Chocolate Chip Granola Bars

The Spirit gives life and breath and all things. I can’t help but think of Him hovering over the water ready to breathe life into humanity on that first day of creation. The third part of our triune God is ready to provide ALL the things we need. It’s easy to meet partial needs here and there, however, we often overlook …. ALL that we need.

In our rush to meet demands and take care of others, we sometimes neglect to nourish ourselves. We may take the time to fill our soul with a good Word, yet rely on a man made item to fill our belly. Not really considering how little value the item provides in sustaining our much needed energy levels.

I wish to share with you today a little fix for nourishing the body in your day to day and remind you of the depth of love infused into every gift from above. When the complexity of simple things we take for granted every day are brought into our focus, we see their true value. Although your value may seem small at times in our heavenly Father’s eyes, I assure you, it is greatly treasured. When it’s unveiled under the scope of His well planned creation, you’ll see your worth.

Provision for our worth started in the garden. So, the plan for our garden this fall is to prepare the soil by planting oats. In addition to their magnesium, manganese, copper, zinc, iron, B1, and some B5, they provide protein, and fiber for our bodies.

With that said; they provide excellent organic matter to the soil as a fall cover crop. Especially for my neighbors across the river who have clay soil. God’s plan for creation is revealed throughout the bible in a macroscopic way, yet with these little tidbits of scientific information we can follow His plan microscopically!

Benefits of planting oats according to Mother Earth News, Modern Farmer, and Gardening Channel are as follows:

1. “Bulk up soil with organic matter, cover crops prevent erosion, suppress weeds, and create and cycle soilborne nutrients using the power of the sun. Recent advances in soil biology have revealed two more ways cover crops can improve soil.”

2. “Rhizodeposition is a special advantage to working with cover crops. Many plants actually release sugars and other substances through their roots. They are like little solar engines, pumping energy down into the soil.” (

3. “Many cover crops are legumes that convert nitrogen from the atmosphere into a soluble form that other plants can absorb. Some cover crops accumulate other essential nutrients like phosphorus, but all cover crops add organic matter to the soil. Rather than being harvested for food, cover crops are tilled back into the soil at the end of their growing cycle where the nutrients are released as the plants decompose. In a way, cover cropping is like composting in situ – no need for hauling in manure or building a pile – and they’re sometimes called ‘green manure’ for this reason.” (

4. Oats improve overall soil quality by preventing erosion, adding organic matter, and improving soil aggregation. For best results, sow oats six to 10 weeks before your local average date of first frost. Oats are less frost tolerant than most winter cover crops and are killed by temperatures below five degrees Fahrenheit

5. Dead oats form their own mulch, which is typically well rotted by spring. If oats do not die during winter, mow and till them before seed heads appear in late spring. (

So, while you enjoy these websites to implement ideas and strategies for improving your home gardens; Think about these tasty granola bars to enjoy for snacking that provide you with essential fiber and minerals to get you through your day! Build the strength of your body, so you can carry out the good work of your mind; as you sew the seed of God’s Word in the soil of your prepared heart.

Enjoy the beauty of God’s garden around you in even the smallest things. Give thanks that his provision and plan for you is good!

Dark Chocolate Granola Bars

3 Cups Organic Quick Cooking Oats

¼ Cup Honey or Maple Syrup

2 Teaspoons Ceylon Cinnamon

1/3 Cup plus Organic Olive Oil

½ Cup 72% Cacao Chips (Simple Truth Brand has no soy)

½ Cup Chopped Walnuts

1 Large Egg

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease a 9×13 baking dish with olive oil and set aside. In a large mixing bowl add your oats, stevia (or sugar) and cinnamon. I whisk these together very well to distribute the spice and sweetener. Then I add the walnuts and chocolate chips. Next, incorporate the two large eggs making sure to coat each oat. Then add the oil, again coating and mixing the batch to cover it well; I use a fork to do this. Then, last add the maple syrup to further moisten and coat your oats. Then they are ready to spread into your baking dish. Use the fork to flattened the grains into the pan. Bake for 18-20 minutes until golden brown then cut into bars. This makes 21 bars. I let them cool then store in snack bags, placing half in the cabinet and the other half in the fridge to avoid spoilage.

