Tuna & Red Pepper Salad with Quinoa is a great lunch after a hard workout or if you are looking for an easy take to work lunch! It’s loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants too! But the best part for me, aside from the yummy flavor, is the fullness that lasts all afternoon!
Maybe you’re looking for something to make your body feel good and full, too.
Your cells will be happy with the healthy omega 3 fats this salad packs, plus the 15 grams of protein, and 5 grams of fiber! Rounding out the goodness is 63mg of Vitamin C, over 6000 IU’s of vitamin A, and 70mg of calcium.
Don’t you love when you can do 5 minutes of work and get tons of flavor and nutrition? Spring mix greens are like a smorgasbord of flavor that never gets old!
Tuna & Red Pepper Salad with Quinoa
Tuna & Red Pepper Salad with Quinoa
2 Cups Spring Mix
2 Stalks Celery
1 Carrot (Shredded)
1/2 Cucumber
1 Tbsp. Pumpkin Seeds
1/4 Cup Quinoa
1 Small Red Pepper (Sliced)
3 ounces Tuna
Oregano Olive Oil Dressing
1 Tbsp. oregano tincture (oregano leaves soaked in apple cider vinegar 5 days) or 1 tsp dried oregano leaves
1 Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1/2 Tsp. Onion Powder
If you really like the idea of getting a load of vitamin C and omegas in your meals, check out this Stuffed Red Pepper with Tuna idea, too!
You know what God puts in the Garden is good!
He even designated feast days for you and me to celebrate His goodness and provision. We have so many blessings from our local grocery store we can enjoy the work of our hands each day!
The Lord your God will bless you in all your produce and in all the work of your hands, so that you will be altogether joyful.
Are you looking for an easy breakfast that will keep you full all morning? Look no further! Here is a loaded blueberry & quinoa oatmeal you can enjoy quickly. Cooking grains or seeds like quinoa (that act like a grain) ahead of time for the week makes a meal ready in less than five minutes. It’s also healthy, filling, and delicious!
I’ve been a huge fan of quinoa for many years and use it instead of rice or pasta in most of the dishes I make. This makes sense to me because I’m not a big fan of either of those sticky starches. Quinoa, on the other hand, doesn’t have the same stickiness, it’s dry and fluffy, yet slightly on the crunchy side. It’s my kind of filler for any side dish or main dish. Plus, it’s loaded with good nutrition!
Benefits of Blueberry & Quinoa Oatmeal
As my vegan friends are aware, quinoa contains all the essential amino acids necessary to make it a complete protein. It is also rich in fiber, magnesium, potassium, zinc, choline, and betaine. It is higher in natural vitamin E and folate than any other grain-like breakfast dish. And combined with oats it provides a decent amount of calcium.
Take comfort knowing this is a wonderful gluten-free alternative for people with celiac disease, while it also provides a strong amount of protein for my vegan friends. It’s a win-win for us meat eaters too, because the way this bad boy feeds the good gut bacteria is phenomenal. It works as a prebiotic by supplying bioactive peptides and polysaccharides. During an in vitro study, dietary fractions of quinoa showed anticancer activity, bile acid binding, and radical scavenging activity. (1)
If you’re looking to improve your heart health, you’ll be happy to know, quinoa combined with oats doubles the cholesterol lowering impact of this breakfast bowl too. Don’t you love another good reason to eat well? A regular intake of blueberries and their anthocyanins help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, improve weight maintenance and neuroprotection. (2)
The walnuts are heart protective and rich in omega 3 fatty acids, while pumpkin seeds are known to help lower LDL cholesterol in animal studies, and breast cancer in others. (3, 4). The additional benefits of these nuts and seeds make this loaded blueberry & quinoa oatmeal bowl a very nutritious option for breakfast. There is no better way to experience contentment than resting in the knowledge God has always had a plan for our good health!
Yes! His counsel stands forever, and the plans of his heart are clear! His Word assures you and I He is for us and not against us. Over and over, we see in the bible two clear things:
1. His love endures forever, and
2. He loves righteousness and justice..
The psalmist says, “the earth is full of the steadfast love of the Lord”. He proved it by becoming a man and dying on the cross for you and me. And he proves it daily in the gift of healing through His gardens around the world. He is worthy of praise!
