January Week 3 Meal Prepping Fun

Ok, January week 3 meal prepping is underway for the week! Hang in there, busy friend, this is doble! I will list the items and the cost and keep it simple for you.

How are we thinking differently these days about meal prepping?

Maybe we’ve made the decision to move more, have a better attitude, trust the Lord more and the world less, or maybe we are making better choices in our eating habits.

The thought patterns may be small but. . Oh! How effective they become when we take one step at time, master it, then move forward.

Intention is the key for me when it comes to all of these factors. I have to start with prayer, then move to Bible reading first thing in the morning.

As the day progresses so does writing tasks, workflow, moving, and eating. One of my favorite things to do to make my life flow more effectively and help me stay on track is to meal prep.

Although I move between making wraps and quinoa bowls, soups, salads, and meat dishes. . . all play a huge part of my meal prepping days and being intentional.

January week 3 Meal Prepping is super simple and delicious:

Keep in mind, I use organic in all of my meals as much as possible because of the heavily laden pesticides sprayed on our food. So, the prices below reflect that cost.

If organic items are not available or I can’t afford them, I soak the food in baking soda and vinegar to remove the pesticides and rinse them well. I do this with organic, too!

1/3/24 Meal prepping ideas

Here are January Week 3 Items and the cost:

  • Organic whole chicken —-$16 (sometimes I get two when they are close to expiration, so keep an eye out!)
  • Carrots —$2.99 for 32 ounces
  • Celery—$2.79 one bunch
  • Onions—$1.59
  • Garlic—$1.99
  • Salsa– $1.79
  • Spring greens–1 lb—$5.99 or 5 ounce container for $3.29
  • Wraps–-Make your own, the recipe I have makes 12 medium wraps, or 16 small. I seriously could not find a decent wrap on the Kroger website that has quality ingredients. If you find one use it!

So, a total cost of this meal prepping is $29 (rounded up) is for 6 servings of soup, 12 Wraps (I already had the flour), and 6 salads. That’s three days of eating for two in our house. It may be two days if you have young children, or 1 day if you have growing teens!

January Week 3 Meal Prepping Chicken

How to do it!

One whole organic chicken in the Instapot for 32 minutes (its 8min per pound)

Chop carrots, celery, onions, and garlic.

Get a small jar of salsa ready (or chop fresh tomatoes/peppers/onions)

You’ll be finished chopping in less than 32 minutes.

Pull the chicken out carefully, and let cool a few minutes until it’s ready to handle.

Separate it into three sections, removing the gristle and bones (I totally puree all the tiny bones and meat in my bullet and only the large bones and skin are wasted, I keep it for my chili) keep the broth and place it in the soup pot of veggies.

One section is shredded for wraps, one for soup, and one for a salad.

Meal prepping, chicken wraps

Don’t you get excited when life becomes a little easier and you don’t have to think about what to cook for dinner every day?

There are more ways to use wraps on this blog so please check them out! I am here to serve and encourage you in your health journey! It does take work, but I think you and I are up to the task!


We can’t do this alone; it takes a good network of supportive people. It reminds me of Nehemiah rebuilding the wall around Jerusalem in the Bible. He had the torn down wall, ruined city, and the people on his heart. Mourning what was lost and thinking about its previous splendor and purpose to honor God, he stepped up to make a difference in the lives of his people.

He rallied each family, and side by side, they began to work on the portions of the wall around Jerusalem.

So, we built the wall. And all the wall was joined together to half its height, for the people had a mind to work.

Nehemiah 4:6

Nehemiah 4 ESV – Opposition to the Work – Now when – Bible Gateway

Amazing things happen when we have a mindset to do the work. Whether it’s moving more, arguing less, loving exponentially, or eating healthier.

Our bodies rally to do the internal work of restoring and repairing our cells the way God designed them to do. The preservatives, additives, pesticides, and poison of the world and food are no longer appealing to us or our children.

Sometimes it takes planning and sacrifice, but the key is keeping it simple and enjoyable, with our focus on the prize.

The prize is good health, a stronger body that fights infection well, and a clear mind. God’s plan established the ingredients for both thousands of years ago in the garden of Eden.

For instance, I can take any of these items to a party and enjoy the party. Once I’ve fed my cells, I can take a small piece of whatever delightful dessert is catching my eye.

I have found, when my cells are satisfied, there are fewer cravings and dissatisfaction. So, a small piece of chocolate or a sliver of cake is enjoyable and savorable as it tops off my healthy meal! I may even choose not to eat it at all!

