Scripture Paints a Picture We Can Understand

Sometimes I just need a picture…

Do you ever see scripture paint a picture of a concept you can’t fully understand?

Or perhaps, you’re like me, and not ready to accept the message pointing to an area of continual struggle.

If you do, we can explore together how the bible prepares a word canvas we can all accept and navigate. Although it takes time and thought, we’ll find the investment is well worth the effort. As a matter of fact, a picture of others bowing before God is helpful in opening my eyes to areas of pride in my own life.

In our Tuesday study group we are delving into this a little deeper. The Proverbs 31 team has provided “The Answers to Your Deepest Longings” A bible study giving us an overview of the principles leading to salvation through Jesus Christ.

How Our Eyes Are Opened

In week seven of our study we see a man on murderous path. No one following The Way is safe from his wrath. The sad part is, he thinks he’s serving God to the best of his ability. A man, educated and driven to violence for a cause (stopping Christianity) that is futile. This man we learn about is Saul of Tarsus. My cultural study bible describes Tarsus as a highly developed, philosophical place valuing education and higher thinking.

Paul describes himself as ” a Jew, born in Tarsus in Cilicia, but brought up in this city (Jerusalem), educated at the feet of Gamaliel  according to the strict manner of the law of our fathers, being zealous for God as all of you are this day” Acts 22:3  (Full Passage)

Paul is a student of the scriptures, just like us! Yet, at that time he lacks a full understanding of God’s plan. In Acts chapter 9, Paul is on his way to Damascus to persecute believers. We read of the bright light that temporarily blinds him and brings him to his knees. The voice from heaven is Jesus, asking:

“Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?” And he said, “Who are you, Lord?” And he said, “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. But rise and enter the city, and you will be told what you are to do.” (Acts 9:4,5)

Walk Humbly

Furthermore, Saul, like us many times, has no recourse but to fall humbly before Jesus. It’s not surprising the proud require force to find that place of humility. However, it only takes one deep humbling to convince him, and sadly some of us too, to willingly come to a place of submission.

Possibly, like many of the Pharisees, Paul lost sight of God’s mercy woven through the law. His situation reminds me of  Isaiah falling before the holiness of God in Isaiah chapter 1 as the prophet sees his vision. He cries out “Woe to me, I am ruined, for I am a man of unclean lips and my eyes have seen the King, the Lord Almighty.” (Isaiah 6:1-7)

Psalm 25:9

He leads the humble in what is right, and teaches the humble his way.

Psalm 69:32

When the humble see it they will be glad; you who seek God, let your hearts revive.

Moreover, in the presence of holiness, we can only bow and repent. For it is then, that we see ourselves as we truly are: Full of sin and selfishness with the light of scripture shinning on our faulty ways. But we don’t have to stay there.

We have hope! Awareness of our status is good news because we cannot correct what we do not see!

When the Holy Spirit leads us to this place of humility, we are open to change.

Just as the seraphim fly to Isaiah and purge him of unclean lips, Jesus covers us in His righteousness when we come to faith. The picture of scripture could not be more clear. When we read God’s inspired Word and come to the place of repentance, our hearts melt before him in humble adoration. Eagerly, we confess all to Him. He sees and forgives as our hearts are renewed! (Romans 10:8-10).

 It’s a beautiful picture of God’s restorative power over sin in our hearts. I pray we understand this concept with gladness and joy as we continue our studies!

The Results of This New Canvas

We arise, like Paul to a place of wonder and reflection. A new insight and purpose take hold of our being. In Christ’s marvelous light we overcome spiritual death and live to please Him. Furthermore, we yearn for more of Jesus in His Word.

Love grows and spills over to those around us. We have a new desire to be kinder, more understanding and softer in our approach to others. The strokes of God’s pen are ingrained on our hearts forever and our area of struggle just got smaller in light of His mercy.

That picture of scripture, my friends, is a masterpiece.

Roasted Butternut Squash & Green Beans

Roasted Butternut Squash is definitely a great side dish for fall. Paired with Garden fresh green beans and onions and this trio will compliment any main dish.

