Week 8 for the STRENGTH Approach to Christian Wellness is H = Hold onto the Holy Spirit as He Guides You in the Change Process.

Well, if you’re reading this today you made it to week 8 of the STRENGTH Approach to Christian Wellness with me! H stands for hold onto the Holy Spirit as He guides you in the change process!  I don’t know about you, but I find myself failing daily and hanging onto the promises of scripture as my Helper and Counselor guides me.

He reminds me gently in my spirit to think twice, be softer in my words, love like the Father and the Son love, and show grace. The more I fill my mind with God’s Word, the easier it is to submit my will to Him. I hang onto the Holy Spirit as those times of heated emotion emerge too. In the bible, I learn:

 “My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart my portion forever”

Psalm 73:26

The helpful words found in His life-giving book are just what I need when dealing with areas of strong emotion and habitual behavior. Especially when the temptation to lash out, allow fear to take over, or lose self-control when eating is present and persistent.

Scripture memory is so vital in this process because the Living God is speaking to me through His living Word!

““For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.”

Hebrews 4:12

God, in the form of his Holy Spirit, is for me and you and not against us! He wants each of us to be whole in mind and body so we can live the abundant life Jesus calls us to live. I love how John Owen describes the Holy Spirit in a compilation of his work titled, “The Holy Spirit, His Gifts and Power”, he says:

“So, it is said of God, ‘God is a Spirit’ (John 4:24) his is a pure, spiritual, immaterial nature; not confined to a place, nor regarding one more than another in his worship. The reference of the Third Person of the trinity, as ascribed to him, declares his special manner and order of existence; so that wherever the Holy Spirit is mentioned, his relation to the Father and Son is included, for he is the Spirit of God. Herein there is an allusion to the breath of man; for as the vital breath of man has a continual emanation from him, and yet is never so utterly separated from his person, as to forsake him, so the Spirit of the Father and the Son proceeded from them by a continual divine emanation, still abiding with them.”

(Christian Heritage Imprint, 2004)

On a personal and spiritual level, as a believer and follower of the Lord Jesus, I take this to mean that the Holy Spirit is as much a part of me as my own breath.

Also, when I think of all the times I try to breathe in anxious moments, rising tempers, during exertion and activities, or when raising my voice to be heard among screaming kids….I NEED MORE of it.

Therefore, the same is true of the Holy Spirit, I need more of Him in those same moments.

So, how do you and I hold onto the Holy Spirit in these situations?

  1. We take a super deep breath as we say, “Lord God, please take every thought captive to obey Christ (2 Cor. 10:5)
  2.  We hold tightly to the apostle Paul’s teaching before taking every thought captive: He says, “For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. That divine power is Jesus’ extended presence in the Holy Spirt. We understand we have no power, but God in us, DOES have great power!
  3. Recognize the event causing turmoil and breathe through the emotions it evokes. At the same time accept the presence of the Holy Spirit with confidence and submit to Him the emotions, while processing the situation, being very specific in prayer as to what you need help doing as related to the following:
  • Controlling Fear/Anxiety/Anger/Depression
  • Battling the temptation to gossip/complain/criticize/argue with others
  • Overcome hurtful words, disrespect, sadness of a fallen world, laziness, or apathy
  • Honor the body (the tent of the Holy Spirit) by resisting addictive substances of sugar, alcohol, tobacco products, processed foods, or the temptation to overeat. Ask for the power to resist things that are harmful to the body instead of restorative.

A couple of examples of this from my daily failings are as follows. First, the chances of me seeing a deer on the side of the road as I start my commute are good, since I’ve hit nine of them in ten years. So, instead of succumbing to worries that escalate my heart rate or cause me to grip the wheel tightly in anticipation, I begin proactively praying. Before I get into my car I pray, “Lord Jesus, I ask for your angels to guard my path, my car, my life and the lives of others from destruction as I drive this car today.”

Second, I’m prideful and I’ve been around a few years, so most of the time I think I’m right. It is, therefore, a daily battle to humble myself, submit my mind and thoughts to Jesus, and think of others more than myself.  I start my day with, “Lord, please give me a pure heart and a steadfast Spirit, forgive me for______, and help me put You and others before myself and my desires.

The bottom line to holding onto the Holy Spirit as He guides you and I daily is trusting His  power to change us. We can face irrational thoughts or behaviors coming in swiftly, with intentionality. As we breathe and pray for help with emotions, we recognize our usual unhealthy coping measures full force and say stop. I’m not that person anymore. Yes, I have a weakness, but I am facing it and drawing upon God’s power to behave honorably. He loves me and works all things for my good (Romans 8:28).

In conclusion, I hope this eight-week series to the STRENGTH Approach to Christian Wellness has been helpful for you. I know it has been a good exploration for me mentally, physically, and spiritually. Therefore, I plan to develop it further as a resource for my clients. Please leave me a comment if you are interested in this resource, or if you would like to talk more about wellness. Take care, and God bless you.



Owen, John, The Holy Spirit His Gifs and Power, Christian Heritage Imprint (2004) Christian Focus Publications, Geanies House, Fearn, Tain, Ross-shire, IV20 1TW, Scotland, UK

The STRENGTH Approach to Christian Wellness

Mysty Pfeffer, RN BSN, Certified Health Coach

The STRENGTH approach to Christian Wellness places Christ in the center of the mind, will, and emotions. God’s Word is the lens through which we view our world, our relationships, and our bodies. Therefore, as we receive his divinely inspired Word, it changes our mind will, and emotions from an inward, self-seeking focus to a God-focus.

