Jesus Offers More than What We Ask

My thoughts on Pricilla Shirer’s Elijah Study for Week 4

As we enter week four of our Elijah study, we finally get to the climax of Elijah’s life, the battle of Mt Carmel. There is no battle when a false deity is up against God, but in their tiny minds, they think there is. He has survived the trickle of water in Cherith and the humbleness of being fed by ravens. Listening further to the command of God, he goes to the pagan widow of Zarephath for an extended stay. A place where the oil jug does not run dry and the flour jar is never empty.

There is a pattern of provision that cannot be missed in these scenarios. It is an overflow of God’s presence for those who place their trust in Him. At the beginning of chapter 17, Elijah is speaking to Ahab and promises, “As the Lord God of Israel lives, I stand before Him, and there will be no dew or rain during these years except by my command!”

At the beginning of Elijah chapter 18, we see the Lord come to Elijah in the third year of this drought. He says, “Go and present yourself to Ahab. I will send rain on the surface of the land.” So, Elijah went to present himself to Ahab. (Elijah 18:1-2) Along the way, he meets Obadiah, Ahab’s man in charge of the palace, which greatly fears the Lord. Obadiah recognizes Elijah and warns him of the search party sent out to find the prophet Ahab despises and blames the famine in the land.

Elijah assures Obadiah he will not be carried off by the Lord’s Spirit and put him in danger. So, Obadiah tells Ahab to meet Elijah. Ahab says, “Is that you, you destroyer of Israel?”  Elijah replies, “I have not destroyed Israel, but you and your father’s house have because you have abandoned the LORD’S commands and followed the Baals. (vs. 18). Elijah instructs Ahab to summon all 450 prophets of Baal and 400 prophets of Asherah and ALL of Israel to meet at Mount Carmel.

Please take a moment to reread 1 Kings Chapter 18 to experience this moment in history fully.

As all the people gather, Elijah confronts them about hesitating (wavering, bouncing back and forth) between following God and worshipping Baal (who is Satan and all he stands for).  The people of Israel are silent. They know the depth of their depravity, and they have no answer. Like many Christians in the world today, they are ruled by governmental authorities who will kill them in an instant for daring to worship the One true God.

It’s a powerful tug of war on their hearts, fear of God or fear of those who can harm the body. Jesus says, “Don’t fear those who kill the body but are not able to kill the soul; rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell” (Mathew 10:28).

What Happens When We Sacrifice Our Scant Supply?

A picture of Israel’s gaunt faces and emaciated bodies comes to mind as they listen and watch this showdown with anticipation. I hear bellies grumbling as the battle extends beyond the morning and into the evening. The failure of Baal to appear is no surprise to them; he has failed to bring rain upon the land for the last three years. They watch as Elijah takes his turn and orders four gallons of their scarce water supply to be poured upon what could have been a source of food for many.

In this scene, another theme emerges as God’s plan to end the drought comes to fruition– you give your scant supply, and God will return it in abundance. Jesus says, “Give, and it will be given to you; a good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For the measure you use, it will be measured back to you” (Mathew 6:38).

Sacrificing her scant supply is something the widow had to do also. Do you ever wonder why it is something Christians are afraid to do today?  Unlike starving people, distracted by dry, parched tongues and empty bellies, we have plenty to give from our opulence. It is not food and water we lack; it is something far more devastating. Christians today are starving spiritually.

Jesus Offers More

Jesus has the answer for that spiritual starvation. He offered himself as a living sacrifice to bear the full wrath of God for our sin and salvation. He tells the Samaritan woman at the well, “Everyone who drinks from this water will get thirsty again. But whoever drinks from the water that I will give him will never get thirsty again, ever! In fact, the water I give him will become a well of water springing up within him for eternal life (John 4:13-14).

Israel witnesses the fire of God fall upon the sacrifice Elijah offers. As it licks up all the dripping water and the full trench, as well as the bull offered, they fall facedown and say, “Yahweh, He is God!” (1 Kings 18:39). In a little while, the sky grew dark with clouds and wind, and there was a downpour (vs. 45). All of Israel sees the abundant return of rain after proof of who the One true God is. Cemented into the minds of the people is the cost of turning away from God.

True Contentment and Satisfaction

It is the same with us. Undo spiritual suffering permeates our thinking year after year because our focus is in the wrong place. We put career, family, entertainment, and food above God in the thoughts and attitudes of our hearts. Yet, none of these things offer the contentment, peace, or satisfaction placing God first in our lives does.

My friend, we can remedy that today! Jesus says, “If you, then who are evil, give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him? (Luke 11:13). When we humble ourselves before Him, turn away from the distractions of this world and follow Him, Jesus offers more than what we ask.


 The Holman Christian Standard Bible.

Fear and Anxiety Cannot Flourish

This Kind of Gratitude Overcomes Fear & Anxiety

Satan wants my mind divided into a thousand pieces. In fact, that is what the Greek word for anxiety (merimna) means, “dividing and fracturing a person’s being into parts “(1). I believe if you and I have this thorough definition in mind when anxious thoughts begin to take over our minds, we can place them where they belong much faster; under the feet of Jesus. 

If I have received Christ Jesus and I’m walking in Him, Satan cannot divide and fracture my inmost being. He has been defeated and his powerful attempts to dethrone the King of my heart are futile. 

I am established in my faith and knowledge of who Jesus is and have been taught the power of my King over evil. I am so grateful! 

He Provides Contentment

It’s Jesus who puts my fragile ego in its proper place. Moreover, it’s Him who fills my heart to fullness when I look back at my life and see where he walked with me. I see the times I walked away from him and the times I put him last. I remember my bible sitting on my night stand gathering dust and never being opened. 

Yet, he knew the effort to stay afloat in this materialistic world would never be enough for me. And he was right. No career, person, relationship, or place can compare with knowing Him as my personal Savior. 