I particularly like this side dish because it’s low carb, nutrient rich, and you can plop it in the oven, set the timer and go do something else for a 30 minutes!

Check out the vitamin packed goodness of this winter squash HERE!

Although getting to this buttery goodness can sometimes be tricky, it’s worth it. In fact if you’ve let rest in the sun to harden for winter storage, tackling the outer skin can even be a hassle. Some people like to use a microwave to loosen the skin on their squash. While others will use their InstaPot or stovetop to steam/boil 5-10 minutes to loosen. I like to bake mine 30 minutes, let it cool a few, then remove the skin.

However you choose to prepare your squash I hope you enjoy it with your family as much as I do mine. Since, Thanksgiving will be upon us soon, I’m sure many are looking for lower carb, healthier options to serve with their bird. They can give thanks this one fits the bill.  God bless you and keep you today!

Remember…What’s in the garden is good!

I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds.
Psalm 9:1

Roasted Butternut Squash & Green Beans

Harvest Time side dishes are easy.

  • 1 Large Butternut Squash
  • 1 Pound Fresh Green Beans
  • 1 Small Onion (Chopped)
  • 1 TBSP Olive Oil (Organic Extra Virgin)
  • 1/4 tsp Salt
  • 1/2 tsp Onion Powder
  1. Preheat oven to 400 Degrees. Wash Squash and Green Beans.

    Pick one of two ways to prepare your squash:

    1. Microwave, boil or use an InstaPot to steam the Squash for 5 minutes to loosen the outer skin. Cool enough to handle then peel and dice.

    2. Bake the squash ahead of beans for 30 minutes, then cool enough to handle, peel and dice.

    In a separate dish place the washed green beans and chopped onion, season with salt, onion powder and olive oil. Add the peeled partially cooked squash. Bake at 400 for 20 minutes.

Side Dish

Give Thanks for Mexican Butternut Squash Wraps

Oh give thanks to the Lord; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the peoples!

1 Chronicles 16:8

I give thanks to the Lord for another day to enjoy His goodness! The goodness from this winter squash harvest will last several months stored properly in a cool dry place. We’ll begin with using some left over butternut squash soup to begin making delicious wraps.

Butternut squash wraps can replace any tomato based salsa for people who have chronic reflux disease. Or if they are avoiding nightshade plants.

However, anyone can enjoy these easy squash wraps! Especially if they are having a craving for Mexican food.

Click HERE for Butternut Squash Soup recipe

You’ll also need some Tortilla Shells–Click HERE for recipes!

Mexican Butternut Squash Wraps

  • 1 lb Lean Ground Beef (Chicken or Turkey)
  • 1 small onion
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 4 Cups Fresh Mixed Greens
  • 4 Small Tortilla Shells
  • 1 Cup Leftover Butternut Squash Soup
  • 1 Teaspoon Each coriander, chili powder, paprika
  • 1/2 Cup Monterrey Jack Cheese
  1. Sauté the ground meat with chopped onion, minced garlic and spices. Prepare tortilla shells (heat if necessary in microwave 10 seconds) Spread 1-2 tablespoons of the warmed butternut squash soup on a shell, place 2 tablespoons of the meat mixture over that, then top with a sprinkle of cheese and a cup of greens. Enjoy!

Main Course
butternut squash, wraps

Enjoy these wraps today! And don’t hesitate to call upon the name of our Lord, He loves you so much!

Why are Nightshades a Problem for some people? Nightshades are thought to contribute to inflammation and chronic gastrointestinal permeability. This can result in reflux disease (GERD) in some people. The enzyme solanine is a natural pesticide found in these plants to protect them from disease. This substance may cause inflammation when consumed and contribute to arthritis pain, inflamed blood vessels, and irritates the lining of the gastrointestinal tract. There are no clinical studies on people to support this claim, however some medical personnel are advising patients to try removing them from the diet for a period of time to determine if there is relief of symptoms.

Follow this fibromyalgia link for more information: Fibromyalgia Resources

Butternut Squash! Amazing!

Amazing butternut squash has so many benefits to build and sustain our bodies!

