Energy-Boosting Breakfast Brownies

I love spending time with my family, and I can’t think of a better way to spend time than preparing a batch of brownies! These fiber and protein packed breakfast brownies have all the vitamins and minerals in fresh-milled whole grain, too.

I talk often about intentional eating only because I want more energy and a highly functioning body to do God’s work. I want that for you and your children too! Therefore, it’s worth taking 25 minutes out of my busy schedule to teach them how to live, prepare, and enjoy life a little more. It also helps them avoid future chronic disease.

Plus, handing them processed packaged doughnuts and cakes don’t give them the vitamins, minerals, fiber and protein they need to function in school, pay attention, and learn like these brownies will.


Brownies from the Garden? Yes, and All the Benefits too!

Now, I know you’re probably thinking brownies don’t come from the garden. However, cocoa beans come from one of the most plentiful and nutrient rich gardens in the world! They are packed with phytonutrients and minerals and according to a PubMed article they help muscle uptake of glucose for better use. The better our muscles use glucose the better we control our weight. Cocoa also helps neurons in the circulatory system improve thinking and helps boost the mood (1)

Like cocoa, dates also come from tropical areas. Although high in natural sugar and carbs, they contain a good amount of selenium, magnesium, copper, zinc, and complex B vitamins. Not only that, but they are a good source of fiber. Lord knows, we need more fiber to flush out all the toxins and chemicals we are exposed to daily.

You’ll get even more fiber, protein, B vitamins, and vitamin E in the whole grain and oats used in this brownie recipe. Plus the oats are rich in beta-glucan and known for helping to control diabetes and lower cholesterol. (2)

God’s always looking out for you and your family, my friend. Let’s give Him praise for His abundant goodness!


Oh, how abundant is your goodness,

    which you have stored up for those who fear you

and worked for those who take refuge in you,

    in the sight of the children of mankind!

Psalm 31:18-20 ESV – Let the lying lips be mute, which speak – Bible Gateway

You and I can take comfort in knowing we have such a mighty Champion who stores up goodness for us! He is working for us, in us and through us to reach this lost and broken world. Physically and mentally, my friend! What greater peace than to take refuge in Him. Moreover, when we do, we teach our children to do the same.

They can maneuver through this life with the teachings of faithful parents and grandparents, or flounder aimlessly without purpose. Let’s take that added anxiety and frustration away by giving them the hope and confidence of God; while filling their bellies with good food.

Energy-Boosting Breakfast Brownies

  • 1 15 oz Can Black Beans
  • 2 Cups Fresh-Milled Soft Wheat
  • 1 tsp Baking Powder
  • 3 Tbsp. Cocoa Powder
  • 1/2 Tsp Salt
  • 2 Tbsp. Chia Seeds
  • 2 Eggs
  • 2 Tbsp. Ground Flax Seed
  • 1/3 Cup Pureed Dates
  • 1/2 Cup honey ((or sugar))
  • 1/4 Cup Olive Oil
  • 1 Cup Almond Milk
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

  2. Put 6 dates in a 1/4 cup of hot water and soak 5 minutes, then puree them in a blender

  3. Open the beans, rinse and drain them, then puree them in a blender (or mash with a fork)

  4. Fresh mill a cup of wheat berries and a cup of oat berries (or just use 1 cup store bought whole grain flour and 1 cup ground oats)

  5. In a large mixing bowl add the flour, ground flax and chia seed, salt, baking powder, cocoa, and mix well.

  6. Add the pureed beans, dates, eggs, oil, and milk and stir well.

  7. Place the batter in an oiled 9×13 pan and bake for 25-30 minutes or until the toothpick comes out clean.

  8. Let cool completely.

I left out my favorite walnuts in this recipe for kids at church who have nut allergies, but OH! how much better they would be with some walnuts added!

Thank you for stopping by today and checking out this brownie recipe! I look forward to serving you with any recipe ideas I come up with or come across, as well as encouragement from God’s mighty word. If you or your family need further coaching with health issues or chronic disease, contact me for affordable coaching, I am here for you.

Also, if your church wants to do bread workshops or participate in classes, I am available for speaking engagements and retreats for your ladies’ group.


Latif R. Health benefits of cocoa. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2013 Nov;16(6):669-74. doi: 10.1097/MCO.0b013e328365a235. PMID: 24100674.

Sang S, Chu Y. Whole grain oats, more than just a fiber: Role of unique phytochemicals. Mol Nutr Food Res. 2017 Jul;61(7). doi: 10.1002/mnfr.201600715. Epub 2017 Feb 22. PMID: 28067025.

Fall Soup Swap!