Every divided and fractured part of my being has been slowly put back into place and He makes me whole. My friend, he can make you whole today too! The contentment He provides is above and beyond all you can imagine when you receive Him. Have you received him today? 

Luke 11:13 says, “If you then who are evil, give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him? Therefore, I ask God today, for more of His spirit. Especially when hurtful words are spoken to me in haste. Although the person who speaks them unintentionally has the power to shoot sparks of anxiety deep into places of lingering self-doubt, those words will not prevail.

The words of life will! It takes practice and concentration over heated emotions, but long stretches of time in His word train me to ask and expect the Holy Spirit to show up in times of unrest.

I pray you ask him for more of His spirit today as well! With Him, fear and anxiety cannot flourish. God bless you and keep you!

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Learning to Value Every Experience

I am learning to value every experience the Lord provides to teach me something about following Him. Now I must tell you, loving every encounter or conflict has not been my attitude in the past. I begin to question or doubt myself, and look inward instead of upward. But how much better is my mindset if I look outward and upward instead?

Take, for instance, a chronic illness alongside a difficult relationship. I may perceive my circumstances as unfair or be unsettled with difficult people around me behaving a little greedy, selfishly, or speaking rudely. Perhaps, our value systems begin to expand in opposite directions, and trivial things grate on my nerves.

Sadly, this spiritual grating manifests as a physical symptom over time, and my spine or my heart, starts feeling the pressure. Do you know what I’m saying? The nerves of both are affected in a way that is deteriorating. My thoughts become negative and self-deprecating as well as judgmental.

Valuing Change in Perspective

What if I changed my perspective of the situation? If I choose to view a negative experience as a valuable opportunity to learn something the Lord wants to teach me, two people benefit.

Take the fact-driven account of Elijah and the widow from Zarephath in 1 Kings 17:8-16, for example. God calls Elijah to the enemy territory during a three-year drought to stay there with a starving widow and her son. Elijah doesn’t question God or remain by the dried-up brook; the text says he “got up and went to Zarephath.” This poor woman gathers sticks to make one more fire for her and her son’s last meal. Savor this next verse, my friend, and let God speak to you through his prophet:

“Then Elijah said to her, ‘Don’t be afraid; go and do as you have said. But first, make me a small loaf from it and bring it out to me. Afterward, you may make some for yourself and your son, for this is what the LORD God of Israel says, ‘The flour jar will not become empty, and the oil jug will not run dry until the day of the LORD brings rain on the surface of the land.”

1 Kings 17:13-14

The focus here appears inward as if he is asking for her last morsel of bread. But the reality is he is looking up to the One who provides all things in perfect timing. She is from a pagan land that worships and practices evil—the home of his arch-enemy, Jezebel. Yet, God calls Elijah out of Israel and to her in this pagan place.

What makes me stop in my tracks here is the fact that he does not hesitate to go. So, the question for me to internalize is, “What extreme circumstances are going to bring me to the place of following God without question?” Who do I fail to witness to and empower because of my distaste for confrontation? “Live, and let live” and “To each, his own” are cliché’s Christians are called to lovingly challenge with a physical demonstration of caring provision and a voice of truth.   

Embracing Every Problematic Experience

The dying widow didn’t know or like this stranger, and she didn’t have the same religion or values he had, but she listened to him. In contrast, the behavior I display is retreat or avoidance. It doesn’t matter when someone grates on my nerves or believes something opposite of what I think; I don’t have the courage to engage them in conversation. My response is to smile and turn away or shrug my shoulders and change the subject. I do this, so I don’t have to engage them in a deeper, life-changing conversation.

I stuff the opposing emotions and belief differences down upon the very nerves already taunt with physical deterioration. And we both suffer for it. I suffer from undue tension and regret, and they suffer because they lack the faithful forgiving, loving, merciful grace of Christ.

The resulting pain makes me begin questioning where I internalize situations I need to be placing before God. Instead of avoiding complex attitudes towards Christianity and righteous living, I can share the fulfilling reality of surrendering to Christ. If I learn to embrace every problematic experience as an opportunity, I’ll become proficient in expressing the love He so freely offers to me and others. Even people who don’t believe in Him. It’s the kind of bold faith I long for and pray for every day.

Jesus, shows me how I can truly learn to value every experience!

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Born Again, It’s Not Just a Sign at the Ballpark

But to all who did receive Him, He gave them the right to be children of God, to those who believe in His name, who were born, not of blood, or of the will of the flesh, or of the will of man, but of God.

John 1:13

Born Again?

The giant sign, “You Must Be Born Again” greets thousands of us as we exit the baseball park. The faithful servant of God stands silently waiting for someone to approach him and ask what it means. On the other hand, he may be hoping the Christians among the crowd will answer the few people grumbling the question out loud. I’m not sure, but I get the impression the concept is alien to the young baseball fans leaving the park. As a matter of fact, the comments I hear resemble the remarks of Nicodemus, who sought Christ under the cover of darkness .

Born again? What does that mean?

There was a man from the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews. This man came to Him at night and said, “Rabbi, we know that You have come from God as a teacher, for no one could perform these signs You do unless God were with him.”

Jesus replied, “I assure you: Unless someone is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” “But how can anyone be born when he is old?” Nicodemus asked Him. “Can he enter his mother’s womb a second time and be born?”

Jesus answered, “I assure you: Unless someone is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. Whatever is born of the flesh is flesh, and whatever is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not be amazed that I told you that you must be born again. The wind blows where it pleases, and you hear its sound, but you don’t know where it comes from or where it is going. So, it is with everyone born of the Spirit.” “How can these things be?” asked Nicodemus.  (John 3:1-9)

Born of The Spirit

I like to think of it this way; we are three-part beings, just like the trinity. However, unlike God in three persons, we have a soul, spirit, and body. We are born to our parents in the flesh and it houses our soul and spirit. Although we are temporary children of our parents in flesh and blood, we are eternal children of God if we receive his son.