Did you know that butternut squash when picked after its peak ripeness is able to protect itself from disease? Who knows the interpretation of a thing? The adaptability of a every species in the garden continually amazes me. What does not surprise me are the benefits! I love how it helps build the immune system and contributes to maintaining muscle and bone mass alongside a well balanced eating plan.

Who is like the wise? And who knows the interpretation of a thing? A man’s wisdom makes his face shine, and the hardness of his face is changed.

Ecclesiastes 8:1

Here in Ohio, this year’s volunteer crop of butternut squash sprouted spontaneously from our compost pile as my husband tilled its richness through the rows of potatoes.

God not only placed in the seed its genetic code to multiply, but also the protective ability to harden it’s skin as it lies in the sun ripening for winter. The clue to picking this at the height of it’s protection is after the fruit reaches its peachy tan color.

Once the peak color is present the fruit is ready for use in my soup.

Since I don’t want to damage the vine or the remaining fruit I carefully cut it leaving a one inch stem. I pick the first for a taste test and leave the rest.

The remaining squash lye on the vines several more weeks as hardening of the outer skin begins and the cooler temperatures at night cause the vines to wither and fade. I can’t help but picture the elements of life for this plant with our own task of self-preservation. We too develop a hard exterior at times when repeated exposure to invaders occur. Mentally and physically.

Butternut squash’s amazing benefits begin as its minerals and vitamins are extracted. These macronutrients help our immune system counteract free radicals. Therefore, counteracting the over processed and highly preserved items we tend to consume. At the same time, our minds are bombarded with fear of pandemics, deadlines, relationship woes, or a health crisis.

Moreover, how do we cope? How do we grasp onto sanity and bring forth preservation? The key of course is wisdom. The same wisdom that changes the face of the man in our verse above. We have the pleasure of applying the wisdom of God’s word to our daily lives so we can experience a change in our own faces.

Just as our butternut squash is filled with lush nutrient flesh to build and sustain our bodies, God’s word is filled with soothing Psalms to nourish our souls. 

Learn more about Butternut Squash Benefits Here:

Preparing the squash for this mineral and vitamin packed soup is easy:
1. Wash thoroughly with water.
2. Bake the whole squash on a oven safe dish for one hour at 350 degrees.
3. 40 minutes into baking add a bulb of garlic to roast alongside the squash, it will roast 20 minutes and 3 cloves will be added to the soup.

Butternut Squash Soup

You’ll need the following:

  • One Large Roasted Butternut Squash
  • Three Cloves Roasted garlic
  • 4       Tablespoons of Butter or Olive Oil
  • 1       Cup of Unsweetened Almond Milk
  • 2       Tablespoons Fresh Chopped Rosemary
  • 1/4    Teaspoon Nutmeg
  • 1       32 Ounce Box of Organic Vegetable or Chicken Broth
  • 1/2    Teaspoon Salt

Take the cooled roasted butternut squash and peel the outer skin. Slice down the middle and remove the seeds and strings. Dice the remaining flesh into cubes. You can proceed one of two ways: Place the squash in a blender with the 32 ounces of broth to puree or place in a soup pot with the broth and use an immersion blender to puree’. Your choice. I like to use my blender. So, I add the spices, roasted garlic, hers, salt, and broth to my blender and puree’. I then add it to my soup pot with the almond milk. Heat until warm and serve.

Grace Wins Over Bitterness, Every Time

“See to it that no one fails to obtain the grace of God; that no root of bitterness springs up to cause trouble, and by it many become defiled.” Hebrews 12:15

I once had poison ivy so bad I missed two days of school. The raised rash covered my body as if I’d rolled around in it. To this day, when I see its red tinted leaves vining through a flower bed, my skin prickles with dread. It must go. So, I apply gloves and carefully pull it away from my blooming flowers.

To my surprise, the pesky poison is back two weeks later! I realize the roots are firmly entrenched among the bed of tall phlox. The plants tenacity reminds me of another kind of root bearing “poisonous and bitter fruit” (Deuteronomy 29:18 ESV). The root I’d like to dig out and burn thoroughly. It’s called bitterness and it creeps into my budding bed of faith just like poison.