Regardless of how you approach your battle strategy in being healthier spiritually and physically, I am here for you! Let me know how you’re doing and if you need more wellness coaching, we can do a discovery call!

Almond Chia Crackers

Almond chia crackers are easy to make and hard to resist. The good news is you don’t have to resist them, you can enjoy a few with hummus and veggies. Or maybe place them alongside your anti-inflammatory Mushroom Soup or Black Bean & Bok Choy Soup.

These almond and chia crackers are a part of a 7 Day Detox plan to reduce inflammation and nourish the cells. The best part is they are delicious and simple to prepare!

There are many varieties of this cracker at the grocery store and even some recipes on the internet. I like to read the labels in the store and come up with my own healthier version at home.


I think the best benefit of these crackers is they can be easily incorporated into a low carbohydrate eating plan. Evidence is mounting across the healthcare spectrum, and in science, that lower carbohydrate eating alongside intermittent fasting (not eating between meals or after dinner) helps lower chronic disease.

According to one PubMed article, this eating pattern is helping many people lose weight and reduce insulin resistance. (1)

I like to explain it to my clients this way: Insulin resistance is when the muscle cells are not receptive to insulin moving glucose through the cell wall to be stored for energy. It’s connected to weight gain and prediabetes, among other chronic conditions.

Almond & Chia Crackers

Almond Chia Cracker Recipe

Almond & Chia Crackers

  • 1 Cup Almond Flour
  • 1 Tbsp. Chia Seeds
  • 1/4 Cup Water
  • 1/2 Tsp. Salt
  1. Preheat oven to 350 Degrees.

  2. Combine the flour and salt. Set it aside, and combine the chia seeds and water, let it set 10 minutes until gelled.

  3. Combine the chia water with the flour and mix well. It will be sticky. Let it set a few minutes to soak up all the water.

  4. Place between parchment paper and roll out into thin dough, less than 1/8th inch.

  5. Remove the top layer of parchment paper and cut the dough into small squares.

  6. Take the bottom parchment paper and place it on a cookie sheet. Bake for 20 minutes, flip over and bake another 20 minutes.

I hope you enjoy this low carbohydrate chia cracker recipe! It can be a part any anti-inflammatory eating plan. If you like it give it a rating and share it with a friend!

Take care and remember, what God puts in the garden is good!



Arbour MW, Stec M, Walker KC, Wika JC. Clinical Implications for Women of a Low-Carbohydrate or Ketogenic Diet With Intermittent Fasting. Nurs Womens Health. 2021 Apr;25(2):139-151. doi: 10.1016/j.nwh.2021.01.009. PMID: 33838849.

Increasing HDL-C Naturally

Increasing HDL-C naturally sounds like a difficult task. After all, statin therapies are known to lower low-density lipoproteins (LDL) rather than high-density lipoproteins. Since higher levels of HDL are associated with decreased cardiovascular disease risk, it makes sense to explore what the literature says about increasing it naturally.

HDL is credited for moving excess low-density lipoproteins to the liver and normalizing blood cholesterol. This is good news for those who have an ideal level 60mg/dL or higher. But why is HDL so important?

HDL plays a role in moving the cholesterol out of the artery wall. However, more importantly, is its ability to reduce oxidation, inflammation and thrombosis, improve the lining of the arteries, enhance insulin sensitivity, and increase production of insulin by the beta cells in the pancreas. (1)

Increasing ApoA-1 is also a consideration because it is the primary structural apolipoprotein associated with HDL to reduce cardiovascular risks, making up to 70% of HDL protein.

*Please note: none of the studies funded by Pfizer, Astra Zenica, Eli Lily, or others were referenced in this research article.*

