Artichoke Stuffed Cabbage Rolls

Although it’s late January, I’m already thinking about planting cabbage. The seeds can be planted now and ready for the ground by St. Patrick’s day. Our usual cold hearty planting time. I’m picturing how nice this cabbage will be paired with other vegetables. I like the idea of artichoke stuffed cabbage rolls. So, in preparation for the planting season, I’ll get to work on that recipe.

In addition to this recipe’s tastiness will be it’s nutritional value. Artichokes are rich in polyphenols, flavonoids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and phytosterols. All amazing wonders in building cells, fighting cancer and sustaining the human body. Paired with cabbage, carrots, mushrooms and onions, this meal is sufficient to make the cells happy!

Since it just would be a shame to only feed my cells, I want to feed my soul too. In a broader sense, we can know the sufficiency of Christ for fulfilling all of our spiritual needs. Paul says to the Philippians, everything he’d gained in life-education, status, good religious family, and zeal for God are all considered a loss because of Christ:

More than that, I also consider everything to be a loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. Because of him I have suffered the loss of all things and consider them filth, so that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own from the law, but one that is through faith in Christ—the righteousness from God based on faith. “
Philippians 3:8-9

Philippians 3 HCSB – Knowing Christ – Finally, my brothers, – Bible Gateway

There you have it! Sufficient food from the garden and surpassing value of Christ as Lord over our souls. What a sweet combination to traverse the rigorous journey of life. I hope you enjoy a little of both today, my friend!

Artichoke Stuffed Cabbage Rolls

  • 1 Head Organic Cabbage
  • 1 6 ounce Jar Artichoke Hearts
  • 2 Carrots chopped
  • 3 Mushrooms Chopped
  • 1 Cup Precooked Quinoa or Multigrain Rice
  • 1/2 Cup Chopped Onion
  • 2 Cloves Minced Garlic
  • 2 Tbsp Organic Extra Virgin Olive OIl
  • 2 ounces Cream Cheese (optional)
  1. Wash and cut the tip off the cabbage. Slice it down the center and place in a large pot. Add 4 cups of water, cover with a lid and bring to a boil, simmer until just tender. Do not overcook. Drain, lightly salt and let cool until able to handle.

    Meanwhile sauté the mushrooms in Olive oil until tender, Add the onions, garlic, and carrots, and precooked quinoa or rice. Drain the jar of artichoke hearts, and rinse if too vinegary. Add that to the skillet until just warmed. Add salt and pepper to taste.

    Add a tablespoon of the vegetable filling to a leaf of cabbage, roll up and place in a 9×13 dish. Continue filling and rolling until all the leaves are used. In the same skillet of the vegetables place another tablespoon of olive oil, add 2-3 ounces of cream cheese and pour over cabbage leaves. Bake at 350 for about 10 minutes or until bubbly.

Look for more ways to cabbage Here. I hope you and your family enjoy these sufficiently sound artichoke stuffed cabbage rolls as much as my family does!

God Bless You! What’s in the garden is good!

Quinoa & Garam Masala Cod

Sometimes, I think I should just call this, “My Simple Life” Blog. I don’t think I ever make anything difficult. This red quinoa & garam masala cod fish takes 30 minutes, max. And if you prepare your Quinoa ahead of time like I do, it’s even less time than that, maybe 15 min.

Aren’t you glad there are so many delicious and easy to prepare meals available that only take a few minutes?

I love that!

I also love, that cod fish provides a good source of vitamins C, E, and B 12. As well as minerals magnesium and potassium. But best of all, cod fish has the heart healthy, joint lubricating, anti-inflammatory benefit of Omega 3. You can check out more facts about Cod all over the web, but I’m a little partial to Organic Facts.

The creamy sauce that goes well with this healthy fish is pretty tasty too!

A combination of 2 tablespoons Full Fat Greek Yogurt and 1 Teaspoon Sabal Oelek chili sauce… it’s delicious!

I hope you like this Quinoa & Garam Masala Cod fish as much as we do!