Have you ever tried a fall soup swap? It’s easy and so much fun! Especially if you live alone or if there are only one or two of you in the house. After all, an entire pot of soup seems like a lot to eat for one or two people!

But, what if you get a couple of singles on your street to make a pot of soup too? No neighbors? Easy fix, ask your Sunday School class or bible study group. If you’re not doing that either what about co-workers?

The only stipulation is, they have to be CLEAN and good cooks, LOL!

You may think I’m kidding, but I’m not. So, once you’ve selected your lovely group of people, follow these steps:

Simple Steps

  1. Pick your group of four people with whom to exchange a soup. Four is an easy number, you can choose less, but I wouldn’t do more.
  2. Decide what soup each of you will make and what day you will prepare and exchange.
  3. Gather your storage bowls. There are sets of ten in various sizes throughout all retail stores.
  4. Make your soup. I’m giving you plenty of nutritious ideas in the links below.
  5. Gather together with your chosen friends, bring your soup and divide the soup between your bowls.
  6. You’ve successfully participated in a Fall Soup Swap, enjoyed one another, and have enough variety of delicious, and hopefully healthy, portions for the rest of the week!

God bless you and enjoy what he placed in the garden for us to harvest this season!

 “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works,  not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.”

Hebrews 10:24-25

Here are some ideas to get you started!

Simply Wholesome Potato Soup – Strengthen Your Heart (

Harvest Vegetable Soup – Strengthen Your Heart (

Tortilla Soup-Autoimmune Style – Strengthen Your Heart (

Butternut Squash! Amazing! – Strengthen Your Heart (

Butternut Squash Soup

Quinoa Black Bean Chili – Strengthen Your Heart (

What is your favorite soup to share? Leave me a comment and let me know!

Chili Spaghetti Squash

Any time of year is good for chili spaghetti squash. In places that savor their chili over pasta but don’t like the carbs, spaghetti squash makes a nice substitute. Not only is it filling, it provides small amounts of vitamin A & C. As well as minerals, potassium and calcium. Topped with your favorite chili recipe or this Quinoa Black Bean Chili, you’ll be set to enjoy a warm comfortable evening.
While chili spaghetti fills our bodies with food, let’s fill our souls with God’s word. The Psalmist says:

Lord, Your word is forever; it is firmly fixed in heaven.Your faithfulness is for all generations; You established the earth, and it stands firm.They stand today in accordance with your judgements, for all things are your servants. If Your instruction had not been my delight, I would have died in my affliction. I will never forget Your precepts, for You have given me life through them.I am Yours, save me for I have sought Your precepts.

Psalm 119:89-94 HCSB – ל Lamed LORD, Your word is forever; it – Bible Gateway

Don’t you love that God’s word is firmly fixed in heaven? Something we can count on it throughout every generation. Just as the earth stands firm, we can stand firm in God’s faithfulness. Moreover, It is life to us and something we won’t forget. I don’t know about you, but I will delight in that firm foundation, my friends!

Chili Spaghetti Squash

  • 1 Spaghetti Squash
  • 1 lb lean ground beef
  • 1 16 oz Can Black Beans
  • 1 16 oz Jar Salsa
  • 1 small onion, chopped
  • 2 cloves minced garlic
  • 2 teaspoons each chili powder, cumin, oregano
  • 2 cups Beef Broth or Water
  1. Bake the Spaghetti Squash at 350 for one hour on a baking sheet. Set aside until ready to use. When ready to use, cut down the center and scoop out the seeds. Take a fork and pull the meat of the squash apart. It will look like spaghetti noodles. Set aside.

  2. Meanwhile, in a saucepan, heat ground beef, onions and garlic until meat is done. Add the spices, beans, salsa. and broth. Simmer until thick, about 30 minutes. Serve over squash.

Top this chili spaghetti squash with your favorite cheese and enjoy! Remember too, what’s in the garden is good!

My 3 Step Simple Detox & Why It’s Important to Me

Simple detox is a process of giving my body a break! I do this by eliminating potentially harmful substances from my diet for a period of time, usually 3, 5, or 7 days. It’s important to do this once or twice a year to allow my body to heal from the 10% indulgences I enjoy.

Plus, the overexposure of ultra-processed food and things in my environment are causing stiffness and joint pain. Maybe you can relate!

Chemical laden items in packages sold in the grocery store and labeled “food” are filled with preservatives, additives, flavorings, inflammatory oils, salt, and sugar. Even some of my favorite “healthy” items which are good for others, may not be good for me.

I know this, yet I am a creature of habit and I’m still overcoming the culture around me and what it says is OK!

