Super Easy Fresh-Milled Whole Wheat Buns
I’ll be the first to admit, I am not a good baker. However, that does not stop me from making these fresh-milled whole wheat buns!
Guess what? You don’t have to be a good baker to make them either!
I adjusted this recipe from Sue Becker’s adaptation of the Sojurishi recipe. Her blog post is here if you want to see what she does to make hers. She is the pro, not me! My journey started here!
However, in baking we do what works for us, don’t we?
God provides us just what we need when we need it, and He has gone above and beyond with the benefits of the various grain varieties He created. Even if you have a wheat sensitivity, there is a grain for you.
The choices of millet, barley, oats, quinoa, and buckwheat are some that come to mind. They are filling and satisfying.
Anyway, I hope you like the recipe, and the ways I used them for my various meals in the pictures below.

Super Easy Fresh-Milled Whole Wheat Buns
- 4 Cups Fresh Milled Whole Wheat Flour
- 1 1/2 Cups Water
- 2 tsps. Salt
- 1/3 Cup Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- 1 tbsp yeast
Heat oven to 350 degrees.
I put 2 cups of fresh-milled flour into my stand mixer and add the salt and the water. I mix lightly until just combined and then let it sit 20 minutes.
After this time, I add the yeast, oil and then a little at a time, the remaining flour and let the mixer knead the dough 8 minutes.
I remove my beaters, and lightly flour my hands as I shape the dough into 12 buns. I lay them on parchment paper until they are double in size. (I don't do a double rise, that's why this is so easy).
Bake them at 350 for about 18 minutes.

If you like this no sugar bread, give it a rating and let me know how you make yours!