Ezra Overview-The Hand of Our Good God on Us

A delightful theme I see in Ezra is even during the dark reign of sin’s captivity and punishment, the hand of the God is on us. Are you like me, and sometimes wonder how much of the circumstances you are experiencing are of your own creation?

In my teenage years and early adulthood much of my confusion, pride, pain, and lack of solid relationship was born out of my own rebellion. Dark, ominous thoughts, and self-loathing lingered through those early years.

Much like Israel emerging out of seventy years of captivity, my own darkness began to finally abate at nineteen. I wonder in awe sometimes at how the hand of God was all over me during that time and it brings me to tears to see the parallel in Israel’s history.

Please join me this week as we read the book of Ezra and see how the hand of God is on him and his people as the exiles, whom Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon had carried captive to Babylonia, return to Jerusalem.

In the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, that the word of the LORD by the mouth of Jeremiah might be fulfilled, the LORD stirred up the spirit of Cyrus to make a proclamation throughout the kingdom. (Ezra 1:1)

The proclamation is “Whoever is among you of all his people, may his God be with him, and let him go up to Jerusalem, which is in Judah, and rebuild the house of the LORD, the God of Israel. And let each survivor, in whatever place he sojourns, be assisted by the men of his place with silver and gold. (v3-4a)

Not only were they to be given money, manpower, and the animals to assist in the work of rebuilding the temple, ALL of the vessels of the house of the LORD that Nebuchadnezzar carried away will be returned.

How do you see God moving the heart of a pagan (nonbelieving) king in these verses?

King Cyrus decrees the God of heaven charged him to build a house at Jerusalem and return all the vessels of the temple. I see God moving heaven and earth in perfect harmony as he orchestrates kings to do his bidding for His purpose and His glory.

The exodus, the end of slavery, the growing legacy of David and Israel’s rise and fall, all play a part in reflecting His power and holiness. Knowing God moves in a mighty way helps my faith stay strong when things happen that I don’t understand.

Most importantly, I also see what the enemy takes, God will restore.

The pain of arguing and fighting, and the insecurity poverty wrecks in a home to the point of total rebellion, is no match for the love he is capable of showering over every situation to reach those He loves.

What area of your life can you look back on and see the hand of God there guiding you? Take a moment to thank Him and if you haven’t yet, maybe ask Him to restore the peace, the harmony, and the contentment you once knew, or maybe never knew.

Ezra-The Scribe and Rebuilding of the Altar

Ezra is a scribe skilled in the law of Moses, that the LORD, the God of Israel, had given, and the king granted him all that he asked, for the hand of the LORD God was on him. (Ezra 7:6)

Now in the second year, after their coming to the house of God at Jerusalem, the Levites and kinsmen who came out of captivity appointed Levites to supervise the work.  

As we read Ezra 3:10 -13 take a moment to see and savor what true repentance and understanding looks like when a people remember how worshipping God wholly and completely used to be.

Please, write your thoughts about what the Holy Spirit is showing you in these verses in your journal and I’ll share mine below.

The children of Israel gathered to make sacrifices to honor God in the original place of the first temple Solomon built. As the people gathered to build the temple and stones were laid, the childhood memories of the first majestic temple come flooding into their hearts and minds.

They are overcome with such a mixed bag of emotions they are undone! Regret, shame, relief, redemption and awe of God roll up in their hearts and they dissolve into weeping messes.

Repentance works that way.

When past pain, heartache, and sin’s repercussions are behind us and a feeling of forgiveness and love emerge to wash all the shame away, we are left with tears of redemptive joy!

Jesus the cornerstone of the eternal temple will come a few hundred years later and establish a new place of worship. He creates the avenue of redemption through his life, death, and resurrection and restoration takes place in the temple of our body.

Glory to God for this amazing picture of grace and salvation.

Ezra Overview

Ezra 5-6 Opposition Abounds but God is Still Moving

We don’t know how much time elapsed but the governor of the outlying province and his associates saw the rebuilding of the temple and were threatened by the Jews’ prosperous work and convinced Artaxerxes they were wicked and rebellious.

So, he makes a decree to stop the work on the temple and the rebuilding of the city until the reign of Darius.

 Zerubbabel and Jeshua began to rebuild again as letters to Darius are sent to search the royal archives and for the decree of Cyrus to rebuild the house of God in Jerusalem.  Darius the king makes a simple decree:

Let the work on this house of God alone.

The cost is to be paid to these men in full and without delay from the royal revenue, the tribute of the province Beyond the River. May the God who has caused his name to dwell there overthrow any king or people who shall put out a hand to alter this, or to destroy the house of God. (Ezra 6: 7,8b,12)

What do you see happening in this passage of Ezra 5-6?

How do you respond when you face opposition to what God has called you to do?

Once again, God directs the heart of a king to provide authorization, approval, and funds to rebuild the place of worship. It is he who orchestrates the big picture and allows things to fall into place.

What would happen to the stress, worry, and dissatisfaction of our lives if we just trusted God with the big picture?

The cost of our redemption is paid in full by Jesus.

Whatever is needed to lift us spiritually comes in the form of a loving church family and a solid effort to read God’s Word daily.  In the midst of this, the adversaries flee and ask for a blessing and prayer!

Ezra Sent to Teach the People

In Ezra chapter seven we see the repeated phrase “for the hand of the Lord his God was on him” (we also see it in the first person–  “the hand of the Lord my God, was on me” and in the plural form—“the hand of our God on us”).

My friend Gayle uses this phrase often in natural conversation.

She can fall down and bruise her face and she’ll say, “The hand of the Lord kept me safe and I didn’t hurt myself severely.” Much like Ezra and his contemporaries, she sees the hand of God in her life.

She even lives in expectation of God’s hand upon her. What would that look like in your life?

As you and I read the letter of King Artaxerxes in Ezra chapter seven we see this beautiful truth all over it!