3 step simple detox

Although my body is constantly in detox mode when I consume these items, it’s nice to give it a break between meals by fasting. I can also offer fresh, clean, fruits and vegetables for several days to help it remove wastes more effectively.

In the process I can identify and eliminate food intolerances. So, here is my personal 3 step process for a simple detox.

Simple Detox in 3 Steps

1. Prepare Mentally

Preparing mentally will not only make the process easier, but it will also make the purpose of detoxing clear. Why is this valuable to me at this time?

Praying for guidance is always a priority for me, as well as consulting a health care provider to determine possible personal contraindications.

For instance, if I am very young, or have young children, detox will entail removing all sugar, processed meats, and chips from their eating plan and replace them with all fruits and vegetables. The rest of the eating plan would stay the same.

The same idea works for the elderly. However, pregnant or breast-feeding women are not good candidates for detoxification because stored toxins can be released into the breastmilk and given to the infant. Good thing, I’m not pregnant!

Nor am I taking medications that lower blood sugar or blood pressure, which requires extra caution because both will naturally be lowered as I produce my own nitric oxide and let the body do what God designed it to do!

3 step simple detox

Asking myself some basic questions is helpful too:

  • What do I hope to accomplish with this detoxification process?
  • What reliable resources have I found that will help me do this safely?
  • How will I handle the discomfort of withdrawal?
  • Do I want to purchase a prepared kit from my health care provider or just eat clean and remove toxins?
  • Last, but certainly not least, what scripture can I memorize to help me remember why this is important?

2 Corinthians 10 ESV – Paul Defends His Ministry – I, Paul, – Bible Gateway

2. Plan Sufficiently

Simple detox is doable with some sufficient planning. If my family is not participating, I will have to get some meals prepared ahead of time for them to consume. I need a grocery list of items that support detox, like organic fruits and vegetables, a good water filter, and some herbal teas.

3 step simple detox

Here are some ideas I use to plan sufficiently for the three, five, or seven days:

  • If detoxifying by eliminating processed foods— I Purchase only whole food items at the store
  • I also buy plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds. (No peanuts. . . goodbye 1 jar a week!)
  • Omit dairy (milk, cheese, sour cream, yogurt) eggs, meat, and bread. (Bread, eggs and yogurt are hard for me to give up!)
  • Stock up on quinoa and brown rice.
  • Consider a multivitamin for any possible lack of intake.
  • Drink green tea and herbal teas instead of coffee or soda. (Um, coffee. . . . .the hardest part of all for me!)
  • Pick a day to begin that I can rest and feel bad, because headache and general malaise are common and going to take place with withdrawal.

3. I keep a Journal

Journaling my progress via FB video was helpful in articulating the changes taking place in my body through the 7-day process. It also helps me identify possible food intolerances as well as addictions I need to lay before the Lord.

I normally fast by eating very clean and removing ALL ultra-processed foods–So, organic tortilla chips/coffee/ 72% cacao chips with minimal sugar/ all-natural crunchy peanut butter/homemade kombucha are out!

Friend, if I can just be vulnerable here a minute, I need you to know. . . coffee is such a stronghold for me, I wanted it after every meal, like a smoker wants a cigarette.

KNOWING it leaches vitamins and minerals out of the meal I just ate and vital minerals out of my bones did not stop me from drinking it. . . .many times.

The struggle is real! I need this time of reflection and restoration.

For this detox I purchased the Core Restore 7 Day Detox because it was doctor approved and I wanted the extra support of specific nutrients for detoxification. I was told I could eat all the organic fruit and vegetables as I wanted “as much as I want”.

I’ve felt deprived doing detox before, but the idea of eating as much as I want did not sit well with me. I am prone to excess eating. Therefore, I do expect limitations on the amount of fruit I eat when I detox. Excess fruit spikes blood sugar unnecessarily.

I think about this as day 5 of my detox fell on Mother’s Day and I kept walking past the bowl of grapes and blueberries. . .grabbing a handful with each pass. No wonder there was no weight loss for me personally, when others lost several pounds.

Needless to say, most of my eating pattern did not change. Since, my weight is normal, that was not my intention.

However, the severe stiffness in my joints and creaky ligaments that felt like early rigor Mortis were gone after day 5! I literally felt 10 years younger!

Summary Results of My Simple Detox

I felt so good after this 7-day restoring process, that I continued to omit coffee, bread, peanuts, and yogurt. I believe those three items are the reason I am so stiff and sore most of the time.

The amazing thing that happened is I can now eat peppers and tomatoes again without reflux, when I could not tolerate them before—because of too much acid.

