
Week 1

Day 3

“The God of Heaven is the One who will grant us success. We, His servants, will start building, but you have no share, right, or historic claim in Jerusalem.”            

Nehemiah 2:20

Do you find yourself busting at the seems to share with everyone what God has laid upon your heart to do? You are not alone, many people do. God gives them a dream and they barrel through at full steam. People like me, want to assess the situation thoroughly first and understand going in what I’m up against. You know, so I can set my expectations low… or talk myself out of it!

All joking aside, if God has called us to do a specific task, He will equip us for that task. He actually has been doing that for years. Every relationship, job experience, or connection with others play a role in what God wants to do through us today. Nehemiah’s proximity to the king and his role as cupbearer is a perfect example of God’s equipping him for his task.

Like some of us, he approaches the situation very carefully. Please read Nehemiah 2:11-20 to begin our lesson today.

  1. What does verse eleven clarify about Nehemiah’s approach to this situation?
  2. What areas are inspected and how were they destroyed? (vs 13)
  3. We discussed “exile” in a previous lesson, look up the word in a dictionary and think about how it applies here as the Israelites ‘returning’ from exile.
  4. Once the wall and the gates are inspected at night, who does Nehemiah approach to discuss building the wall? (vs 16, 17) How do they respond? (vs 18)
  5. We see two familiar names from a previous lesson mentioned and another name is added to a small group of opposition, list the names below: (vs. 19) What accusation do they charge Nehemiah with?
  6. Write out Nehemiah’s response below: (It is also our headline verse above, vs 20)

Names are important in lineage and Jewish history, so the nationalities are noted behind the names. Names also are important later when the Jews return to Jerusalem to give evidence of their affiliated tribe due to God’s laws about avoiding intermarriage. There are some really good studies that dive deeper into those topics, however today we will focus on the attitude behind the opposition.

Opposition does not come from the priests or the nobles, it comes from three of the officials. Thankfully, Nehemiah’s proximity to the king, as cupbearer has given him plenty of experience in understanding the motives and intentions of these officials. He sees right through the opposition and replies with confidence. His faith in God, cannot be shaken. 

Look ahead at some of this opposition and note the tactics used by these officials.

Please read Nehemiah Chapter 6

  1. It’s the same three people: Sanballat, Tobiah, and Geshem. They are persistent in their attempts to intimidate Nehemiah. Note Nehemiah’s response in verse 3. How many times did they attempt to lure him away? (vs 5)
  2. What are their threats? (vs 6)
  3. Nehemiah’s challenge to him in verse 8 is a priceless example to us for handling gossips.  Please write his response below: (vs 8,9)

We see how Nehemiah’s training has prepared him for these false accusations. He’s been in front of the king for years, determining trustworthiness of the individuals around the king. Ponder with me a moment, how intuitive he has become with his experience serving the king. Every twitch of the eye, shady expression, change in tone of voice, alert him to danger! His life depended upon it! Poisoned wine, equals dead cupbearer.

The man knew how to read people! And so, do we! We can spot trouble a mile away and know the minute the oncoming mouth is open we need to find another source. Look beyond the words and read between the lines. The frequent gossiper, or negative Nancy will attack every single endeavor we partake in to serve the Lord.

Be attuned—Is this wise counsel or something else? (Consider the words carefully)

Pray fervently—Nehemiah says in 6;9 in the middle of these attacks—“But now, my God, strengthen me.”

Above all, practice being as kind to the person as our tender hearts will allow. But do not fall for the ploy to distract. Maybe hold on to those dreams God has placed on our hearts and continue learning more about Him in His word before we burst forth. Take courage! He will assure us when the time is right. If the task is from Him, He will continue to open doors and lead the way!

Thank you for studying with me!