Increasing HDL with Lifestyle

  • Exercise Moderate intensity workouts (Walking, biking, swimming, hiking, and weight training, etc.) has been shown to increase HDL-C and decrease Triglyceride/HDL ratios. (2,7) The American Heart Association recommends 40 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise 3-4 days per week. Ideally, getting a vigorous workout involves raising resting heart rate to a person’s target heartrate. The age predicted target heart rate can be calculated by decreasing your age from 220. (4) Of course, we have to consider how medications, stress, hormones, and individual activity levels affect heart rate in varying degrees.
  • Quit smoking– Smoking is associated with reduced levels of ApoA-1 and HDL. (4)
  • Mediterranean Diet (Consists of more fish, true healthy fats like olive oil, vegetables and whole food). (5)
  • Increase Omega 3 Fatty Acids (Salmon, tuna, sardines, approved supplements from a healthcare provider). (6)
  • Avoid Hydrogenated Oils (margarines, biscuit mixes, doughnuts, processed cakes, cookies, pastries, crackers).
  • Avoid Seed Oils that are inflammatory The Western Diet is high in vegetable seed oils (canola, soybean, cottonseed, sunflower, corn oils) In some studies, seed oils show increased neuropil counts when exposed to seed oils (7) In others, substances called hydroxynoneal particles leads to cell death. (11)
  • Limit or Avoid Alcohol For men the boundary for this is no more than two drinks per day and for women one drink per day. A serving size of alcohol is: 5 ounces of wine, a 12 ounce beer, and 1.5 ounces of hard/distilled liquor.
  • Whole Grains (Oats, Wheat, Barley, Quinoa) The fiber, vitamins, and minerals present in whole grains are thought to raise HDL by helping to decrease homocysteine levels, decrease inflammation, and improve blood vessels. (9)
  • Eat Beans and Legumes- to increase fiber and reduce LDL cholesterol.
  • Apply Flax seed meal to muffins, oats, or hot cereal for more fiber.
  • Enjoy a Serving a day of Nuts (Walnuts, pistachio, Brazil nuts, or almonds).
  • Apply a Serving or Two of Seeds to Salads, hot cereals, soups. (Chia, Hemp seeds, sunflower seeds, hulled pumpkin seeds).
  • Avocados–in 7 studies increased HDL without affecting triglycerides or LDL. (8)
Increasing HDL Naturally

Increasing HDL-C with Doctor Approved Supplements

  • Niacin
    One PubMed source credits niacin as “the most effective agent for raising HDL-C” (3) Another says it raises HDL by 25%. It has a direct effect on ApoA-1 stability and function. (10)
  • Nutraceuticals (A combination of Plant phytosterols/red yeast rice//27mg niacin/) in a randomized double-blind trial significantly lowered LDL-C and Triglycerides.


There are ways to increase HDL cholesterol naturally. It is well known throughout the global community that the Standard American Diet of ultra-processed food, sugar, fat, and preservatives contribute to cardiovascular disease. My friend, God has a better plan for you and me and our food intake. He created everything we need the third day in the garden to heal and sustain our blood vessels.

The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.

Genesis 1:12

All we have to do it enjoy a wide variety of nutrient rich items daily. If you need help with getting a plan together, we can do that together. Contact me for a free 30-minute consultation. In the meantime, enjoy heart healthy whole food recipes from the blog!

Take care!


Simplifying Health God’s Way


Anderson JW. Whole grains protect against atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Proc Nutr Soc. 2003 Feb;62(1):135-42. doi: 10.1079/PNS2002222. PMID: 12740068

2) Barter P. HDL-C: role as a risk modifier. Atheroscler Suppl. 2011 Nov;12(3):267-70. doi: 10.1016/S1567-5688(11)70885-6. PMID: 22152280.

3) Cziraky MJ, Watson KE, Talbert RL. Targeting low HDL-cholesterol to decrease residual cardiovascular risk in the managed care setting. J Manag Care Pharm. 2008 Oct;14(8 Suppl):S3-28; quiz S30-1. PMID: 19891279.

4)Grao-Cruces E, Varela LM, Martin ME, Bermudez B, Montserrat-de la Paz S. High-Density Lipoproteins and Mediterranean Diet: A Systematic Review. Nutrients. 2021 Mar 16;13(3):955. doi: 10.3390/nu13030955. PMID: 33809504; PMCID: PMC7999874.

5) Kanikowska D, Kanikowska A, Rutkowski R, Włochal M, Orzechowska Z, Juchacz A, Zawada A, Grzymisławski M, Roszak M, Sato M, Bręborowicz A, Witowski J. Amaranth (Amaranthus cruentus L.) and canola (Brassica napus L.) oil impact on the oxidative metabolism of neutrophils in the obese patients. Pharm Biol. 2019 Dec;57(1):140-144. doi: 10.1080/13880209.2019.1569696. PMID: 30905230; PMCID: PMC6442228.

6) Kauss AR, Antunes M, de La Bourdonnaye G, Pouly S, Hankins M, Heremans A, van der Plas A. Smoking and apolipoprotein levels: A meta-analysis of published data. Toxicol Rep. 2022 May 17;9:1150-1171. doi: 10.1016/j.toxrep.2022.05.009. PMID: 36518393; PMCID: PMC9742875.

7) Liang M, Pan Y, Zhong T, Zeng Y, Cheng ASK. Effects of aerobic, resistance, and combined exercise on metabolic syndrome parameters and cardiovascular risk factors: a systematic review and network meta-analysis. Rev Cardiovasc Med. 2021 Dec 22;22(4):1523-1533. doi: 10.31083/j.rcm2204156. PMID: 34957791.