  1. He makes a decree that anyone (the people in captivity) who wants to return to Jerusalem may go.
  2. Ezra is taking the Law of God with him.
  3. Silver and gold are supplied by the king and his counselors for the house of God.
  4. The money will be used for worship and whatever else is required for the house of God.
  5. Whatever is decreed by the God of heaven, let it be done in full for the house of God.
  6. Ezra is given power to appoint judges and magistrates to enforce the Law of God.
  7. Ezra is to teach those who do not know the Law.

Ezra says, “Blessed be the LORD, the God of our fathers, who put such a thing as this into the heart of the king, to beautify the house of the LORD that is in Jerusalem, and who extended to me his steadfast love before the king, his counselors, and before the king’s mighty officers. I took courage for the hand of the Lord my God was on me, and I gathered leading men from Israel to go with me.” (Ezra 7:27-28)

Ezra 7 ESV – Ezra Sent to Teach the People – Now – Bible Gateway

Now, the beauty of the bible is its authentic style and genuine portrayal of the character of God and the character of the people represented. Despite having the letter from the king giving him all authority to carry out the above tasks for God, Ezra was still afraid!

When you and I are given a task to do for God we can expect to meet opposition on every side and experience some fear. We can have the decree of salvation firmly tucked into our soul and still be ashamed to ask for help, too!

So, before we step out in faith, we can humble ourselves before our God to seek Him for a safe journey for ourselves, our children, and all our goods.

If we declare God’s hand upon our lives, we also have the freedom to walk in it!

As you read Ezra chapter eight this week look for the hand of God on his people and enjoy the same promise it carries into the lives of each and every Christ follower you know.

I am especially enjoying how to face the fear of a God given task in verses 21-23 and the action plan displayed by Ezra and the returning exiles to defeat fear.

What nuggets of truth in these verses can you hold onto and memorize for your next battle with fear?

Ezra Prays About Intermarriage and The People Confess

The end of our reading this week takes us through Ezra chapter 9 and 10.

We understand from scripture that intermarriage with foreign wives led the Israelites away from God. In their worship, their daily lives, and how they treated one another.  The order of repentance for them and for us is to confess and turn away from sin.

This sounds very harsh and contrary to God’s command to “honor the wife of your youth” and take care of the widows and fatherless”. But I don’t see God saying not to support them financially and give them what they need.

I see God pointing out the children of this union do not know him. They don’t even speak the language of their father’s people. Scripture is clear about Rahab the prostitute from Caanan, and Ruth the Moabite being accepted by God because they gave up their pagan ways and followed the One True God.

So maybe, when you and I read these chapters and the command to put away foreign wives and children we can read it through the understanding of God’s grace and goodness.

God does not turn his back on those who repent and have a sincere heart change. There is no evidence of this in the wives of the returning exiles or else they would be accepted by God. The influence and abominations of their unclean ways will continue to influence their husbands.

God says we can’t have two masters, or please both masters, because we will be led astray.

Since God sees all and knows all, His decision here is right and just.

How do theses passages speak to your heart today?

Is there someone in your life influencing your faith in God in a negative way?

How can you pray for rescue in this situation?  

The Israeli survivors were still allowing the dark reign of sin to define who they were. The were embracing the culture’s ungodly ways and creating pain and heartache for their families in the process.

When I participate and approve of things contrary to God’s Word, I am doing the very same thing. God warns me not to do things or become deeply involved with events/people/ organizations that tempt me to forget Him.

This doesn’t mean I can’t associate with them, because I am to be in the world and not of the world. However, I don’t want my affections, personal goals, and identity to get so enamored with the world that I forget the good God whose hand is upon me at all times.

Find your own nuggets in the book this week, my friend! I pray if lifts you and carries you through all your questions and concerns! If you want more encouragement from Bible study check out the Daniel Overview, too!

Ezekiel Overview-A Wake-up Call

Moving through the book of Ezekiel you and I will see the glory of heaven and the Spirit of God in motion. Ezekiel is called to prophecy to the house of Israel but is also warned by God about their hard hearts. They will not listen to what he has to say about the coming judgement and their idolatry.

We see this resistance in ourselves and the ones we love, don’t we?

Does anyone want to hear about their lifestyle and habits that don’t honor God or themselves? It’s just not what we want to hear! The people of Israel are no different.

Ezekiel has a mountain of resistance before him and some really bad news to share. So, what does God do? God gives him a picture of the throne of glory and how the hosts of heaven worship and honor God.

The stark comparison of heaven’s glory and proper worship to Israel’s confused mix of a little of God here, and a little pagan there is striking.

The half-hearted loyalty and stiff-necked people are stubborn and resistant to the only true Deity who can give them peace and contentment.

So, I think of Ezekiel as the heart of stone prophet. Not that his heart was hard but that his message was a plea for people to tear down the wall around their hearts that shuts God out. You know that wall all of us carefully build to protect ourselves from emotional turmoil and further disappointment.

Much like Israel, our culture places too much trust in the world around them. They get sucked into the mainstream of life and its ways and before they know it, the principles of God’s law are forgotten. As a society, they depend on jobs, finances, or the government for security and even guidance.

Ezekiel is saying to Israel, and I believe to us, wake up.

He becomes the watchman to warn the people of their wickedness—even though God’s already told him they won’t listen. God puts it this way:

“If I say to the wicked, ‘You shall surely die,’ and you give him no warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, in order to save his life, that wicked person shall die for his iniquity, but his blood I will require at your hand. But if you warn the wicked, and he does not turn from his wickedness, or from his wicked way, he shall die for his iniquity, but you will have delivered your soul.”

 Ezekeil 3:18-19

Judgement came to the house of Israel, and the people were scattered. Yet God’s plan to redeem and restore them is a beautiful shadow of how He will send His son Jesus, a few hundred years later, to save us.

God tells Ezekeil the exiled people of Israel will be given a new heart!

They will realize their sin and repent of their idolatry.

“And I will give them one heart, and a new spirit I will put within them. I will remove the heart of stone from their flesh and give them a heart of flesh, that they may walk in my statutes and keep my rules and obey them. And they shall be my people and I will be their God.”  Ezekiel 11:19-20

Questions to Ponder:

  • Why do you think the Holy Spirit put theses verses in the bible?
  • How does it move you to think, speak, or live for God in a different way?
  • Are you a watchman for the lost people within your influence?

