Understanding Our Anger

Exodus Chapter 17-

Have you ever been so angry you lashed out and hit another person? Understanding our anger can be a challenge. My sister and I got a thorough lesson in a boy’s need to wrestle, banter, and fight growing up with an older brother. Throughout our childhood, he picked at us until we lost our cool and retaliated… or cried and complained to mom.

 Now that I have six grandsons and see they cannot keep their battling hands to themselves, I understand why.  God’s way of protecting the family and preparing men for battle starts very young. It is instilled in a boy’s DNA, because God knows there will be bigger battles ahead.

Israel’s Anger

We see this for Moses today in Exodus chapter 17, as his battle in the wilderness intensifies. Please take a moment to read this chapter before the discussion below.

“All the congregation of the people of Israel moved on from the wilderness of Sin by stages, according to the commandment of the Lord, and camped at Rephidim, but there was no water for them to drink. Therefore, the people quarreled with Moses and said, ‘Give us water to drink’. And Moses said to them, ‘Why do you quarrel with me? Why do you test the Lord?
Exodus 17:1-2)

The dry, uninhabitable land has smacked around Israel as they wander from the bitter water of Marah to the 12 Springs of Elim, and set out for Rephidim. They’re angry, and the target of their anger is Moses. The quarreling begins because they are not getting what they want.

Once again, the weakness of their flesh has caused them to forget the Lord’s hand of provision.  His power in parting the Red Sea, the (dead) water of Marah made sweet, and the 12 springs of living water at Elim is fading in their eyes as thirst invades their tongues. However, with their bellies full of manna from the morning provision, they have energy to quarrel with Moses to the point of stoning him (vs 4).

Moses says, “Why do you test the Lord?”  (vs.2)

Testing the Lord in Our Anger

In the matter of anger, we too, test the Lord every day. It is evident in our sarcasm, sins of omission (knowing we need to talk to someone and we don’t), in our attitudes and tone of voice, and most of all in our lack of praying for Him to take it away.

James, the brother of Jesus, says, “What causes quarrels and what causes fights among you? Is it not this, that your passions are at war within you? You desire and do not have, so you murder. You covet and cannot obtain, so you fight and quarrel. You do not have, because you do not ask.” (James 4:1-2)

Picture this, a million people on their knees humbling asking God for water in a dry and parched land. He smiles regarding their reverence and need, as every rock in the wilderness begins to spray water for their parched tongues to be saturated.

But that is not what happens, is it? No. Much like you and I, the Israelites are ready to go to war and start blaming the closest person within proximity. However, the better response is to get down on our knees and ask God for help.

Brian S. Borgman, in his book, “Feelings and Faith, Cultivating Godly Emotions in the Christian Life” talks about sinful anger. He asks this powerful question, “What am I not getting that I am elevating to idol status and willing to go to war over?” (2009).

I’ll admit, it takes courage to ask and find the answer to this question. But, my friend, how wonderful would it be to finally put it to rest? Borgman suggest an anger journal to record times of struggle, and placing scripture beside it to pray through the process. Please take heart, God’s compassion and mercy is available to you and I, the same as it was to Israel. Let’s see what happens next.

“Behold, I will stand before you there on the rock at Horeb, and you shall strike the rock, and water shall come out of it, and the people will drink’ And Moses did so, in the sight of the elders of Israel.” (Exodus 17:6).

I have such an appreciation for the completeness of scripture and God’s plan! We honor God and draw closer to Him knowing and understanding the books of the Old Testament, just like the writers of the New Testament did. Paul says,

“For I do not want you to be unaware; brothers, that our fathers were all under the cloud, and all passed through the sea, and all were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea, and all ate the same spiritual food, and all drank the same spiritual drink. For they drank from the spiritual Rock that followed them, and the Rock was Christ. “ (1 Corinthians 10:1-4).

Do you see the mercy of God in scripture? God did not strike Israel in their anger and unbelief any more than he does us in ours. Instead, he struck the rock. The rock of Christ, as Paul describes it in Corinthians. He, who took our thirst upon his shoulders in the wilderness, just as he took our wrath on the cross. He who satisfies the physical thirst of our bodies is the only one who can quench the ever-longing thirst of our souls. And He has no problem understanding anger.

Understanding Our Anger

Consequently, being God, he also gives Israel an outlet for their aggression. We see them flex their physical muscles against the Amalekites in verses 8-16. If Moses holds up his hands, Israel is victorious, if his arms fall, defeat sets in. Wilkin attributes this posture as a picture of Christ on the cross (Lifeway, 2021).