My prayer for you today is that God fill ALL that you need physically and spiritually, for He makes you worthy!

Potato and Tomato Salad

Potato and Tomato Salad is a delicious summer salad combination using what’s on hand in the garden. Since this combination provides quality C and A vitamins, potassium, as well as lycopene, its quite nutritious. Making it a good portion of God’s goodness to strengthen our hearts.

My Flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Psalm 73:26

I was reading in my study time this morning about grace. I’m thinking about how it has strengthened my heart over the years. I hope His Word is a source of strength for you too. I also hope you enjoy what is available in the garden to strengthen your body today, even if that garden is the produce section of your grocery store!
My prayer for you:
God in heaven, your love astounds me daily and your presence is vital to my being. I am humbled by your grace and thank you intensely for your forgiveness. You are the same yesterday, today, and forever—not bound by time in a fragile human frame like mine. Please be with those seeking more out of life than their current experience. You are more satisfying than material things and guide them to the way everlasting. In Jesus’ name, amen.
I used to love tomatoes, and even though I cannot eat them very often, we still love to grow them. Are they not just spectacular to look at in this basket? For many, they will make a delicious potato and tomato salad.

Potato & Tomato Salad

  • 6 Medium Red Potatoes
  • 1/2 Vidalia Onion
  • 1 Clove Garlic Minced
  • 7 Cherry Tomatoes Chopped
  • 1/2 Cup Spinach or Basil Pesto
  • 2 Tablespoons Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 1 Teaspoon Salt
  • 1/2 Teaspoon Pepper
  1. Boil the potatoes until tender with the clove of minced garlic. Drain the water. Pour the 2 tsp of olive oil over the potatoes with the salt and pepper and let cool. You could add 1/2 tsp garlic powder and onion powder to the potatoes or No Salt Spice Blend.

    Dice the tomatoes. Set aside.

  2. Create your own Pesto: Pulse 1 cup of spinach (or basil) in a blender with one to two tablespoons of olive oil and two tablespoons nuts ( I usually use walnuts, today I accidentally grabbed pecans, yummy) .Add two tablespoons of shredded Romano cheese. Pulse until almost a paste.

  3. Add this and the tomatoes to the "mostly " cooled potatoes. Top with shredded Romano.

I hope you enjoy this summer salad as much as my family does.

Use what you have on hand. What’s in the garden is good! 🙂

You can also use your potatoes to make this really nice potato soup!

You can also find more benefits of tomatoes Here.

Quinoa Black Bean Chili

“And here is my advice in this matter: Last year you were the first to not only to give but also have the desire to do so.”

2 Corinthians 8: 10

Paul has to continually remind the believers in Corinth to remember the grace of God. He recounts the Macedonian churches who overcame ‘severe trial and extreme poverty but still welled up in rich generosity.’ (2 Cor. 8:12) In comparison to Jesus who left the vast wealth of the Heavenly realm to become the poorest of poor for us (vs.9).

The apostle says the sincerity of our love is tested with the earnestness towards others. I believe that is true. It’s tempting to hold on to our resources and forsake giving, but these people were impoverished and still giving all they had. He doesn’t want us giving out of guilt, but gratitude!

It’s a heart check for all of us!

Here’s my heart for you today: I desire for you to know Jesus, enjoy life, enjoy food, and live gratefully.

I eagerly offer you this delicious Quinoa Black Bean Chili to start your day living in the full grace and love of others; the essence of strengthening our hearts. I know, everyone has there own recipe and this one is not very original, but I used what I had in the cupboard and from the garden at the time to make this, and it turned out pretty good. I hope you enjoy it too!