The hope of the gospel is to surrender our entire way of thinking to the Lord Jesus Christ and confront the broken awful blackness of our soul. As we lay it before him and ask Him to redeem and restore us, a new regenerated soul is born. We have a one heart with Christ, a new heart and a new spirit.

Gone is the heart of stone with its cracked wall of feeble protection that allows loneliness, jealousy, envy, and greed to seep in and corrupt our souls. In its place is a pliable, open softness towards ourselves, our past, and those around us!

It’s a heart willing to forgive generously, love unconditionally, and move excitedly to honor and please God.

Glory to you, God for the message of freedom to face our sin, confess our sin, and lay it before you for our healing.  A new life here and for eternity!

God bless you, today. I am praying for you as you read this and listen to the message God has for you! You’ll find more encouragement, recipe devotions, and health tips on the blog, so look around and let me know what you think!

I’m expanding my physical and spiritual health ministry into a podcast too; it’s called Family Focused Health and it’s on Spotify! I would be so grateful if you can join me there each week for health topics, scripture, and ways to implement healthier lifestyle habits into our lives.

Letting Go of Useless Thoughts

Ephesians 4:17

So I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer live as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their thinking.

Futility of their thinking is defined as useless thoughts. Therefore, spiritual and emotional health starts by letting Christ take every thought captive. He wants you and I free from futile thinking because it is purposeless and unfruitful for us and our children.

So, how do we follow the apostle Paul’s advice and no longer live in futility of thinking?

Or as I like to say, “What does letting go of useless thoughts look like in the Christian life?”

I don’t think it’s easy by any means, but I’m hoping with more time in prayer, and quickly recognizing when I’m susceptible, God will guide me through it. Especially if I take a biblical approach to those useless thoughts.

With that in mind, my plan is to dive a little deeper into Ephesians with you today and define futile thoughts. We will then identify them in our lives and the lives of our children and learn how to biblically create new thoughts to replace them. The best part is we all have the ability to do this!

It’s called neuroplasticity. The brain’s ability to adapt to changes in the environment, learning, recuperating from an injury, and experiences. (1) If you want an in-depth way to learn about creating new thought patterns check out Dr. Carline Leaf’s blog.

My friend, I believe building ourselves and our children up in times of great evil depend on our ability to biblically adapt our brains to this environment.

Shall we get started?

How the Gentiles (Non-Jews) Are Futile in Their Thinking

When the bible talks about Gentiles, we know the writers are referring to non-Jews. In today’s culture believers of Christ may consider non-Christians in a similar light.

 The one of the primary themes in this powerful book is how experiencing Christ’s grace gives us a heart for others, a persona of general peace, and a loving nature.

Now, I understand we don’t get there overnight.

But as Christ continues to transform our hearts into his image, we long to be rid of the ways of the world alongside futile thinking. Paul, the author of Ephesians, gives us four distinct descriptions of useless thoughts the Gentiles practice and what we may even see in ourselves at times.

“They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts.” (Ephesians 4:18)

  1. Darkened in their Understanding
  2. Separated from the life of God
  3. Ignorant
  4. Hard Hearts

Four Ways Useless Thoughts Affect Christians

First, we Christians can be darkened in our understanding, just like non-believers. We see this when morality and spiritual issues arise. Lack of knowing and reading God’s Word can affect how we respond, think, and feel.

It can also leave us open to false teaching. But what happens to people like you and me who read the Bible every day and still struggle with areas of darkened understanding?

We are easily frustrated, fall into a defeated mindset when we mess up, and berate ourselves and others when we don’t get our way. Before we know it, we are falling back into our old patterns of coping.

Binging on food, television, our drink of choice, or ranting verbally to anyone who will listen is something I’ve been guilty of more than I care to admit. Even worse, is withdrawing into myself and believing the worst about myself and how the other person feels about me.

They are lies from the enemy, I am too eager to believe because he is so good at convincing me it’s true. And I forget who I am in Christ.

 I know Jesus came and died to free me of that way of life and that way of thinking. However, living out victory takes intentional thought-grabbing moments and laying them at his feet.

I don’t mind admitting, I need help doing this more often. It’s also something my heart longs to do better in my closet relationships. Maybe you do too.

After all, understanding is a gift (Daniel 2:21) to be prayed for (Psalm 119:24). It has cognitive, moral, and spiritual implications. (1) When you and I are darkened in our understanding, there may be an area of our sin nature we are reluctant to surrender to Christ.

This can be an area of pride, fear, or anger. Or it may be lustful desires for material things, desire for attention, success, or food. Paul is urging us to see with new eyes and grasp with new thoughts, the power of Christ’s grace and generosity.

He knows how hard it is to put off the old self and what we’ve been taught to believe our entire lives. However, we’ve been given the special gift of a renewed spirt.  With the Spirit comes a heart willing to bow to Christ and love anyway. It’s a heart who yearns to let go of the old life and its corrupting ways.

Second, useless thoughts separate us from the life of God.

When you and I heard about the good news of Jesus we were taught the truth that is in Him. (Eph. 4:21) The sinful life entangling us and separating us from God has been bought and paid for by Christ.

Ideally, we can come before Him and commune with Him, whereas before, we could not fully do so. No longer darkened in our understanding of who God is and what he has done to repair and restore relationship with Him through His Son, Jesus, we desire to walk with Him in holiness and righteousness.

Useless Thoughts

Although this new relationship does not take away the sins naturally falling from our human nature, it does change our hearts to please God, seek Him, and get to know Him better.

The thing I notice the most is when I give in to selfish, useless thoughts, I feel distant from God. Do you ever feel that way?

 Sometimes I still choose to do things my way, and not His. Then I have the nerve to complain, “Where is God? Why isn’t He doing something about_____?”

Thirdly, ignorance can be at the root of useless thoughts.

