Raspberry Millet Breakfast Bars

A wheat and gluten free raspberry millet breakfast bar is an easy addition to my weekly meal planning. And my friend, you know, optimal health is all about the planning!

Intentional eating, thinking, praying, and moving are the keynotes of optimal health. One way you and I can start this lifestyle by embracing some whole grain flours that are nutrient dense, filling, tasty, and gluten free.

Even if you don’t have a wheat sensitivity, these breakfast bars are a good idea because there is no refined white flour or sugar. They are made with whole grain and maple syrup (how much you use is up to you).

Benefits of Raspberry Millet Breakfast Bars

Millet is cheap, easy to mill with a Nutribullet blender (or other high powered straight blade blender), and it’s full of good B vitamins! The mineral composition per 100 grams is not bad either!

Raspberry Millet Breakfast Bars

The antioxidants in raspberries are helpful in reducing reactive oxygen species destroying blood vessels and myelin sheaths of nerve cells. Damaged nerves lead to neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinsons. (1)

They are also thought to keep lipid levels and blood sugar under control. Like most fruit, raspberries are rich in fiber, vitamin C and has a trace amount of minerals.

It’s a pretty exciting day when you and I can enjoy the taste of fruit while also keeping diseases at bay. God’s perfect design is unparallelled!

Combine this lovely fruit with protein and fiber rich grains like oats and millet and you have a well-rounded breakfast bar. What God puts in the garden is good!

Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord,
    who walks in his ways!
You shall eat the fruit of the labor of your hands;
    you shall be blessed, and it shall be well with you.

Psalm 128:1-3 ESV – Blessed Is Everyone Who Fears the LORD – Bible Gateway

Raspberry Millet Breakfast Bars

  • 1/4 Cup Applesauce (no added sugar)
  • 2 Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 1 Egg
  • 1 tsp Vanilla
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp apple cider vinegar
  • 2 Tbsp Maple Syrup
  • 1/2 Cup Oats
  • 1 Cup Millet (ground)
  • 1/2 Cup Almond Flour (optional, substitute oat or more millet)
  • 2 Tbsp Arrowroot Flour
  • 1/2 tsp xanthan gum
  • 2 Tbsp flaxseed (milled)

Raspberry Filling

  • 1 cup Raspberries
  • 3 Prunes
  • 3 Dates
  • 1 Tbsp Maple Syrup
  1. Combine all the wet ingredients into a bowl and mix well.

  2. Add the dry ingredients and combine until well blended and a dough forms.

  3. Divide the dough in half. In a 9×9 lightly oiled baking dish place half of the dough onto the bottom and spread until the bottom is covered. Set the rest of the dough aside until your filling is ready.

Raspberry Filling

  1. Place the cup of raspberries in a saucepan and add the dates, prunes, and maple syrup. You can use fresh or frozen–but keep the heat low to slowly draw out the liquid in the fruit, I did not add water.

  2. About 10 minutes and you have the fruit soft and ready to puree with the seeds in a Bullet blender. The flat blade will pulverize the seeds and will work like a thickening agent for the fruit filling.

  3. Place the filling over the 9×9 inch baking dish of prepared dough. Spread it evenly across the dough. Take the remaining dough and dollop it in small balls over the filling. They will form a crust as they bake together.

  4. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes or until light brown.

I hope you enjoy these raspberry millet breakfast bars! There are plenty of more breakfast ideas on the blog too, if you are interested!



Hu B, Shi Y, Lu C, Chen H, Zeng Y, Deng J, Zhang L, Lin Q, Li W, Chen Y, Zhong F, Xia X. Raspberry polyphenols alleviate neurodegenerative diseases: through gut microbiota and ROS signals. Food Funct. 2023 Aug 29;14(17):7760-7779. doi: 10.1039/d3fo01835k. PMID: 37555470.

The Ultimate Breakfast Cookie

If you’re looking for a little take-along snack with your morning smoothie or egg, this ultimate breakfast cookie will help. It’s nutrient dense with pumpkin seeds, walnuts quinoa, and whole grain. It’s also low in sugar, which is tolerable to those who have completed their sugar fast to remove its sweet desire from the pallet.

There are studies to prove you can retrain your taste buds to remove excess salt and sugar. (1)

Keeping sugar at a minimum in our diet for optimal health, is the goal here. We want whole food, all the time! And giving up those highly processed items without nutrients, is a start to better health.

Ultimate Breakfast Cookie

Plus, you can choose if you want to go with baker’s honey (17 grams of sugar per tablespoon and 60 calories) or cane sugar, which has 13 grams per tablespoon. Using 2 tablespoons of honey in this recipe keeps the sugar less than 1 teaspoon per cookie.