Furthermore, it’s a picture for us. We can stand with our hands outstretched to God in confidence of victory over the sin of anger or we can put our hands down and be defeated by it. The choice is ours. Bold faith is a picture of humble remorse and repentance for anger to those who we have wronged, and more powerfully, forgiveness to those who have wronged us.

In the meantime, let your little boys battle out their aggression on one another. They need an outlet for energy and training for being the protectors God designed them to be. The girls can go cry to momma.

Love you, all. God bless you all as you too begin understanding anger. If you need further assistance working through anger, consider Christian Wellness Coaching with me.


Lifeway.com, Exodus 1-18, God of Deliverance by Jen Wilken (2021) Video Session 9.

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  • We also use tools that will help you face challenges in a new way and plan for relapse.

    If you are looking for personalized health coaching for weight, better fitness, and general wellness, I am here for you!

    Areas of coaching include but are not limited to the following:

  • Food cravings & battles with food addiction
  • Developing healthy eating Patterns for the whole family 
  • Energy improvement and exercise that is consistent and builds endurance 
  • Hormone changes
  • Strengthen the immune system Naturally
  • Sleep
  • Stress Management
  • Digestive Wellness
  • Physical activity
  • Diabetes and Prediabetes Education & Management (Metabolic Syndrome)
  • Cardiovascular Lifestyle change





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Hello, I’m Mysty!

As your RN health & wellness coach, I will listen, empathize, and help you explore easy ways of thinking about wellness.

Wellness includes preparing your mind and body for more energy, stamina, focus, and joy, while decreasing pain…spiritually and physically. I want to help you and your family develop life-long strategies for health that work, while not making you feel deprived.

I am a 28-year veteran RN with a Masters in Psychology/Life Coaching and a Master Certified Health Coach who has cared for patients across the lifespan. I’ll use my expertise to meet individuals where they are and use their strengths to strategize a path to wellness.


As your RN health & wellness coach, I will help you develop simple, life-long strategies for better health.

You’ll have more energy, stamina, focus, and joy, while decreasing pain…spiritually and physically. 

I am a 26-year veteran RN with a Masters in Psychology/Life Coaching and a Certified Health Coach who has cared for patients across the lifespan.

I’ll meet you where you are and together, we’ll simplify your path to feeling better.

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Strengthen Your Heart Blog


Thank you for stopping by this site. I truly believe a path to wellness is doable with a little knowledge and God’s perfect provision. I believe in science-based education and quality programs for healthier families.


  • Registered nurse of twenty-eight years, I have a Bachelor of Science in Nursing
  • Master Certified Health Coach, through the Dr. Sears Wellness Program.
  • Graduate of Indiana Wesleyan University with a master’s in Psychology/Life Coaching.
  • Completed Diabetes Education from the Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialist
  • Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Case Manager
  • Medical and Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit

I believe what we feed our bodies and our minds really matters in maintaining (or regaining) our strength. In the sense of our mind, will, and emotions; as well as physically.

Therefore, I use a whole food approach in my education programs.

However, please know, nothing on this site is designed to diagnose or treat chronic disease.

You can count on me to walk alongside and provide supportive measures along the way!

Socrates said:

Let food be thy medicine and let medicine be thy food.

This still applies to us today.

Simply because we hear about its benefits in hundreds of new studies every year.

The advantages of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains and. . . even fish and meat are evident!

A Faith-Based Approach is Available & Optional

I have a passion is to see people live the abundant life God calls us to live.
If you are open to this approach, I will be happy to share prayer and spiritual support.

For clients who do not appreciate this approach, full services, tools, and resources are still available to you.

There is no discrimination for those of other faiths, or no faith.

Just know ahead of time, God’s Word and provision in the garden continually humble and amaze me, so I get excited sharing the good news!

Wellness is so much bigger than our physical health! It includes contentment in our relationships and a sense of peace with who we are in Christ.

Mysty Pfeffer

Gods Word & Provision
Mysty, A Nurse Wellness Coach

I want to explore God’s word and His provision in the garden with you to empower, motivate, and educate you in lifestyle choices that strengthen you and your family physically and spiritually.

I Look Forward to Serving You!

  • Contact me for:
  • Speaking at your ladies’ retreats
  • Helping you host Church Workshops
  • Fitness Club Promotions & Programs for Healthier Lifestyles
  • Faith-based Coaching for Individuals and Families
  • Teaching Evidenced-Based Nutrient Basics & Disease Processes for Healthier Lifestyles
  • Implementing Workplace Wellness & Education for Your Business
Mysty, Wellness Coach Teaching at the YMCA