The context of ignorance in this verse seems to be willful and intentional. God has said from the beginning if we love Him, we will find Him when we search for Him with all our hearts. (Jeremiah 29:13)

The question may be, “Where are we searching for answers?” When old wounds, hurtful comments, or difficult situations take place in our lives we have a choice.

We can stop and identify the emotion triggered with the experience. Before letting our thoughts get carried away, we can ask, “Is this true?” 

Sometimes we associate and insert thoughts that progress us towards a negative direction when they are not even true! Instead, we can memorize a familiar scripture to plant the seeds of God’s truth in its place and counteract untruth.

I’m not talking about denial I’m talking about confronting negative thoughts, determine the root, and determine if it’s true.

Or we can hang on to our old patterns of thinking. In my life it may look something like this:

My Family: “Why did you leave the door open to the garage and let all the cold air in?”

 My Thoughts: “Great job being careless and leaving the door open.”

My Words: “I don’t know, I guess I forgot to close it.”

Maybe ignorance, in this case, is willfully choosing to continue a negative cycle of thinking with others because of a history of criticism, distrust, or fear. Were my thoughts above true?

No. They were not true. However, the emotion evoked was shame and guilt, which from previous experience with the person asking the question made me feel careless.

Controlling Useless Thoughts Biblically

Lastly, a hard heart dwells on the interaction repeatedly and holds a grudge.

Jesus taught us to forgive offenses as often as they happen. We tend to think, well, he was God in the flesh, He can do that. For you and me, it’s not so easy.

The idea Paul inspires is putting off the old self corrupted by its deceitful desires and be made knew in the attitude of our minds. (Eph. 4:22b, 23) God loves us so much we can be filled to overflowing with His love.

When I worked in a hospital as a registered nurse, I resisted getting too close to my patients. I purposefully hardened my heart, so I would not get hurt. It was a practice I had learned early in life when my father chose to live far away and my mom had trouble showing love.

But, like he does so many times in life, God had other plans.

I married into a wonderful family who did show love in big ways and often. And despite their many and varied illnesses, my patients and their families showed massive love to one another and those of us who cared for them, too.

Slowly and gently God chipped away at this hard heart. The power of his love builds resilience and replaces useless thoughts with those that restore and heal broken and hard hearts. Slowly, as we learn to trust Him more, He renews our minds, too.

Summary of Letting Go of Useless Thoughts

Maybe we can close in a prayer today using scripture to speak to our hearts and opens our eyes to God’s better plan.

Father in heaven, you see our hearts, you know we struggle at times with futile (useless) thoughts. The enemy can easily attack us through the words of those we love because of the way we show our emotions. Thank you so much for enough grace to build our faith so we are not tossed about by careless words, human cunning, or deceitful schemes of the devil. Praise you for your glorious renewal of our spirit each day, Lord. In Jesus name, amen.

Have a wonderful day, my friend. May your heart be light as you place your spiritual and emotional health in the hands of the Lord!

If you need coaching help be sure to let me know here! I look forward to hearing from you!


Elwell, Walter A. “Entry for ‘Understanding'”. “Evangelical Dictionary of Theology”. . 1997. Biblestudytools.com

Gulyaeva NV. Molecular Mechanisms of Neuroplasticity: An Expanding Universe. Biochemistry (Mosc). 2017 Mar;82(3):237-242. doi: 10.1134/S0006297917030014. PMID: 28320264.

A Faith-Based Approach to Stress Relief- 3 Easy Steps

A faith-based approach to stress relief shares some characteristics of modern psychology, but also has significant differences. Here are three simple ways to understand the difference and begin our a spiritual action plan to reduce stress.

We will do well to remember there are many approaches for both methods, that are not mentioned here. However, the idea is to look for a starting point.

Starting points make it simple for the average person experiencing daily stressors. Although it’s a good idea to keep in mind, chronic sufferers (not getting relief from stress for six months or more) require a more specialized approach!

Approaches to Stress Relief

The World’s Methods

  • Take deep breaths to calm ourselves–this is good! The world teaches us to do this for calming our hearts and minds. It is a very effective technique to implement for stress relief.

  • Look inside yourself for strength. We are not denying we each have our own strengths. Resilience, grit, tenacity, lightheartedness, resourcefulness, and sensibleness are all qualities we develop as we age. In a moment of overwhelming emotion this is our go-to. What happens when it fails? Ruminating, self-doubt, and fear take control.

  • Medications First. We are not denying there is a time and place for medication. But should it be first-line treatment? Thank God, for good counselors who determine a person’s strengths, assess past traumas and help the person work through those things. They determine a true need for added substances. But oftentimes, natural techniques are placed last.

Faith-Based Methods

  • God is breath, so breathing in fresh air gives our brains the much-needed oxygen to think clearly. We can focus, lower our heart rates, and gain control of emotions.

  • Look to God for strength. We understand our inner strengths, and put them in the perspective of “Ultimately, I am not in control of what happens here, God is.” So, how can we trust Him, regardless of what happens? Is there a personal relationship between me and God, instead of distant communication?

  • Look for the underlying cause. Counseling, working through trauma, evaluating eating patterns, exercise, baseline vitamin deficiencies, past antibiotic use, and determining gut health (and the techniques mentioned above) are first-line ways to help with stress. We can appreciate how James puts it too, see James 4:1-3 below.

What causes quarrels and what causes fights among you? Is it not this, that your passions are at war within you?  You desire and do not have, so you murder. You covet and cannot obtain, so you fight and quarrel. You do not have, because you do not ask. You ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions.

