
Week 1

Day 2

Do we realize, the way we handle problems is a silent megaphone to others of our faith in God?

I’ve never heard a silent megaphone, of course. But picture a man in front of a king, his face is downcast. His trusted position of cupbearer signifies prominence. Yet, in that prominence there is hesitancy and despair. Sadness in the presence of a king is punishable by death. Although, he knows this, Nehemiah cannot cast it aside.

He must push through and ask the unthinkable: Dear king, will you overturn your own law and let me return to Jerusalem to build a wall? No, he does not word it that way, but in essence that is what he is strumming up the courage to ask the King.

Please Read: Nehemiah Chapter 2.

We read about the countenance of Nehemiah in verse 1 and the King’s observation of Nehemiah’s “depression” HCSB (some other versions state: sadness of heart/sorrow of the heart).

Note Nehemiah’s emotion in 2 b and response in 3 below:

2. The king asks Nehemiah in verse 4 “What is your request?”: Before Nehemiah answers in his “overwhelmed fear” what does he do? (vs 4b)

Courage is facing our fear and moving forward in spite of that fear, with the help of our Almighty God. We can see this powerful, and silent plea to God in the midst of very dangerous circumstances for Nehemiah. And God is showing us in His word, we too can have the same faith. We just have to call upon Him.

3. God gives Nehemiah more courage and imparts wisdom as he continues to step out in faith to return to Jerusalem and rebuild a wall. What does he ask the king for next? (vs 7-8)

4. Nehemiah has the wisdom to know that whatever task God calls him to do, will not be easy! There will be opposition and that opposition is why many are defeated before they begin. He, however started with a contrite heart and pure spirit. Look up the scriptures below and note what they say about a contrite heart:

a. Psalm 51:17

b. Isaiah 57:15.

God honors our heart’s desire to be in His will, doesn’t He?

5. Praise God. And he shows up in a powerful way to make sure we have the ability, tools, and back up for the task he has chosen us to do. Please note below what the king provides Nehemiah in verse 9

6. Who are the people mentioned in verse 10 and what is their reaction to “someone seeking the well-being” of the Israelites?

Yes! We will meet opposition in the face of stepping out in our faith. Our reaction to the displeasure of others is that silent megaphone. We may find ourselves among unhappy, dependent people. There may be continual criticism about every task we undertake. We can try to go out of our way to please someone and it is never enough.

God’s word says respond (with love) anyway!

7. Look over the scriptures below and pray God helps us in our silent daily battles with our unseen enemy.

Mathew 5:43-45

Luke 6:35

John 13:34-35

Galatians 5:13

Ephesians 4:2

It is a pleasure studying this overview with you! I am learning so much about God’s call on my life! May we pray and ask God what he is showing us more clearly in his word.

I must align my mind to His and off of the things that hurt my feelings. Maybe we can learn to do that together! While we’re together, perhaps our silent megaphone will make beautiful music in the heavenlies!