I thank you for spending time with me today and taking a look at the perfect plans of our Creator in the garden and in the hope of His mighty love!
May He bless you and keep you this day and every day!
Loaded Blueberry & Quinoa Oatmeal
1/4 Cup Oats
1/4 Cup Quinoa (Precooked)
1 Tbsp. Raw Pumpkin Seeds
1 Tbsp Walnuts
1 Tsp Cinnamon
1/4 Cup Water
1/4 Cup Blueberries
2 Tsps. Maple Syrup (Optional)
1/4 Cup Kefir
In a medium bowl add the 1/4 cup of oats and water, plus cinnamon. Stir and heat according to package directions. This takes 1 minute in the microwave (if you use microwaves).
When done, add the quinoa, pumpkin seeds, walnuts and blueberries and stir.
If desired, top with maple syrup then the kefir and enjoy!
(1) Zeyneb, H., Pei, H., Cao, X., Wang, Y., Win, Y., & Gong, L. (2021). In vitro study of the effect of quinoa and quinoa polysaccharides on human gut microbiota. Food science & nutrition, 9(10), 5735–5745. https://doi.org/10.1002/fsn3.2540
(2) Kalt, W., Cassidy, A., Howard, L. R., Krikorian, R., Stull, A. J., Tremblay, F., & Zamora-Ros, R. (2020). Recent Research on the Health Benefits of Blueberries and Their Anthocyanins. Advances in nutrition (Bethesda, Md.), 11(2), 224–236. https://doi.org/10.1093/advances/nmz065
(3) Abuelgassim, A. O., & Al-showayman, S. I. (2011). The effect of pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L) seeds and L-arginine supplementation on serum lipid concentrations in atherogenic rats. African journal of traditional, complementary, and alternative medicines : AJTCAM, 9(1), 131–137. https://doi.org/10.4314/ajtcam.v9i1.18
1 Prep Day for Fabulous Fresh-Milled Grains
A prep day with fresh-milled grains makes my life easier and more enjoyable. It also helps me stay on track with eating healthier. Last September I began watching Annette Reeder, the Biblical Nutritionist interview Sue Becker from Bread Becker’s. They were discussing the benefits of using fresh-milled grain in bread making.
I soon found myself watching more videos about the process and benefits. Sue’s video on The Bread of Life, a biblical and science-based class on the wheat kernel convinced me I needed to try the process. I soon ordered a refurbished grain mill from Nutrimill and my first pails of hard red and hard white wheat.
Needless to say, it has been an adventure and learning curve for me! But one I’ve enjoyed immensely.
Here’s what I Learned About Using Fresh-milled Grains:
Fresh-milled whole grain soaks up water slowly, be patient and don’t add too much too soon.
I have more luck with hard white and hard red for all baking, rather than soft White wheat. Soft white just did not work for my cookies or muffins, I’m not sure why.
My hair is thicker and healthier.
My husband’s cholesterol is now perfect, and his fingers no longer break out in the winter.
I did not get bronchitis last fall or this spring from seasonal allergies, like I usually do. In fact, after two months, I did not even get a sinus headache.
I am a meat eater, so I don’t have to worry about the phytic acid in grains depleting my ability to absorb minerals, and neither do you! The release phytates combine to cadmium and lead in the body and remove them. Plus, they play a role in lowering blood sugar. Another advantage to preparing all your goodies with fresh-milled grains.
Gluten free grains are also available and can be incorporated into recipes with some extra work, I try to share as many as I can because, several of my friends and family are gluten sensitive.
Fresh Milled Flour & Sourdough Bread
There is more, but I really want to talk about preparation day. I start with cooking a cup of quinoa then milling the grain and getting all my supplies ready.
Since my favorite thing in the kitchen to make is tortilla shells, I had to get that recipe right. I also use the Zojirushi recipe as a guide to make my weekly loaves of regular sandwich bread and adjust it for my breakfast bread. It’s very versatile and I can add what I like and remove what I don’t like.
I’ve noticed the sunflower lecithin does make a nice fluffy loaf, but it caused my friend, who has lupus, a lot of muscle discomfort. So, I no longer use it in my basic recipes, although I use eggs (which contains lecithin) but eggs don’t bother her…go figure.