8) Mahmassani HA, Avendano EE, Raman G, Johnson EJ. Avocado consumption and risk factors for heart disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Am J Clin Nutr. 2018 Apr 1;107(4):523-536. doi: 10.1093/ajcn/nqx078. PMID: 29635493.

9) Muscella A, Stefàno E, Marsigliante S. The effects of exercise training on lipid metabolism and coronary heart disease. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2020 Jul 1;319(1):H76-H88. doi: 10.1152/ajpheart.00708.2019. Epub 2020 May 22. PMID: 32442027.

10) Romani M, Hofer DC, Katsyuba E, Auwerx J. Niacin: an old lipid drug in a new NAD+ dress. J Lipid Res. 2019 Apr;60(4):741-746. doi: 10.1194/jlr.S092007. Epub 2019 Feb 19. PMID: 30782960; PMCID: PMC6446705.

11) Yamashima T, Ota T, Mizukoshi E, Nakamura H, Yamamoto Y, Kikuchi M, Yamashita T, Kaneko S. Intake of ω-6 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid-Rich Vegetable Oils and Risk of Lifestyle Diseases. Adv Nutr. 2020 Nov 16;11(6):1489-1509. doi: 10.1093/advances/nmaa072. PMID: 32623461; PMCID: PMC7666899.

Derailing to Detox in 7 Days!

Have you ever gone on vacation and completely derailed your healthy eating habits? If you have, you are not alone! We’re talking about derailing to detox today, so we can get back on track.

Derailing happens to all of us, and it’s not a bad thing. It’s actually freeing to taste the scoop of ice cream we’ve been avoiding due to joint and muscles aches. Or to accept the side of fries with our burger as we did when we were living the American dream.

We are enjoying our free time. Celebrating with family and getting the rest God designed us to take when we go on vacation.

What Derailing Looks Like Biblically

It reminds me of the Feast of Booths in the Bible. God commanded a period of seven days to gather in booths each year so Israel could worship Him and rest as they enjoyed the fruit of their harvest. Of course, their derailing, or in this case, feasting, did not consist of fried foods or ice cream.

“On the fifteenth day of the seventh month, when you have gathered in the produce of the land, you shall celebrate the feast of the Lord seven days. On the first day shall be a solemn rest, and on the eighth day shall be a solemn rest. And you shall take on the first day the fruit of splendid trees, branches of palm trees and boughs of leafy trees and willows of the brook, and you shall rejoice before the Lord your God seven days. You shall celebrate it as a feast to the Lord for seven days in the year. It is a statute forever throughout your generations; you shall celebrate it in the seventh month. (Leviticus 23:39-41)

Leviticus 23 ESV – Feasts of the LORD – The LORD spoke to – Bible Gateway

They didn’t have to detox from chemicals in their food or inflammatory markers that get set off with preservatives and additives though! There were no dyes or altered forms of seed oils, either. The toxic ultra-processed boxed items we consume on vacation poorly resemble the fruit of the land they enjoyed.

However, the ideas of rest, celebration, worship, and enjoyment for seven days stands! And so can we. We can get back to the produce of our land and begin a 7-day detox right from the garden!

A Simple 7 Day Detox Plan for Healthy People —Not Taking Medication

Now, you know the usual disclaimer here: This is NOT a diet plan for you, and you MUST listen to your doctor or dietician’s advice about meal planning. Especially if you are on medication to lower your blood sugar or blood pressure.

By detoxing for 7 days, we healthy individuals are simply eating vegetables, nuts, beans, and a small amount of fruit for our meals, with plenty of water. Organic extra virgin olive oil, in small amounts for a dressing, is beneficial with all its polyphenols and healthy fat, too! There is no snacking between meals for a detox, nor is there sugar, corn, or potato chips.

If this sounds close to a vegan detox plan, it is. . .without the sugar or ultra-processed, packaged, franken food a few of them eat. And we can take encouragement because people all over the world eat the produce of the land, safely, every single day, while suffering no ill effects.

There is ZERO artificial sweeteners, colorings, additives, or flavorings. Also, zero diet anything, fried anything, or sugar of any kind. Did I say, “No sugar’ again? Yes, I sure did! I’m thinking excess sugar gets most of us into more trouble with inflammation than any other substance.