When you and I gladly submit our lives to a wiser, loving Father, we see more clearly, His plans are for our good and His glory. Also, when we learn the value of intentional eating, we’ll begin to appreciate the tender heart of our loving Father. He provides everything we need to sustain us.

In this eight-week series, I hope to present the STRENTH approach to you and walk with you if you are interested in getting out of a rut. The senseless cycle of feeling dejected and like a failure because change is so intimidating.

Lifestyle choices are so habitual, developing new ways of thinking takes courage and support. Getting to a place of confidence may require outside help because we don’t always receive the foundational reinforcement from those we care about the most.

There is good news!

I offer a 30-minute free consultation via zoom to help support you and get you started. If you need more coaching assistance, we can discuss further appointments.

By subscribing to this website, you will receive a weekly newsletter with the latest posts of encouragement and recipes to help you incorporate the STRENGTH approach every day.

Below is an explanation of what STRENGTH stands for and what to expect in the coming weeks. I am so excited to start this journey with you!

Strength Approach
The STRENGTH Approach to Christian Wellness

You and I don’t’ need a new year to begin a new way of living in victory, it can begin any day! Below is a brief description of the process. We can cover each step in more detail each week as we will have a fully prepared agenda!

Strategies for Change

Strategies begin with small steps that lead to big changes. The first strategy is to pray for more of God and less of self. A focus on self will always find discontent because it is on wants instead of needs. Second, we’ll pray about what God is calling us to change in our lives. It may be in an area of relationship in the workplace, church, or home. Or it may be the failure to grow in faith due to fear/anger/anxiety in a toxic culture.

Tastes that Satisfy

Tastes are powerful motivators and distractors! Did you know our taste buds replenish themselves every ten days? New cells can develop new tastes as we begin to learn the value of intentional eating and why God’s Garden is so Good.

Receive benefits of God’s provision

In scripture and the garden God provides a healing plan to restore and repair cells. Mind, body, and spirit are renewed when we walk with him daily. You and I can explore filling our minds with promise, purpose, and strength.

Engage family and friends for support.

Although it would be nice, we truly cannot do these things alone. How many times have we started a new plan and someone close to us unwittingly tempts us to take three steps back?  We’ll learn how to confront and command respect for our choices… in a nice way! They may even want to join us!

Never give up hope.

We’ll number the days of relying on ourselves to do everything and focus on needs and not wants. Numbering the days of reliance on comfort food, material items, gossip or whatever is holding us back will bring new life to the hope within us.

Grace to self for times of weakness.

Let’s face it we all have setbacks, obstacles, and moments of weakness. Grace doesn’t condemn but realizes change is a process. Victory comes in permanent lifestyle habits that build a stronger mind and body. But it doesn’t always happen in one or two weeks. It takes repeated failures to learn and grow.

See, more good news! We’ll learn to look at failure in a whole new light!

Thank God for His faithfulness as we actively express our gratitude.

God loves us despite our continually turning to the things of this world to satisfy our longings. We can tell him in prayer our deep desires, and our struggles. Thankfulness and actively showing gratitude in our communities will fill us with assurance. God listens and understands, as he stands beside us along the way.

Hold onto the Holy Spirit as He Guides Us in Change.

Scripture memory is so helpful in this area, especially when temptation is present and persistent. He is for us and not against us! He wants our mind and body to live the abundant life Jesus calls us to live.

There! We now have the eight-step process to make lifelong change. Does this sound like a plan?

Stay tuned for the next eight weeks as we break down the eight steps of this plan to help us get started on a cleaner, clearer, healthier, way of living.

Maybe we can keep Psalm 73:26 in mind today as we begin this new journey–

My flesh and my heart may fail,

    but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

I look forward to walking alongside you on your STRENGTH journey! Be sure to let me know how I can better serve you in the coming weeks as we begin.

Workplace Wellness

Workplace Wellness

RN Health & Wellness Coach

Workplace Wellness reaches employees with significant health care expenditures and absenteeism rates, including:

  • Pregnancy, prenatal, and post-partum
  • Employees with children
  • Aging workforce

The program is:

  • Interactive, engaging, and effective
  • Affordable

Learn More

RN Health & Wellness Coach

Health Coaching for Employees

I review biometrics and assess lifestyle factors that increase health risks. 

Together, we identify and address contributing factors that play a role in daily choices.

We’ll find personal solutions to help the employee manage stress, family dynamics, eating habits, sleep patterns, activity levels, and overall satisfaction with life. 

Learn More

Health Coaching for Pregnancy

Workshops for Pregnancy Resource Centers, as well as individual & group coaching sessions are available. They may be scheduled In-Person and Online.

I utilize the Dr. Sears L.E.A.N. Expectations Program– a scientifically based program focusing on lifestyle, exercise, attitude, & nutrition for women who want to become pregnant, are already pregnant, or post-pregnancy.