Benefits of Fresh-Milled Grain
There are so many benefits to fresh-milled grain! I made a list on a pdf if you’re interested in checking out. The best way to maximize those benefits is to make a multi-grain loaf for yourself and your family. For instance, hard red wheat is highest in selenium (136 mcg per cup). Oats are highest in pantothenic acid (B5) and calcium. Soft white is highest in iron, while hard white is just a smidge higher than oats in zinc. Quinoa (the seed) is the powerhouse because it’s highest in protein, B6, folate, Vitamin E, choline, betaine, magnesium, and potassium.
God’s design and plan for our provision is always uplifting and exciting to me, and you’ll see my joy in the attached video of my bread making day below. I love how Deuteronomy 8:6-10 set up the promise of bounty for the nation of Israel as they are getting ready to enter the promised land. It will go well for them if they obey God’s commandments, just like it goes well for us physically, mentally, and spiritually when we obey.
So, you shall keep the commandments of the Lord your God by walking in his ways and by fearing him. For the Lord your God is bringing you into a good land, a land of brooks of water, of fountains and springs, flowing out in the valleys and hills, a land of wheat and barley, of vines and fig trees and pomegranates, a land of olive trees and honey, a land in which you will eat bread without scarcity, in which you will lack nothing, a land whose stones are iron, and out of whose hills you can dig copper. And you shall eat and be full, and you shall bless the Lord your God for the good land as given you.
I read about Israel’s promises and can’t help but think about our own country’s foundation and Christian principles. We are beyond blessed to be given such good land here in the USA too! A land in which we have eaten without scarcity! It is so exciting to me to see God’s plan for all of His children continually unfolding. He is worthy of praise!
Here are my two favorite fresh-milled grain recipes to snack on as I prepare for my week of worship to our worthy Creator. I pray you find them enjoyable as well! Contact me if you want a workshop in person, at your church, social club, or on zoom! It’s one of my favorite things to do!
Quinoa & Walnut Bread
4 Cups Hard Red Wheat (Fresh Milled)
1 Tbsp. Yeast
1 Tsp Sugar
1.5 Tsp. Salt
1 Cup Quinoa
1 Cup Walnuts (Finely Chopped)
1/3 Cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 1/2 Cups Water (Lukewarm)
1 Egg
Mix 2 cups of fresh-milled flour in a bowl with salt, yeast, and sugar. Add the water, egg, and olive oil and mix well.
Slowly add the 3rd cup of flour, then nuts and quinoa. Begin folding the dough in the bowl with a spatula. Add the 4th cup of flour and continue to fold the flour into the dough until it is all incorporated.
Cover and set in a warm place to rise until double in size (about an hour).
Once it has raised, punch it down and knead on a lightly floured surface about 3-4 minutes. Divide into two loaves and place them in greased loaf pans to let rise again until double.
Bake at 350 degrees for 28-30 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean. Let cool and slice as desired. I store my in the fridge once it is cooled.
Fresh Milled Grain Nutriton Graphic
Quinoa & Chia Tortillas
2 Cups Hard Red Wheat (Fresh-milled)
1 Tsp Salt
1/3 Cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 Tsp Onion Powder
1/2 Cup Quinoa (Precooked)
3 Tbsp. Chia Seeds
1 Cup Hot Water
Preheat skillet on low with no oil.
In a large bowl combine 1 1/2 cups of the flour with salt and onion powder. Add the chia seeds and quinoa.
Then add the water and oil. Combine well and slowly add more flour 1/4 cup at at time until dough is no longer sticky, but soft and pliable. (Usually a total of 2 -2 1/4 cups of flour is used, plus more for dusting. Set aside and let the flour soak up all the liquid for about five minutes.
Once dough has rested, divide the dough into balls and make each one a flat disc shape. Roll out on a lightly floured surface until thin, then place in the ungreased skillet for about a minute on each side. Don't leave them too long, you'll have crackers. They should be soft and pliable.
Continue with each ball that is made, mine made 10 medium sized tortillas, you can make them as small or as large as you like. When they are cooled, I store them in the fridge.
Power Quinoa & Cucumber Salad
Quinoa & Cucumber salad may not sound like a winter dish but in a new year of possibility and hope, it becomes one! You and I get a new start with fresh vegetables, curtesy of our local grocer, making this normally summertime salad possible.