It’s black tea, black coffee, herbal teas, lemon water, and one of my favorites: A Derailing to Detox Smoothie

Derailing to Detox Smoothie

Derailing to Detox Smoothie

  • 1 Lemon
  • 1 Kiwi
  • 2 Cups Spinach/Kale Blend
  • 2 Tbsp. Blueberries
  • 1/2 Tsp. Celtic or Himalayan Salt
  • 2 Cups Ice Water
  1. Juice the lemon and peel the kiwi. Add it to the Bullet (or blender of your choice) with the spinach/kale, blueberries, and salt. Add the ice water and blend until a nice liquid. Enjoy!

Derail to Detox Summary

Friend, first of all I hope you enjoyed your vacation without guilt or shame! I pray God restored you with much needed rest and you had a chance to thank Him for all of His goodness! I also hope this little seven-day idea of healthy eating is doable for you as you imagine your own recipes forming with exploration through the farmer’s markets, grocery produce sections, or maybe even, your own back yard. The Highlights are:

  • *Consult your doctor or dietician for your individual caloric/nutritional needs with healthy eating*
  • General ideas for nutritional needs are also available for healthy individuals (not taking medication) at Calorie Calculator
  • Enjoy vegetables cooked or raw
  • Enjoy fruit cooked or raw
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Enjoy herbal teas, black coffee or tea
  • Enjoy beans, legumes, nuts, and seeds
  • No eating between meals
  • No sugar, artificial sweeteners, additives, dies, flavorings, fried foods, or preservatives
  • Take your usual multivitamin or supplements

It’s not a meal plan, but it’s a beautiful gift of good ideas from God’s garden to turn us from derailing to detox. I hope it has been helpful to open our eyes to proper feasting and fasting in a healthy, biblical kind of way. If you need further encouragement or recipe ideas check out the blog!

There are plenty! Here are three to get you started:

Black Bean & Bok Choy Soup

Almond & Chia Crackers

Coconut Pecan Prune Bars

Also, if you are looking for help changing lifestyle or behaviors let me know!

Happy Hormones. It’s Complicated.

Are your hormones happy? Not in the sense of dancing for joy but putting the message they carry to the right place, at the right time, without hindrance. After all, they are the message transporters who help keep the body in balance.

God uniquely designed this endocrine system to help you and I maintain our body temperature, metabolic status, and our growth and development. We may function in harmony or be dysfunctional according to our hormone balance. In addition to that, there are many environmental disruptors to throw us off balance.

Happy Hormones Start in our Glands

The hypothalamus is the center of control for our hormones. It communicates with the pituitary gland, adrenal glands, gonads (testes and ovaries) thyroid glands, parathyroid glands, and pancreas.

When you and I see how these hormones interact and affect the cells, we will understand how they affect metabolism and weight control. For instance, the anterior pituitary gland produces several important hormones that either stimulate target glands (e.g., the adrenal glands, gonads, or thyroid gland) to produce target gland hormones or directly affect target organs.

The message will go into the cell to change the structure, or it will settle on a receptor outside of the cell to make changes. Any interruption in the process can result in an imbalance of hormones and therefore, appetite, weight, sleep, and over all function.

The following gallery lists how a few of these hormones affect weight:

hormones and weight
happy hormones
happy hormones
happy hormones
happy hormones
happy hormones

Hormone Disruptors

The natural decline of reproductive hormones plays a role in weight gain. For women, after child-bearing years, estrogen and testosterone drop, and a redistribution of fat takes place. In addition to storing more fat around the middle, women have an increased appetite. Men also enter a period of hormone changes in their midlife years, with lowered testosterone.

Although it seems like an uphill battle for many of us, there are ways to make the transition to middle age without losing vitality.

For instance, scientists report our hormones are designed for periods of scarcity and famine. The hormones we have hold onto calories/energy for these times of famine. It is a survival mechanism. However, in United States, when every fruit is available every season at our local grocery store there is no scarcity. In addition to excess fruit and food, we have a plethora of high sugar products on the shelf disguised as food.

Weight gain naturally occurs with lowered sex hormone production and lower metabolisms in men and women. Especially if they are not active during this time frame, and they consume products filled with chemicals. The additives, and preservatives in boxed items are things the body cannot recognize or process as useful. The inflammatory seed oils are also used in many of these products, which contribute to cardiovascular and hormone disruption. (2)

God’s Garden Provision Helps Balance Hormones

The good news is an adequate intake of leafy green and cruciferous vegetables supplies vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants necessary to maintain our happy hormones. Here are some basic principles to remember when we are getting our hormones in balance:

  • Remove as much ultra processed food from the diet as possible.
  • Include as much clean filtered water as possible.
  • Fast between meals and after dinner to allow the body to digest, metabolize, disperse nutrients where they need to go, and remove waste products.
  • Eat 3-4 servings of (clean) green leafy vegetables a day. My 10 Easy Tortilla Wrap Ideas can help you do this!
  • Enjoy bright colored yellow, red, and orange vegetables too! They have vital nutrients and antioxidants to help balance hormones.
  • Bright red fruits and berries are also designed to help us function at our best! When the refined white sugar is removed from the diet, there is generally no fear of natural sugar. The fiber and nutrients in the fruit are good, too. Of course, those who are insulin resistant, will have to keep and eye on portion sizes of fruit.
  • Add fresh herbs and spices to every meal for added flavor and antioxidant benefits.
  • Incorporate nuts and seeds in your side dishes, salads, or soups for added protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals.