Moreover, the bloating and discomfort after eating is also gone—thanks to no bread or beans, I’m sure! I reintroduced eggs and did not notice a problem. I am also drinking kombucha without any symptoms.

Overall, it was a wonderful experience and I’m happy to move on to the next phase of my restoration with a Fasting Mimicking Plan. So, stay tuned. If you are looking for some clean vegan detox recipes I have plenty on my blog!

I’d be happy to coach you through your doctor supervised program, too! Locally I have one to suggest for best results! Contact me here: Mysty Pfeffer Wellness Coaching – Georgetown, OH (

Zucchini Veggie Burgers & Relish

What do you do when the zucchini is coming on strong? There are two things I like to make: Zucchini veggie burgers and zucchini relish. You will find both recipes in this post today. They are low calorie, low carb, and nutritious!

The interesting thing about large amounts of zucchini is you can reduce the size by salting it well and setting it aside for the water to leach out. Then you take handfuls of it and squeeze out the excess water.

For the relish, I just shred it and add salt, drain it a little in a colander; then add apple cider vinegar, green pepper or banana peppers, onions, and black pepper. If you like a sweet relish, you can add a teaspoon of honey.

All I can say is, it’s a fun time of year to be alive!


Benefits of Zucchini

Zucchini is rich in antioxidants, zeaxanthin, and lutein, which are known for their role in helping to prevent macular degeneration, and cataracts. (1) Both of these carotenoids are thought to improve bone density as well. A study of Korean men and women found improved bone density in the femoral neck, total hip, and overall body with consistent intake of these antioxidants. (2)

You may also be happy to learn, a study in Brazil investigated the nutritional value of zucchini raw verses steamed. They found an increase in the antioxidant availability when the items were steamed. (3) Maybe even more interesting in this study, was how microwaved steaming increased potassium and sodium concentrations. (3).

Maybe that old myth about microwaving is not true after all!

Regardless, of how you prepare your summer squash, whether in these zucchini veggie burgers and relish or placing it in your bread, you will reap some benefits. And that my friend, is exactly what God wants you to do with all the food He provides.

You and I are wise to ditch the ultra-processed, over sugared items offered by manufacturers to make money. We can stick with what God designed to nourish and sustain us from the garden, right?!


 But I have said to you, ‘You shall inherit their land, and I will give it to you to possess, a land flowing with milk and honey.’ I am the Lord your God, who has separated you from the peoples. 

Leviticus 20:24

Leviticus 20:23-25 ESV – And you shall not walk in the customs – Bible Gateway

With all the summer vegetables and fruit bushes overflowing in our back yard right now it’s easy to see His provision.  Each time I go pick another round of cabbage, corn, green beans, potatoes, peppers, onions, Bok choy, and cucumbers I can’t help but praise God for His generosity.

 The joy of it gives me flashbacks to my bible reading, and how Israel celebrated together and offered Firstfruits to God. So, I borrowed some tables and chairs from church last Sunday and invited my family over for a Harvest Feast to help celebrate the goodness God provides.

God promised Israel a” land flowing with milk and honey”. The phrase is mentioned twenty-three times from Exodus to Ezekiel. It indicates a land of abundance, and one scholar points out the milk and the honey occur without sacrifice or death.

She says, “The natural way these resources are produced reflects the divine desire for abundant life in God’s land.” (Schaser, 2018) Jesus said the same thing when he says, “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” (John 10:10)

Let’s talk about it.

Where is the overflow in your life right now and how do you see God in it? I look forward to reading your comments below!

Zucchini Veggie Burgers

  • 3 Cups Zucchini ((Shredded and Post water extraction))
  • 1/4 Cup Minced Onion
  • 1 Clove Minced Garlic
  • 2 Sprigs Fresh Oregano (or 1/2 teaspoon dried)
  • 2 Sprigs Fresh Lemon Thyme (1/2 teaspoon dried)
  • 1 Large Egg
  • 2 Tbsp Flour ((Almond, Arrowroot, or whole wheat is fine))
  • 1 Tbsp Hemp Seed Hearts ((optional its for added nutrients and protein))
  • 8 Tsp Sesame Seeds
  • 1 Tsp Butter, Ghee, Avocado oil of your choice (Seriously, in my Greenpan I don't need more than this amount.)
  • salt and pepper to taste
  1. Place your shredded zucchini in a bowl (It really depends on the size of your zucchini. Here in the Midwest when we don't see one, it gets really big overnight. So I used 3 medium sized zucchini for this recipe, see the picture above.