I am thankful for the provision. And also, for my daughters, who inspire me when they share their latest recipe finds. My oldest called me today raving about her shredded brussels sprout salad with cashews.
It sounded delicious, but I don’t have fresh sprouts…just cucumber and onion. Hmm. That sounds doable for a simple salad. But wait, intentional eating is all about balance, I’ll need protein and fiber. Since I love quinoa and its fiber and protein content, it adds heartiness to create this quinoa and cucumber salad.
Quinoa & Cucumber Salad
I’m thinking of tabouleh-type salad but without peppers…adding spicy onion, sweet beets, and cashews. Yum! The Brazil nuts are also on hand so a few of them will go in too. Who says meal prep for one person isn’t possible?
It is! However, if onion is too strong for your taste buds, you might want to substitute a shallot. Don’t forget allium plants provide cancer fighting properties and immune boosting power in the winter flu season (1)
Quinoa & Cucumber Salad
3/4 Cup Precooked Quinoa
1 Tbsp Minced Onion or Shallot
2 Tbsp Finely Chopped Beets
1/2 Cup Cucumber Chopped
1/2 Cup Celery Chopped
1 Tbsp Chopped Cashews
1 Tbsp Chopped Brazil Nuts
1/2 Tsp. Apple Cider Vinegar
1 Tsp. Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1/2 Tsp. Onion Powder
Salt and pepper to taste
Combine the precooked quinoa in a small mixing bowl and add the onion powder. Mix in the chopped cucumber, onion or shallots, beets, celery, and chopped nuts. Season to your taste with salt and pepper. Pour the apple cider vinegar and olive oil onto the vegetable mixture and stir well.
This may be enough to serve two people as a side dish or as your main course for lunch.
Benefits of Quinoa & Cucumber Salad
One serving has a whopping 15 grams of protein, 29 grams of good fat, and 8 grams of fiber, so it’s delicious and filling! To top it off, did you know one serving (the amount in this recipe) of Brazil nuts has 537mcg of Selenium?
Selenium is good trace mineral necessary for balancing hormones, maintaining brain function, removing toxins from the body, and helping protect the heart (2). The generous amount of fiber in this dish balances out the carbs without a rise in blood sugar, while keeping a belly full for hours. You and I never have to worry about feeling deprived when eating from God’s Garden! His thoughtful care and love are displayed in everything He made for us.
For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made.”
Romans 1: 19-20 ESV
High-tech microscopes are now revealing over 8,000 beneficial properties of plants! The miraculous wonder of God’s plan continues to unfold with time. It brings to light his power and divine nature. I pray you are actively taking part in his plan today spiritually and physically.
If you need help don’t hesitate to contact me for a consult! I am here for you! In the meantime, start with this Quinoa & Cucumber Salad and be blessed!
Marefati N, Ghorani V, Shakeri F, Boskabady M, Kianian F, Rezaee R, Boskabady MH. A review of anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and immunomodulatory effects of Allium cepa and its main constituents. Pharm Biol. 2021 Dec;59(1):287-302. doi: 10.1080/13880209.2021.1874028. PMID: 33645419; PMCID: PMC7919894.
“So, they said to each other, ‘Weren’t our hearts ablaze within us while He was talking with us on the road and explaining the Scriptures to us’? Luke 24:32
I love the story in Luke, where the unknown disciples are walking and talking along the road after Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection. On their way to Emmaus, the unidentified Jesus moseys right in among them and joins the conversation. They have no idea who He is or why He doesn’t know what just took place in Jerusalem three days ago. He continues to walk with them as He explains the appearance of Himself throughout the Scriptures.
It is not until evening and Jesus breaks the bread that their eyes are opened to who He really is. They were amazed and exclaimed excitedly, weren’t our hearts ablaze within us while He talked with us on the road, explaining the scriptures? I hope we have that same zeal for God’s word and our hearts are ablaze as He walks with us today!
While your heart is ablaze let your belly be satisfied with all of the polyphenols, antioxidants, magnesium, manganese, vitamin C, and nutrients these easy Quinoa Breakfast Treats Provide!
Enjoy! What’s in the garden is good