Don’t forget!

You are divinely designed with a meticulously thought-out system of checks and balances. When one system is out of balance, another tries to step in and help.

Hormones are no exception.

You can fall for the latest promises on the market to overcome an imbalance, or you can trust the One who created you.

Friend, He loves you and wants you to be whole. The battle for your body is only outweighed by the battle for your soul.

Trusting him with both is where we all find victory!

You’ll notice the differences over time as your body begins to heal itself naturally.

The cost is only reflected in the grocery cart of what you purchase each week, and not in the latest plan or supplement promising to fix what only God can fix.

(**I realize there are exceptions and needs with certain conditions**)

Although hormones are complicated, balancing them doesn’t have to be.

There are plenty of wonderful coaches out there to help you! I am here for you, too!


Simplifying Health God’s Way

“Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed;

save me, and I shall be saved,

for you are my praise.”

Jeremiah 17:14





Ghrelin: much more than a hunger hormone – PubMed (nih.gov)

Deacon CF, Ahrén B. Physiology of incretins in health and disease. Rev Diabet Stud. 2011 Fall;8(3):293-306. doi: 10.1900/RDS.2011.8.293. Epub 2011 Nov 10. PMID: 22262068; PMCID: PMC3280665.

Varlamov O. Western-style diet, sex steroids and metabolism. Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Basis Dis. 2017 May;1863(5):1147-1155. doi: 10.1016/j.bbadis.2016.05.025. Epub 2016 Jun 3. PMID: 27264336.

Fantastic Fiber Ideas!

I’m always excited to share high quality fiber recipes with you. When we understand the benefits of this tasty item for fullness, gastrointestinal motility, and gut health, it’s even better!

It is estimated Americans are getting half of their recommended dietary fiber intake each day. USDA sources place the number of grams required daily to prevent disease at around 25 grams for women and 38 for men. In addition to that, a large population study reveals a high fiber diet is associated with lower all-cause mortality. (1)

As a person who has suffered from IBS for many years, taking control of my diet mattered to me. I can only stop on the side of the road and jump over a guardrail for emergencies a certain number of times before I realize…

What the heck did I just eat to cause that and how do I get it under control?

It was also problematic watching people die, before their time, from chronic disease in my career as an intensive care nurse. I did not want to be one of my patients!

Some careful observations need to take place, and soon. The delicacies I enjoyed so often, were deceptive food.

When you sit down to eat with a ruler, observe carefully what is before you, and put a knife to your throat if you are given to appetite. Do not desire his delicacies, for they are deceptive food.

Proverbs 23 ESV – When you sit down to eat with a ruler, – Bible Gateway

Changing my diet twenty years ago and getting my stress under control with prayer made a huge difference. So, I am confident you can do it too! God’s plans for you and me are good, and He gives us everything we need in the garden to restore our health.

I’m here to help you, too!

My ways of including optimal amounts of fiber in my diet are:

Fruits and vegetables, at least 5-6 per day.

Chia Seeds on my eggs, in my muffins, on my salads.

Quinoa in my eggs with kale or spinach.

Quinoa on my salads, or in my soups.

Flaxseed meal in my tortillas, muffins, multi-grain bread recipes.

fiber recipes

God made some easy take-along items to feed your gut microbiome and help you and I feel full longer.

Since we have to watch pesticide spray on all of the items I sprinkle them with baking soda, gently rub it over the surface, then rinse with filtered water. The baking soda works like sandpaper to get the wax off your grapes and apples. I love using it!

If you are worried about natural sugars in fruit, always add some spices and protein to lower the sugar spike and insulin burst from your pancreas.

For example:

  • **Peel back your banana, sprinkle on some cinnamon, and grab a few walnuts to eat with the fruit. Or add the banana to your vegetable and protein smoothie.

  • **Strawberries and full fat- sugar free–yogurt with walnuts and a dash of cinnamon is good too!