Turn pregnancy into a healthy new beginning

  • Stages of pregnancy
  • Healthy Lifestyle choices
  • Safe and effective excercise


Experiencing optimal nutrition during pregnancy and beyond

  • Nutrition during pregnancy
  • Choosing quality foods
  • Healthy weight gain


Making a smooth transition from pregnancy to motherhood

  • Postpartum nutrition and excercise
  • Nutrition while breastfeeding
  • New mom care

Click here

Lasting change, starts with a journey

Aging Workforce

  • Optional Faith-Based Holistic approach to Wellness
  • Classes on prediabetes, diabetes, fatty liver
  • General Wellness and Nutritional information
  • Mentorship in developing an employee-Focused Wellness Plan (in person or on zoom)
  • Motivate individuals to try healthy options
  • Educate and support emloyees in sustaining healthy lifestyle changes

Click here

My 3 Step Simple Detox & Why It’s Important to Me

Simple detox is a process of giving my body a break! I do this by eliminating potentially harmful substances from my diet for a period of time, usually 3, 5, or 7 days. It’s important to do this once or twice a year to allow my body to heal from the 10% indulgences I enjoy.

Plus, the overexposure of ultra-processed food and things in my environment are causing stiffness and joint pain. Maybe you can relate!

Chemical laden items in packages sold in the grocery store and labeled “food” are filled with preservatives, additives, flavorings, inflammatory oils, salt, and sugar. Even some of my favorite “healthy” items which are good for others, may not be good for me.

I know this, yet I am a creature of habit and I’m still overcoming the culture around me and what it says is OK!

3 step simple detox

Although my body is constantly in detox mode when I consume these items, it’s nice to give it a break between meals by fasting. I can also offer fresh, clean, fruits and vegetables for several days to help it remove wastes more effectively.

In the process I can identify and eliminate food intolerances. So, here is my personal 3 step process for a simple detox.

Simple Detox in 3 Steps

1. Prepare Mentally

Preparing mentally will not only make the process easier, but it will also make the purpose of detoxing clear. Why is this valuable to me at this time?

Praying for guidance is always a priority for me, as well as consulting a health care provider to determine possible personal contraindications.

For instance, if I am very young, or have young children, detox will entail removing all sugar, processed meats, and chips from their eating plan and replace them with all fruits and vegetables. The rest of the eating plan would stay the same.

The same idea works for the elderly. However, pregnant or breast-feeding women are not good candidates for detoxification because stored toxins can be released into the breastmilk and given to the infant. Good thing, I’m not pregnant!

Nor am I taking medications that lower blood sugar or blood pressure, which requires extra caution because both will naturally be lowered as I produce my own nitric oxide and let the body do what God designed it to do!

3 step simple detox

Asking myself some basic questions is helpful too:

  • What do I hope to accomplish with this detoxification process?
  • What reliable resources have I found that will help me do this safely?
  • How will I handle the discomfort of withdrawal?
  • Do I want to purchase a prepared kit from my health care provider or just eat clean and remove toxins?
  • Last, but certainly not least, what scripture can I memorize to help me remember why this is important?

2 Corinthians 10 ESV – Paul Defends His Ministry – I, Paul, – Bible Gateway

2. Plan Sufficiently

Simple detox is doable with some sufficient planning. If my family is not participating, I will have to get some meals prepared ahead of time for them to consume. I need a grocery list of items that support detox, like organic fruits and vegetables, a good water filter, and some herbal teas.

3 step simple detox

Here are some ideas I use to plan sufficiently for the three, five, or seven days:

  • If detoxifying by eliminating processed foods— I Purchase only whole food items at the store
  • I also buy plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds. (No peanuts. . . goodbye 1 jar a week!)
  • Omit dairy (milk, cheese, sour cream, yogurt) eggs, meat, and bread. (Bread, eggs and yogurt are hard for me to give up!)
  • Stock up on quinoa and brown rice.
  • Consider a multivitamin for any possible lack of intake.
  • Drink green tea and herbal teas instead of coffee or soda. (Um, coffee. . . . .the hardest part of all for me!)
  • Pick a day to begin that I can rest and feel bad, because headache and general malaise are common and going to take place with withdrawal.

3. I keep a Journal

Journaling my progress via FB video was helpful in articulating the changes taking place in my body through the 7-day process. It also helps me identify possible food intolerances as well as addictions I need to lay before the Lord.

I normally fast by eating very clean and removing ALL ultra-processed foods–So, organic tortilla chips/coffee/ 72% cacao chips with minimal sugar/ all-natural crunchy peanut butter/homemade kombucha are out!

Friend, if I can just be vulnerable here a minute, I need you to know. . . coffee is such a stronghold for me, I wanted it after every meal, like a smoker wants a cigarette.

KNOWING it leaches vitamins and minerals out of the meal I just ate and vital minerals out of my bones did not stop me from drinking it. . . .many times.

The struggle is real! I need this time of reflection and restoration.

For this detox I purchased the Core Restore 7 Day Detox because it was doctor approved and I wanted the extra support of specific nutrients for detoxification. I was told I could eat all the organic fruit and vegetables as I wanted “as much as I want”.

I’ve felt deprived doing detox before, but the idea of eating as much as I want did not sit well with me. I am prone to excess eating. Therefore, I do expect limitations on the amount of fruit I eat when I detox. Excess fruit spikes blood sugar unnecessarily.

I think about this as day 5 of my detox fell on Mother’s Day and I kept walking past the bowl of grapes and blueberries. . .grabbing a handful with each pass. No wonder there was no weight loss for me personally, when others lost several pounds.

Needless to say, most of my eating pattern did not change. Since, my weight is normal, that was not my intention.

However, the severe stiffness in my joints and creaky ligaments that felt like early rigor Mortis were gone after day 5! I literally felt 10 years younger!