Quinoa & Garam Masala Cod

Red Quinoa & Garam Masala Cod

  • 1 pound Thawed Cod Fillets
  • 1 teaspoon Garam Masala (more if needed)
  • 1 Tablespoon Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 1 Cup Quinoa (Rinsed and drained)
  • 2 Cups Vegetable Broth
  • 1 Teaspoon No Salt Spice Blend
  • 2 Cups Salad Greens tossed with onion powder (1 tsp olive oil and 1/2 teaspoon apple cider vinegar.
  1. Prepare Quinoa according to package directions with the No salt spice blend. (I like to prepare a whole pan on preparation day and use from that)

    Prepare fish. Toss with the garam masala spice. Then cook according to your preference. Some people use their Air Fryer (that would be nice and quick) I just sauté mine in EVOO for 10 min and it's done. If I have my oven on for something else, then I bake it at 400 for 15-18 min.

    I use 1 Tablespoon of Full Fat Yogurt with a teaspoon of Sambal Chilies for a fish dipping sauce.

    Serve the fish on a bed of Quinoa and the tossed salad greens with homemade dressing.

Remember, What God put in the garden…and the ocean… is good!

While you’re here, check out these Tortilla Recipes!

Sweet Potato & Steak Wraps

Sweet potato and steak wraps are one of those easy to prepare meals that keep you full for hours! I like ideas that make my work week a little less hectic. I’m guessing maybe you do too. Hopefully, these tasty wraps will help you out too.

Therefore, I’m a big fan of cooking the bulk of my meals on one day, then portioning them throughout the week in various ways. I call the one day of cooking my preparation day. The Israelites observed a preparation day when getting ready for their Sabbath rest.

Although, we New Testament believers honor the Lord’s Day instead, we too need that rest day! A day to just rest in Jesus and thank Him for all he does for us.

Jesus says, “Come to me all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

Mathew 11:28-29

So, while these Sweet Potato & Steak wraps feed my belly well, I need something a little deeper to feed my soul. God’s word meets that need. I pray He meets you on the page as well and fills your soul as well!

Sweet Potato & Steak Wraps

  • Cast Iron Skillet or Grill
  • 2 Lean Steaks ((I had Ribeye on hand and trimmed the fat))
  • 4 Cups Mixed Green Salad
  • 1/4 Cup Ranch Dressing
  • 8 Tortilla Shells
  • 2 Baked Sweet Potatoes
  1. Bake your potatoes for one hour at 375. ( I do this on my prep day). Sauté your steak to your desired doneness. Set aside to rest, then slice very thin. Prepare your wraps by placing a tablespoon of dressing on the bottom, loading with mixed greens, then your sliced steak and sliced potatoes. Yum!

Delicious Tortilla recipes to use for your wraps throughout the week can be found HereTortillas 3 Ways:

So, enjoy this iron and protein rich wrap and learn more about the benefits of Beef!

Give Thanks for Mexican Butternut Squash Wraps

Oh give thanks to the Lord; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the peoples!

1 Chronicles 16:8

I give thanks to the Lord for another day to enjoy His goodness! The goodness from this winter squash harvest will last several months stored properly in a cool dry place. We’ll begin with using some left over butternut squash soup to begin making delicious wraps.

Butternut squash wraps can replace any tomato based salsa for people who have chronic reflux disease. Or if they are avoiding nightshade plants.

However, anyone can enjoy these easy squash wraps! Especially if they are having a craving for Mexican food.

Click HERE for Butternut Squash Soup recipe

You’ll also need some Tortilla Shells–Click HERE for recipes!

Mexican Butternut Squash Wraps

  • 1 lb Lean Ground Beef (Chicken or Turkey)
  • 1 small onion
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 4 Cups Fresh Mixed Greens
  • 4 Small Tortilla Shells
  • 1 Cup Leftover Butternut Squash Soup
  • 1 Teaspoon Each coriander, chili powder, paprika
  • 1/2 Cup Monterrey Jack Cheese
  1. Sauté the ground meat with chopped onion, minced garlic and spices. Prepare tortilla shells (heat if necessary in microwave 10 seconds) Spread 1-2 tablespoons of the warmed butternut squash soup on a shell, place 2 tablespoons of the meat mixture over that, then top with a sprinkle of cheese and a cup of greens. Enjoy!

Main Course
butternut squash, wraps

Enjoy these wraps today! And don’t hesitate to call upon the name of our Lord, He loves you so much!

