions and celery.

Pair this dish with a side of steamed broccoli and you have a well balanced and EASY supper! What God puts in the garden is so good!

Go to the ant, O sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise. Without having any chief, officer, or ruler, she prepares her bread in summer and gathers her food in harvest

Proverbs 6 ESV – Practical Warnings – My son, if you – Bible Gateway

Ground Beef & Sweet Potato Sauté

Get ready for an easy week night meal that is quick and satisfying!

  • 1 Lb Lean Ground Beef
  • 1 Large Sweet Potato, peeled and chopped
  • 1/2 Cup Celery chopped
  • 1/2 Cup Onion chopped
  • 1 Tsp Chili Powder
  • 2 Tsp Fresh Oregano
  • 1/2 Tsp Salt and Pepper
  1. 1. Sauté ground beef with the onions, celery, spices, and sweet potato until brown.

    2. Serve with side of steamed broccoli, YUM!

For more recipes look in the garden


The Anti-Neuroinflammatory Role of Anthocyanins and Their Metabolites for the Prevention and Treatment of Brain Disorders – PubMed (

Henriques JF, Serra D, Dinis TCP, Almeida LM. The Anti-Neuroinflammatory Role of Anthocyanins and Their Metabolites for the Prevention and Treatment of Brain Disorders. Int J Mol Sci. 2020 Nov 17;21(22):8653. doi: 10.3390/ijms21228653. PMID: 33212797; PMCID: PMC7696928.

Oregano & Mushroom Cabbage Rolls

Cabbage As a Kid

When you have fresh oregano and cabbage coming along nicely in the garden it’s time to make some Oregano & Mushroom Cabbage Rolls! Do you remember as a kid not wanting to try cabbage because of the smell? I do too! I’m not sure what made me try it…..oh wait! YES, I do. My mom would make the classic southern cabbage casserole with butter, cheese and crackers!

Yep, that’s how my siblings and friends grew up. But the good thing is we developed a taste for the natural sweetness of cabbage. So, as we got older we learned to try it other ways. Maturity makes us try new things doesn’t it? We want more out of life, and to provide more for those around us. The benefits of which, reap rewards for years to come. Keep in mind, some of the nutrients in this amazing food is lost when we boil it, like it’s vitamin C.(1) It is much better to make a fermented sauerkraut to retain this vital nutrient.

Benefits of Oregano, Mushroom, & Cabbage

However, for this dish, we will steam the cabbage to try and retain some of it’s vitamins, while releasing some of it’s antioxidant potential.

Cooking or steaming cabbage can release the antioxidant kaempferol that has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antitumor, cardioprotective, and antidiabetic properties. This is one food you definitely want in your arsenal to fight disease! (3)

The highest amount of flavonoids have been found in parsley, dill, oregano, celery, and fennel! Fresh herbs you can grow yourself and add to your dishes each day for flavor and nutrition (2). Therefore, growing oregano can benefit your entire family. God’s amazing plan for your health began the third day of creation and is still in effect today. So, take advantage of this beautiful herb for it’s anticancer effects! You will also experience beneficial cardiovascular effects, antimicrobial benefits, and more!

Mushrooms are also high in polyphenols, polysaccharides, anti-cancer, improve immune system, and help with diabetes.

God’s Provision

The bottom line, as I always say is “What God put in the garden is good!”

I was reading Luke chapter 12 today. There are so many principles in this passage of scripture that help me and you appreciate everything God provides. Jesus basically tells his disciples not to worry, and not to hoard up things for themselves. He reminds them to be faithfully wise managers of everything.

Peter said, “Lord, are you telling this parable for us or for all?”  And the Lord said, “Who then is the faithful and wise manager, whom his master will set over his household, to give them their portion of food at the proper time?  Blessed is that servant whom his master will find so doing when he comes.

Luke 12 ESV – Beware of the Leaven of the Pharisees – Bible Gateway

We learn in this passage and throughout scripture that wise choices, trusting God, and submitting our lives to Him are for our benefit. The honor and privilege of abundant sources of nutrition strengthens our bodies for the mission field around us! Our families, neighbors, friends, and coworkers will know of His great love. So, I hope you have time to try these Oregano & Mushroom Cabbage Rolls this week! Your cells with thank you!

Here is the Recipe!

Oregano & Mushroom Cabbage Rolls

Fresh Oregano and garden grown cabbage make this delicious and nutritious meal for your family. My family has grown cabbage and enjoyed it's benefits for many years. I'm inspired by all the previous recipes for cabbage rolls, but I like mine without tomato. So I developed a cabbage roll I can enjoy with my family. I hope it is something you'll enjoy too!