Here is what you’ll need:

  • 1 LB of Lean Ground Beef (Substitutes: chicken/turkey or 1 cup lentils)
  • 1 Cup Rinsed, Red Quinoa
  • 2 Fresh Ears of Corn, Shucked (sub: 12 ounce bag of frozen)
  • 2 Cans Rinsed Black Beans
  • 6 Large Fresh Diced Tomatoes (this is how you control the salt/if no concern/ substitute 3 cans diced stewed tomatoes)
  • 1 Large Onion Chopped
  • 3 Cloves Garlic, minced
  • 1 Small green pepper Chopped
  • 2 Teaspoons Oregano
  • 1 Teaspoon Organic Chili Powder
  • 1 Teaspoon No Salt Seasoning
  • 1 Teaspoon Pepper
  • 1 Tablespoon Paprika (sounds like a lot, but I don’t add salt, I’m a heart nurse, remember?)
  • 2 Teaspoons Cumin
  • 4 Cups Low Sodium Beef Broth (Sub. Vegetable or Chicken)
  • 4 Cups Water

In a large soup pot, sauté’ the beef with onions, garlic, and peppers until beef is browned and onions are translucent. Drain fat if necessary (mine is lean and this is not necessary). Add the corn, tomatoes, and spices. Add the broth and the water. Bring to a boil, turn it on low and add the quinoa, let simmer a couple of hours until thick and all the flavors meld together.

I hope you enjoy this satisfying Chili with your group today as you excel in all you do for the Lord!

Easy Tortillas –3 Ways

Learning to make tortillas was the best time investment I ever made. When I’m really hungry and don’t have the patience to wait on a meal, I can grab a tortilla, fill it with spring greens, add a splash of onion powder, and drizzle some plain yogurt over it for a filling snack!

This good deal of yumminess is all I need to tide me over until supper is ready!

When I make these as part of my weekly routine, life just flows better.

There is also something about making my own bread that gives me a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment.

Although, this simple item provides consistent fulfillment, I know in my heart, it is temporary. Just as the appetite it fills is temporary.

True peace comes with knowing eternal contentment, something that is beyond a piece of bread, but not beyond Jesus.

After all, he is the bread of life.

It’s just as soothing to my soul as a tortilla is to my hungry belly.

Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.” John 6:35

Easy Tortillas –3 Ways

My favorite three recipes for tortillas are gluten free, spinach, and quinoa!

It’s fun to play and experiment with the different ways to bring more fiber, protein, and taste to the average tortilla. Here are three ways I like to try:

Gluten Free Tortillas

  • 1 Cup Almond Flour
  • 1 Cup Arrowroot Flour
  • 1 Tsp Xanthum Gum
  • 1/2 Tsp Salt
  • 1/2 Cup Warm Water
  • 2 Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  1. Combine dry ingredients in a bowl. Add Water and oil, stir until combined. Set aside for 5-10 minutes Heat, ungreased skillet on low 3 heat. Make eight small dough balls.

    Roll out each on a slightly floured surface until very thin, Place on hot skillet, cook each side 30-40 seconds each. Do not leave unattended, you'll have crackers instead of flexible tortillas.

    Let cool on a plate. Store in a zip lock bag in the refrigerator until ready to use. They are good for up to two weeks in the fridge.


  • 3 Cups Org. Unbleached Flour
  • 6 Ounces Fresh Spinach
  • 1 Tsp Salt
  • 3/4 Cup Hot Water
  • 1/4 Cup Organic Extra Virgin Olive oil

Place the 3/4 cup water in a measuring cup with the fresh spinach. Microwave 1 minute. Puree in a blender and set aside.

Mix dry ingredients then add oil and pureed spinach and knead until

well blended. Separate into 12 balls.

Heat an ungreased skillet, roll flat each ball and heat each side 30-40 seconds. each side. Don’t overcook.

Place on a plate to cool then store in large freezer bag for 1 week. When ready to use, place a tortilla in the microwave 10-12 seconds to soften.


  • 2 Cups Organic Flour
  • 3/4 Cup Precooked Quinoa
  • 2 Tbsp. Chia Seeds
  • 1 Tsp. Salt
  • 3/4 Cup Hot Water
  • 1/3 Cup Organic Olive Oil

Combine dry ingredients in a bowl. (Flour, quinoa, salt) whisk together. Add chia seeds to water and heat in the microwave 45 seconds.