1 Thessalonians 5:23

Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely. And may your spirit, soul, and body be kept sound and blameless for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

But not everyone is going to be born of the Spirit. They will remain in the flesh because they like the way they live. Lord of their own lives, not answering to anyone. Chained to a way of life that destroys the soul and the mind slowly.

Anyone who believes in Him is not condemned, but anyone who does not believe is already condemned, because he has not believed in the name of the One and Only Son of God. John 3:18

The One Who is From God Listens to God’s Words

The Pharisee’s knew they were the chosen people descended from Abraham. So, they believed living by the law, freed them from sin’s curse. The news of being born of the Spirit confused them as much as a billboard of empty words confuses people today. Without explanation, the sign means nothing and without the empathy, hope and compassion of our witness, they will remain lost.

Jesus Offers an Explanation of Born Again

 Jesus responded, “I assure you: Everyone who commits sin is a slave of sin.  A slave does not remain in the household forever, but a son does remain forever. Therefore, if the Son sets you free, you really will be free. I know you are descendants of Abraham, but you are trying to kill Me because My word is not welcome among you.  I speak what I have seen in the presence of the Father; therefore, you do what you have heard from your father.” “Our father is Abraham!” they replied. “If you were Abraham’s children,” Jesus told them, “you would do what Abraham did. But now you are trying to kill Me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God.

Abraham did not do this!  You’re doing what your father does.” “We weren’t born of sexual immorality,” they said. “We have one Father—God.” Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love Me, because I came from God and I am here. For I didn’t come on My own, but He sent Me.  Why don’t you understand what I say? Because you cannot listen to My word.

You are of your father the Devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning and has not stood in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he tells a lie, he speaks from his own nature, because he is a liar and the father of liars. Yet because I tell the truth, you do not believe Me. Who among you can convict Me of sin? If I tell the truth, why don’t you believe Me?  The one who is from God listens to God’s words. This is why you don’t listen, because you are not from God.”  (John 8:31-37—

Jesus offers this explanation to the Pharisees so they might believe and have eternal life. However, like many we will witness to today, they refuse to believe and live.

Action Steps to Help Others Understand

The action steps of bold faith today are to speak truth to the people within our influence. Moreover, we can live before them the life Christ calls us to live. A life of joy, peace, generosity, kindness, patience, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22). Our children, friends, family, coworkers, and neighbors will see this and want it for themselves.

In fact, our lives will be born of the Spirit when we encounter Jesus on a personal level. The revelation and movement of our mind and soul toward pleasing Jesus is the first sign in our lives that we are committed and truly believe in Him. Therefore, we are born again. New creatures who die to our old self and arise anew in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17).

The beauty of this rebirth is not only a changed heart and new life while still in this old body, but the promise of eternal life in a new body someday. I’d love to explore the concept of a new body further with you in the 15th chapter of Paul’s letter to the Corinthians. However, today I’ll settle for understanding Jesus’ words of born again.  Until we meet again, my friend.

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The Gift of Peace Jesus Offers

The Coping Gifts

The mind is a tricky thing, isn’t it? Since it is so tricky, we learn early in life different ways to adapt and cope. Some will say we are given a gift, a natural ability or talent. For instance, we develop mechanisms ranging from thumb sucking, blanket squeezing, and toy holding as comforting in childhood and advance to make-up piling, starving ourselves, people pleasing as adults.

We fill ourselves with music, reading, learning, art, nature, or people looking for our own gifts to fill us. Gifts we strive to develop so we can attain or maintain some sort of internal peace. Although, the reality is, peace is not found in our gifts or coping ability. It can only be found in the gift of peace Jesus offers.  

In fact, apart from the peace of Jesus, all these attempts fail. We realize at some point, we are masking an underlying restlessness. As the temporary comforts of the world fade, we reach for something else to take their place.

Unlike Jesus, who offers us a gift of eternal peace, the world’s gifts dissolve. He bestows the kind of peace that keeps us calm, when the world shuts down and we don’t get the “things” we think we want.

Furthermore, the gift of peace Jesus offers is a deep abiding comfort permeating our souls. A peace that remains even when the job or relationship we hoped for doesn’t work out. More importantly, it’s a gift shining through the turmoil of our emotions when the people we love don’t return our devotion.  Yes, my friend, His peace truly is a gift worth leaving to others! Do you want that kind of peace today? I sure do!

Prayer For the Peace Jesus Offers

Prayer: God in heaven, you see our troubled thoughts from afar and you know how our minds stray from you. I ask you, Father,  in Jesus’ name, to give this lady peace today. I pray your gift of perfect peace become the hallmark of her walk with you. As others see her contentment with your blessings and her gratitude for another day, you are high and lifted up. May the troubles of her heart be placed at your feet for healing and assurance. May she always remember, You are in control, You do everything in your timing, and all we have to do is trust in You. Thank you, Father, Amen.

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Music to sooth your weary soul as you soak in the peace Jesus offers!

What Does being Under the Control of Jesus Look Like?

The Glory of His Presence

I commute an hour to work along the hill crested valley of the Ohio river. In the morning, the sun surrounds the winding road, casting a pinkish-crimson glow across the water. The evening ride home comforts me too as the soft peach and orange hues settle over the hilltops. With so much time on my hands, it is important to use it wisely and bring my mind under the control of Jesus.

I can hear the Psalmist’s words of praise to God hemming him in, behind and before. As I see His glory unfold every morning, I feel Him going before me. It is a time of prayer, listening to hope filled music, and messages of the Christian faith.

One morning, when listening to the radio, I heard a message about “carnal Christians”. As I’m listening, I remember another preacher referring to the lifestyle of a famous singer when talking about the same subject. In all honesty, I’m feeling that cognitive dissonance that occurs when something I hear doesn’t line up with the bible. In fact, carnal means a person is relating to physical, especially sexual needs and activities, that are not Christ-like at all.