Remember, the American Heart Association recommends less than 6 teaspoons of sugar per day to minimize heart disease risks! The American Cancer Society also recommends a low sugar and decreased intake of processed food. (1) So, making our own items and having complete control of the ingredients in them, helps us stay within range.

Exercising portion control is still a must here, as well. Just because they are healthy doesn’t mean we can eat the entire batch!

Practicing intentional eating and making healthy, purposeful choices alongside this cookie to attain fullness is doable.

Good Land

When we look around at all the things available to us in our markets and our farmland, we can see how the Lord has given us good land. I feel a small piece of the promise for Israel came true for Americans too, so many years ago. As they sought freedom to worship in a better land, on the Mayflower and her sister ships, they arrived at a land of plenty.

And they took in their hands some of the fruit of the land and brought it down to us, and brought us word again and said, ‘It is a good land that the Lord our God is giving us.’

Deuteronomy 1:25

Enjoy your good land today, my friend! And while you’re at it, try this ultimate breakfast cookie to get you started! I am here for you, if you need a RN health and wellness coach to guide your through healthier lifestyle changes. Book a consultation here!

The Ultimate Breakfast Cookie

  • 1 Cup Whole Grain Flour
  • 1 Cup Oats
  • 1 tsp. Salt
  • 2 Tsp. Cinnamon
  • 1/4 Tsp. Baking Soda
  • 4 ounces Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 4 ounces Butter
  • 2 tbsp apple sauce
  • 2 Tbsp.. Honey
  • 1 Egg
  • 2 tbsp Chia Seeds
  • 1 Cup Quinoa
  • 1/2 Cup Pumpkin Seeds
  • 1/2 Cup Walnuts
  • 1/2 Cup Chocolate Chips
  1. Preheat Oven to 350 degrees.

  2. In a medium bowl combine the oil, softened butter, egg, honey, and chia seeds apple sauce, and set aside.

  3. Combine the whole grain flour of your choice (spelt/oat, hard red/ sorghum, gluten free, etc.) with the salt, baking powder, cinnamon, and quinoa.

  4. Add the oil mixture to the dry ingredients and stir until well combined. Add the pumpkin seeds, walnuts, and chocolate chips.

  5. Bake at 350 for 15-18 minutes or until done. Times may vary with ovens.

I hope you enjoy these ultimate breakfast cookies! if you’re looking for more cookie recipes check out these Vegan Cookies and Low Sugar Lemon Cookies.


May CE, Dus M. Confection Confusion: Interplay Between Diet, Taste, and Nutrition. Trends Endocrinol Metab. 2021 Feb;32(2):95-105. doi: 10.1016/j.tem.2020.11.011. Epub 2020 Dec 28. PMID: 33384209; PMCID: PMC8021035.

Energy-Boosting Breakfast Brownies

I love spending time with my family, and I can’t think of a better way to spend time than preparing a batch of brownies! These fiber and protein packed breakfast brownies have all the vitamins and minerals in fresh-milled whole grain, too.

I talk often about intentional eating only because I want more energy and a highly functioning body to do God’s work. I want that for you and your children too! Therefore, it’s worth taking 25 minutes out of my busy schedule to teach them how to live, prepare, and enjoy life a little more. It also helps them avoid future chronic disease.

Plus, handing them processed packaged doughnuts and cakes don’t give them the vitamins, minerals, fiber and protein they need to function in school, pay attention, and learn like these brownies will.


Brownies from the Garden? Yes, and All the Benefits too!

Now, I know you’re probably thinking brownies don’t come from the garden. However, cocoa beans come from one of the most plentiful and nutrient rich gardens in the world! They are packed with phytonutrients and minerals and according to a PubMed article they help muscle uptake of glucose for better use. The better our muscles use glucose the better we control our weight. Cocoa also helps neurons in the circulatory system improve thinking and helps boost the mood (1)

Like cocoa, dates also come from tropical areas. Although high in natural sugar and carbs, they contain a good amount of selenium, magnesium, copper, zinc, and complex B vitamins. Not only that, but they are a good source of fiber. Lord knows, we need more fiber to flush out all the toxins and chemicals we are exposed to daily.

You’ll get even more fiber, protein, B vitamins, and vitamin E in the whole grain and oats used in this brownie recipe. Plus the oats are rich in beta-glucan and known for helping to control diabetes and lower cholesterol. (2)

God’s always looking out for you and your family, my friend. Let’s give Him praise for His abundant goodness!


Oh, how abundant is your goodness,

    which you have stored up for those who fear you

and worked for those who take refuge in you,

    in the sight of the children of mankind!