Incorporate olive oil into flour mixture until it looks like course cornmeal. Add the warm water and blend well. (If you need to add a couple of tablespoons flour, go ahead. This depends on the moistness of the quinoa. Knead and form into balls. Roll out very thin on a floured surface. Cook in heated, ungreased skillet. 30-40 seconds each side. Set aside on a plate to cool. Store in a zip lock bag in the fridge until ready to use.

Substitutes you can use:

You can substitute flax seed meal for the chia seeds above/ 1 cup of buckwheat in place of one of the cups of regular flour—both provide more protein and fiber.

I hope you enjoy making theses tortillas!

Check out these 10 Easy Tortilla Meal Ideas, too!

Let me know how you make your favorite variety.

Parsnip & Chickpea Saute’

Don’t you appreciate wonderful facts about roots like parsnip? Look at what Jeremiah says below:

They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”

Jeremiah 17:8

The root vegetables, withstands cold, takes cover underground, and fill our bellies with rich fiber. We can draw comfort from the nourishment they provide just as they draw and produce the nutrients from the ground. Providing a wealth of vitamin C to nourish our cells, this tasty root is the star of our dish today!

Saute’ in heated Skillet with 2 Tbsp Olive Oil The following washed and chopped veggies:

1 Parsnip, 3 radishes, 1/2 onion, 1cup red cabbage

Saute until tender and carmalized


Prepare 1 can of rinsed and drained chickpeas in a saucepan with the following:

2 Tbsp Sunflower seeds, 2 tsp worcestershire sauce, 1 teaspoon no salt seasoning, and 1 Tbsp olive oil.

Saute’ until browned.

Prepare quinoa according to package directions.

Fluff with fork, add 1/2 juice of lemon. 2 tsp fresh chopped lemonbalm and 1/4 tsp salt.

Roots never fail to bear fruit! I hope you enjoy!

Kale and Apple Sausage 3 Ways!

The kale is coming along nicely in this fall garden spot and new recipes are coming with it. I know many people don’t like kale, but you really can’t taste it much in these three breakfast/brunch style dishes. Besides, just check out the benefits God provides in this superfood!

Kale Benefits

Kale is high in potassium. A 3rd of a cup provides 385mg, and new research says it is safe for people with chronic kidney disease. According to the USDA, kale provides a wonderful supply of the recommended daily amounts of vitamin C (130%), vitamin A (25%), and Calcium (20%).

God also placed amazing antioxidants in this beautiful plant! Studies show kaempferol, present in kale, has anti-inflammatory, anti-neoplastic, cardio and neuroprotective properties. (1). He also provides quercetin, a flavonoid that provides oxidation protection for low density lipoproteins, decreases platelet aggregation, and relaxes vascular smooth muscles. All of which, is good news for those of us looking for heart protection.

The Lord is good to all,
    and his mercy is over all that he has made.

Psalm 145:8-10 ESV – The LORD is gracious and merciful, slow – Bible Gateway

Incorporating Kale in Easy Meal Preparation

The best part of this super food is it can be incorporated in our weekly meal prep. Plus, it grows easily in backyard gardens to be enjoyed most of the year.

One way I love to use kale is in a kale salad, with apples and beets. I then top it with apple cider vinegar and olive oil dressing. Other ways I like to use it, is in an omelet, muffins, or quiche.

I hope you enjoy these dishes as much as I do.

kale omelet
Kale Omelet

1-2 Cups Chopped Fresh Kale

1/4 Cup Fresh Onion

4 Large Cage Free Eggs

1 Tbs Olive Oil

2 Adelle’s Chicken Apple Sausage (No nitrates!)

1 Tsp Shredded Romano Cheese

1 Tsp Fresh Lemon balm

Sauté the onion in the olive oil, add the chicken apple sausage chopped into small squares. Add the chopped kale until just wilted. Beat the eggs in a cup add some milk or almond milk. Move the meat/vegetable mixture to the side of the skillet. Add the eggs to the skillet and cover with a lid. When the egg looks cooked through, scatter the meat/vegetable mixture over it and fold into two omelets. Top with fresh chopped lemon balm or herb of your choice and a little shaved Romano. So delicious!