Under The Control of the Flesh

The message on the radio is calling “carnal Christians” people who remain new, or baby Christians throughout their lives without ever growing in faith. The pastor said, these people know Christ, make a confession of faith, get baptized, then continue to live their same old ways. He he was in no way condemning to this “churched” population. In fact, I thought he was trying to reach them in their current state of faith.

Apparently, many people are stuck in a state of living for themselves and the desires of the flesh. A place I remember finding comfort in during my twenties and early thirties, all too well.

Who Am I Lifting Up?

I was a believer who put education, family, and building a home above God. As a result, I was delayed in finding true contentment. Looking back, I can see the difference of living for myself and living for Jesus. In addition, it helps me see where we, the church, can come in boldly for “new” Christians. We can invite them to our homes and mentor to them through our behavior and attitudes. The bible calls it, righteous living. Its an opportunity to answer questions and teach God’s word in small groups. Not only that, we can share our excitement about true freedom as we study God’s heart and intention for our lives in His word.

After all, it’s digging into God’s word where we understand His character and holiness. We see equal amounts of love alongside His justness. Moreover, we understand His intolerance of sin, because of its destructiveness and power to separate us from Him…for eternity. It is also where the healing power of Jesus changes our own hearts to be in alignment with His.

Under the Control of Jesus

How I Feel

I’m afraid carnal Christians are either unaware or unaccepting of this important reality; the healing power of Jesus. Those failing to find freedom in Christ are the people I understand and long to minister to most. However, my question for these ministers is, how can carnal Christians remain that way for years and not experience change?

According to the bible I am either under the control of Jesus, myself or the devil.

How short lived that clarity is for the people of Jesus’ day! Unfortunately, it resembles the people of today.

What Do I Do?

The freedom from the law, the right to do anything, is directed to people in Christ, not people apart form Christ. The freedom in Christ is freedom from the punishment of the law, but it does not take away our love for the right way to live.

Therefore, I don’t see carnal people claiming to know Jesus brought under the control of Jesus, but only themselves. Their desire is to please the flesh over pleasing Christ.

I want to ask the pastor on the radio, “Does your message glorify the power of Christ’s death and resurrection or does it diminish it?” If you describe these people as followers of Christ, and they’re just immature and stuck in the ways of the world “for years and years” how does that compare to the apostle John’s observations?

Brought Under the Control of Jesus

The apostle John says:

This is how we are sure that we have come to know Him: by keeping His commands. The one who says, “I have come to know Him,” yet doesn’t keep His commands, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But whoever keeps His word, truly in him the love of God is perfected. This is how we know we are in Him: The one who says he remains in Him should walk just as He walked.

1 John 2:4-6

The apostle Paul says:

For you were called to be free, brothers; only don’t use this freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but serve one another through love. I say then, walk by the Spirit and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh.  For the flesh desires what is against the Spirit, and the Spirit desires what is against the flesh; these are opposed to each other, so that you don’t do what you want. Now the works of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, moral impurity, promiscuity, idolatry, sorcery, hatreds, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambitions, dissensions, factions, envy, drunkenness, carousing, and anything similar. I tell you about these things in advance—as I told you before—that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.

Galatians 5 HCSB – Freedom of the Christian – Christ has – Bible Gateway

Yes, it is a process and we will fail time and again. But Jesus gives us a desire to please him, to hunger for the things he hungers for, and in the process He turns our lives upside down! It’s with Him, that we long to spend hours of our time. Those things of the flesh are no longer appealing. So, if I’m struggling in an area, I need someone to help me get out of it.

Moreover, I need to be there for someone else to help them along.

Me or Jesus?

Maybe the intention of the pastors is to help people struggling see there is a better way. I do understand that process, I just don’t understand the terminology; carnal and Christian are not in the same category or sphere of influence. I know because I’ve been there and still struggle with the consequences, many years later! Therefore, I have no condemnation for anyone stuck where I was.

In fact, my heart for this group of people is to identify their struggle, hold their hands, and offer them support. However, giving them comfort without giving them truth is an eternal death sentence. I don’t want them to suffer the destruction that awaits people who are deceived! Nor do I want them to live defeated, afraid, or guilt-ridden. They need my help. Someone who is familiar with the pain of being under the control of the flesh and not under the control of Jesus.

Even though it took me years to figure this out, it doesn’t have to be that way for them! They can come to know Him fully and be enveloped in His presence from every member of church and through their prayers.

Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The urgent request of a righteous person is very powerful in its effect.

James 5 HCSB – Warning to the Rich – Come now, you – Bible Gateway

Although, the landscape of the culture may look bleak, the unfolding glory of God’s presence has never diminished! His mercies are new every day in the shadows of persistent sin and His word is still available to bring myself and carnal Christians under the control of Jesus. Praise and glory be to God the Father for sending His only Son to take the punishment I deserve. May I not only see it daily, but share it with those in need.

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Joshua Bible Study

Joshua Week One Day 1


An Introduction

The freed slaves of Egypt have wondered in the desert for forty years under the leadership of Moses. Now, the Israelites are under the new guidance of his long-time apprentice, Joshua, and ready to enter the “Promised” land. The land God promised to their ancestor Abraham four hundred years ago. Joshua is no longer the young rambunctious spy ready to take on Canaan at around twenty years old. No, at twenty he had one responsibility; observing and reporting about the land. Now, he has the responsibility of the nation upon his shoulders. As leaders and parents, we can put ourselves in his shoes and understand his burden of responsibility for the people under his care. We too, know the promises of God, however the surmounting trials of our current culture challenge us daily in how we lead, speak, and influence those around us. Therefore, courage alongside faith is a must. As we begin the book of Joshua, may we remember God is with us in our everyday battles too. Through Him, in Him, and with Him we will overcome our fears and lead others to know and trust Him more. So, let’s get busy, shall we?
Who wrote the book?
Who were the recipients?
When was Joshua written?
Where did it happen?
What is Joshua about?