  2. Add 1 teaspoon of salt and set it aside for at least 15 minutes to pull the water out of the squash. Once it has set several minutes, grab handfuls and squeeze out the excess water. Place it in a separate bowl.

  3. Add the remaining chopped vegetables, herbs, spices, hemp seeds, egg, and flour. NOT the sesame seeds.

  4. Form your patties the size you like as you are heating your skillet on low (3 -4) Once they are formed sprinkle a teaspoon of sesame seeds on each side.

  5. Put your oil in the skillet and spread it around with a spatula.

  6. Place your patties on the skillet to sauté until browned on each side, about 4-5 minutes. Flip them over and cook another 4-5 minutes.

  7. Once they are done, set them aside on a plate. You can serve this as a side dish, or use them for "buns" like I did. I put sauteed mushrooms and onions with a small slice of mozzarella on it and topped it with microgreens, baby spring mix, and tzatziki sauce. Yum!

I hope you enjoy the Zucchini Veggie Burgers as much as I did! The relish recipe is below if you still have extras in the garden and you need some ways to preserve it. There are other recipes on the blog for zucchini so feel free to check them out too!

Zucchini Relish

  • 2 zucchini (shredded)
  • 1/2 onion (minced)
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 medium Pepper (green, yellow, banana, or jalapeno.. . .your choice).
  • 1 ear corn (optional)
  • 1 tsp parsley
  • 2 tsp apple cider vinegar
  1. Add salt to the shredded zucchini, place in a strainer to drain some of the water.

  2. Then place the zucchini in a bowl with the minced onion, peppers, spices, vinegar and seasoning.

  3. Store it in a bowl or jar and store in the fridge. It tastes best when it sits overnight, and it can be stored in the fridge for at least a week.

Enjoy your summer garden, my friend! There is no greater joy than celebrating God’s goodness from the garden with family and friends, knowing Jesus paid the price for our sin and salvation! Talk about land of milk and honey! We are in it, for sure!

Have a great day!


Abdel-Aal el-SM, Akhtar H, Zaheer K, Ali R. Dietary sources of lutein and zeaxanthin carotenoids and their role in eye health. Nutrients. 2013 Apr 9;5(4):1169-85. doi: 10.3390/nu5041169. PMID: 23571649; PMCID: PMC3705341.

Regu GM, Kim H, Kim YJ, Paek JE, Lee G, Chang N, Kwon O. Association between Dietary Carotenoid Intake and Bone Mineral Density in Korean Adults Aged 30-75 Years Using Data from the Fourth and Fifth Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (2008-2011). Nutrients. 2017 Sep 16;9(9):1025. doi: 10.3390/nu9091025. PMID: 28926945; PMCID: PMC5622785.

de Castro NT, de Alencar ER, Zandonadi RP, Han H, Raposo A, Ariza-Montes A, Araya-Castillo L, Botelho RBA. Influence of Cooking Method on the Nutritional Quality of Organic and Conventional Brazilian Vegetables: A Study on Sodium, Potassium, and Carotenoids. Foods. 2021 Jul 31;10(8):1782. doi: 10.3390/foods10081782. PMID: 34441559; PMCID: PMC8391696.

10 Evidenced-Based Reasons to Drink Kombucha

The origins of Kombucha date back to China in 220 B.C. So, for at least two thousand years the drink has been used as natural medicine in cultures around the world. For me, it has been a delicious, naturally carbonated drink to enjoy while helping heal my gut!

Although there have been many case studies and testimonies like mine regarding the use of Kombucha as a beneficial fermented drink, it’s hard to find evidence-based studies. So, my mission today is to read and relay to you what has been discovered in studies and draw conclusions for possible benefit rather than offer scientific proof.

If you haven’t heard about it yet, Kombucha is a nonalcoholic, fermented tea that contains a symbiotic culture of mycobacterium and yeast (SCOBY). People use black tea, green tea, or rooibos tea to make Kombucha. I kept asking my friend for starter several years ago and she kept telling me, “It’s not ready yet”. So, I ordered a starter from the internet, and it contained the tea and “SCOBY”.

Clarifying Confusion

I followed all the directions and joined a Facebook group to learn the process and ask questions. They were awesome helpers in this process and very knowledgeable! Although many articles call the slimy thick covering over the tea the SCOBY, this administrator informed me it is actually a “pellicle”, a byproduct of the bacteria consuming the sugar, and not necessary to produce Kombucha. In my reading of various studies, the pellicle is still regarded by some as a SCOBY and tested positive for microbial growth; although not nearly as much as the brew itself.

Whatever you call it, SCOBY/Pellicle, just know it does speed the fermentation process and make the brew stronger. But it’s not necessary to make a new batch of Kombucha.