James 4:1-3 ESV – Warning Against Worldliness – Bible Gateway

3 Stress Relief Tips from James 4:1-3

  1. Identify the trigger of stress (The situation that sets the stress into motion –an argument, pressure to finish a project, a relationship issue, a safety concern, talking to a large group, preparing for an exam, etc.)
  2. What is the cause of the stress? (The trigger is not the cause. The trigger is the situation; the cause is the underlying emotion it evokes. Is it something we want, we think, we do not have—-Maybe, love from a family member, respect from a boss, children, or others, fear of failure, pressure to perform tasks outside of our comfort zone, fear of harm or danger, lack of confidence.
  3. Are you asking for what you want in the right way and for the right reasons? Friends, family, and bosses are not mind readers. And in most cases, they are reasonable people who are willing to listen to our concerns! What would it take to state clearly and concisely how we feel about the trigger (situation setting the stress into motion) and the cause. (I feel __________ about ___________ and I’m asking for___________.) If it’s a situation outside of our personal relationship circles, we take the same steps before the Lord.
stress relief

How the Faith-Based Approach
To Stress Worked for Me

Several years ago, my two girls were attending a large urban college. At the time, I was working in an intensive care unit (ICU) close by. One day I cared for a professor who taught at their school. I asked him if it were true the crime rate is as bad as reports on the news made it out to be. He said, “Oh yes! I’ve been mugged in broad daylight twice, and it happens to people every week.”

This momma’s heart trembled with an intense and sudden fear for her girls. “Ok, breathe!” I commanded myself. “Next, get moving!” Use the adrenaline to minister to others. No problem there! Movement in an ICU is a constant companion.

After breathing and moving, I prayed and handed them over to God.

But I’d take them back five minutes later.

As the day progressed, I’d get distracted by work and put the thoughts aside. But they were never far away and came looming through my head once again. By the end of my twelve-hour shift, I was ready to run.

I quickly entered the stairwell to leave the hospital, and up the stairwell of the parking garage to go home (yes, I believe in moving to relieve some stress!)

Nearly overwhelmed with anxiety at that point, I tried to breathe again, and empty my mind of all thoughts.

That is when the still small voice said to me, “They are not yours they are mine. Will you trust me no matter what happens?”

In that moment I knew I could let them go. Or maybe, I had to let go of this false sense of being in control.

Okay, so that’s how it’s going to be.

No matter what happens to them, I am going to be there for them and love them as fiercely as I did when they were little girls. So is God. He loves them, too.

It’s a relationship of love, only a parent understands. And the good news is, you and I have a parent (our Father) in heaven who understands every fear, doubt, insecurity, and sense of helplessness we experience. For me, and hopefully for you, a personal relationship with our Creator surpasses any worldly approach to stress relief.

stress relief

Friend, you and I will always have stressful situations to maneuver in life. Some will be huge and real; others will be imagined. But for every single one of them, God is with us, and for us, as a parent is over His child. We can take comfort in that today.

If you are interested in other steps that help our moods check out this post: Ten Ways to Biblically Boost Your Mood. I I hope this reminder helps you as much as it does me, today. If you need a RN Health and Wellness Coach, I’d be happy to help there too!

God bless you!


Simplifying Health God’s Way


When We Change our Minds, We Change Our Lives

God does not want you and I floundering, my friend! He wants us flourishing! So, when we change our minds, it empowers us to change our lives!

Jesus said, “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.”

When I asked my class yesterday to share their greatest strength, they all paused. People do not stop to think about their strengths. But each one of them have overcome challenges, heartache, defeat, and health issues just like you and me.

Yet here we all are facing a new day.

So, do not beat yourself up today. The health issue you are facing may seem like a mountain you cannot climb. But remember, God has given you the strength to move every mountain.

Jesus reminded the disciples about this when they could not remove the demons in Mathew 17:19-21

“Then the disciples came to Jesus privately and said, “Why could we not cast it out?” He said to them, “Because of your little faith. For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.”

Mathew 17:19-20 ESV – Then the disciples came to Jesus – Bible Gateway

When God is our portion, change is possible.

How to Change

I am praying for a shift in our thinking of health and wellness, so our individual mountains will move for us too!

The shift comes from the strength of our faith. We are a children of God and we house the indwelling Holy Spirit.

When we approach our health like we approach any aspect of loving fulfillment in our lives, there is also a shift in thinking.

Trusting in the Holy Spirit, who loves us, and showers us with reassurance gives us the ability to value our bodies in a new way.

  • We want more energy—show us what zaps our energy, Lord!
  • We want less pain—-open our eyes to the items that are causing our pain, God.
  • We want to be loved and appreciated—-fill the empty places of our hearts, Lord, so we don’t turn to food or drink for comfort.
  • We want to maintain our independence—God, strengthen us to do your will, and fasten our desires on you!
  • We want clear thoughts and peaceful minds—Only you God, can settle the restlessness in our souls.

It is a journey, my friend. But oh, when we reach that peak and look back at the journey, we see God all over it!

Lasting change, starts with a  journey

Although you may be like me and battle this flesh every single day. . . and oftentimes lose, He is still with us and helping us.

Once we learn that the physical choices we make each day have an impact on our emotional and spiritual health, we can became intentional about eating and moving.

Study after study proves how what we eat, how we move (or don’t move) our bodies, how we sleep, and how we forgive others affect our mental and physical health.

The good news is, when we change our minds, it empowers us to change our lives.

God has given us every tool to do it in His Word and with His food from the garden.

I’m praying we trust Him and rely on Him in order to see victory and joy instead of the enemy stealing it!

changing your mind, empowers you to change your life

My prayer for you today, friend:

Lord, you are my portion and my lot, my very great reward. Will you be with me and my friend today to help us see contentment in you, and satisfaction and joy in your presence as we read scripture? May your presence fill us with worthiness and grace. Eliminate the feelings of fear, loneliness, shame, and guilt as we lay our hearts open before you. As you give us peace Lord, may we renew our minds to do your will. In fully trusting You, we change our minds, and it empowers us to change our lives.

God bless you,


Simplifying Health God’s Way

The Messiness of Passing Through

“And Moses was content to dwell with the man, and he gave Moses his daughter Zipporah. She gave birth to a son, and he called his name, Gershom, for he said, ‘I am a sojourner in a foreign land.”

Exodus 2:21-22

Exodus 2 ESV – The Birth of Moses – Now a man from the – Bible Gateway

The messiness of passing through this life affects us physically and spiritually. I see this in my life and the lives of the ancient people in the bible as God shows me how they struggle, just like me.