Word Study:

Be strong (Hebrew chazaq, be firm)—conveys a strength that grows. Although, the verb’s meaning is “tie or bind fast, gird” as in “girding the loins” the idea is that one secures a garment in order to free the legs for action. (Eph 6:14 1 Peter 1:13 lit “gird the loins of your mind”).
Courageous (Hb amats, be alert, firm, brave, strong, undaunted”). We see this often used in reference to one’s feet (being swift-footed) the verb figuratively means having an alert or vigorous mind.

Joshua was commanded not to be discouraged (Hb chatat “be broken down with fear, be dismayed or confounded” Dt 31:8).

“Have I not commanded you: be strong and courageous? Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go”

Themes of Joshua

God’s covenant faithfulness to his people Israel’s entrance into the promised land and inheritance of God’s promises The Lord’s provision and protection, no matter how discouraging the circumstances The necessity of a believer’s obedience (The Holman Christian Standard Bible, 2015).
Read Joshua chapter 1.
Do you see who is talking directly to Joshua? What does he say to Joshua in verses 2-5?
                Prepare to _________________________________________________
                Your territory will be_________________________________________________
                No one will be able __________________________________________________
                I will be __________________________________________________________
What characteristic of God is shown in verses 2-5?_______________________________
Why do you think it was necessary for God to remind Joshua to be strong and courageous?
Do you remember from studying the bible who Joshua is? For a refresher, let’s look at his younger days. We can also follow his story from the following passages, please note alongside the passage Joshua’s role (job description) and his character if noted:

Exodus 17:8-13

Numbers 13:30-14:38)   Gives us a clear picture of the journey and report of the twelve spies sent to scout the promised land when the Israelites were roaming in the wilderness. It is a bit long, but very helpful in understanding Joshua’s story.

Numbers 27:15-23

Deuteronomy 31:14-15:23

Now that we have a clear picture of what Joshua is up against and how he came to oversee the nation of Israel, we can also see his future will be just as challenging as Moses’s was. Therefore, God reassures him in the first chapter of Joshua.


Since we too, face challenges to be courageous, how does reading God’s promises to Joshua help you face your own circumstances?

What else did God show you in studying his word today?

Prayer: God in heaven, Father of all, your power and might always go before us. You are faithful to provide, protect, and deliver. As a loving Father, you expect obedience. Although, you allowed the consequences of Israel’s disobedience to alter their journey, you remained faithful. Just as our disobedience sometimes alters our circumstances, you are showing us the way apart from you is more painful. You are shaping and molding us slowly into the likeness of your Son through testing and trials. Please help us see through the difficulties, your great love and show us areas where we need to repent. Give us peace knowing you are with us and trust you completely in working ALL things for our good and your glory. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Joshua Week One Day 2

Be Strong and Courageous

Since the opposite of strong and courageous is weak, discouraged, and fearful we will look at emotions that stem from continual thoughts of uncertain outcomes like anxiety and fear.

So, let’s review our memory verse and live it out for the next 24 hours in everything we do.

“Haven’t I commanded you: be strong and courageous? Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go”. (Joshua 1:9).

We are going to get a little deeper into chapter one so let’s reread it today.

Mathew 6:28

Mathew 6:31

Mathew 10:19

Luke 10:40-42

We see clear instruction not to be anxious about anything, however living it out is a very difficult thing to do in the heat of our circumstances. Not being anxious is a state of spiritual growth that will be different for every one of us. We may think of people we know who are new to Christ and just beginning to trust him in the little things. Newer Christians may have more concerns than those who have walked with him for many years. On the other hand, you can probably think of several people you know who have been faithful to the Lord in attending church all their lives, yet are constant worriers.

Therefore, spiritual growth does not necessarily coincide with number of years of following Christ. Maybe the heart of the matter is submission and trust.

Do I trust God if the worst thing happens?

Although I do not know the conversation going on in Joshua’s mind with the Lord that day, I do know, he was to lead Israel into the promised land.  I also sense he had a tremendous amount of fear. When Moses laid out the blessings and curses before the people, they had the same choice you and I do. Trust God.

Deuteronomy 30: 11-16 says,

 “This command that I give you today is certainly not too difficult or beyond your reach. It is not in heaven so that you have to ask, “Who will go up to heave and get it for us, so that we may follow it?

 We read through part of Deuteronomy 30 on day one. The picture of Moses’ transition of leadership to Joshua is a beautiful thing for us to consider. Moses would not enter the earthly promised land, because God was taking him to the ultimate promised land. He reinforces to the people the reasons they should not be afraid.

Please read through Deuteronomy 30: 1-8 and list the them:

In reading these scriptures today, do you think anxious thoughts are a sin? Explain why or why not.


As we conclude today’s study, I hope we can pray this passage of scripture over the areas of fear we may be experiencing from our anxiousness today.

Prayer: God in heaven you see our hearts and you read our minds. We can pretend before others we are fearless and brave. Yet, you see the deepest fear of our hearts. They may be fear of losing health, fear of losing loved ones, or fear of death. But in this message, you teach us to trust you, Lord. Just as you went before Israel to face mighty enemies of the promised land, you go before us. Just as they feared the unknown, you reassured them through the words of promise. You will not forsake us, so thank you for this encouragement and hope for tomorrow.

Joshua Week 1 Day 3

Preparing the People

The book of Joshua is the first of the historical books of the bible following the Pentateuch, the first five books of the bible. The Pentateuch, written by Moses, contains the Torah or God’s law of instruction. It tells the beginning of creation, the beginning of sin, how mankind was separated from God, and it tells of God’s plan for redemption and salvation. The Torah, contains the ten commandments alongside the moral law, as well as the civil law (how to govern the people), and ceremonial laws (how to worship God).

