Cod Fish Soft Tacos

The first time I saw Soft Fish Taco’s on a cooking show, I thought, “WHAT!?” So, of course I wanted to try it. I don’t remember what fish or spices they used to make it either. A general rule of thumb for basic items like fish tacos is use what you know tastes good with fish and if it doesn’t turn out go back and look at the recipe. Now, the exception of course is baking; I follow the recipe to the T the first time, then change as I prefer. My guess is, you may too.
Soft Cod Fish Tacos
The standout for me on the first recipe I saw years ago was the garlic cucumber yogurt sauce, Tzatziki. Delicious! I love to make a red cabbage vinegar slaw to go on the side as well. Yum. If you can find Ice Atlantic cod, that is wild caught in Iceland, that is best. The Pacific cod in my local grocer is from China, and I’m not sure how trustworthy anything processed from there is anymore.

Cod Fish Benefits

The benefits of cod fish are: It’s low in calories and provides B12, magnesium, potassium and zinc. Included in this impressive nutrient load is approximately 90mcg of iodine; which is important for people with low thyroid function. Cod is also a good source of protein (20 grams for approximately 3 ounces). It is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids as well, which are touted for their heart health benefits. The funny thing is, studies show the fish oil capsules help with inflammatory pain like arthritis but are not conclusive with improving heart health. However, eating the actual fish is! There is always a lead in Science revealing a link back to food in its natural form, isn’t there? Kind of like what God puts in the garden (and the waterways) to nourish and sustain us!

Come and have breakfast,” Jesus told them. None of the disciples dared ask Him, “Who are You?” because they knew it was the Lord. Jesus came, took the bread, and gave it to them. He did the same with the fish.

John 21 HCSB – Jesus’ Third Appearance to the – Bible Gateway

Jesus knew exactly what Peter, James and John needed after a long night of fishing. They not only need the nourishment of fish and bread, but of encouragement to do the necessary work of fishing for men. Men and women looking for something to fill the emptiness in their souls. An emptiness only Jesus, himself, can fulfill. Fortunately, for the disciples and us, he provides both. Take heart today, be strengthened by knowing the gospel of Jesus and His provision. Who knows? We may have the privilege of eating breakfast with Him too some day!

In the meantime enjoy these soft Cod Fish Tacos!

Soft Cod Fish Tacos

  • 1 10oz Package Thawed Cod Fish
  • 1 Tbsp. Olive Oil
  • 1 Tsp. Chili Powder
  • 1/2 Tsp. Paprika
  1. Coat fish with seasoning cut into medium chunk, sauté fish in olive oil until done approx. 5-7 minutes. Or toss with seasoning and olive oil and bake at 400 for 18-30 min.

    Serve over Tzatziki sauce (1/2 cup plain yogurt/ 1 cloves mashed roasted garlic/ 1/4 tsp pepper, 1 squeeze of lemon juice)

    or Red Cabbage Slaw (1/2 cup shredded red cabbage, 1 tsp apple cider vinegar, 1/4 tsp salt. 1 tbsp. olive oil, 1 tbsp. onion, 1 tbsp. minced orange or yellow pepper.

    or Daikon Radish Slaw

    1/2 cup shredded daikon radish, 1/4 cup shredded cucumber, 1/4 tsp. salt, 1/2 tsp no salt seasoning, 1 tsp apple cider vinegar, 2 tsp olive oil.

The Soft Fish Tacos are really good on these homemade tortilla shells or Over a Quinoa Bowl!:

Tortillas 3 Ways – Strengthen Your Heart (

Low Sugar Cherry Tarts

“Aim for restoration, comfort one another, agree with one another, live in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you.”
2 Corinthians 13:11

I like the key word in this verse…aim. Aiming for restoration and comforting one another. The act of living in peace is what we, as Christians wake up with every intention of doing each day. Meeting God in His word and beginning with prayer helps us hit the mark. Well, aim better anyway.

We may be tempted in situations to respond in haste. We may forego the extra time to stop and listen to the answer of our own question, “How are you?” to our neighbors. While each hour of our day passes we have the opportunity to take extra time or go the extra mile. When we do, a small spark of confidence grows and the peace of God is present in our small victories.

We can feel Him smiling as our aim is closer to that of his Son.

While we think about our aim to be more like Christ, I’ll share the aim of this cherry tart. It offers a balance of delicious tart and sweet flavor for our enjoyment. A crunchy oat and walnut cluster of top is slightly sweet and filling. Also, the use of a very small amount of sugar and stevia allow this pleasure to remain a healthier option for a rounded snack or breakfast substitute.

Cherries dark red juice and skin is loaded with anthocyanins to help fight inflammation. They also contain a decent amount of vitamin C. There is no guilt indulging in this beneficial treat.