In Exodus 2 this morning, I learn about Moses’ journey to becoming a leader. I see the cry of his heart gain a voice as he names his son, Gershom. ‘A sojourner in a foreign land’; he is not a permanent settler but readying for a temporary stay.

It’s a familiar story in his life.

He is passing through Midian as he passed through the tall reeds of the Nile River as a baby escaping infanticide. Displacement sets deep in his heart as Pharoah’s daughter took pity on his crying frame.

Although his sister secures continued nursing from the mother who loves him by offering the princess a wet nurse, he is destined to be raised an Egyptian. A few short months later, the young toddler is handed over to the princess. She calls him Moses because she drew him out of the water.

It’s messy when you know you are different and you feel like you don’t belong.

He is an outcast among his adopted family because of his heritage and he is scorned by the Hebrews because he looks, and acts like an Egyptian. Although he risks his own life defending a man being beaten by an Egyptian, he is not accepted.

One day, when Moses had grown up, he went out to his people and looked at their burdens, and he saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one of his people. He looked this way and that, and seeing no one, he struck down the Egyptian and hid him in the sand.  When he went out the next day, behold, two Hebrews were struggling together. And he said to the man in the wrong, “Why do you strike your companion?”  He answered, “Who made you a prince and a judge over us? Do you mean to kill me as you killed the Egyptian?” Then Moses was afraid, and thought, “Surely the thing is known.”

Exodus 2:11-14

Fleeing in fear as word of his killing the man spreads to Pharaoh, he arrives in Midian. He is rewarded for defending the daughters of Reuel as they attempted to water their flocks among rowdy neighboring shepherds. Reuel gives him Zipporah as a wife, and she bears him Gershom.

the messiness of passing through

Lean On Jesus and Follow His Example

I think you and I can empathize with Moses’ predicament. In a culture whose values and morals are very different from God’s plans and ways, we can feel like outcasts, too.

Not feeling a kindred spirit with the people of Pharoah’s palace or in Midian is the same way we feel about the world. It has no eternal hold on us because we are just passing through.

We have a heart for the weak and the downtrodden, just as Moses did, and we’ll face retribution for standing up for what is right. At times our biblical worldview clashes so abruptly with the culture we have to decide when to stand our ground.

The best news of all is Jesus came passing through our mess to share the load. When the weakness of spirit and body begins to overwhelm us, we lean on his example of perseverance and prayer.

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”  (Mathew 11:28-29)

We can also rest in what He accomplished on the cross. Defeating sin and death by taking on God’s wrath was the major purpose of his sojourn. However, in the process, he also accepted the outcast thief beside Him, forgave those who persecuted Him, and secured the care of His mother.

 His short, messy stay here changed the entire world.

We can too.

Focus More on God as We Pass Through Life

Knowing you and I are sojourners in this place helps us focus more on God and what He wants us to do.

The apostle Paul understands this age-old struggle. He assures Christ’s followers at Corinth to rest assured when this tent of a body is gone, we have a heavenly home with God for eternity. It is normal to groan in these feeble bodies as we long for our heavenly home.  (2 Corinthians 5:1-2)

Despite feeling out of place, we can be effective and fruitful in our calling.

The darkness of the world is passing away and the true light is shining through the hearts and faith of every believer. (1 John 2:8) We have hope as we keep our eyes fixed on Christ.

And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever.”

(1 John 2:17)

So, if the cry of the outcast is on your heart today, embrace it!

Following the examples of Moses who struggled with it, and Jesus who accepted it, is part of our ministry. Neither one of them let the messiness of passing through stop them from accomplishing God’s purpose.

Unselfish Love

When I had my first baby, I experienced a kind of love I’d never known before—unselfish love. Holding her and looking at her little face filled me to overflowing with wonder and protectiveness. It was so intense; I would grit my teeth to keep from squeezing her too tightly.

She did nothing to earn it, and had nothing to offer in return. But her complete helplessness captured my heart like nothing else ever could.

Yet, my love for my daughter does not compare to God’s love for her. Or His love for you and me, for that matter.

“Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love. In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so we might live through him.”

1 John 4:8-9

I would gladly lay my life down for my child’s, just like God, in the flesh of Jesus, laid His life down for me.

A pure unselfish love you and I long for in the deepest parts of our souls.

Jesus’ Example of Unselfish Love

My sheep know my voice and I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand.

John 10:27-28

That kind of love is what moves mountains of destructive behavior into an abyss. Knowing and understanding you and I did nothing to deserve the selfless love of God frees us to discard our attachments to the world.

Our complete helplessness has captured His heart. He sent His Holy Spirit to abide in us, guide us, and shepherd us to live an abundant life.

We can be free to do that spiritually and physically without deceptive man-made items drawing us back into its clutches. Sugary sweets don’t have control over us, we control them. It has a proper place in celebrations, without becoming a greater comforter than time spent with God.

His comfort is unselfish. It doesn’t steal our health, age us before our time, cause overgrowth of bad bacteria in our intestines, destroy our livers, or wreak havoc in our blood vessels. God’s comfort, through His Son Jesus, brings us complete contentment in body, mind, and spirit.

It’s a beautiful gift we are so full of, we share it with our own families.

How does the amazing, unselfish love of God free you and comfort you today?

I am here for you as your RN Health and Wellness Coach! There are free resources here and scientific references for improving healthy habits like sleep. You’ll also find ideas for preparing healthy meals, eating intentionally, and exercising. Also, let me know if you have any questions or would be interested in me coming to speak at your church group or ladies’ group. I look forward to serving you!

unselfish love

Stewardship Has Mighty Dividends

Stewardship of our thought life, our time, our bodies, and our relationships pays huge dividends!

I just finished a 40-Day Sugar Fast with a few others in a Facebook group, and the most surprising dividend from that experience for me is mental clarity. I did it to detox from Thanksgiving and Christmas cookies, but I realized journeying with others, brought benefits beyond the physical.

The clear thinking helps me process conversations better (listen attentively), show grace, and manage my time. The spiritual component came in with daily scriptures and focusing on God. There was a time in my life when I felt all these elements were out of control or never quite in sync.