In effect, God’s expectations, protection, and provision are clearly laid out in the Pentateuch in order to protect the people from themselves.

Considering the purpose of the first five books of the bible, what does God remind Joshua to do in chapter 1: 7-8?
Do not ________________________________________________
This book of instruction must not__________________________
You are to_____________________________________________
So that you may__________________________________________
For then you will__________________________________________

Joshua’s success was tied to his devotion to and continuous study of God’s whole instruction, the book of the law. He was told to recite (or meditate on) it, just as a person who would memorize and speak it aloud (HCSB, 2015).

1. How important is God’s Word to living and understanding the abundant life Jesus talked about in John 10:10?

2. Joshua takes command and begins to delegate orders to the officers of the people. What does he tell the officers to relate to all the people? (vs. 11)

3.  The instructions to the tribes are recorded in verses 12-15, what are the fighting men to do?

4. How do these men respond?

They are ready to claim their inheritance and promise to obey Joshua just as they obeyed Moses, in everything. They even pray for God to be with him as he was with Moses. I love how these men pick up the theme for conquering the enemy…Above all, be strong and courageous!

Please Read Joshua Chapter 2

Do you find in interesting that Joshua only sends two spies instead of twelve to scout out Jericho?  I do. In verse one, we meet Rahab the prostitute and learn the strategic place where her house is located. But, the king of Jericho knew a multitude of people were just across the Jordan and ready to take over, and he knew where to look for the spies.

5. What does the messenger tell Rahab and how does she respond? (vs 2-5)

6. Where were the men of Israel?

7. What does she say to the men of Israel and what does she do for them?

Rahab’s protection of the spies is like the midwives protecting the innocent babies born to the Hebrew women in Egypt at the time of Moses’ birth in Exodus. The greater purpose to save lives and answer to God verses answering to men took precedence. Her clear understanding of God’s plan to give the land to Israel had preceded the arrival of the spies.

8. What does she say to the men in chapter 2 verses 11-12

9. Do you consider that and her words in 11,12 and following actions in 13-16 a confession of faith? Look at Hebrews 11:31 to help with your ansHow excited the men were to report back to Joshua the results of their mission! What do they tell him in 2:24?

10. What statements in your reading today reminded you of God’s—-A. faithfulness B. promises, his provision C. protection and D. required obedience?


How does God’s character and his promises shown in this passage today encourage you to boldly live according to your faith, amid overwhelming pressure, fear, or uncertainty?


God in heaven, your faithfulness to your people is warming my heart. I have faltered in speech and action so many times, just as Israel did in the wilderness. Despite that, you forgive and encourage me through your mighty Word. I am grateful, humbled, and eager to change my weaknesses into strengths. Knowing your power and might rule over large armies, bigger obstacles, enemies of spiritual and physical destruction, I can live abundantly. Thank you, for sending your son to conquer my enemies of fear and oppression. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Week 1 Day 4

The Lord of All the Earth

In today’s reading of Joshua chapter 3 we will learn about preparing the strategy. Think about that word for a minute. Strategy is a plan put in place to achieve an overall goal. Does that make you think about your own overall goal in life?

It does me. Although I didn’t realize it at the beginning, the main reason I do bible study with this group has become clearer over the years. Not only do I want to be more like Christ, I want my sisters in Christ to live confident, faith-filled lives. Lives that see beyond our temporary circumstances and the world.  In order to do that, we need the solid Word of God to guide us and gives us tools and strategies to stay the course.

Please Read Joshua Chapter 3

1. When did Joshua start his strategy? (vs 1).

2. Do you start your strategy early in the morning? If so, what do you do to prepare for the day? Are you preparing physically, spiritually, or maybe both?

3. After three days, what did the officers go through the camp and command the people to do?

4. What do you think is the significance of the “ark of the Lord your God” and why did they need to keep their distance? (vs 3-4)

According to the Holman Christian Standard study bible, the ark of the covenant symbolized God’s presence with His people. With the ark going before the people into battle, Israel’s strength did not come from their military might, but from the Lord’s presence with and defense of His people (HCSB, p. 316, 2015). We too, can keep Him and His Word ahead of us as we travel through a new climate of uncertainty in our own walk. He knows we are going to face things ahead that we have not experienced before.

5. What does Joshua tell the people to do in verse 5?

6. Look up the word consecrate and write the definition below:

“The term of worship commands a person to prepare herself to be purified, knowing that she will meet with God. That the Israelites were told to “consecrate yourselves” shows that their conquest was more than a military operation. It was also a spiritual journey” (HCSB, p. 316, 2015).  The beauty of cleansing our conscience before the Lord is so we can see Him work wonders among us, too. That, my friend, is some serious strategy!

7. What were the priests carrying the ark of the covenant ordered to do? (vs. 8).

8. We know from yesterday’s study that the fear of God was upon the people of Canaan and this gave the Israelites confidence (Joshua 2:24). So, how does Joshua reinforce their confidence in verses 9-11?

9. We also learn in verse 15 that the Jordon was flooding at this point of their travel. However, what does Joshua tell them in verse 13?Can you just imagine the site of the flooding river coming to a standstill on both sides as the priests took that step of faith into the rapidly flowing water? What are we told about the water in verse 16?

Some of them may have been around long enough to remember the parting of the Red Sea. Therefore, seeing the presence of God going before them assures them, no obstacle in their journey is greater than God. Nor is any enemy bigger than God. He is the Lord of all the earth. The same is true for us, as believers in Christ. Since He goes before us, we can have confidence in the circumstances we face.

Look up the passage below and describe what is happening and who commands the water in this passage:

Luke 8:22-25

What statements in your reading today reminded you of God’s—-A. faithfulness B. promises, his provision C. protection and D. required obedience?