Although ’d like to blame hurtful words, restrictions of a virus, work stress, or demands of child rearing, those are not the root. The root is my heart focusing on what is said over what is read. Do you ever fall into that trap? When you and I read the Word of truth, we cherish its grace-filled message.

However, walking into our workplace or chaotic home environment, we struggle to keep the good news active over stubborn hurt feelings in our hearts. (Deuteronomy 29:19).

What is the lure of holding onto angry words or hard feelings despite the freeing power of grace? Perhaps, the reaction feeds a false sense of power. Latching onto the adrenaline rush, we sometimes shed the grace-filled message in favor of the feeling. If we’re not careful, we may miss what God is weeding out. Tangled in a shaded perspective, we can give the lingering root of bitterness room to grow.

Before we know it, careless words and stress are working their way like fresh springs of water to feed disgruntlement. Questions arise as thoughts spiral out of control in the onslaught of indignation. “Did he really have to say that again?” “Why can’t I do anything right?”

It’s the age-old tactic of the devil, plant the seed of doubt in the mind of someone who takes their eyes off Jesus for one moment. Subtly entwine an overwhelmed heart with slight criticism so they are easy prey. The writer of Hebrews says, No! “See to it that no one fails to obtain the grace of God”

The grace of God goes immediately to the source of bitterness and soothes the emotions it evokes, every time. All we must do is pray.

Praying fiercely to cover ourselves and our opposition with grace removes resentment. The tiny tentacles clinging to our hearts release their hold. The gift of grace showered upon us from the day of our redemption teaches us to confess the bitterness God already sees gripping our hearts! We can then place the peaceful power of Jesus over ploys to pull us away from His will.

Soon after, spirit-filled grace will overflow from our grateful hearts onto the pesky poison around us. Roots of bitterness will die when their nourishment is cut off …and no gloves are necessary. Grace wins over bitterness, every time.

For more encouragement check out this post on Sticky

Desire for a Better Country

Hebrews Chapter 11

“But as it is, they desire a better country, that is, a heavenly one. Therefore, God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared for them a city.”
Hebrews 11:14

The hall of faith in Hebrews chapter eleven mentions the most notable people of the bible. People our study group, and perhaps yours, has spent weeks and months studying.  I admit, I missed an important detail in studying these individuals the writer of Hebrews brings to light. They thought of themselves as strangers and exiles on earth (vs. 13).

As new testament believers and end of the age Christians, we understand the concept of being exiles and strangers on earth. Yes, you and I know and believe faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen (vs.1).  But do we long for and hope for that time with the Lord when all things are made right?  

Life with Jesus in my permanent homeland, is something I’ve always looked toward as later in life. Peacefully accepting the difficulties of the here and now, I understand He will make all things new…sometime later.

But truthfully, for me, not until 2020 did I long for that new home, every day!

The escalating hate, selfishness, and greed of people and governing bodies bring the words of Paul to the forefront of our current place in time:  

But understand this, that in the last days there will be times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God.
2 Timothy 3:1-4

English Standard Version

A sad condition of the human race without God at the center. Perhaps just as evil as what Abel, Noah, Abraham, and the rest of them faced. But to understand now, they looked forward to a city that has foundations designed and built by God (vs. 10) amid their desolate circumstances sheds more light on their hope.

The intensity of their hope in God and this place gave them the faith to conquer kingdoms, enforce justice, quench the power of fire, escape the edge of the sword, make strength out of weakness, become mighty in war, and put armies to flight. (vs. 33,34) All the while they also suffered mocking, torture, imprisonment, stoning. Although praised for their faith, they did not receive the promise of the city designed and built by God until Jesus came.

When Jesus came, He conquered death on the cross and established the eternal covenant. Bringing the city built by God to the spirits of the righteous made perfect (12:23) Since apart from new covenant believers, the old testament saints could not be made perfect (vs.40). Praise be to God, the God of timing!