I found I did not like the stronger brew and began leaving it out each week and just using the tea. My Kombucha tasted less yeasty and more pleasant. If you begin the process, you will adjust your brew to your tastes too. More importantly, you’ll like what science has to say about its contents.

The Pangenomics Group, School of Science, in Melbourne, Australia is one of the sources used in this article for the “general” mycobacterial content of Kombucha. Their samples were obtained from The Good Brew Kombucha Company, which produces kombucha from 75% green tea and 25% oolong tea. The amount was supplied in 330 mL glass bottles and kept refrigerated at 39 degrees Fahrenheit, which is how they are sold commercially.

10 Evidenced Based Reasons to Drink Kombucha

  1. Kombucha contains 3.3 mg of protein per milliliter. (1) Say what?! I had no idea about its protein content before I read this article. This is good news for people who don’t eat meat, are not big eaters in general, or who have difficulty digesting beans. It is also helpful for people looking for other sources of protein when they have slowed gastric emptying like gastroparesis, since they don’t have the fully functioning stomach enzymes to properly digest protein. They don’t have to, the bacteria apparently did it and produced it for them.
  2. Kombucha is low in sugar— Now be aware the amount of sugar varies with the brand you choose, so read your labels! Moreover, be cautious of the amount of sugar you add to the second fermentation when you make it yourself. Generally, if you follow the directions on your chart for making Kombucha, the sugar content should be consumed by the bacteria. I use 3/4 cup of sugar to 1 gallon of green tea in my first fermentation and 1 tablespoon for the second fermentation to keep the sugar content low. The batch tested from Good Brew had the following: glucose: 1.87 g/L; sucrose 1.11 g/L; fructose: 0.05 g/L (1) I use that as a “general” reference since I don’t send mine off to a laboratory for analysis.
  3. Kombucha is High in Polyphenols—It has approximately 290mg in 100ml of tea. “There is substantial epidemiological evidence that a diet high in polyphenol-rich beverages protects against developing cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. (2) The gut bacteria play a crucial role in absorbing and metabolizing polyphenols; you’ll learn more about those critters in my next point. But for now, just understand polyphenols, in many interventional and epidemiological studies, show protection against chronic diseases like high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and they help with energy metabolism (2). The rich polyphenols in green tea are of great interest for drug discovery and widely known for their hypocholesteremic, antibiotic, anticarcinogen and hypoglycemic properties {2}
  4. Kombucha contains a Diverse number of Probiotics–There were 198 species of probiotics (Good gut microbes) found in the Good Brew sample. Again, a generalization, but still a logical guideline of hope for brews grown in home production, or through commercial consumption. More importantly, the acidity of Kombucha is very high at 3:00 very close to the acidity of the stomach. Yes, that’s a good thing! God knew what he was doing! We need that acid to digest protein components in our food! But He also lined our stomach with protective mucous so the acid would not eat a whole in our intestinal tract. The bacteria also survive and thrive in this acidic environment, therefore helping to place colonies throughout the intestine.
    Interestingly enough, in a study of Turkish Kombucha, the bacterial diversity was higher in the brew than in the biofilm (or pellicle as mentioned above) with a peak on the seventh day of fermentation. The biochemical properties changed as the fermentation progressed. The beneficial properties of the beverage such as the radical scavenging ability increased significantly with a maximum increase at day 7 in this study [3]