Since, we are followers of Christ and have submitted our lives to him, we can rest in his ability to go before us in the days ahead. It may difficult. In fact, it may be as scary as putting our feet into the flood of a raging river. However, using the strategy of rising early, consecrating our minds in readiness to worship Him, and facing the day knowing He goes before us, will give us the tools to overcome our fear and build bold faith.

Prayer: God of all the earth, you go before us daily. As David says in the 23rd Psalm, with you we lack nothing. We don’t have to fear danger because you are with us, your rod and your staff comfort us as tools for keeping us together in fellowship and encouragement. Apart, we tend to drift into the territory of the enemy. Bring us back with your handy staff, Lord. Bring the crook around our wandering necks and pull us close. The stifling pressure of the world thrives on fear tactics and sensationalism. Lord, please give us the power to implement the strategies to overcome the world! Just as you stopped the water and the waves, you’ll stop the force of fear.  Lord, as a result, we will be filled with wonder in Your presence. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Are you feeling it too?

I’ve never been the kind of person who bows to peer pressure. In fact, when the pressure heats up to behave a certain way or do a certain thing, this stubborn introvert digs her heels in deeper to stay right where she is. After all, one good friend is worth more to me than a dozen who roll with the times. I say all of this because of the mounting pressure to conform in today’s culture. Are you feeling it too?

Do you find yourself turning off the news because you hear the same repeated message delivered? Although different phrases and pictures are used the message is the same. I feel like I’m under the voice of a hypnotist sometimes. He’s warning me of the doom and gloom fast approaching and consuming me and the ones I love. His fear tactics are only superseded by his strategy of divisiveness.

Fortunately, followers of Christ can see the driving force behind these fear and divisive-based attacks and hang onto hope! Primarily because this enemy has already been defeated. Since, he knows his time is short, he is in a frenzy to accuse, discourage, and persuade every follower of Christ to doubt who is really in control.  The entire situation in our culture today reminds me of the old testament story of the twelve spies.

Feeling the pressure to Conform

For instance, the overwhelming pressure to conform appeals to my emotions. Also, my sense of responsibility, and accountability are piqued. Just as it is for Joshua. The intensity of pressure laid upon he and Caleb was intense. All because they were not afraid to enter Canaan under the direction of the Lord. One leader from each tribe was instructed by Moses to report what the land was like. They were to find out if the land was fertile or unproductive. As well as if the people were few or many, strong or weak. Do they live in fortified cities or encampments? (Numbers 13:18-20).

Although, twelve men were sent to scout out the promised land, only two came back with a hopeful report. Ten of them were fearful because of the very large people they saw. Canaan’s fortified cities, and their ability to devour its inhabitants terrified them (Numbers 13:31-32).

The intensity of this report incited the people to fear. They wanted to stone the two spies who gave a good report.  Much like an easily swayed population turns against those who place their trust in God instead of those in power. Money holders’ rule behind the scenes over policies, guidelines, and messages that affect the way people think. I take hope in Joshua’s response to the people.

Joshua son of Nun and Caleb son of Jephunneh, who were among those who scouted out the land, tore their clothes and said to the entire Israelite community: “The land we passed through and explored is an extremely good land. If the Lord is pleased with us, He will bring us into this land, a land flowing with milk and honey, and give it to us. (Numbers 14:6-8).

Numbers 14 HCSB – Israel’s Refusal to Enter Canaan – Bible Gateway

Looking beyond the size of the people, Joshua and Caleb looked at the size of their God. They knew deep down the promises of God are real despite the circumstances. Not only was the fear uncalled for, it also showed a lack of trust in God. Moreover, the distrust sparked complete rebellion and disregard of His good-natured promises.

God is Bigger

Friends, He is with us and His promises are true for us too. He implores us to trust Him. Although the giants we face are present and actively changing values of the people around us, we can stand firm. Yes, the reports of death are real. However, the number of people dying today is no different than those who died this time last year. There is just a sensational amount of attention placed on one specific cause over another.

Even though the enemy of disease has a huge presence in our lives, we cannot forget God is bigger. He determined before we were born, when, how, and the day we will die. If it happens to be the current predominant disease, then that is His will. No matter what measures we take to prevent it, we will not escape His predetermined route of our leaving this earth.

However, we can rejoice because our souls are promised to be with Him in glory! He gave his son to die on the cross to save us from our own distrust and rebellion against Him. He urges us to not conform to the pattern of this world.

Therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, I urge you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God; this is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.

(Romans 12:1-2)

I can’t describe the comfort this verse has brought me over the years. As I struggled to figure out who to follow, what to do, and who to believe. One traumatic year can change my self-perception and that is just wrong. I can bow to the pressure or use God-given discernment.

Bold faith says, “I am who God says I am. So, I only bow to Him in decisions that change my genetic code forever.” In doing so, I respect my friends’ decision to do what they feel is right. I also cast aside the crushing weight of this world and embrace a different perspective. I feel the tender presence of Jesus reminding me not to get too comfortable here . Mostly because this world and all its pressure is temporary and will pass away.

Knowing Jesus like you do, are you starting to feel it too?

Read more articles on Bold Faith Here.

Out of Sight, But Never Far from My Heart

“I rejoiced in the Lord greatly that once again you renewed your care for me. You were, in fact, concerned about me but lacked the opportunity to show it.”

Philippians 4:10

I hear the undertones of sadness in my sweet friend’s voice. I would love to see her in person and give her a hug. She is holding on to what she knows to be true amid overwhelming doubt and uncertainty.

Although I’m not sure of the deep questions in her heart, I can tell the damaging thoughts are taking their toll on her self-perception. Recalling her days of cheer and laughter, I’m tempted to bring her out of her sadness with memories of good times.

This might work temporarily, but if I continue to speak truth into her pain and pray God uses it to nurture His perception of her that would be better.

Several years ago, I too struggled with self-image, depressive thoughts, and uncertainty about who I am. The world tells me I must be pretty, smart, and a certain size in order to have value.