Summary Results of My Simple Detox

I felt so good after this 7-day restoring process, that I continued to omit coffee, bread, peanuts, and yogurt. I believe those three items are the reason I am so stiff and sore most of the time.

The amazing thing that happened is I can now eat peppers and tomatoes again without reflux, when I could not tolerate them before—because of too much acid.

Moreover, the bloating and discomfort after eating is also gone—thanks to no bread or beans, I’m sure! I reintroduced eggs and did not notice a problem. I am also drinking kombucha without any symptoms.

Overall, it was a wonderful experience and I’m happy to move on to the next phase of my restoration with a Fasting Mimicking Plan. So, stay tuned. If you are looking for some clean vegan detox recipes I have plenty on my blog!

I’d be happy to coach you through your doctor supervised program, too! Locally I have one to suggest for best results! Contact me here: Mysty Pfeffer Wellness Coaching – Georgetown, OH (clientsecure.me)

2 Day Recipe Guide to Maintain Your Metabolic & Immune System Reset

A metabolic and immune system reset is possible with the goodness from God’s garden. Is it a cure all? Well, there is some solid research it has been a cure for some people. In many areas of disease, it has been a life saver.

I like anything that works as a jump start to reset the way we fight disease and get our metabolism functioning better. More to the point, it was God’s plan to provide it for us when He created our first ancestors. Everything is in the garden to keep blood pressure stable, reduce painful arthritis, and eliminate multiple gut issues.

So, if you’ve heard of the Fasting Mimicking Eating plan, developed by Dr. Valter Longo stay tuned. He perfected i a detox meal plan and many have felt the results. If that is you, continue with that 5-day meal cycling plan as instructed by your health care provider.

However, if you have already done the plan for 3 months or 6 months as suggested to restart metabolism and improve the autoimmune system and want similar recipes to mimic as a maintenance plan a couple of days per week, this post if for you!

Now, remember, this way of eating is only temporary, and it is not medical advice, you have to follow your health care provider or dietician for that, right?

Also, in his book Dr. Longo advises people with kidney problems, people taking blood sugar lowering medications, and those over 70 or under 18 to obtain medical supervision, or not do a fasting mimicking plan at all.

This 2-day Recipe Guide is intended for those people who have already been approved to follow the plan by their doctor or healthcare provider and have not experienced nutritional deficiencies or medical problems.

Oh, and you’ll lose a few pounds or maintain weight loss when you use the recipes in your two-day per week maintenance routine.

Prep Day for System Reset

The following recipes can be prepared in 2 hours with clean up! You’ll need plenty of storage containers for these handy snacks and entrees.

Coconut Almond Bars

  • 1 Cup Ground Almond Meal
  • 1/2 Cup Flaxseed meal ((optional))
  • 1/4 Cup Walnuts
  • 1 Cup Coconut Flakes
  • 1/2 Cup Dark Chocolate Chips
  • 1 Tbsp. Coconut Oil
  • 2 Tsp. Cinnamon
  • 3/4 Cup Water
  • 1/2 Tsp. Salt
  • 2 Tbsp. Pumpkin seeds
  1. Grind the flaxseed into a meal, then grind the almonds into a flour (Of course, you can use the already ground meal and flour if you like). My gut does not tolerate flax seed meal, so I use 1/2 cup ground chia seeds instead of flax. So, flaxseed is listed as optional. You can substitute the amount for more almond flour if you like.

  2. Place the ground meal in a bowl and add the cinnamon and salt, mixing well.

  3. Add the coconut flakes, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, and chocolate chips.

  4. Lastly add the water and stir well until it holds together. Let set a few minutes so the meal can absorb the water.

  5. Meanwhile, use the coconut oil to grease your 9×13 pan really well. Preheat oven to 350.

    **Remember coconut oil as natural MCT and will help keep you full. It's good for you.***

  6. Spread the dough into the 9×13 pan evenly. Bake for 20 minutes and remove to cut into your squares. Put in back in the oven another 8-10 minutes.

  7. Let them cool then enjoy one bar in the morning for breakfast.

Crackers for the System Reset

Kale Hemp Seed Crackers

  • 1 1/2 Cups Kale (Washed and dried)
  • 1 Tbsp. Nut Butter
  • 1 Tbsp. Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 1/2 Cup Flaxseed meal ((may substitute almond flour))
  • 1 tsp. Salt
  • 1/2 Tsp. Onion Powder
  • 1/2 Tsp. Garlic Powder
  • 1/4 Cup Hemp Seed Hearts
  • 1/4 Cup Chia Seeds
  • 1/4 Cup Sunflower Seeds
  • 1/2 Cup Water
  • 1 Tbsp. Pumpkin Seeds ( no shells, chopped)
  1. Preheat oven to 250 degrees, Yes 250! 350 is too hot and burns the edges.

  2. Combine all ingredients in a bowl and let it set until all the water is absorbed.

  3. Spread the dough between two pieces of parchment paper and roll out onto a cookie sheet until thin, 1/16th of an inch or so.

  4. Bake for 30 minutes then remove to cut into squares. Flip them over and bake another 30 minutes until crisp. If they are still soft, bake another 10 minutes.