Psalm 31:18-20 ESV – Let the lying lips be mute, which speak – Bible Gateway

You and I can take comfort in knowing we have such a mighty Champion who stores up goodness for us! He is working for us, in us and through us to reach this lost and broken world. Physically and mentally, my friend! What greater peace than to take refuge in Him. Moreover, when we do, we teach our children to do the same.

They can maneuver through this life with the teachings of faithful parents and grandparents, or flounder aimlessly without purpose. Let’s take that added anxiety and frustration away by giving them the hope and confidence of God; while filling their bellies with good food.

Energy-Boosting Breakfast Brownies

  • 1 15 oz Can Black Beans
  • 2 Cups Fresh-Milled Soft Wheat
  • 1 tsp Baking Powder
  • 3 Tbsp. Cocoa Powder
  • 1/2 Tsp Salt
  • 2 Tbsp. Chia Seeds
  • 2 Eggs
  • 2 Tbsp. Ground Flax Seed
  • 1/3 Cup Pureed Dates
  • 1/2 Cup honey ((or sugar))
  • 1/4 Cup Olive Oil
  • 1 Cup Almond Milk
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

  2. Put 6 dates in a 1/4 cup of hot water and soak 5 minutes, then puree them in a blender

  3. Open the beans, rinse and drain them, then puree them in a blender (or mash with a fork)

  4. Fresh mill a cup of wheat berries and a cup of oat berries (or just use 1 cup store bought whole grain flour and 1 cup ground oats)

  5. In a large mixing bowl add the flour, ground flax and chia seed, salt, baking powder, cocoa, and mix well.

  6. Add the pureed beans, dates, eggs, oil, and milk and stir well.

  7. Place the batter in an oiled 9×13 pan and bake for 25-30 minutes or until the toothpick comes out clean.

  8. Let cool completely.

I left out my favorite walnuts in this recipe for kids at church who have nut allergies, but OH! how much better they would be with some walnuts added!

Thank you for stopping by today and checking out this brownie recipe! I look forward to serving you with any recipe ideas I come up with or come across, as well as encouragement from God’s mighty word. If you or your family need further coaching with health issues or chronic disease, contact me for affordable coaching, I am here for you.

Also, if your church wants to do bread workshops or participate in classes, I am available for speaking engagements and retreats for your ladies’ group.


Latif R. Health benefits of cocoa. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2013 Nov;16(6):669-74. doi: 10.1097/MCO.0b013e328365a235. PMID: 24100674.

Sang S, Chu Y. Whole grain oats, more than just a fiber: Role of unique phytochemicals. Mol Nutr Food Res. 2017 Jul;61(7). doi: 10.1002/mnfr.201600715. Epub 2017 Feb 22. PMID: 28067025.

Smoothies: Simple & Tasty Intentional Breakfast

Part of simplifying health God’s way is looking for easy ways to boost nutrition while on the go. A simple and intentional breakfast smoothie helps you and I stay on track and gives us the energy we need to get through our morning and stay on our intentional eating plan.

To make it even easier, we can pick a large package of organic spring greens from our local grocery store, that’s already been triple washed, to help us get started. Keeping some unsweetened almond milk on hand with some fresh fruit is helpful too. It also gives this smoothie a little sweetness and extra protein.

Combine this morning power drink with a fresh-milled slice of toast and peanut butter and you’ve got a well-rounded breakfast to start your day. It’s a great idea for kids too! The kiddos might really enjoy it with a Fresh Milled Oat and Wheat Poptart.

Benefits of a Power Green Smoothie

The kale and spinach provide vitamin K, C, and A, with potassium and calcium. Banana and Kiwi are going to provide more fiber, vitamin C, a well-rounded B complex (without B12) plus some magnesium. Serve this with a multi-grain English muffin, or toast, and a boiled egg and you have a complete and simple breakfast.

God’s always providing us with wonderful options in His garden!


And to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the heavens and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food.” And it was so.

Genesis 1:29-31 ESV – And God said, “Behold, I have given – Bible Gateway

Everything that has the breath of life, God gives green plants for food. It is so comforting to me, every time I read His Word, to see how He plans for every single need. A good amount of minerals circulating in our blood through the whole food we consume helps decrease leg cramping, relaxes blood vessels, while also providing necessary B vitamins that help us stay calm.

What God puts in the garden is good!

smoothie starter

(1) Facebook has my microblog about different smoothie recipes I like.

Since a problem for many people, and maybe you too, is casein and whey in dairy, causing increased inflammation, we’re omitting regular milk. Pasteurization may remove pathogens, but it also removes the necessary enzymes needed to digest milk properly for adults. It Seems like there would be a set standard to create clean milk nationwide at the milking facility, rather than remove vital ingredients after the fact.

If you’re like me, it may take several years to realize just how stiff joints can be after consuming dairy. Since I’m sure God wants us to function at our highest potential physically and spiritually, we can rethink what we put in our mind and bodies to help us maintain health.