We can hold onto our hope with wonder and awe of God’s saving grace. Despite our evil world, He is working out His plan. He helps me understand the innocent suffer because of raging sin, but they will be comforted in his loving arms. Their bodies are abused and discarded, but they are so much more than temporary bodies, they are souls birthed in the mind of our loving Father, who long to return to Him. Their pain and suffering here will be forgotten as he wipes every tear from their eyes!

There, my friends, is the most glorious hope, safe in His presence forever!

True Hearts in Full Assurance

Hebrews Chapter 10

This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, declares the Lord: I will put my laws on their hearts, and write them on their minds.” Then he adds, “ I will remember their sins and their lawless deeds no more.”   (Hebrews 10:16-17)

Do you know what I love most about scripture?

Scripture displays the heart of God wooing, reminding, chastising, and giving every opportunity for selfish hearts to turn to Him for healing. A spiritual healing from the love of money, sexual immorality, lack of love for others, the need for approval, our selfish pride, love of material things, and even putting the love of our children above Him.

Yes, we need the kind of healing only Christ has the power to offer!  Then God will then remember our lawless deeds no more. What? All those things mentioned previously, are lawless deeds?

Yes! Anything, we love above our Lord and placed higher in our priorities above Him is a lawless deed. I am guilty, maybe we both are. But at the same time, we can be thankful!  The love of things or people above God does not have to take over our lives.

The writer of Hebrews urges us to “draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful.” Hebrews 10:22-23.

English Standard Version

This may be just as hard for us today as it was the first century Christians. After all, after they were enlightened, they endured a hard struggle with sufferings, public reproach, and affliction (vs. 32).  

They joyfully accepted the plundering of their property, as many Christian throughout the world do today in India, Europe, the Middle East, China, and Korea…..because they knew they had “a better possession and an abiding one (vs. 34). 

The better possession of course is eternity with God. The writer of Hebrews assures us to not shrink back but have faith and preserve our souls (vs. 39)  It’s deep, I know, and a little scary. But so real to our fellow Christians around the world today.

Their reality may hit a weak spot in our souls. Do we see a glimpse of what they endure coming here? I think we do. Are We ready to defend our faith to the death? Will we refuse a very suspicious vaccine that will be mandated in order to continue in a job we’ve enjoyed for years? Will our children and grandchildren be spared the coming judgment for our nation?

Truthfully, we don’t know, but we do have hope! We have powerful weapons to prepare! We have hearts that love and serve our Lord! We offer up a sacrifice of praise, the fruit of lips that acknowledge His name (Hebrews 13:16). We share what we have with a clear conscience and we desire to act honorably in all things (13:19). Most of all, we pray fervently, that hearts and minds of our loved ones and all we know with turn to Him for healing and salvation!

The faithful, promising hope of Jesus and His truth, dear friends, is what you and I can love about scripture!

Purify Fully

Hebrews Chapter 9

We are Purified One Way…Jesus

“Indeed, under the law almost everything is purified with blood, and without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sins.”

Hebrews: 9:22

Sometimes I think of how thirsty I’d have to be to drink a cup of water from the Ohio river. The thought of drinking sewage, pharmaceutical, and industrially contaminated water is down right repulsive. Just like my sin is to God. I’m like water needing purification before I enter the presence of God. A process similar to what river water needs before entering the pot to brew my favorite tea.

Purify means to make pure; clear of any material defilement or imperfection. Different processes of purification are used in cleaning our river water, fine jewelry, and even cloth for clothes and sheets. Let’s face it, in their natural state, things come along to contaminate what was meant to be pure.

 Our need for purification is an ongoing process that we face daily with repeated contaminates. We learned a couple of weeks ago our inner conversation with God is never hidden from His sight. When we read in His words to us in the bible, He is giving us His divine instruction on how to live. The living, active, sword that pierces to the division of our soul and spirit also discerns the thoughts and intentions of our hearts. We are all naked and exposed to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account. (Hebrews 4:12-13)

Although we are seeking Him, we still struggle to fully submit ourselves to Him. As we read, we may think “Well, that’s not for me” or “He can do that, I can’t.” “Ok, Lord, I’ll try to do better.”  “I’m not sure about this…” Taking a step towards sacrifice in today’s culture is to obey the uncomfortable things He’s asking us to do in His word.