Maybe you can relate to a thought life immersed with raising children and the next big activity. Perhaps your time was split between working, cooking, cleaning, and running children to events, too.

stewardship and its dividends, do not be anxious

Although I was blessed to work part-time and give my family my full attention, stewardship of my time did not come easy. I can only imagine how difficult it is for the parents working full-time!

Still, with all the activity, I did not see dividends coming in steadily. Maybe, I was just too busy to notice.

Spiritual Dividends

Dividends are a return on an investment. So, how you and I steward our thoughts in everyday tasks and situations now, will determine our rewards later.

For instance, when we steward our thoughts on God and His plan for our redemption and protection, our return is peace. The shalom of full contentment in every circumstance can be the forefront of our thoughts because we trust our Father to care for us and those we love.

Life’s demands on the other hand, make stewardship of our time a little trickier. There are so many days we feel pulled in several different directions to complete our list, it’s hard to prioritize what to do first.

I think the words if Isaiah teach us what is wisest to do the minute, we open our eyes:

“The Lord God has given me the tongue of those who are taught, that I may know how to sustain with a word him who is weary. Morning by morning he awakens; he awakens my ear to hear as those who are taught.”

Isaiah 50:4

Time spent in God’s word first thing in the morning prepares our thoughts and our souls for the day’s challenges. Praying for the connection with Him in our Spirit also guides us to place what He prioritizes most, first.

The dividend is less stress, an increased sense of purpose, and rest.

The rest our bodies long for, is the kind of rest from people pleasing, meeting the world’s expectations of success, and materialism.

Physical & Emotional Dividends

The fuel we fill our bodies with matters too! God gives us all the nourishing plants in gardens around the world to meet our needs at the cellular level. Therefore, stewardship of our bodies includes choosing wisely from the abundant provision He provides over ultra-processed foods that steal our health.

We are stronger, well rested, and functioning at our best with His goodness from the garden.

As we begin to combine the qualities of stewardship in our thoughts, our time, our bodies, and our relationship with the Father, the enriching of relationships with family and friends naturally follow.

You may be like me and expect dividends to pay big this week, and they may! However, they usually come much later, in the celebrations of life. The times when we look back and see our children are thoughtful in their choices, kind in their giving, studious in their learning, and generous in their spirit.

Possibly the best part is when they marry and begin a family of their own and you see them sharing the poured-out love from your heart in their own families.

Take a moment today, my friend, and see where stewardship in these areas is abundant in your life. How are you blessing others with faithful stewardship in your thought life, time, body, and relationships?

I am here for you if you need a faith-based RN Health and Wellness Coach! My greatest passion is to see believers live the full life God calls us to live! He has given us everything we need spiritually and physically to do so!

The Gift of Love

As I continue to grow in my faith, I see no act of love is too small. Last night, a small group from my church went to sing Christmas carols to a few of our shut-in members. As I witnessed the smiles and slow seeping tears from the recipients of this gesture, I humbly realized their hearts were refreshed through us.

Comfort and joy are derived from small acts of love. A visit, a song, a card, or a phone call can relieve the weight of despair on a lonely soul. Moreover, it requires very little effort on the part of the giver.

In the apostle Paul’s letter to Philemon he says,

“I thank my God always when I remember you in my prayers, because I hear of your love and of the faith that you have toward the Lord Jesus and for all the saints, and I pray that the sharing of your faith may become effective for the full knowledge of every good thing that is in us for the sake of Christ. For I have derived much joy and comfort from your love my brother, because the hearts of the saints have been refreshed through you.”

(Philemon 1:4-7)

Philemon 1 ESV – Greeting – Paul, a prisoner for Christ – Bible Gateway

Paul was hoping to be delivered from the chains of prison to be with his fellow saints. Our saints are hoping for a reprieve from health issues so they can join us again. In the meantime, they relish our prayers and any contact we can offer.

Although my small group visited shut-ins as a loving service to them, every single one of us were refreshed in Christ by going!

It’s proof my friend, when following the lead of the Holy Spirit, the gift of love works both ways!

What small acts of love have refreshed you today? I look forward to hearing them in the comments below!

the gift of love

The Gift of a Pure Heart

As I’ve gotten older, I realize a renewed mind and spiritual health begins with God’s example of unselfish love. Like, Him, it is steadfast and immovable.

When you and I follow Him, our love can look the same. 1 Timothy 1:5 tells us it flows from three things:

1. A pure heart

2. A good conscience

3. Sincere Faith

Putting aside everything else and focusing on His example allows us to pray for a pure heart.

A scripture I often pray when the pressure is on and I’m not feeling love, is:

“Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me” (Psalm 51:10 NIV)

A good conscience is helpful in showing steadfast love, too. So, when the Holy Spirit prompts me to act on behalf of someone, speak encouragement, or forgive for the 1000th time, I do it automatically.

Yeah, well, I pray to do it, and the more I pray, the more automatic it becomes.

Sincere faith is either there or it’s not. Although, I’m not always “feeling it,” I know that lack of feeling makes me do a heart check. Also, I know I will never do it perfectly, but I sure want my conscience pricked to remind me to do so! I talk more about that topic in Holding Fast to The Good article.

We are known by our fruit, right? The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. (Galatians 5:22-23)

How about you? What is most helpful in sharing God’s steadfast love?

gift of love is eternal life

The Gift of Eternal Life

For me, sharing God’s steadfast love occurs the most with family, friends, writing a blog, and teaching sassy GA’s (Girls in Action).

It’s the most active path to spiritual health I can think of for myself and them!

Recently, I asked my 5th and 6th grade GA’s, “Why did Jesus have to become a man?”

The quick and cheeky response from one girl was, “So he could die on the cross, duh!”

I responded, “Well, that’s true, but that is not the answer I’m looking for.”

Another bold and impatient response followed, “To forgive us for our sins, duh!”

Ignoring the disrespectful attitude, I silently pray for God to guide me in gentleness and self-control.