The thing is, I don’t have extraordinary characteristics of any of those things. My sense of self needs a greater hope. Thankfully, for me, and hopefully my friend too, Jesus fills our painful, never-ending strive for approval.

He says, “Let go of the shame, let go of the past and live for me”.  He heals all my twisted thoughts with his loving word. It is an anchor for my soul. He tells me a different story of value, redemption, and love than the world does.

He is sufficient is sweeping confidence in the flesh away, too. The talent, passion, and ability he provides are to glorify him.

Therefore, all the achievements, status, and education the world esteems are of no use if I don’t use them to show my sweet friend Christ. No matter how far away, she is. She may be out of sight, but she is never far from my heart.

How many times was I concerned about her and lacked the opportunity to show it due to distance? Like Paul and the Philippian church, the care they showed him resounded in rejoicing in the Lord.

As a result, he learned to be content in all circumstances. Although his circumstances referred to physical shortage and my friend’s is mental, the application is the same.

He knew they cared! The gift I send my friend is not a solution to her problems, but my love. I also give her the encouragement of the God’s healing and powerful word.

 He is not distant either, He is holding her close during her uncertainty. The secret for Paul being content in all circumstances can be a reality for the two of us as well.

Who knows when the round of discouragement will come my way again, as it did for Paul and my friend? Comfort and ease in life is fleeting, as doubt and uncertainty come and go.

However, my hope is in the One who cares, he too may be out of sight, but he is never far from my heart.

More about bold faith here:

Leaving An Example to Follow

Do you ever watch a little boy swagger and say something grown up like his dad? They can’t help it, it’s all they see! Since, I watch six little boys do that frequently, I get a big kick out of their attempts to follow their dads’ characteristics. Intermixed in their own personalities, is a splash of an adult. Although, we too have taken on some characteristics of our parents, when we willingly choose to follow Christ, we are called to leave our parent’s example and follow his.

And boy, did he leave an example to follow!

When he was a boy of twelve and drawn to his Father’s house, he sat among the teachers, listening and asking questions. All those who heard him were astounded at his understanding. When his parents came looking for him, he went with them and was obedient to them (Luke 2:41-51). Something many of us, myself included, have to learn the hard way.

In addition to respecting his parents, Jesus took on the traits of His Father in heaven by showing compassion for people. Traveling to Capernaum, all those who had anyone sick with various diseases brought them to him. As He laid his hands on each one of them, he would heal them.

Also, demons were coming out of many, his example brought crowds to press in on him as he proclaimed the good news about the kingdom of God (Luke 4:20-44). Although, we may not be able to command demons or heal the sick, we sure can pray in Jesus’ name for the person tormented by them. More importantly, as we show compassion, we can also share the news of eternal salvation through Jesus, just as he did.

Leaving a Willing Example to Follow

Jesus’ example of compassion continued throughout his ministry. The poor man with a serious skin disease falls facedown before him and begs him: “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.” Reaching out his hand, Jesus touched him, saying, “I am willing; be made clean.” and immediately the disease left him. Large crowds then followed him to be healed of their sicknesses. The text then says, “he often withdrew to deserted places and prayed” (Luke 5:12-15).

While reading these examples, we can picture the large crowds of people desperate for healing, poor and oppressed, and looking for a savior. The good news of Christ’s message here is: He is willing for all who come to him, to be healed of pain and brokenness.

In essence, redeemed of despair. When we read that he often withdrew to deserted places and prayed, we are reminded of Isaiah’s words, “He bore our sickness and carried our pain”. Can you just picture for a moment, this great crowd of people coming to him every day to restore them? How draining that would be! We can’t handle one person doing it, let alone a whole crowd…every day. Yet, he willingly takes it all upon himself. Drawing on the power of our Father in heaven to renew his own strength. Leaving quite an example to follow!

Healing the sick, while comforting the oppressed and afflicted is such a large part of Jesus’ ministry. We continue to see it throughout the gospels. The people travel from far places, to hear him, be healed of their diseases, and made well of unclean spirits (Luke 6: 17-23). But we must pay close attention to what Jesus suddenly says as the people sense his authority over illness and crowd around him to touch the power coming from him….(yes emanating power, read it, that’s what the scripture says!)

Then, looking up at His disciples, He said:

You who are poor are blessed because the kingdom of God is yours.

You who are hungry are blessed because you will be filled.

You who now weep are blessed because you will laugh.

You are blessed when people hate you, when they exclude you, insult you, and slander your name as evil because of the Son of Man.

Luke 6;20-22

Luke 6 HCSB - Lord of the Sabbath - On a Sabbath, He - Bible Gateway

The more he healed and helped people the more the religious leaders despised and rejected him. Jealous of his power and authority over sickness, death, and disease, they hated him. Not only did they hate him, they rejected his message of salvation, reviled his ministry, accused him of evil, and plotted to kill him. Lingering among the crowds who longed for him, were the haters.

Seeing this in their hearts and reading their thoughts, Jesus suddenly looks straight at his disciples and quotes Isaiah. Reminding the disciples that following his example will lead to slander, insults, and hatred. Blessed friends, it will look the same for us too.

However, Jesus says “rejoice in that day and leap for joy! Love your enemies, do what is good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you” (Luke 6:23-27). Jesus then leaves the examples to follow for his disciples, us and our even our own little ones. In verses 27-36 we are called to love our enemies, do good to those who hate us, and pray for those who mistreat us.

Even more, his example shows us he did not condemn or judge them in their hatred. No wonder he went off to pray by himself. Loving people is hard. The pain of their insults and hatred is hard to bear for his huge, loving heart. We can be comforted that he too, called upon the Father for continuing to love despite all the hate.

Lastly, my prayer for us today is to display a bold faith like Christ. Emulating his behavior will show our little ones the shadow of our dad in heaven. Leaving them a higher example to follow.