So now, when considering a cool summer treat, using unsweetened vanilla almond milk (USVAM) to make one, instead of ice cream makes more sense. It slows down the stiffness and pain. If you’re interested, some favorite smoothie combinations are listed here:

Blueberry, avocado Smoothie
1/2 cup frozen Blueberries, 1/2 of an avocado, 1 cup USVAM

Banana Strawberry
1 banana, 3 frozen strawberries, 1 cup USVAM

Orange, Banana
1 frozen orange, 1 banana, 1 cup USVAM

Plus, the recipe of the day.

Simple & Intentional Breakfast Smoothies

  • 1/2 Cup Spinach (Fresh)
  • 1/2 Cup Kale (Fresh)
  • 1/2 Cup Arugula (Fresh)
  • 1 Cup Unsweetened Almond Milk
  • 1 Kiwi
  • 1 Banana
  1. Add ingredients to a Nutribullet blender and blend for 30 seconds. Enjoy

I hope you enjoy this smoothie recipe and the others listed above. Be sure to let me know what your favorite combination is! I am here for you if you need guidance and encouragement fighting chronic disease and getting healthier. There are many free resources and recipes to help get you started, especially my 15 strategies for intentional eating. However, if you need more personal attention, I’d be happy to meet with you for a consultation here: Coaching Services.

10 Sugar-Free & Hearty Meals for Breakfast

Today I want to provide you with 10 Cane-Sugar free hearty meals to break your fast.

Although the best part of breakfast is that it’s good any time of day. Even if your breakfast time is 11am or later!

Let’s face it, the myth that breakfast is the most important meal of the day needs to go away. If you break your nighttime fast at 11am or later, because you’re not hungry, listen to your body. When you are hungry, think about how important intentional eating can be for incorporating excellent fuel to start your day.

The great thing about trying these 10 hearty meals is they are free of sugar cane and won’t zap your energy midday or cause inflammation or brain fog. Some are sweetened with fresh fruit, that provides natural sugar, antioxidants, and fiber.

When I think about how much kids need this kind of breakfast too, I feel a little guilty. Because I remember my cereal cart packing days when my kids were young. They needed better, but I didn’t understand at the time how little nutritious fuel they were getting with packaged cereal. Although both my girls turned out pretty healthy, now I think more about being an example and providing better nutrition for my grandchildren.

They can break their fast with sugar free & hearty meals like the ones listed below instead of highly processed cereals, with synthetic vitamins, colorings, and chemicals that damage cells instead of build healthy cells. I know fruit gets a bad rap in the weight loss world, but I truly believe what God put in the garden is good and for our good.

So, if removing cane sugar from our palates is doable with fresh fruit and provides powerful antioxidants, I’m going for it!

Now, before I start there are a few things I want you to understand about me and my cooking and recipe development:

  1. I am not a dietician and do not calculate calorie requirements, nor develop meal plans for people. My background is nursing, education, psychology, and coaching with 18 months of wholistic nutrition via Clayton College of Natural Health (which is no longer operating) and personal study of nutrition over the years. My love for whole food and whole people drives me to read as many nutrition books as possible. Books of particular interest are the ones that are driven by evidenced-based studies.
  2. I do not count calories, fat, or carbohydrates when I eat or develop recipes. However, if you do, I respect your decision to do so and will provide that information for you. The reason I do not calculate these things is because I strive to create recipes that are whole food from God’s garden, using fruit, vegetables, grains, lean meat, spices, and herbs. When we eat whole food and cut out denatured processed food with dies, chemicals, flavorings, and additives, we are full and satisfied with smaller amounts for a longer period of time. Therefore, we maintain an optimal balance of macronutrients and bodily requirements, while maintaining a healthy weight.
  3. Lastly, I practice and teach my clients intentional eating. A process where we savor food and use it for its purpose of sustenance (and enjoyment), while asking the Holy Spirit to lead us in utilizing the spirit of self-control. Keeping treats and small amounts of sugar for special occasions is the goal of a well-balanced healthy lifestyle. It guides us through the mindset of approaching God’s provision with respect and care, while not being controlled by our desire to consume large amounts of anything in daily use.
So, without further ado, here are 10 Cane-Sugar-Free & Hearty Meals to Break Your Fast:

# 1 Spelt & Walnut Breakfast Bowl

You can use this recipe any time of the day and change up the grain to barley, quinoa, or farrow. Whatever your grocery store has on hand in their grain or seed isle that can be soaked overnight and heated gently in the morning to provide a good source of various vitamins. Don’t be concerned about the number of calories in the walnuts. You only need 1 ounce for this dish and that is about 3 walnuts, chopped. YES, you’ll get 185 calories, but you’ll also get 4 grams of protein and 2 grams of fiber as well as heart rich omegas! God knows what he’s doing, he provides big impact in small amounts for a reason. We just have the convenience (and expense) of someone else making them easily attainable. Just picture the forager picking through that black drudge of a fallen walnut to get to the very hard nutshell and then trying to pry it open to enjoy the nutritious center!