  • **Blackberries, Blueberries, Raspberries with a side of cottage cheese and black pepper.

  • **Cardamon sprinkled Grapes, and mozzarella slices or sticks…oh yum!

You get the idea. You are feeding your cells the antioxidants they crave and lowering inflammation throughout your body (the root cause of disease).

God will heal your soul through Jesus and your body through His provision in the garden, my friend. Just trust Him with all your needs and pray for the desire to consume more of Him and what He provides.

I am here for you, too. Let me know how you would like prayer and guidance in living more for Him and less for the world.

fiber ideas and benefits

Recipes with Fiber

Most of the recipes on this site are created with fiber content in mind. Any recipe with 3 grams of fiber per serving is a good fiber choice! I hope you enjoy some of my favorites in the links below!

Power Salad

Loaded Blueberry & Quinoa Oatmeal –

Quinoa & Black Bean Medley –

Sugar Free Berry Crisp

Smoothies: Simple & Tasty Intentional Breakfast –

Fresh-Milled Oat & Wheat Poptart –

I hope these recipes are helpful in jump starting your fiber ideas! They sure are fun to incorporate in any wellness plan. Mostly because when we don’t feel well and start connecting it to what we eat, we then understand what we’ve been missing. .

The fiber is lacking in the fast-paced, ultra-processed food plan.

Ditch that plan, my friend, and my guess is you, and your children, will start feeling better within a week!

God has a better plan for your life and for your health and it’s not in a package or a supplement.

I am here for you to get you started with a new way of thinking!


Simplifying Health God’s Way


Xu X, Zhang J, Zhang Y, Qi H, Wang P. Associations between dietary fiber intake and mortality from all causes, cardiovascular disease and cancer: a prospective study. J Transl Med. 2022 Aug 2;20(1):344. doi: 10.1186/s12967-022-03558-6. PMID: 35918724; PMCID: PMC9344643.

Creamy Celery & Spaghetti Squash Entree

Coaching through food preparation is so much fun for me. I get to come up with a creamy celery & spaghetti squash entree like this one for my classes and workshops. It’s exciting to equip working families with easier and healthier ideas for dinner.

Although I had every intention of using the crunchy bunch of celery stalks for my snacks this week, it didn’t work out that way. All I had to do was wash them, cut off the ends, and place them in some cold water in the fridge. But I got busy working and left them two days too long.

They were soft and limp, not crunchy and juicy—the way I like celery best— when it is ready for slathering some all-natural peanut butter or hummus over. However, I really didn’t want to waste them or put them in the compost pile. So, I decided to make a creamy celery soup with onions, garlic, and almond milk.

I had a spaghetti squash in the fridge too, and some left over rotisserie chicken. The entree in my mind began to take shape and form, you see the picture coming together too, don’t you?

Celery Benefits Are Amazing!

According to a horticultural college in Nanjing, China, celery’s medicinal benefits include anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, lipid lowering, and glucose lowering properties. It is loaded with antioxidants like: caffeic acid, p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, apigenin, luteolin, tannin, saponin, and kaempferol. (1)

That’s impressive, however, it’s vitamin A, vitamin C, and abundant flavonoid compounds are why it is used medicinally in cultures around the world. Here is a list of benefits from this amazing plant:

  • Reducing risks of cardiovascular disease
  • Preventing jaundice and liver disease
  • Eliminating Urinary tract obstructions
  • Gout
  • Rheumatic disorders
  • In animal studies it increased sperm count and fertility
  • Reduces blood pressure and lipids, therefore strengthening the heart
  • The seeds are used for chronic asthma, bronchitis, and skin disorders
    (A Review of the Antioxidant Activity of Celery (Apium graveolens L) – PMC (nih.gov)
creamy celery entree


God’s divine nature is clear in the things He made. Our cells’ every need was thought of and provided for before we were born. It gives me a sense of trust and amazement every time I study the antioxidants in food. With a deep feeling of appreciation, we can enjoy items like this from the garden and steer clear of ultra-processed foods that rob our health.

“Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord.  He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream, and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit.”  The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?

Jeremiah 17:7-9 ESV – “Blessed is the man who trusts in the – Bible Gateway

We are blessed when we trust in the soul saving Word of God and when we take part in His gardens around the world. I want to be like this tree planted by the water with roots deeply seeded in God to bear fruit. You and I are wise to understand the heart is deceitful above all things and maybe, too, are the American taste buds for harmful food. We can’t really be to blame; it is all we’ve been taught since we were old enough to sit in front of Saturday morning cartoons.

It can change and so can we. Knowlege, my friend, is the beginning of wisdom!

