Gluten Free Pumpkin Roll

A gluten free pumpkin roll is always on my Thanksgiving dessert list each year.  My celiac and gluten sensitive friends like their fall treats too! So, with hosting responsibilities on my mind, I’d like to give you and I another way to please our guests.

The best part is…they won’t even recognize the slight change in ingredients.

As our fall holiday plans begin to take shape and we check off our list of things to do, the blessings mount, don’t they? You and I may have managed to lose a little weight, or we are maintaining our current weight!

Whoop Hoo! What if we just want to sustain a healthier eating pattern?

Whatever the plans and dreams in our hearts we have an opportunity this Holiday to give glory to God in thanks and praise.

He restores joy and long months of distance by giving us time together for a holiday. The prolonged separation helps us see how much we miss and need each other.

May the Lord draw us closer spiritually as we gather and cherish this special day.

I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds.

Psalms 9:1

Gluten Free Pumpkin Roll
Gluten Free Pumpkin Roll

The big plus for a gluten free pumpkin roll is decreasing exposure to wheat sensitive guts that stimulate the immune system to attack itself. We will both benefit from a little diligence in decreasing inflammation, right?

Since our immune systems can be under constant attack eating a few ultra -processed foods. Food sensitivities play a role in making us feel bad. Staying on track is important to both of us. That’s why you’ll find me giggling like a schoolgirl when I get to brainstorm ideas with my clients.

They love creating their own meal plans to enjoy!

Now when it comes to baking, I am not the best gluten free baker. However, I care about the people in my life who are susceptible to the damaging effects of wheat.

So, even though developing this recipe took several tries, it was worth it!

The one I made for a friend’s dinner and went over pretty well. Therefore, I hope it is a pumpkin roll you can use too!

Gluten Free Pumpkin Roll Recipe

Gluten Free Pumpkin Roll

I love sharing one of our Thanksgiving favorites for all of you. This particular pumpkin roll meets the needs of gluten sensitive people in our community.

  • 1/2 Cup Almond Flour
  • 1/2 Cup Arrowroot Starch/Flour
  • 1/2 Cup Pumpkin Puree'
  • 1/4 Cup Sugar with 1 scoop Pure Stevia (Or 1/4 Cup Stevia Blend)
  • 1/4 Cup Maple Syrup (Optional)
  • 3 Large Eggs
  • 1 Tsp Baking Powder
  • 1 Tsp Xanthan Gum
  • 1 Tsp Pumpkin Pie Spice
  • 1/4 Cup Powdered Sugar
  • 1 8 ounce Block of Cream Cheese
  • 1 tsp Vanilla
  • 1/4 Cup Maple Sugar (Yes, another one, for the filling.)
  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Combine the flours, stevia blend or sugar (your preference) and spices in a bowl and whisk well. Add the Eggs and pumpkin and also blend. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper, lightly grease the top of the paper with butter. Pour the batter over the parchment paper and spread out evenly. Bake for 10 minutes.

    Sprinkle a dish towel with 1/4 cup of the powdered sugar. When the cake is done, handle the baking sheet with oven mitts and turn the cake onto the surface of the towel. Pull off the parchment paper. Gently roll the cake into a log while in the towel. Place the towel in the freezer and set your timer for 15 minutes.

    Meanwhile, Whisk 1 block of cream cheese with 1/4 cup maple syrup and 1 tsp vanilla until soft.** See notes below for alternatives.

    Remove the cake from the freezer, and apply the cream chees frosting to the inside of the cake. Roll back into a log and cover with plastic wrap. Refrigerate until ready to serve.

I have replaced the sugar in the cake with stevia or monk fruit blends and it works well for those on special eating plans. But I forgot to add the maple syrup in the video and  FYI, I did not miss the extra carbs at all! It was sweet enough with the maple sweetened filling. 

Also, my preference for sweetening the cream cheese filling is to use 1/4 cup maple syrup with the vanilla to  sweeten. You may of course use 1/4 cup powdered sugar if you are not concerned about the added sugar, just remember portion control. 

And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful

Colossians 3:14-16 ESV – And above all these put on love, which – Bible Gateway

I hope you enjoy this gluten free pumpkin roll for your gluten sensitive friends! God wants you and I thriving spiritually and physically. He also gave us the power to do that! The blessing of His Son for our redemption and the provision of all good things in the garden to heal our bodies. We can be truly thankful.