Qunioa Vegetable Soup

  • 1 Cup Quinoa
  • 6 Cups Kale
  • 4 Cups Cabbage
  • 4 Carrots (Sliced)
  • 4 Celery (Sliced)
  • 4 cloves garlic (Minced)
  • 1 Onion (Chopped)
  • 1 Tbsp. Oregano
  • 1 Tbsp. Thyme
  • 3 Tsp. Salt
  • 2 Tsp. Onion Powder
  • 1 Tsp. Garlic Powder
  • 1 Tsp. Pepper
  • 2 Tsp. Apple Cider vinegar
  • 1 Can Chick Peas ((rinsed and drained))
  • 8 Cups Vegetable Broth
  • 4 Cups Water
  • 1 Tbsp. Avocado Oil
  1. In a very large soup pot, sauté the onions and garlic in the oil.

  2. Add the chopped kale, and cabbage, stirring as you chop.

  3. Add the carrots, celery, garlic, herbs and spices, and keep stirring.

  4. Add the water, vegetable broth, and quinoa.

  5. Simmer for about an hour until vegetables are tender. Enjoy!

The Value of Intermittent Fasting for System Reset

Intermittent fasting is defined as not eating between meals or after dinner. Yes, it’s that simple. It always boggled my mind to follow Diabetes guidelines for instructing people with diabetes to eat three meals a day and two snacks.

SAY WHAT? Eating all day is what gets people with Type 2 DM in trouble in the first place. Notice, I said Type 2. If someone has Type 1 DM or Type 2, and is just starting insulin, the instruction process may be a little different until they adjust to their medication.

Regardless, continual eating (especially without moderate activity) will continually spike insulin and fat storage, whereas intermittent fasting lowers blood glucose and prevents excess insulin spikes.

It is a sad example of a broken paradigm that is counterproductive to a system reset a fasting mimicking plan offers.

Water with Lemon Balm, Ginger, & Rosemary for System Reset

System Resets Require Water!

While we are talking about the importance of fasting and eating clean, let’s not forget water. It is and always will be our appetite suppressant, fuel starter, and best nourishment! We are wise to start the day with at least 8- 16 ounces of water a day, before anything else!

In the hospital, when people are dizzy, and their blood pressure drops —-we give them fluid!

Let’s face it—we have to have it. Our cells crave it, and we feel like absolute crap when we don’t get enough of it for our joints and ligaments! And when we wake up from an 8 hour fast, we are dehydrated and need it to get our bodies ready for the day.

If you don’t like water, add a little cranberry juice or half of a lemon to flavor it more. Rest in the fact that your liver, kidneys, and bladder will be happy—even if your taste buds are not.

The amazing thing about repetitive action is, eventually, those taste buds come around too.

More System Reset Recipes

After all, taste is important when it comes to enjoying life, right? I want to arm you and your family with delicious soups, stews, and side dishes that leave you feeling full and satisfied, not deprived.

That is the whole purpose of this post and a system reset recipe maintenance guide. The Derailing to Detox in 7 Days post has many more ideas and recipes available too, so please check it out for more heart healthy, fasting mimicking ideas!

Remember what God puts in the garden is good! I am here for you and want the best for you and your family. If you need a RN health coach to help you out book a discovery, call here: Mysty Pfeffer Wellness Coaching – Georgetown, OH (clientsecure.me)

I will leave you today with some heartfelt prayers for restoration spiritually and physically! God’s word reminds us to resist the devil and he will flee. He is the god of this age and of “worldly” things that distract us from health and purpose.

We can be deceived in our hearts in regard to following Jesus and in our bodies by falling for marketing schemes and addictions that steal our health physically.

The disciples following Jesus suffered both, physical and spiritual pain, yet they remained steadfast in their trust and hope for a life with Him eternally. We can too!

 And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.

1 Peter 5:9-11 ESV – Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing – Bible Gateway

Thanks for stopping by and checking out the health tips and recipes! Share it with a friend if it is helpful!

God bless you!

Red Relish & Cherry Salad

Red Relish & Cherry Salad will now be one of my favorites! I use the shredded red cabbage/beet/red onion relish I make to top this bowl of spring greens!

It has the crunchiness and protein of cashews, plus the sweetness of cherries. Moreover, it’s so easy to make and delicious!

Follow my Mysty Pfeffer Wellness Coaching page on Facebook for weekly updates, encouragement, health topics, and more! Check out more salad ideas here on this site!


Red Relish & Cherry Salad

Red Relish & Cherry Salad

  • 2 Cups Spring Mix
  • 2 Stalks Celery chopped
  • 1 Tbsp Cashews
  • 1 Tsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 1/2 Tsp Onion Powder
  • 1/4 Cup Red Cabbage Relish
  • 1 Tbsp. Dried organic Cherries

Saturday Salads

I try to share a salad recipe on my Facebook page each week. Follow me there to get updates on new events, speaking engagements, and classes!

Green Goodness Salad

I hope you enjoy this salad!

Dark Chocolate Pistachio Bites

Dark chocolate pistachio bites are a low sugar, fun treat we can grab from the freezer and enjoy on a hot summer day! The delicious pistachio crumbs on top lend a buttery texture to this creamy dreamy bite too!

We just have to be careful not to overindulge, right?

Too much of a good thing leads us right back into a path of idolatry and dependence on sugar instead of Christ, our Savior. And we do not want to go down that path again.

The health derailment for sugar addiction is too severe. Chronic inflammation in our joints, muscles, blood vessels, and brain are the benefits of avoiding excessive sugar.

Plus, studies show the best way to avoid chronic inflammation and disease is to limit sugar to less than 6 tsp a day for women and 9tsp for men.