Kale and Apple Sausage Muffins

Sauté 1 tablespoon of onion, 1/2 cup chopped mushrooms, and 1 chopped Adel’s Chicken Apple sausage link in a skillet and cook until mushrooms are tender. Add 1 cup of fresh or frozen chopped kale. Divide the mixture into 6 muffin tins. Place 6 eggs into a blender and blend with 2 ounces of almond milk, salt, pepper, a sprig of fresh rosemary and 3 chopped basil leaves. Pour mixture over vegetables and bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes.

Separate the meat/vegetable mixture into 6 muffin tins, cover with egg mixture and bake at 350 until eggs are done, about 15-20 minutes. Top with fresh herbs and shaved Romano.

Gluten free, Paleo approved (depending on your milk and cheese choices) and low carb.

Kale quiche
Kale & Apple Sausage Quiche

Sauté 1/2 cup onion, 1 clove of minced garlic, and 6 button mushrooms until tender. Add 1 chopped, nitrate and nitrite free apple sausage link, and 2 cups of fresh chopped or frozen kale in a skillet with 1 tablespoon of ghee or olive oil, until tender. Add 2 cups of cooked Quinoa. Set aside. Mix 6-8 eggs in a blender with 2 ounces almond milk, fresh herbs, a pinch of salt and pepper. Pour over vegetable and quinoa mixture and cook 1-2 minutes.

Making sure your skillet is oven safe, transfer it to the oven to bake at 350 for about 10-15 minutes or until eggs are done.


Crocetto F, di Zazzo E, Buonerba C, Aveta A, Pandolfo SD, Barone B, Trama F, Caputo VF, Scafuri L, Ferro M, Cosimato V, Fusco F, Imbimbo C, Di Lorenzo G. Kaempferol, Myricetin and Fisetin in Prostate and Bladder Cancer: A Systematic Review of the Literature. Nutrients. 2021 Oct 23;13(11):3750. doi: 10.3390/nu13113750. PMID: 34836005; PMCID: PMC8621729.

Turkey Pecan Salad

Turkey Pecan Salad

Don’t you love a special day of the year dedicated to focusing on just being Thankful!

Although, every day is an opportunity to share gratitude individually, as a nation our hearts and minds are focused on that one special day to give thanks. How do we teach the little ones in our lives thankfulness?

We can offer to load a sack of groceries into the car for someone with small children in the grocery store parking lot. We can smile at a lonely elderly person. Maybe even share some leftover turkey with our widowed neighbor.

Not only do small acts of kindness instill a sense of gratitude in our little ones, but also those we serve. The love of Jesus is sewn into the hearts at the end of every act of kindness. It is a beautiful thing to behold. Look at the following scripture on thankfulness:

Oh give thanks to the Lord; call upon his name, make known his deeds among the peoples! (Psalm 105:1)

So share a little love and thankfulness with some friends today with that leftover turkey. Here’s what you’ll need for a twist on turkey salad.

Cranberry Pecan Turkey Salad
3. CUPS Leftover Turkey
3. Finely diced stalks celery
1. Tbsp. finely chopped onion
1/2. Cup finely chopped pecans
1/2. Cup. Cranberry sauce
2 Tablespoons Greek yogurt or mayonnaise

Combine all ingredients, store in the refrigerator until ready to use. Enjoy!

Lemon Blueberry Scones

It’s a wonderful day for warm houses, hot ovens, and fresh bread. Giving thanks for God’s goodness and saying a prayer for those without today.

Psalm 107:1-9

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story—those he redeemed from the hand of the foe, those he gathered from the lands, from east and west, from north and south. Some wandered in desert wastelands, finding no way to a city where they could settle. They were hungry and thirsty, and their lives ebbed away. Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and he delivered them from their distress. He led them by a straight way to a city where they could settle. Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind, for he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.