Yep, go ahead and praise Him today for being born at this time!

# 2 A Mood Boosting Breakfast with Salmon Tortilla

I love using leftovers from the night before to break my fast. It’s two meals in one, so when cooking dinner, I begin to think ahead to breakfast. If you make your own tortillas, use unbleached organic flour and store it in the fridge for best freshness. Otherwise, it goes rancid after 30 days. I like grinding my own wheat berries once a week on my preparation day to incorporate all the nutrients God provided. If you can do that great, I can help you out with a prep day workshop. Another option is to look at the ingredients on the label and look for 100% Whole Wheat flour in your tortillas or whatever grain or grain less flour you prefer.

#3 Quinoa & Chia Breakfast Bowl

Quinoa is such a versatile seed, and I enjoy it in many meals! If you’ve tried it, you know what I’m talking about. It’s also a complete protein, is loaded with fiber and works in your gut like as the best stool softener ever! Yep, this old nurse just said that in a post. Believe me, gut health is one important key to brain and heart health and the sooner we feed our temples of the Holy Spirit the right fuel, everything else works better too!

#4 3 Way Asparagus Breakfast

I told you I’m usually thinking of breaking my fast with dinner, and since asparagus is on the menu at least once a week in our house, we have some leftover for the next day. Now, I was hesitant to buy this for a few weeks because it became so expensive, then I realized I pay almost that price for a fourth of what I get in an entire bundle when I go out to eat. So, why not buy the bundle and enjoy it in three meals? Since I’m always battling my fleshly desires for sugar, it’s nice to have something filling and enjoyable to replace the crave. Fresh fruit in season helps me do this. So, if you’re looking to remove the desire for sugar from your palate too, I hope you like this as a brunch or lunch idea. Your brain and heart will surely thank you!

# 5 Quinoa Breakfast Treats

I know, more quinoa, right? Yes! I got 5 lbs. on sale through a food distributor and it’s cheaper than the local grocery store. They used to sell a mix of quinoa and rice in a boil-in-bag, but I don’t see that anymore. No worries, quinoa is easy to prepare and keeps in the refrigerator for at least 7 days. Oh, and it quadruples in size so one cup raw equals a whole pan cooked! It can then be used frequently for various meals in place of rice or bread. I rinse mine according to package directions, add water in a 2:1 ratio, bring it to a boil, place the lid on it, and turn off the burner; leaving it there for at least 20-30 min. It is always light and fluffy and ready to use.

#6 Kale & Mushroom Pita Pockets

There are some really good whole-grain pita bread options in the grocery store. So, when reading how I make mine, don’t feel pressured to make the same thing or think it’s too difficult. The first thing I learned to do as a young lady beginning to cook is improvise! In other words, use what you have that is doable for you and incorporate the ideas in the recipe as something easily adjustable for your schedule, routine, or preferences. I grew up with my mom buying pita bread from the grocery store. It was probably in one of her fad diet magazine articles she always read.

#7 Avocado & Watercress English Muffin

Who says you can’t have fresh greens for breakfast? They are so refreshing and filling with eggs and whole grains. Although, these whole grains are not 100% cane sugar free, they are close. I use one teaspoon to help the yeast develop, but other than that they are mostly sugarless. See the graphic below of why I take two hours out of my week to grind my own flour and make my own bread. You deserve better too, better ingredients and better health. Again, I don’t expect others to go the extra distance to invest in a grain mill and wheat berries, however it is a wise investment. Maybe ask for one as a Christmas or birthday gift. It will be the gift that keeps on giving. When you read the labels below, you see why joints ache, and brains are foggy.

# 8 Kale and Apple Sausage Omelet

I use Aidell’s Chicken apple sausage for this hearty brunch or breakfast meal, but you can easily use ground chicken with an apple and spices. In fact, I’m going to have to come up with some of my own chicken-apple meat balls because I’m not sure if the “spices” on the label include MSG (monosodium gluconate). Each link is loaded with sodium too, about 700mg, if I made my own that would be reduced considerably. However, in a pinch, this packaged product claims no nitrates or nitrites are added to the product.

# 9 Peanut Butter & Apple

A simple apple with 2 tablespoons of crunchy peanut butter has to be one of my all-time favorites! It’s also an easy meal for breaking the fast. However, it is most healthy when purchasing the all-natural peanut butter with salt only. Did you know manufacturers add partially hydrogenated oil to their peanut butter? Say what! Yes, it is cheap and fills the jar, but is so damaging to growing cells.