God highlights in His word, His holiness, and our great need for Him.

The first century Christian coverts from Judaism, understood a different arrangement of gifts and sacrifices. The need for various washings, and the sprinkling of blood for the forgiveness of sins was ingrained upon them since childhood. Although, those rituals were offered, they could not perfect the conscience of the worshiper. (Hebrews 9:6-10)

Knowing we are helpless babes in need of a powerful advocate to cover our pathetic attempts to clear our own conscience, God sent His son. He made a greater and more perfect sacrifice to cover our sin for eternity. Jen Wilkin, in our Hebrews study (2019) points out the inspiring words of Paul to Titus as he emphasizes this point.

“For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age,  waiting for our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for himself a people for his own possession who are zealous for good works.”

Titus 2:11-14 ESV, Bible Gateway)

The apostle Peter closes this lesson out well with his words of encouragement:  

“Knowing that you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your forefathers, not with perishable things such as silver and gold, but with the precious blood of Christ.” (1 Peter 1:18, ESV)

Lord, how wonderful and awesome are your ways! The savored and treasured blood of Christ covers us in ways we may never fully grasp but recognize as a powerful gift. Thank you for your cleansing power! Thank you for refining us like silver and gold to be a people zealous for pleasing You!

Have a blessed day, secure in the saving grace of our Lord Jesus!

Obsolete? Not Jesus

Hebrews Chapter 8

“In speaking of a new covenant, he makes the first one obsolete. And what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away.”

Hebrews 8:13


An outdated and no longer functioning system, idea, or product we once thought we could not live without. Do you have one you remember vividly?

I grew up with straight, fine hair. I slept on sponge rollers many nights for those curls I longed for…until the curling iron came along!  The same is true of my ninth-grade typewriter. I still have one in my closet!

I’m sure you and I could sit together reminiscing about obsolete items we used daily and now never give much thought. We’ve progressed with the times, the old has passed away and the new has come.

The concept of no longer depending on old items or ideas is similar to a picture in the scriptures of us being new creatures in Christ.

2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away and the new has come.

English Standard Version, Bible Gateway

Just as Christ makes us new individually, the same is true of His power over the old covenant. It was outdated and no longer functioning because it had no power to change hearts. The tabernacle and temples were copies and shadows of the real place where God truly dwells.

Jesus, as the perfect, sinless, High Priest offers the ultimate sacrifice—Himself. As such, He surpasses the fallen priests who atone for their own sin before they can present a sacrifice for the sins of the people.  The old covenant and sacrificial system, established by God, points toward Jesus. His birth, death, and resurrection make the old covenant obsolete and establishes the better covenant.

Jeremiah assured believers of this, when he said, the laws will be written on their hearts and in their minds. A new enlightenment with the Holy Spirit’s guidance. His prophecy in Jeremiah 31:31-34

 “Behold, the days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah,  not like the covenant that I made with their fathers on the day when I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, my covenant that they broke, though I was their husband, declares the Lord.  For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the Lord: I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts. And I will be their God, and they shall be my people. And no longer shall each one teach his neighbor and each his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest, declares the Lord. For I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.”

English Standard Version Bible Gateway ** a concept pointed to in Better, A study of Hebrews by Jen Wilken, p 92.

A better way to reach the lost than an estimated one million people leaving ancient Egypt and gathering in the wilderness. Bewildered people emerging from bondage and surviving a red sea passage and looking toward the cloud holding the presence of God by day and fire by night ( Exodus 13:21, Isaiah 63:11-14).Standing, wondering, and dependent on the one person who could reveal God’s message. Relying on Moses, then the priests, to read the law of the covenant to the large groups of people at the tent of meeting, once the tabernacle was built.

Furthermore, the freed slaves of Israel are dependent on their brother or neighbor to make sure they heard God’s message correctly and understood it thoroughly in the crowd of thousands. Instituting a new way to live was necessary as they learned to remove the bondage of paganism. Their uneducated souls, fearfully looked to Moses for redemption in the harsh and barren land.