Why are Nightshades a Problem for some people? Nightshades are thought to contribute to inflammation and chronic gastrointestinal permeability. This can result in reflux disease (GERD) in some people. The enzyme solanine is a natural pesticide found in these plants to protect them from disease. This substance may cause inflammation when consumed and contribute to arthritis pain, inflamed blood vessels, and irritates the lining of the gastrointestinal tract. There are no clinical studies on people to support this claim, however some medical personnel are advising patients to try removing them from the diet for a period of time to determine if there is relief of symptoms.

Follow this fibromyalgia link for more information: Fibromyalgia Resources

Kale, Apple, & Beet Salad

“At daybreak, LORD, you hear my voice,
at daybreak I plead my case to you and wait expectantly.”
Psalm 5:3

Daybreak is my favorite time to meet with the Lord in His Word and draw near to Him. There is no better time of the day. Soon after daybreak, I check on the garden…..the kale is looking quite nice! Ready for a lunch date and wellness consult!

Here is the very simple recipe for salad to increase magnesium, manganese, calcium, and vital antioxidants for building your strength. I hope you enjoy this and your lovely day!

Kale and Beet Salad

  • 4 Cups Fresh Kale chopped
  • 1/4 Fresh Beet, shaved over salad
  • 1 Small Apple finely sliced
  • 1/4 Cup Chopped Walnuts or Almonds
  • 1 Dash of Salt

Apple Cider Vinegar Dressing

  • 1 Ounce Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 3 Ounces Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 1 Tablespoon of Honey
  • 1 Dash Pepper

Combine your kale, topped with apples, nuts and shaved beets, cover with dressing and toss.

What’s in the garden is good!

Quinoa Black Bean Chili

“And here is my advice in this matter: Last year you were the first to not only to give but also have the desire to do so.”

2 Corinthians 8: 10

Paul has to continually remind the believers in Corinth to remember the grace of God. He recounts the Macedonian churches who overcame ‘severe trial and extreme poverty but still welled up in rich generosity.’ (2 Cor. 8:12) In comparison to Jesus who left the vast wealth of the Heavenly realm to become the poorest of poor for us (vs.9).

The apostle says the sincerity of our love is tested with the earnestness towards others. I believe that is true. It’s tempting to hold on to our resources and forsake giving, but these people were impoverished and still giving all they had. He doesn’t want us giving out of guilt, but gratitude!

It’s a heart check for all of us!

Here’s my heart for you today: I desire for you to know Jesus, enjoy life, enjoy food, and live gratefully.

I eagerly offer you this delicious Quinoa Black Bean Chili to start your day living in the full grace and love of others; the essence of strengthening our hearts. I know, everyone has there own recipe and this one is not very original, but I used what I had in the cupboard and from the garden at the time to make this, and it turned out pretty good. I hope you enjoy it too!

Here is what you’ll need:

  • 1 LB of Lean Ground Beef (Substitutes: chicken/turkey or 1 cup lentils)
  • 1 Cup Rinsed, Red Quinoa
  • 2 Fresh Ears of Corn, Shucked (sub: 12 ounce bag of frozen)
  • 2 Cans Rinsed Black Beans
  • 6 Large Fresh Diced Tomatoes (this is how you control the salt/if no concern/ substitute 3 cans diced stewed tomatoes)
  • 1 Large Onion Chopped
  • 3 Cloves Garlic, minced
  • 1 Small green pepper Chopped
  • 2 Teaspoons Oregano
  • 1 Teaspoon Organic Chili Powder
  • 1 Teaspoon No Salt Seasoning
  • 1 Teaspoon Pepper
  • 1 Tablespoon Paprika (sounds like a lot, but I don’t add salt, I’m a heart nurse, remember?)
  • 2 Teaspoons Cumin
  • 4 Cups Low Sodium Beef Broth (Sub. Vegetable or Chicken)
  • 4 Cups Water

In a large soup pot, sauté’ the beef with onions, garlic, and peppers until beef is browned and onions are translucent. Drain fat if necessary (mine is lean and this is not necessary). Add the corn, tomatoes, and spices. Add the broth and the water. Bring to a boil, turn it on low and add the quinoa, let simmer a couple of hours until thick and all the flavors meld together.

I hope you enjoy this satisfying Chili with your group today as you excel in all you do for the Lord!