Now, I’ll admit the all-natural peanut butter takes more work. I’ve found the simplest way to mix it is to find a bowl with a lid and pour the entire contents of the jar into the bowl and mix it with a fork. I store the bowl in the fridge for easy access and no further need to stir. The texture of the “Crunchy” is my personal favorite, and find it is very filling until my next meal.

Hearty Apple Breakfast
Hearty Apple & Peanut Butter

# 10 Eggs and Kraut with Fresh Herbs

Ok, I know what you’re thinking, sauerkraut for breakfast….no way! Haha, I know it sounds crazy but when you give up sugar your taste buds change! We have new and exciting dimensions in flavor to explore. You and I also need to feed our good gut bacteria daily to enhance our immunity and our mood. In this article the whole egg and cholesterol myth is debunked as well.

Did you know eggs have all the B vitamins you’ll need? Yes, according to a National Institute of Health article on the nutritional facts of eggs, “. The egg yolk contains high amount of vitamin A, D, E, K, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, and B12, while egg white possesses high amounts of vitamins B2, B3, and B5 but also significant amounts of vitamins B1, B6, B8, B9, and B12 (Table 2). Eating two eggs per day covers 10% to 30% of the vitamin requirements for humans” that’s a hearty meal for sure! (1). The only vitamin I don’t see in this baby is vitamin C, but eat an orange or kiwi with this and you’re covered.

Last thoughts on 10 Cane-Sugar Free & Hearty Meals

I hope and pray this post helps you develop some sugar free and hearty meal ideas for breaking your fast other than cereal. There are so many more ideas out there from popular Christian Bloggers your options are limitless! Regardless if you are following a vegan, paleo, gluten free, or just a normal person like me plan, there are recipes available everywhere on social media.

Best wishes to you on your journey for a wholesome eating lifestyle!


The Golden Egg: Nutritional Value, Bioactivities, and Emerging Benefits for Human Health (nih.gov)

Réhault-Godbert, S., Guyot, N., & Nys, Y. (2019). The Golden Egg: Nutritional Value, Bioactivities, and Emerging Benefits for Human Health. Nutrients11(3), 684. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu11030684

Spelt & Walnut Breakfast Bowl

A Spelt & Walnut Breakfast Bowl may be just what you need to calm your gut and get some fantastic energy for the day. Since it provides a good source of magnesium, manganese, vitamin K, 5.5 grams of protein, and 3.9 grams of fiber in every cup, this ancient grain was meant to satisfy.

Besides, this is just another dish showing how tenderly God planned for you and I to thrive. So, while you’re feeling well cared for, add some fresh fruit, walnuts, and plain yogurt to this bowl of nutty deliciousness. You’ll have a mineral packed breakfast giving you quality, heart-healthy Omega 6 fat, protein, and gut healing bacteria.

To prepare for this dish ahead of time, all you have to do is find some spelt berries. They are usually available in your local grocery store. I place 1 cup of them in a medium saucepan with 2 cups of fresh filtered water. I add 1/2 tsp salt, bring to a boil, and simmer 15 minutes. I then turn off the stove and let it set 30 mins. When it has soaked up some of the water and the berries are fully hydrated, I drain and set it aside.

To make my breakfast bowl, I take 1 cup of this nut-like grain and add 1 tsp cinnamon, 2 Tbs. plain yogurt, 1 tbs. walnuts, and 1/2 cup fresh fruit. Yum!


Isaiah says about the farmer who levels the surface of the ground:

Does he not plant wheat in its place, barley in its plot, and spelt in its field? His God instructs him and teaches him the right way.

Isaiah 28:25b,26

The prophet explains God’s plan to plant, preserve, and prepare the grain. A system that protects it from disease and spoiling. And even the instructions on how to make it into bread. His plan is wonderful and his wisdom, indeed…magnificent! You and I can rest in His promises today, they are never-ending.

By the way, if you don’t have a hand mill, try boiling it and eating it as a porridge. Something like this Spelt & Walnut Breakfast Bowl, because that works too!

A Mood Boosting Breakfast with Salmon Tortilla

Filling my mind with God’s word in the morning feeds my soul and boosts my mood, it can yours too! The love of God comes to us through his word and assures us we can rely on His provision. Whether by land or sea, He continually supplies a fresh word or catch to sustain us body and soul! I am using some salmon from last night’s supper to create a mood boosting breakfast tortilla with veggies and fresh dill to accomplish part of that task today!

Salmon provides a good amount of essential omega3 fish oil in its natural form to help fight inflammation, lubricate blood vessels, and ease the hormone balance necessary for calming emotions. One study, found it helping elderly patients with mild to moderate depression.