The child does see the need for salvation, and she understands we all sin. Yay, for getting that clear message from all her church visits and vacation bible schools over the years!

There is hope this message of good news and the gift of eternal life becomes real to her someday. Although there is no evidence of budding fruit and the plant is still a little weak, the seeds are planted and well-watered.

With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, hopefully she realizes love is at the heart of Jesus becoming a person. She can feel tenderly cared for and internalize this message.

I explain to the girls how God loves us so much he had to send a perfect and holy person to earth and accept the punishment sin deserves.

There was no human being capable of taking on the sin of the world. It had to be born on the shoulders of God, Himself (Jesus, who is fully God and fully man).

That’s why the heart of the gospel is,

“For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” John 3:16

Although, I had to throw a few “Duh’s” back at her in our musical candy game, my heart softened when the same cheeky girl wrote this verse on the whiteboard before she left for the night.

There is some budding fruit of God’s love in her heart and mine after all!

My friend, knowing how much God loves you and me is the key to spiritual healing and health too!

 It’s what drives us to care for difficult people who are not easy to love. I’m still learning and growing as God leads me. I’d love to be sounding board and resource for you, too!

So, leave me some comments on how you share the gift of God’s eternal love!

The Gift of Peace

Christmas brings a mixed bag of emotions for many people. Sometimes the gift of peace and joy mingle with sorrow and grief.

If you’re confused and having trouble finding peace today, I pray you find rest in the promise of your obedience.

In it, you may find your shalom, an indescribable ability to be content in all circumstances.

Jesus said:

” Behold, the hour is coming, indeed it has come, when you will be scattered, each to his own home, and will leave me alone. Yet I am not alone, for the Father is with me. I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

John 16:32-33

” Peace, I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.”

(John 14:27)

Here is what I’ve witnessed in myself and others over the years:

  • 1. Peace does not mean freedom from pain, sorrow, tension, anxiety, difficult relationships, or doubt. It is finding contentment with who you are in the midst of it all.
  • 2. Fear is a tactic of the devil to steal peace and disarm you from your purpose.
  • 3. Time does not heal all wounds, Jesus does.
  • 4. People will reject you more if you faithfully follow Jesus, ask for the peace only He can give to do it anyway.
  • 5. Emptiness in your soul will never be filled with food, intimacy, drugs, money, material things, or alcohol. It only disappears with full surrender to Jesus.

I’d love to hear what you are learning about peace this season; will you share your wisdom in the comments below?

gift of peace

The Gift of Peace is Jesus

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

Isaiah 9:6

The names of Jesus in Isaiah chapter nine reassure me God is in control. The eventual plan of His mercy and grace is for those who accept Him to be restored to right relationship with Him.

It’s a gift of peace deep in our souls only the Prince of Peace can bring.

Sinful lives you and I live daily, and the curse of the garden, will have no power to separate us from God ever again. However, it is not the kind of peace the world gives. We still experience grief, sadness, loss, and conflict with others.

We have to live in the tension of our secure relationship with God and our longing for others to know Him. Living peacefully with others to our best ability looks a little different too. We can honor others, while still sharing truth in the following ways:

  1. How we respond to dishonorable behavior and harsh words
  2. How we act towards other people
  3. How we talk to people
  4. How we look at other people

Jesus responds to dishonorable behavior by asking questions and telling stories. He gets to the heart of the situation and brings light into the darkness. We can too!

New Testament accounts show our Wonderful Counselor treating the least of these with dignity and respect. Calling simple fisherman, tax collectors, and sinners to follow him establishes their place of honor for eternity (Rev. 21:14)

Our Mighty God, who became a baby and grew up a poor and humble servant, talks to people with compassion and respect.  Following His example, we can put pride aside and see others as equals.

The Everlasting Father looked at people through the eyes of mercy and saw them as image bearers of Himself. So, we can joyfully do the same.

gift of peace

The Gift of Peace: Living in the Spirit

“Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.”   (Romans 12:17-18)

Although, I know as a Christian, I am not going to intentionally return evil for evil. I find myself talking about those who hurt me to my closest inner circle.

It may be to my husband who doesn’t know how to handle my ugly cry, or my mom and dad who’s been in my shoes.  Do you find yourself doing that too?

“As far as it is possible live peaceable with all,” is a statement from God’s word to which my rebelling heart sometimes cries, Ok, how?

How do I let ignored texts and phone calls roll off and not take offense?

The truth is, when weeks go by and I can’t spend time with those I love most, I feel rejected and unloved. It may not even be true, but it’s clear where I fall in the list of priorities.

My heavenly Father whispers deep into my soul, “Yes, daughter, I feel your pain, because I remember you doing the very same thing to me.”

I remember it too.

How sobering to be in a tiny speck of my Father in heaven’s shoes.

Moreover, how freeing it is when my heart understands what the Holy Spirit is telling me!

He gently reminds me over and over, “whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.” (Mathew 10:37b)

I am living in the flesh and not according to the spirit. I am reacting to unmet desires and placing my love for people above God.

“For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit. For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.”

The gift of peace comes into my heart when I release my unmet desires before the Father and rightly adjust my own priorities. I set my mind on Jesus and my focus on why He came into this world in the first place.

He came to restore me and you to right relationship with God the Father. It’s a mistake to think He came to bring peace on earth, or within our own households (Mathew 10:34-39)

But as far as it is possible, you and I can live peaceably with all.

So, we pray.

We call upon the Giver of Life to silence any raging thoughts and make them obedient to Christ Jesus. Help us treasure every moment with loved ones without expecting them to fill an emptiness in us they will never be able to fill.  Remind us to reach out in love in all circumstances.

Most of all, if there is any lingering resentment present, we pray it vanishes as the love of God fills us to overflowing as peace fills our hearts.

I pray this gift of peace settles your sweet soul today as much as it does mine. I am here for you if you need prayer or someone to walk alongside you in your pathway to wellness– physically and spiritually!

You can book an appointment to talk your own personal RN Health and Wellness Coach here:


Simplifying Health God’s Way

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