  • 1 Medium Head Organic Cabbage
  • 3 Medium Carrots, finely sliced
  • 2 Cloves Garlic Minced
  • 2 Small Onions or one large Halved and chopped
  • 1 Package Organic Shitake Mushrooms
  • 1 Cup Precooked Quinoa or Whole Grain Rice
  • 2 Lbs. Lean Grass Fed Beef
  • 1/4 Cup Fresh Chopped Oregano
  • 1/2 Tsp. Salt
  • 1 Tsp. Onion Powder or No Salt Seasoning
  1. 1. Core and slice your head of cabbage in half. Place in a colander thin put it inside a large pot with shallow water and steam until just tender, about 20-30 min.

  2. 2. Meanwhile, sauté your lean ground beef with minced garlic, 1/2 of the onions (save the other half for toppings), two of the carrots (save one for topping), 1/2 of the mushrooms (save the other half for topping) , salt, onion powder, and/or no salt spice blend. (about 20min)

  3. 3. When the ground beef is browned and the vegetables tender and the cabbaged cooled you can assemble and roll the beef mixture on the individual cabbage leaves and roll. When the beef is done, at the very end, add the fresh chopped oregano.

    **Be sure to let the cabbage cool enough to handle, this is why the prep time is longer, You can go clean the house or something while you wait. **

  4. 4. Place the rolled cabbage leaves into a lightly oiled 9×13 pan. I use organic extra virgin olive oil for this and leave a tablespoon to brush onto the cabbage rolls once the pan is filled.

  5. 5. I use a vegetable peeler to slice thin carrots over the cabbage rolls. I also add the remaining sliced mushrooms, onions, sprinkle with onion powder and salt and a tablespoon of fresh oregano.

  6. 6. I bake this dish at 350 degrees for about 20 min.

For more delicious healthy recipes see the garden and remember, “What God puts in the garden is good!”


Effect of different cooking methods on the content of vitamins and true retention in selected vegetables (

Lee S, Choi Y, Jeong HS, Lee J, Sung J. Effect of different cooking methods on the content of vitamins and true retention in selected vegetables. Food Sci Biotechnol. 2017;27(2):333-342. Published 2017 Dec 12. doi:10.1007/s10068-017-0281-1

Antioxidant Activity of Spices and Their Impact on Human Health: A Review (
Yashin A, Yashin Y, Xia X, Nemzer B. Antioxidant Activity of Spices and Their Impact on Human Health: A Review. Antioxidants (Basel). 2017;6(3):70. Published 2017 Sep 15. doi:10.3390/antiox6030070

Kaempferol: A Key Emphasis to Its Anticancer Potential – PubMed (

Imran M, Salehi B, Sharifi-Rad J, Aslam Gondal T, Saeed F, Imran A, Shahbaz M, Tsouh Fokou PV, Umair Arshad M, Khan H, Guerreiro SG, Martins N, Estevinho LM. Kaempferol: A Key Emphasis to Its Anticancer Potential. Molecules. 2019 Jun 19;24(12):2277. doi: 10.3390/molecules24122277. PMID: 31248102; PMCID: PMC6631472.

Luteolin, a flavonoid with potential for cancer prevention and therapy – PubMed (

Lin Y, Shi R, Wang X, Shen HM. Luteolin, a flavonoid with potential for cancer prevention and therapy. Curr Cancer Drug Targets. 2008 Nov;8(7):634-46. doi: 10.2174/156800908786241050. PMID: 18991571; PMCID: PMC2615542.

Naringenin, a flavanone with antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects: A promising treatment strategy against COVID-19 – PubMed (

Tutunchi H, Naeini F, Ostadrahimi A, Hosseinzadeh-Attar MJ. Naringenin, a flavanone with antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects: A promising treatment strategy against COVID-19. Phytother Res. 2020 Dec;34(12):3137-3147. doi: 10.1002/ptr.6781. Epub 2020 Jul 2. PMID: 32613637; PMCID: PMC7361426.

Pharmacological Activity of Eriodictyol: The Major Natural Polyphenolic Flavanone – PubMed (

Deng Z, Hassan S, Rafiq M, Li H, He Y, Cai Y, Kang X, Liu Z, Yan T. Pharmacological Activity of Eriodictyol: The Major Natural Polyphenolic Flavanone. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2020 Dec 12;2020:6681352. doi: 10.1155/2020/6681352. PMID: 33414838; PMCID: PMC7752289.

Antioxidant Activities of Quercetin and Its Complexes for Medicinal Application – PubMed (

Xu D, Hu MJ, Wang YQ, Cui YL. Antioxidant Activities of Quercetin and Its Complexes for Medicinal Application. Molecules. 2019 Mar 21;24(6):1123. doi: 10.3390/molecules24061123. PMID: 30901869; PMCID: PMC6470739.