Cherry Tarts


  • 3 Cups Cherries (Fresh or Frozen)
  • 1/4 Cup of Sugar mixed with 1 scoop of PURE stevia or monk fruit
  • 1/2 Teaspoon Almond Extract
  • 1/4 Teaspoon Cinnamon or nutmeg
  • 1 Tablespoon Tapioca Starch or Arrowroot Powder


  • 2 Cups Organic Gluten Free Oats
  • 1/3 Cup Organic Olive Oil
  • 1 Tablespoon Sugar (Optional)
  • 1/2 Teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/2 Cup Walnuts Chopped

Heat oven to 350 degrees. Combine your filling ingredients in a bowl and toss well with the sugar, arrowroot powder, and spices. Place in a 8 pre-made tart shells and set aside. Combine oats, olive oil, sugar, cinnamon and walnuts in a bowl and place over the cherries. Bake for 30-40 minutes.

Take a couple of theses along with you as you visit shut ins or drop them off on the door step with a card of encouragement! Aiming high is our goal in our efforts to comfort and agree with on another.


Kale and Apple Sausage 3 Ways!

The kale is coming along nicely in this fall garden spot and new recipes are coming with it. I know many people don’t like kale, but you really can’t taste it much in these three breakfast/brunch style dishes. Besides, just check out the benefits God provides in this superfood!

Kale Benefits

Kale is high in potassium. A 3rd of a cup provides 385mg, and new research says it is safe for people with chronic kidney disease. According to the USDA, kale provides a wonderful supply of the recommended daily amounts of vitamin C (130%), vitamin A (25%), and Calcium (20%).

God also placed amazing antioxidants in this beautiful plant! Studies show kaempferol, present in kale, has anti-inflammatory, anti-neoplastic, cardio and neuroprotective properties. (1). He also provides quercetin, a flavonoid that provides oxidation protection for low density lipoproteins, decreases platelet aggregation, and relaxes vascular smooth muscles. All of which, is good news for those of us looking for heart protection.

The Lord is good to all,
    and his mercy is over all that he has made.

Psalm 145:8-10 ESV – The LORD is gracious and merciful, slow – Bible Gateway

Incorporating Kale in Easy Meal Preparation

The best part of this super food is it can be incorporated in our weekly meal prep. Plus, it grows easily in backyard gardens to be enjoyed most of the year.

One way I love to use kale is in a kale salad, with apples and beets. I then top it with apple cider vinegar and olive oil dressing. Other ways I like to use it, is in an omelet, muffins, or quiche.

I hope you enjoy these dishes as much as I do.

kale omelet
Kale Omelet

1-2 Cups Chopped Fresh Kale

1/4 Cup Fresh Onion

4 Large Cage Free Eggs

1 Tbs Olive Oil

2 Adelle’s Chicken Apple Sausage (No nitrates!)

1 Tsp Shredded Romano Cheese

1 Tsp Fresh Lemon balm

Sauté the onion in the olive oil, add the chicken apple sausage chopped into small squares. Add the chopped kale until just wilted. Beat the eggs in a cup add some milk or almond milk. Move the meat/vegetable mixture to the side of the skillet. Add the eggs to the skillet and cover with a lid. When the egg looks cooked through, scatter the meat/vegetable mixture over it and fold into two omelets. Top with fresh chopped lemon balm or herb of your choice and a little shaved Romano. So delicious!

Kale and Apple Sausage Muffins

Sauté 1 tablespoon of onion, 1/2 cup chopped mushrooms, and 1 chopped Adel’s Chicken Apple sausage link in a skillet and cook until mushrooms are tender. Add 1 cup of fresh or frozen chopped kale. Divide the mixture into 6 muffin tins. Place 6 eggs into a blender and blend with 2 ounces of almond milk, salt, pepper, a sprig of fresh rosemary and 3 chopped basil leaves. Pour mixture over vegetables and bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes.

Separate the meat/vegetable mixture into 6 muffin tins, cover with egg mixture and bake at 350 until eggs are done, about 15-20 minutes. Top with fresh herbs and shaved Romano.

Gluten free, Paleo approved (depending on your milk and cheese choices) and low carb.

Kale quiche
Kale & Apple Sausage Quiche

Sauté 1/2 cup onion, 1 clove of minced garlic, and 6 button mushrooms until tender. Add 1 chopped, nitrate and nitrite free apple sausage link, and 2 cups of fresh chopped or frozen kale in a skillet with 1 tablespoon of ghee or olive oil, until tender. Add 2 cups of cooked Quinoa. Set aside. Mix 6-8 eggs in a blender with 2 ounces almond milk, fresh herbs, a pinch of salt and pepper. Pour over vegetable and quinoa mixture and cook 1-2 minutes.

Making sure your skillet is oven safe, transfer it to the oven to bake at 350 for about 10-15 minutes or until eggs are done.


Crocetto F, di Zazzo E, Buonerba C, Aveta A, Pandolfo SD, Barone B, Trama F, Caputo VF, Scafuri L, Ferro M, Cosimato V, Fusco F, Imbimbo C, Di Lorenzo G. Kaempferol, Myricetin and Fisetin in Prostate and Bladder Cancer: A Systematic Review of the Literature. Nutrients. 2021 Oct 23;13(11):3750. doi: 10.3390/nu13113750. PMID: 34836005; PMCID: PMC8621729.