Moreover, as you hear me say repeatedly, ditching seed oils (soybean, vegetable, corn) and ultra-processed treats with additives and dyes are also helpful!

Dark Chocolate Pistachio Bites

Benefits of Dark Chocolate Pistachio Bites

Although there is minimal nutritional value to these bites, remember there shouldn’t be in a treat. We are looking for nutritional value in our meals, not our treats. However, this small treat does not have artificial ingredients, flavorings, or preservatives to make us sick. My friend, that is what intentional eating is all about!

We will enjoy the benefits of a small amount of dark chocolate, which has antioxidants like catechins, procyanidins, and theobromine from cocoa. All of which help lower blood pressure, prevent clotting, and improve the inner lining of the blood vessels. (1)

Pistachios are a good source of monosaturated fat, potassium, and vitamin E. Its rich source of polyphenols and nutrients also have a beneficial effect on glucose homeostasis, blood vessel walls, oxidative stress, and inflammation. (2)

Does this mean this treat will help with those things? Maybe in minute amounts, but the bigger picture is there are no HARMFUL ingredients to damage cells. There are just good, healthy, ingredients to help build them up!

The treat also has cinnamon. Although cinnamon has been found in several studies to decrease lipid levels, lower BMI, and insulin levels in human and animal subjects, more studies are needed to confirm its effectiveness (3,4,5) The thing to remember is it is well known for its antibacterial, antiviral properties.

A good agent for adding sweetness to a treat without all the side effects. It’s good because what God puts in the garden is good!


God’s design for healing our bodies from inflammation and disease is perfect. It completely compliments the amazing miracle body designed to heal itself. The wiser we are to chemicals in our food, the better we will be able to avoid them and teach our children to avoid them!

God says, be not wise in your own eyes, and turn away from evil.

Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and turn away from evil.  It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones.

Proverbs 3:7-8

Are preservatives, dyes, and flavorings evil? Not in themselves, but the intent to cover up subpar, non-nutritional items on a shelf and call them food for the sake of greed and love of money is evil.

When we are wise to how these things affect our health, we understand God’s wisdom is much better. His wisdom is healing not only to our flesh, but our spirit as well.

Dark Chocolate Pistachio Bites

Dark Chocolate Pistachio Bites

  • 1 Cup Dark Chocolate Chips (72% Cacao)
  • 1 8 oz. Organic Cream Cheese
  • 2 tsps Cinnamon
  • 6 Dates (plus 1/4 cup water)
  • 1/4 Cup Pistachios
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  1. Prepare a 10×14 inch cookie sheet by placing a small amount of oil on it and spreading to all corners. Cover with a sheet of parchment paper.

  2. Melt the dark chocolate in a cup for one minute in the microwave or double broiler, your choice. Spread the dark chocolate thinly over the parchment paper. You can freeze it as you get the other ingredients together if you'd like.

  3. Place the dates in a blender cup and add 1/4 cup of water, heat in the microwave 30 seconds and set aside.

  4. In another blender cup, add the block of softened cream cheese, vanilla, and cinnamon. Add the pureed dates and blend well. Spread over the frozen dark chocolate.

  5. Finely chop, or puree, 1/4 cup of Pistachios or pumpkin seeds and sprinkle them over the cream cheese mixture on the cookie sheet. Freeze one hour then cut them into one-inch squares.

  6. Put them in an air-tight container and keep them frozen. Enjoy at your leisure!

I hope you enjoy these Dark Chocolate Pistachio Bites as much as me and my clients do! If you need help with lifestyle changes I have plenty of ideas under the Wellness Coaching tips and will be happy to set up a consultation with you to discuss biometric challenges or health concerns!

Take care and enjoy the small things!


Simplifying Health God’s Way


  1. Kerimi A, Williamson G. The cardiovascular benefits of dark chocolate. Vascul Pharmacol. 2015 Aug;71:11-5. doi: 10.1016/j.vph.2015.05.011. Epub 2015 May 27. PMID: 26026398.
  2. Mateos R, Salvador MD, Fregapane G, Goya L. Why Should Pistachio Be a Regular Food in Our Diet? Nutrients. 2022 Aug 5;14(15):3207. doi: 10.3390/nu14153207. PMID: 35956383; PMCID: PMC9370095.
  3. To what extent does cinnamon administration improve the glycemic and lipid profiles? – PubMed (nih.gov) Santos HO, da Silva GAR. To what extent does cinnamon administration improve the glycemic and lipid profiles? Clin Nutr ESPEN. 2018 Oct;27:1-9. doi: 10.1016/j.clnesp.2018.07.011. Epub 2018 Aug 13. PMID: 30144878.
  4. The Effect of Cinnamon on Glycolipid Metabolism: A Dose–Response Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials – PMC (nih.gov) Yu T, Lu K, Cao X, Xia H, Wang S, Sun G, Chen L, Liao W. The Effect of Cinnamon on Glycolipid Metabolism: A Dose-Response Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Nutrients. 2023 Jun 30;15(13):2983. doi: 10.3390/nu15132983. PMID: 37447309; PMCID: PMC10346687.
  5. Efficacy of cinnamon in patients with type II diabetes mellitus: A randomized controlled clinical trial – PubMed (nih.gov) Zare R, Nadjarzadeh A, Zarshenas MM, Shams M, Heydari M. Efficacy of cinnamon in patients with type II diabetes mellitus: A randomized controlled clinical trial. Clin Nutr. 2019 Apr;38(2):549-556. doi: 10.1016/j.clnu.2018.03.003. Epub 2018 Mar 11. PMID: 29605574.