  5. The good bacteria and Yeast in Kombucha destroy pathogenic bacteria and yeast Although this is information occurred in a laboratory and in vitro (in test tubes), it’s still pretty impressive! The battle of the bacteria and yeast progresses as each are identified days 3 and 7, as they are counted under powerful microscopes! Home batches obtained in Egypt and Saudi Arabia showed Staphylococcus Aureus and E. Coli were the most susceptible to our SCOBY friends, while showing good antifungal activity against A. flavus and A. Niger (strains of harmful yeast). [4] So, if you’ve been afraid of trying Kombucha because of yeast overgrowth, fear no more. Pathogenic bacteria steadily declined in the presence of Kombucha probiotics. It is thought, the production of acetic acid from the SCOBY is responsible for pathogen decline. [4]
  6. Kombucha reverses Type 2 Diabetes in Rat Experiment—A food engineering and biotechnology institute in China induced Type2 DM in rats then treated them with Kombucha. It is thought the development of Type 2 DM occurs through gut microbiome imbalance (as discussed in point 5). The development of T2DM is thought to progress through three pathways, including the short-chain fatty acid pathway, endotoxin pathway and bile acid pathway [5] Four weeks of kombucha intervention increased the abundance of short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) producing bacteria and reducing gram-negative bacteria. The improvement in gut microbiota reduced the damage to the intestinal barrier, hence reducing the displacement of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and stopping inflammation and insulin resistance in the rats.
    In addition, the increased levels of SCFAs also improved islet B cell function by promoting secretion of gastrointestinal hormones GLP-1/PYY. GLP-1 is the hormone that tells your brain you are full and slows stomach emptying of food to the intestine. PYY is a peptide to slow digestion and give you a sense of satiety also.
    It’s funny how all of these things occur in the gut to help us heal. I met a lady at my AZURE standard drop and she told me giving her elderly mother a small amount of kombucha each day helped lower her blood sugars. They continued to improve to the point of removing all of her medication. I know this is just a case study, but in light of the rat study, it’s worth investigating further.
  7. Kombucha and reduced damage of heavy metal toxicity–Another study done in India on rats induced with lead poisoning, researchers observed DNA fragmentation and lipid peroxidation. In lipid peroxidation free radicals steal electrons from lipids in the cell membranes resulting in cell damage. When the rats were given kombucha to drink, there was reduced lipid peroxidation and DNA damage. Since lipid damage is implicated in many vascular diseases, this explains why Kombucha can be a therapeutic agent in helping decrease inflammation.
  8. Kombucha helped a cancer drug lower cancer activity—-Scientist combined kombucha with doxorubicin and found that it increased anticancer activity in test tubes. [7] In addition to supporting the detoxification of the liver in rats, consumption of Kombucha is also known to help excrete heavy metal substances and environmental pollutants from the human body through the kidneys. [
  9. The probiotics in Kombucha produce glucuronic acid. Glucuronic acid helps the liver detoxify certain drugs like alcohol, morphine, steroids, benzodiazepines, Tylenol, and NSAIDs in vitro. So, if you’re looking for a good detoxification drink, look no further. Glucuronic acid is also thought to help with the metabolism of steroid hormones and aldosterone. [8]
  10. Kombucha has a respectable amount of B vitamins and Vitamin C. A generalized amount of B and C vitamins in Kombucha help build the immune system, provided energy, and fight infection and cancer. Combined with the high amount of polyphenols, it’s no wonder it has been effective in destroy even H. pylori! [8]. The general concentration of vitamins in Kombucha per Villarreal‐Soto and associates from Univ. de Toulouse were as follows:
Villarreal‐Soto and associates
from Univ. de Toulouse, France [9]
Vitamin B1 0.74 mg/mL 70 g/L 15
Vitamin B2 8 mg/100 mL 70 g/L 10
Vitamin B6 0.52 mg/mL 70 g/L 15
Vitamin B12 0.84 mg/mL 70 g/L 15
Vitamin C 25 mg/L 70 g/L 10