I am here for you if you have any questions about the recipe or if you want to talk to a health coach about making some changes in your lifestyle, exercise, attitude, or nutrition. You can contact me here at Book an Appointment for a 30-minute free consultation.

Chocolate Chip Granola Bars

The Spirit gives life and breath and all things. I can’t help but think of Him hovering over the water ready to breathe life into humanity on that first day of creation. The third part of our triune God is ready to provide ALL the things we need. It’s easy to meet partial needs here and there, however, we often overlook …. ALL that we need.

In our rush to meet demands and take care of others, we sometimes neglect to nourish ourselves. We may take the time to fill our soul with a good Word, yet rely on a man made item to fill our belly. Not really considering how little value the item provides in sustaining our much needed energy levels.

I wish to share with you today a little fix for nourishing the body in your day to day and remind you of the depth of love infused into every gift from above. When the complexity of simple things we take for granted every day are brought into our focus, we see their true value. Although your value may seem small at times in our heavenly Father’s eyes, I assure you, it is greatly treasured. When it’s unveiled under the scope of His well planned creation, you’ll see your worth.

Provision for our worth started in the garden. So, the plan for our garden this fall is to prepare the soil by planting oats. In addition to their magnesium, manganese, copper, zinc, iron, B1, and some B5, they provide protein, and fiber for our bodies.

With that said; they provide excellent organic matter to the soil as a fall cover crop. Especially for my neighbors across the river who have clay soil. God’s plan for creation is revealed throughout the bible in a macroscopic way, yet with these little tidbits of scientific information we can follow His plan microscopically!

Benefits of planting oats according to Mother Earth News, Modern Farmer, and Gardening Channel are as follows:

1. “Bulk up soil with organic matter, cover crops prevent erosion, suppress weeds, and create and cycle soilborne nutrients using the power of the sun. Recent advances in soil biology have revealed two more ways cover crops can improve soil.”

2. “Rhizodeposition is a special advantage to working with cover crops. Many plants actually release sugars and other substances through their roots. They are like little solar engines, pumping energy down into the soil.” (

3. “Many cover crops are legumes that convert nitrogen from the atmosphere into a soluble form that other plants can absorb. Some cover crops accumulate other essential nutrients like phosphorus, but all cover crops add organic matter to the soil. Rather than being harvested for food, cover crops are tilled back into the soil at the end of their growing cycle where the nutrients are released as the plants decompose. In a way, cover cropping is like composting in situ – no need for hauling in manure or building a pile – and they’re sometimes called ‘green manure’ for this reason.” (

4. Oats improve overall soil quality by preventing erosion, adding organic matter, and improving soil aggregation. For best results, sow oats six to 10 weeks before your local average date of first frost. Oats are less frost tolerant than most winter cover crops and are killed by temperatures below five degrees Fahrenheit

5. Dead oats form their own mulch, which is typically well rotted by spring. If oats do not die during winter, mow and till them before seed heads appear in late spring. (

So, while you enjoy these websites to implement ideas and strategies for improving your home gardens; Think about these tasty granola bars to enjoy for snacking that provide you with essential fiber and minerals to get you through your day! Build the strength of your body, so you can carry out the good work of your mind; as you sew the seed of God’s Word in the soil of your prepared heart.

Enjoy the beauty of God’s garden around you in even the smallest things. Give thanks that his provision and plan for you is good!

Dark Chocolate Granola Bars

3 Cups Organic Quick Cooking Oats

¼ Cup Honey or Maple Syrup

2 Teaspoons Ceylon Cinnamon

1/3 Cup plus Organic Olive Oil

½ Cup 72% Cacao Chips (Simple Truth Brand has no soy)

½ Cup Chopped Walnuts

1 Large Egg

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease a 9×13 baking dish with olive oil and set aside. In a large mixing bowl add your oats, stevia (or sugar) and cinnamon. I whisk these together very well to distribute the spice and sweetener. Then I add the walnuts and chocolate chips. Next, incorporate the two large eggs making sure to coat each oat. Then add the oil, again coating and mixing the batch to cover it well; I use a fork to do this. Then, last add the maple syrup to further moisten and coat your oats. Then they are ready to spread into your baking dish. Use the fork to flattened the grains into the pan. Bake for 18-20 minutes until golden brown then cut into bars. This makes 21 bars. I let them cool then store in snack bags, placing half in the cabinet and the other half in the fridge to avoid spoilage.

My prayer for you today is that God fill ALL that you need physically and spiritually, for He makes you worthy!