How Does Inviting the Holy Spirit into My Choices Make a Difference?

 I, like you, have the opportunity and privilege of praying for my family, friends, and clients. It is the joyful foundation of our faith and where our hope lies. Plus, it draws us closer together. Although prayer for guidance, healing, and strength is commonly requested, I find inviting the Holy Spirit into our decision process is another matter.

Let me give you two examples of Christian women seeking wellness coaching to show you what I mean. Just for fun, I’ll call the first woman Mary and the other, Martha. Both Mary and Martha are struggling with their weight and health issues.

Mary explains to me how she sets her mind to lose fifty pounds and trudges through until she meets her goal. Once met, she slowly goes back to her previous eating habits and gains more than she weighed before. However, her struggle with chronic pain, prediabetes, and depression are now taking their toll on her health. She says, “I’ve never invited the Holy Spirit into this process, and I’m ready to do that now.”

invite the Holy Spirit

Martha also shares with me her past attendance at weight loss programs and final success of weight loss after gastric bypass, only to gain it back with emotional eating. She says, “When I leave work and see that fast food restaurant, I don’t pray because I know it will stop me from going through that drive through.”

Inviting The Holy Spirit Gives Us Clarity

I paint the picture of these two differing mindsets because it is a common struggle in every decision process for myself, and maybe you, too. The underlying tension lies in trusting God enough to meet our emotional, physical, or financial needs rather than the things in this world. Not just in weight control, but in our service to God, our physical health, occupation, and relationships.

I believe inviting the Holy Spirit into situations like these not only gives us clarity, guidance, and power, but an opportunity for submission, true freedom, and trust. My Sunday school teacher, Gayle, always says, “We have to remove ourselves from the throne and put God back on the throne where he belongs.”

 What a simple biblical view of describing Martha’s dilemma with emotional eating and my struggle with decision making!

Therefore, when I am facing a crisis in life physically, emotionally, or relationally, I benefit more by putting my will and desires beneath God’s will and desire for my life. Gayle’s reminder is a gift sticking with me as I review my options, and so is Mary’s. I hear the soft whisper of conviction begin to wrestle with my soul.

 The sad truth is, when I do things my way instead of inviting the Holy Spirit into every decision, I love myself, my lifestyle, and my habits more than God.

I don’t receive power because I don’t submit to him.

I don’t experience freedom because I enjoy pleasure or comfort over sacrifice and possible long-term benefit.

So, how does inviting the Holy Spirit into my choices make a difference?

Here are 4 Ways Inviting the Holy Spirit into My Choices Makes a Difference

  1. Power
    When I understand fully, and remind myself regularly, of God’s amazing power through the Holy Spirit, to live victoriously, I crave him more! His power, living in me, overcomes indecision, casts out harmful lies, gives grace to others, and places my impulses in their proper place.
    I welcome the inspired words of the apostle Paul as they flow into my mind and transform my thinking. Moreover, I invite you to do the same in your area of struggle. He says:

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.” Romans 15:13

“My speech and my message were not in plausible words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, so that your faith might not rest in the wisdom of men but in the power of God. (1 Corinthians 2:4-5)

“But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us. We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair;

( 2Cor 4:7)

For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ, (2Cor 10:4-5)

3 Results Taking Place When We Invite the Holy Spirit

  • Submission
    Submission to God, rather than obedience looks a little different too. Submission is doing what I know is right out of love and respect for God rather than fearing his punishment. So, to remind my flesh prone decision-making processes again; obeying is having to do something; submitting is wanting to do it.

The whole point of salvation is God changing my selfish heart. When my desire is to please God with my decisions, my impulses, and my behavior, I remove myself “from the throne” and put him there where he belongs.
Scripture is clear, you and I are not our own, we were bought with a price. (1 Cor. 6:20, 7:23).

Our precious Savior stepped into time to redeem and restore us to the Father with his own body and blood. Paying the debt, you and I could never pay, he earns the respect, love, and admiration necessary to happily surrender our will.

We count it all joy to face trials of various kinds, and we walk by the Spirit and do not gratify the desires of the flesh because they oppose each other. (James 1:2, Galatians 5:16-17)

What sweet joy submission is! The more we dip our toes into its intoxicating power the closer we are to freedom!

  • Freedom
    “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” (2 Corinthians 3:17)
    Once we have experienced the power, and submitted to the Spirit of God, we begin to feel the freedom from sin. We’re not deceived by false prophets who come along and promise freedom in sinfulness. “For whatever overcomes a person, to that he is enslaved.’ (2 Peter 2:19b).
     Humility fills our hearts and we resist using our freedom as an opportunity for pleasing ourselves; we instead use it to serve others. (Gal. 5:13)

     The burden of control, the weight of guilt, and the heaviness of shame are lifted as we give, master self-control, and serve. We are also empowered to make better choices for our health, livelihoods, relationships, and careers. As we walk in this newfound faith and God continually shows himself faithful, we learn to trust him more.

  • Trust
    “The Lord is a stronghold for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. And those who know your name put their trust in you, for you, O Lord, have not forsaken those who seek you.” (Psalm 9:9-11)

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” (Proverbs 3:5-6)

Trust in the Lord is at the heart of our worship to him. In the example of Mary and Martha, Mary recognized the power of the Holy Spirit and submitted her health to him. Not her weight loss, her health.