I hope you have enjoyed reading the 10 Evidenced-based reasons to drink Kombucha. As you can see, there is exciting research in the area of kombucha brewing and its benefits!

One last point, the temperature of the room does affect growth and fermentation rates of the brew. So, I do keep my room between 68 and 78 degrees. When it’s too hot is speeds up fermentation and yeast production and when it’s too cold it slows it down. Also, I am very careful to clean everything, so it does not get contaminated with mold.

I am happy to share my video of Kombucha making with you to see how I make my weekly batch. I pray you have a good week and stay healthy eating what God puts in the garden!

God Bless!


  1. Kaashyap M, Cohen M, Mantri N. Microbial Diversity and Characteristics of Kombucha as Revealed by Metagenomic and Physicochemical Analysis. Nutrients. 2021;13(12):4446. Published 2021 Dec 13. doi:10.3390/nu13124446
  2. Williamson G. The role of polyphenols in modern nutrition. Nutr Bull. 2017 Sep;42(3):226-235. doi: 10.1111/nbu.12278. Epub 2017 Aug 15. PMID: 28983192; PMCID: PMC5601283.
  3. Arıkan, M., Mitchell, A. L., Finn, R. D., & Gürel, F. (2020). Microbial composition of Kombucha determined using amplicon sequencing and shotgun metagenomics. Journal of food science85(2), 455–464.
  4. Al-Mohammadi, A. R., Ismaiel, A. A., Ibrahim, R. A., Moustafa, A. H., Abou Zeid, A., & Enan, G. (2021). Chemical Constitution and Antimicrobial Activity of Kombucha Fermented Beverage. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland)26(16), 5026.
  5. Xu, S., Wang, Y., Wang, J., & Geng, W. (2022). Kombucha Reduces Hyperglycemia in Type 2 Diabetes of Mice by Regulating Gut Microbiota and Its Metabolites. Foods (Basel, Switzerland)11(5), 754.
  6. Dipti P, Yogesh B, Kain AK, Pauline T, Anju B, Sairam M, Singh B, Mongia SS, Kumar GI, Selvamurthy W. Lead induced oxidative stress: beneficial effects of Kombucha tea. Biomed Environ Sci. 2003 Sep;16(3):276-82. PMID: 14631833.
  7. Rasouli L, Aryaeian N, Gorjian M, Nourbakhsh M, Amiri F. Evaluation of cytotoxicity and anticancer activity of kombucha and doxorubicin combination therapy on colorectal cancer cell line HCT-116. J Educ Health Promot. 2021 Oct 29;10:376. doi: 10.4103/jehp.jehp_1456_20. PMID: 34912912; PMCID: PMC8641728.
  8. Mousavi, S. M., Hashemi, S. A., Zarei, M., Gholami, A., Lai, C. W., Chiang, W. H., Omidifar, N., Bahrani, S., & Mazraedoost, S. (2020). Recent Progress in Chemical Composition, Production, and Pharmaceutical Effects of Kombucha Beverage: A Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine : eCAM2020, 4397543.
  9. Villarreal‐Soto S. A., Beaufort S., Bouajila J., Souchard J.-P., Taillandier P. Understanding kombucha tea fermentation: a review. Journal of Food Science. 2018;83(3):580–588.

Chakravorty S, Bhattacharya S, Chatzinotas A, Chakraborty W, Bhattacharya D, Gachhui R. Kombucha tea fermentation: Microbial and biochemical dynamics. Int J Food Microbiol. 2016 Mar 2;220:63-72. doi: 10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2015.12.015. Epub 2016 Jan 7. PMID: 26796581.

Sustaining & Easy Salad Ideas

I have to admit right off the bat, I never look for salad recipes. Therefore, I don’t expect anyone else to do that either. So, when a lady requested some salad recipes, I realized what I take for granted in my daily regimen is not the same for everyone. Therefore, if you are looking for a fresh take and full impact for staying full, you’re in the right place. Sustaining and easy salad ideas are here for your enjoyment!

Breakfast Salad and Eggs

Now, don’t be put off by the thought of salad first thing in the morning. It is delicious! The firs thing to do is get that image of iceberg lettuce out of your head and think about lucious spinach, arugula, and beet greens found in an organic 50/50 blend of greens.

The benefit is a good start to your day of magnesium, manganese, potassium, vitamin E, protein, and antioxidants to get you through your morning without feeling hungry or deprived. Here is how simple it is:

  1. Gather 2 cups of salad greens on a plate or shallow bowl, sprinkle with some onion powder, drizzle a capful of organic extra virgin olive oil over it plus a capful of apple cider vinegar, and set aside.
  2. Prepare two free range eggs according to your preference: soft, medium, hard cooked over 1 tsp of organic extra virgin olive oil. In the same skillet add 1 tablespoon of sunflower seeds and 1 tablespoon of pumpkin seeds, until just toasted.
  3. Place the eggs and seeds over your greens and enjoy!

Prebiotic and Probiotic Loaded Salad Fix

Another sustaining and easy salad idea comes from the same salad mix of 50/50 blend or this salad. It is a perfect blend of flavor and nutrition: Here’s what you add:

  1. 1 cup finely chopped broccoli
  2. 1 cup finely chopped carrots
  3. 1/2 cup cucumbers
  4. 1/4 cup finely sliced beets
  5. 1/4 cup each blueberries and blackberries
  6. If you prefer you can add 3 ounces of your favorite meat (chicken breast, fish, steak) or 1/2 cup garbanzo beans.

For your dressing Mix 1/4 cup full fat plain Greek Yogurt with 1 tsp onion powder, 1/2 tsp black pepper, 1/2 teaspoon oregano, and a tablespoon of fresh parsley and lemon balm. It’s better with minced, juicy tablespoon of onion (but if you’re in a hurry use the onion powder).

God’s Word Sustains Us Too!

The Lord sustains him on his sickbed; in his illness you restore him to full health.

Psalm 41 ESV – O LORD, Be Gracious to Me – To the – Bible Gateway

The Lord does sustain us in our times of sickness and restores us to full health. Moreover, this is not just physical, but also spiritual and mental. I need Him to sustain me every day, His word provides the encouragement I need to overcome mental attacks and his garden provides all the nutrients to fight against environmental attacks.

Take advantage of these sustaining and easy salad ideas today, my friend, because what’s in God’s garden is so good!