Lemon Blueberry Scones

The recipe:

2 Cups unbleached organic flour

3 Tsp aluminum free baking powder

1/2 Tsp salt

1/2 Tsp Cream of Tartar

Zest of One whole lemon

1 Tablespoon Honey

1 ounce plus 2 tsp extra virgin organic olive oil

1/4 cup lemon juice

1/2 cup milk

1 egg

1/2 Cup sliced blueberries

Whisk the first 5 ingredients together in a large mixing bowl. (Save blueberries to fold in last.)Set aside. Then combine the following wet ingredients in a large measuring cup. Add the olive oil work into flour until incorporated well. Combine the Honey lemon juice, milk, and egg. Add this to the dry ingredients. Mix until if forms a soft dough.

Gently fold in blueberries (I used a handful of fresh blueberries, sliced 4 ways (after slicing I folded gently in a paper towel to remove as much liquid as possible).Place the dough onto a flour surface and gently knead about 10 times.

Shape into a log, and cut into triangles.

Place on a baking sheet and bake in a preheated oven at 425 for 10-12 minutes.

Brush with honey butter when they come out! (I melt 1 tbsp butter, add 1 tbsp honey with lemon zest)I developed this basic scone recipe with olive oil when reading the bible. You’ll notice in the readingtheir sweet breads had olive oil in them. So, what’s good in the bible and what’s good in the garden, is always good for me.

Tortilla Soup–Autoimmune Style

Chicken Tortilla Soup.….AIP style….minus peppers, tomatoes, corn and tortillas. I could not tell the difference! 🙂

Here is what I did on my preparation day.

I washed and peeled 3 carrots and one beet. I put them in a saucepan with 1 clove of garlic and 1/2 onion 1/2 teaspoon salt. Add three cups of water, bring to a boil and simmer until vegetables are tender. Let them cool, then puree in a Nutribullet store in the fridge until ready to use. (This is my substitute for tomato sauce)


2. Chicken breast cubed

1/2 onion (optional)

1 small zucchini chopped

1 yellow squash chopped

1 clove garlic minced.

1 carrot chopped

3-4 radishes sliced

1 stalk of celery chopped

2 teaspoons poultry seasoning

1 tsp paprika

1 tsp margoram

2 tablespoons olive oil

1 box 32 oz. chicken broth plus two cups water.

2 Cups Pureed Beat/Carrot Sauce

Sauté chicken and seasoning with heated olive oil, salt and pepper. (Or use leftover rotisserie chicken) Add onions, garlic, and chopped vegetables. Add your pureed beat mixture and the broth.

Granted, at this point the pot looks like something from a horror movie. Don’t be alarmed! 🙂 The colors and flavors meld together nicely as it simmers.

Bring to a boil and simmer until vegetables are tender. About 30-40 min.

I wanted to add a cup of jicama to this, but there was none at the grocery store. It would be nice in this soup though.

What’s in the garden is good!

Cinnamon Apple Scones

Psalm 19:9-11 New International Version (NIV)

The fear of the Lord is pure,

enduring forever.

The decrees of the Lord are firm,

and all of them are righteous. They are more precious than gold,

than much pure gold;

they are sweeter than honey,

than honey from the honeycomb.

By them your servant is warned;

in keeping them there is great reward.

Yes, the word of the Lord is sweeter than honey!

Soothing a burdened spirit, His word lifts our eyes towards Him. And just as a tickling cough is coated well with a spoonful of honey, our hearts are coated daily with His truth!
Enjoy this apple honey coated Scone recipe for a lift of the taste buds and a reminder of God’s sweet truth. Because what’s in the garden is good!

Cinnamon Apple Scones

2 cups flour

3tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp cream of tartar

Add 2 tsp cinnamon

pinch of salt

whisk together and set aside

Stir in one ounce plus 2 tsp organic olive oil. (It will look like coarse crumbles)

Finely Chop 1 small apple

1/2 cup walnuts

Add to dry ingredients.

In a cup add:

3/4 cup milk

1 egg

1 tbsp. honey

Add to dry ingredients and mix until well blended. Turn out onto floured surface to knead, about ten times. Shape into a log shape and cut into small triangles. Bake in 425 degree preheated oven for 10- 12 minutes. Melt 2 tbsp. butter, add 1 tbsp. honey and brush on each scone when it comes out of the oven.