Since she applies a biblical view to her relationships and life decisions, applying it to her health made sense, too. She was able to recognize her food addictions as sin, and submitted her life to Christ all over again.

Martha, on the other hand, is not quite there yet. I’m afraid, I’m not either…in the life decision department, anyway. She is still on the throne of her health and her emotional eating patterns, and I resist toppling myself from my throne of career decisions.

However, with prayer and influences like Mary’s, I’m confident she, and I, will come to that place of surrender, where we invite the Holy Spirit into all our choices. There, in the calmness of submission, we will fully trust God to meet every physical, emotional, and financial need.

I am here for you any time you want to talk about your struggles with health! Click the booking appointment link and we’ll see how to get started with the strength God gives you!

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January Week 3 Meal Prepping Fun

Ok, January week 3 meal prepping is underway for the week! Hang in there, busy friend, this is doble! I will list the items and the cost and keep it simple for you.

How are we thinking differently these days about meal prepping?

Maybe we’ve made the decision to move more, have a better attitude, trust the Lord more and the world less, or maybe we are making better choices in our eating habits.

The thought patterns may be small but. . Oh! How effective they become when we take one step at time, master it, then move forward.

Intention is the key for me when it comes to all of these factors. I have to start with prayer, then move to Bible reading first thing in the morning.

As the day progresses so does writing tasks, workflow, moving, and eating. One of my favorite things to do to make my life flow more effectively and help me stay on track is to meal prep.

Although I move between making wraps and quinoa bowls, soups, salads, and meat dishes. . . all play a huge part of my meal prepping days and being intentional.

January week 3 Meal Prepping is super simple and delicious:

Keep in mind, I use organic in all of my meals as much as possible because of the heavily laden pesticides sprayed on our food. So, the prices below reflect that cost.

If organic items are not available or I can’t afford them, I soak the food in baking soda and vinegar to remove the pesticides and rinse them well. I do this with organic, too!

1/3/24 Meal prepping ideas

Here are January Week 3 Items and the cost:

  • Organic whole chicken —-$16 (sometimes I get two when they are close to expiration, so keep an eye out!)
  • Carrots —$2.99 for 32 ounces
  • Celery—$2.79 one bunch
  • Onions—$1.59
  • Garlic—$1.99
  • Salsa– $1.79
  • Spring greens–1 lb—$5.99 or 5 ounce container for $3.29
  • Wraps–-Make your own, the recipe I have makes 12 medium wraps, or 16 small. I seriously could not find a decent wrap on the Kroger website that has quality ingredients. If you find one use it!

So, a total cost of this meal prepping is $29 (rounded up) is for 6 servings of soup, 12 Wraps (I already had the flour), and 6 salads. That’s three days of eating for two in our house. It may be two days if you have young children, or 1 day if you have growing teens!

January Week 3 Meal Prepping Chicken

How to do it!

One whole organic chicken in the Instapot for 32 minutes (its 8min per pound)

Chop carrots, celery, onions, and garlic.

Get a small jar of salsa ready (or chop fresh tomatoes/peppers/onions)

You’ll be finished chopping in less than 32 minutes.

Pull the chicken out carefully, and let cool a few minutes until it’s ready to handle.

Separate it into three sections, removing the gristle and bones (I totally puree all the tiny bones and meat in my bullet and only the large bones and skin are wasted, I keep it for my chili) keep the broth and place it in the soup pot of veggies.

One section is shredded for wraps, one for soup, and one for a salad.

Meal prepping, chicken wraps

Don’t you get excited when life becomes a little easier and you don’t have to think about what to cook for dinner every day?

There are more ways to use wraps on this blog so please check them out! I am here to serve and encourage you in your health journey! It does take work, but I think you and I are up to the task!


We can’t do this alone; it takes a good network of supportive people. It reminds me of Nehemiah rebuilding the wall around Jerusalem in the Bible. He had the torn down wall, ruined city, and the people on his heart. Mourning what was lost and thinking about its previous splendor and purpose to honor God, he stepped up to make a difference in the lives of his people.

He rallied each family, and side by side, they began to work on the portions of the wall around Jerusalem.

So, we built the wall. And all the wall was joined together to half its height, for the people had a mind to work.

Nehemiah 4:6

Nehemiah 4 ESV – Opposition to the Work – Now when – Bible Gateway

Amazing things happen when we have a mindset to do the work. Whether it’s moving more, arguing less, loving exponentially, or eating healthier.

Our bodies rally to do the internal work of restoring and repairing our cells the way God designed them to do. The preservatives, additives, pesticides, and poison of the world and food are no longer appealing to us or our children.

Sometimes it takes planning and sacrifice, but the key is keeping it simple and enjoyable, with our focus on the prize.

The prize is good health, a stronger body that fights infection well, and a clear mind. God’s plan established the ingredients for both thousands of years ago in the garden of Eden.

For instance, I can take any of these items to a party and enjoy the party. Once I’ve fed my cells, I can take a small piece of whatever delightful dessert is catching my eye.

I have found, when my cells are satisfied, there are fewer cravings and dissatisfaction. So, a small piece of chocolate or a sliver of cake is enjoyable and savorable as it tops off my healthy meal! I may even choose not to eat it at all!

Regardless of how you approach your battle strategy in being healthier spiritually and physically, I am here for you! Let me know how you’re doing and if you need more wellness coaching, we can do a discovery call!