However, we see the prophecy of Jeremiah truly come to life in John the Baptist and Jesus when they share the message of the gospel.

People are led by the presence and power of God’s Word in the proclamation of the good news, rather than through Moses, the priests, and each other. Through the Holy Spirit, His teaching spread the Word like tongues of fire after Jesus’ ascension into heaven (Acts 2:1-4). The Holy Spirit came to dwell in men and women. The apostles recorded the inerrant word of God for all to read. Furthermore, the prophecy of Jeremiah continues today as the truth of God’s revelation is bound in the Holy Bible and is, to this day, the number one selling book of all time.

Sisters, what an honor and privilege we have, to read the word of God daily!

How blessed are we… educated to read His word, and sought by the Holy Spirit, who woos us to the love peace of Jesus?  May we take comfort in the words of the apostle Paul today:

“The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in temples made by man, nor is he served by human hands, as though he needed anything, since He himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything. And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, that they should seek God and perhaps feel their way toward Him and find Him. Yet He is actually not far from each one of us,”  Acts 17:24-27

English Standard Version Bible Gateway

Thank you, Father in Heaven! We are here today, reading your word in the determined city of residence, in this time period of 2020. Showered with the wealth of running water, electricity, comfortable beds, shelter, and the protection of law enforcement. We are unworthy, yet so grateful, You woo us with your Holy Spirit.

The obsolete law of the old covenant could not compare to the sacrifice of Your Son. May we take comfort in Jesus’ finished work on the cross today and every day. Please prepare our hearts and minds Lord for your second coming; for the signs are clear, this ole world is growing old and is ready to vanish away.

In Jesus’ name, amen.

A Better Hope

“ For on the one hand, a former commandment is set aside because of its weakness and uselessness (for the law made nothing perfect); but on the other hand, a better hope is introduced, through which we draw near to God.”

Hebrews 7:18-19

CLICK HERE TO READ: Hebrews Chapter 7

A better hope.

It sounds so promising in light of our striving for perfection. The idea of attaining flawlessness with Christ we are unable to achieve on our own. 

Although, the commandments set before Israel are for their protection and pointing them toward a better life with fewer consequences; they still resisted their guiding principles. As do we.

The writer of Hebrews urges them to remember the story of Melchizedek. Resembling the Son of God, he has no genealogy.  Abraham honored him with a tenth of the spoils out of the gratitude of his heart. He says, “It is indisputable that the inferior is blessed by the superior”. (vs 7)

No Levitical priesthood following in the line of Abraham could assure Israel of right relationship with God. They were busy making amends for their own sin as well as the sins of the people they served. They, and the law are clearly insufficient to save anyone.

Therefore, a plan was in place to offer a better hope for their souls …and ours!  Jesus, the one “high priest, holy, innocent, unstained, separated from sinners, and exalted above the heavens” (vs. 26)

It is the love of God showered on our hurting world.

We draw near to God when we realize life is empty without Him. When we’ve tried things our way, outside His protection and reaped the consequences. Rules are useless and weak when our hearts are deceived.

The gratitude of a changed heart, on the other hand, understands Christ pays the debt we cannot pay. For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 6:23). He does this through His own indestructible life.

We experience a rising peace in the turmoil of our own imperfection. Moreover, others see our victorious life as we walk with a kinder heart, a softer tone of voice, and continual mercy for those who offend us.  

The Prince of Peace fills our hearts with contentment and transforms the priorities. Striving for perfection in work, possessions, or status becomes invigorating faith for a hope-filled gospel!

Amen and thank you Jesus!

Dearest Lord, as you open the eyes of our hearts today, help us see areas where we continue to strive. Areas that glorify us and not you. Please make us aware of pride and discontent with material or physical things that take our eyes off of you. Please help us be content in the everyday blessings you shower upon us. Prince of peace, lead us to gratefulness and a willingness to please you above pleasing ourselves. In Jesus’ name, amen.