The way I look at it is, if God created fish and Jesus lovingly prepared it for his disciples after his death, burial, and resurrection; it is beneficial for you and me too! My heart just melts when I think of him preparing breakfast for them after a long night of night of unsuccessful fishing because they are still mourning his recent death. It definitely fills my soul this morning…

Come, Have Breakfast

 Just as day was breaking, Jesus stood on the shore; yet the disciples did not know that it was Jesus. Jesus said to them, “Children, do you have any fish?” They answered him, “No.”  He said to them, “Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some.” So they cast it, and now they were not able to haul it in, because of the quantity of fish. That disciple whom Jesus loved therefore said to Peter, “It is the Lord!” When Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he put on his outer garment, for he was stripped for work, and threw himself into the sea. The other disciples came in the boat, dragging the net full of fish, for they were not far from the land, but about a hundred yards off.  When they got out on land, they saw a charcoal fire in place, with fish laid out on it, and bread. Jesus said to them, “Bring some of the fish that you have just caught.”

John 21 ESV – Jesus Appears to Seven Disciples – Bible Gateway

Breakfast Salmon Tortilla

Breakfast Salmon Tortilla

  • 3 ounces leftover Salmon
  • 1 Fresh whole grain tortilla shell
  • 2 Teaspoons of chopped red pepper
  • 1 Half chopped avocado
  • 2 Teaspoons of Fresh Dill
  • 1 Cup of Salad Greens
  • 3 Teaspoons Plain Greek Yogurt
  • 1 Tablespoon Nutritional Yeast (optional)
  • Onion Powder, salt or pepper to taste

Heat the tortilla 10-12 seconds in the microwave to just heat, the salmon heat about 20 seconds, place the yogurt on the shell, cover with salad greens, the salmon, dill, avocado, and fresh red pepper, season it to your taste and enjoy!


The benefits of this power packed fish tortilla include omega 3 and vitamin C. The whole grains and nutritional yeast provide B vitamins. Dill, on the other hand, has been studied in mice to restore aortic vessel wall function and reduce stiffening. Studies, like this offer glimmers of hope for those struggling with cardiovascular disease. Moreover, it is HARMLESS to take and adds wonderful flavor to food. So, enjoy a new breakfast tortillas and boost your brain power at the same time!

What’s in the garden is good!


Dill Extract Induces Elastic Fiber Neosynthesis and Functional Improvement in the Ascending Aorta of Aged Mice with Reversal of Age-Dependent Cardiac Hypertrophy and Involvement of Lysyl Oxidase-Like-1 – PubMed (nih.gov)

Fhayli W, Boëté Q, Kihal N, Cenizo V, Sommer P, Boyle WA, Jacob MP, Faury G. Dill Extract Induces Elastic Fiber Neosynthesis and Functional Improvement in the Ascending Aorta of Aged Mice with Reversal of Age-Dependent Cardiac Hypertrophy and Involvement of Lysyl Oxidase-Like-1. Biomolecules. 2020 Jan 23;10(2):173. doi: 10.3390/biom10020173. PMID: 31979322; PMCID: PMC7072659.

Quinoa & Chia Breakfast Bowl

When I see this quinoa & chia breakfast bowl in the morning and think about how many times I settled for cereal in the past, I just cringe. Really? Where was this energy packed breakfast when I was chasing my little girls around the yard? I did a class for my church a few years ago on Eating from God’s Garden and showed them this recipe alongside a glazed doughnut…

Needless to say, they were impressed with amount of goodness in this bowl compared to the doughnut.

There is no comparison with breakfast as far as macronutrients, or taste for that matter. Not only that, this doughnut does not fill us up! God’s wisdom in the garden in unparalleled.

“Wisdom reposes in the heart of the discerning and even among fools she lets herself be known.

” Proverbs 14:33

Although man’s pride continues to steer him away from God’s wisdom towards man made pleasures, God continues to let himself be known. The good news is we can start our day building wisdom in God’s word and from His garden. This simple quinoa & chia breakfast bowl is loaded with protein, fiber, whole grains, natural sweetness, omega 3 fat. As well as vitamins and minerals. All necessary for brain health and building wisdom!

On top of being nutrient packed, do you see all the seeds in this fruit? They are ready and waiting to propagate into the next generation. With just a little backyard space we can save the seeds from our next Kiwi and strawberries and grow them. All we have to do is rinse them well, place on a paper towel and dry them out at room temperature for about two weeks. Then plant them in some fertile soil and see if they grow. (The non-GMO seeds anyway 😔).

More importantly, as we age and face chronic disease, feeding our cells becomes necessary to function. The choices containing macronutrients to increase function begin to outweigh desire for sugar saturated “non-food” items. Also with just a little preparation we can enjoy new habits and convenience that provide cell building energy, without losing flavor.

Furthermore, our desire to use our hands without pain, open jars, and do crafts with our children and grandchildren doesn’t wan. It is something we need to thrive. We can continue to do these things with a little help from God’s garden.

Because we know… What God puts in the garden is good!

Quinoa & Chia Breakfast Bowl

  • 1/2 Cup Precooked Quinoa
  • 1/2 Cup Full Fat, Unsweetened Yogurt
  • 1 Teaspoon Chia Seeds
  • 1 Tablespoon Chopped Walnuts
  • 1 Sliced Kiwi
  • 3 Sliced Strawberries
  • 1 Teaspoon Raw Honey
  1. Precook Quinoa according to package directions on your preparation day ( I cook one or two cups ahead of time and refrigerate to use throughout the week in various recipes). Place in a bowl the quinoa and chia seeds add the honey (optional) and stir well. Then add the Greek yogurt. I prepare this the night before and place in 1 cup plastic holders. The next morning, I get them out and place my fresh fruit on top. Kiwi, blueberries, strawberries, whatever your favorite is. Then I top them with the walnuts.

Have a blessed week!

Check out this yummy vegetable soup too!

3 Way Asparagus Breakfast

On the contrary, the parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable.
1 Corinthians 12:22

A clear picture of my need for others is in this verse. How many times have you held a baby and just could not resist hugging or kissing them……..especially if they’re part of you! They are weak and seemingly offer us nothing, however the sheer innocence of their presence offers indispensable hope! We need them and we need each other.

We have many needs in our spiritual body that require the gifts and talents of others. They are at our fingertips, a text or phone call away. I’m comforted I don’t have to hesitate, I can reach out for them today. Just as I can reach to the garden to meet my needs physically. Here is how you and I can do that today, using leftovers from the night before.

1. Asparagus On An English Muffin with Fresh Herbs

  • 1 Egg
  • 1 Tbsp. Leftover Steamed Asparagus
  • 1 Tsp. Grated Romano Cheese
  • 1 Tbsp. Fresh Herbs ( I used my favorite lemon balm, fennel, parsley)
  • 1/2 Tsp Organic Olive Oil

Super easy preparation….In a mug, place your olive oil. Add one beaten egg, the asparagus, and cheese, microwave on High 1 minute. Place over English muffin and top with fresh herbs.

2. Gluten Free?….No problem, prepare items and place over leftover Wild Grain Rice

3. Low Carb for You?…….Easy fix, place egg mixture over a bed of greens with fresh herbs.

Eggs not your thing?
Adjust accordingly by combining 1/2 cup wild grain rice, a teaspoon of Romano cheese, Leftover steamed asparagus, a tablespoon of pumpkin seeds, and a tablespoon of walnuts. Heat in microwave 1 minute.

Why Fresh Herbs?
As we learned in our verse today, every part of our body is indispensable. That includes our gut health.
Fresh herbs aid in the digestion of our food, provide vital polyphenols and flavonoids to help us fight inflammation, disease and cell damage. All antioxidants and nutrients help us sustain and nourish our bodies. So, it is a good idea to add a few items from the garden to each meal.

I pray you have peace and nourishment in your body and soul today! What’s in the garden is good!

Quinoa Breakfast Treats

“So, they said to each other, ‘Weren’t our hearts ablaze within us while He was talking with us on the road and explaining the Scriptures to us’?
Luke 24:32

I love the story in Luke, where the unknown disciples are walking and talking along the road after Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection. On their way to Emmaus, the unidentified Jesus moseys right in among them and joins the conversation. They have no idea who He is or why He doesn’t know what just took place in Jerusalem three days ago. He continues to walk with them as He explains the appearance of Himself throughout the Scriptures.
It is not until evening and Jesus breaks the bread that their eyes are opened to who He really is. They were amazed and exclaimed excitedly, weren’t our hearts ablaze within us while He talked with us on the road, explaining the scriptures? I hope we have that same zeal for God’s word and our hearts are ablaze as He walks with us today!
While your heart is ablaze let your belly be satisfied with all of the polyphenols, antioxidants, magnesium, manganese, vitamin C, and nutrients these easy Quinoa Breakfast Treats Provide!
Quinoa Breakfast Treats

  • 3/4 CUP QUINOA


Enjoy! What’s in the garden is good

Quinoa Breakfast Treat
  • 3/4 CUP QUIONA




Enjoy your Quinoa Breakfast Treats!

Quinoa & Chia Breakfast Bowl – Strengthen Your Heart (mystypfeffer.com)

Benefits of Quinoa

11 Proven Health Benefits of Quinoa (healthline.com)