Creamy Celery & Spaghetti Squash Entree

  • 1 Cup Spaghetti Squash (Cooked)
  • 1 Cup Chicken (Cooked)

Celery Soup

  • 1 Bunch Celery
  • 3 Cloves Garlic
  • 1/2 Small Onion
  • 1 Tsp Ghee or 2 tbsp Water
  • 1 32 ounces Bone Broth
  • 1 tsp Coriander
  • 1 tsp Oregano
  • 1/2 tsp Salt and pepper
  • 1 Cup Unsweetened Almond Milk
  • 2 Tbsp Flour
  1. Bake the Spaghetti Squash an Hour, then set aside until ready to slice in half and remove seeds. Using a fork gently flake the inside flesh of the squash to look like spaghetti.

  2. Gather Chicken (I used a cup of leftover rotisserie chicken, you can bake a breast in the InstaPot for 10 minutes or however long it takes in your air fryer)

Celery Soup

  1. In a large stock pot sauté the cleaned and chopped celery in water or ghee, add the onions and garlic and cook until tender. Add the spices then the 32-ounce box of bone broth (or 4 cups fresh if you have it!) Bring to a boil and simmer 10 minutes. In a large cup mix the flour and almond milk until flour is dissolved, pour it into the broth and cook until just thickened.

  2. Plate your spaghetti squash, top it with the chicken then the celery soup, and shave some fresh grated parmesan on top then add fresh parsley or basil.

I hope you enjoy this very easy to prepare meal. You’ll be happy to know it counts as an anti-inflammatory and a low carb meal, too! If you’re into that sort of thing. The spaghetti squash can feed a family of four easily or be ready for a family of one for several meals. I’ve used it for chili and with Kale Pesto to make some delicious low carb dishes!

If you are in need of more individualized attention to feed your family good food or in need of health coaching, let me know, we can book and appointment! I look forward to serving you!

10 Best Ways to Use Leftover Turkey

I’m sharing 10 ways to use your leftover turkey today!

You’ve praised and thanked God for this year’s provision and survived your 3rd turkey dinner of the week. Feeling full as a tick about to explode, you may be wondering what to do with the rest of your leftover turkey. Rest assured, in today’s post I have a few ideas that will help you’ll enjoy enhanced and varied flavors of the leftover bird.

#1 Way to Use Leftover Turkey–Turkey Tortilla Soup

I love to make a Turkey Tortilla Soup. It’s as simple as using my Chicken Tortilla Soup-Autoimmune Style and substituting the chicken for turkey. This soup base has a puree of boiled beets, carrots, onion, and garlic that make an amazingly tasteful broth for the soup. Best of all its anti-inflammatory, something we need after a little too much celebrating.

If you’re used to the old-fashioned way, and can tolerate tomatoes without inflammation, feel free to use a large jar of salsa in place of the beet puree. The recipe is easy and will be ready within the hour. Spice it up with some fresh or dried oregano, garlic, onions, and chopped zucchini. It’s delicious!

# 2 Way to use Leftover Turkey—Turkey Salad

This is a no brainer, right? Chop some turkey, add a little cranberry sauce, chopped fresh celery, pecans, and you have a delightful turkey salad to eat for lunch on some fresh tortillas and greens! Staying on track with your health plans is doable during the holidays! Click here for my full Turkey Salad Recipe.

#3 Way to Enjoy Leftover Turkey—Turkey and Butternut Squash Enchiladas

You will enjoy the simplicity of this very tasty dish. Using 2 cups of the leftover turkey (instead of chicken in the original recipe) combine it with 1 teaspoon of cumin and 1 tsp of oregano, 1/2 cup chopped onions, and a small can of green chilies, in a small bowl. Mix well and place 2 tablespoons of the mixture on a fresh tortilla and roll up nice and neat, place it in a 8×8 pan. Cover with butternut squash sauce. See full recipe Here

# 4 Turkey Pot Pie

Yes, easy leftover turkey pot pie is so good! All you have to do is combine 2 cups of chopped turkey in a large soup pot, add 2 bags of frozen mixed vegetables or your own leftover vegetables (corn, green beans, carrots), add 3 cups of broth bring to a simmer and add 1 cup of milk (I use plain almond milk) mixed with 2 tablespoons of flour, (or thickening regent of your choice), and seasonings (salt, pepper, onion powder). Once the liquid thickens, place onto your favorite pie crust and top with remaining crust. Bake according to Pie directions about 25-35 minutes at 350 is what I usually do. It’s so delicious.

turkey cranberry salad

5. Turkey Shepherd’s Pie

Replace the beef or lamb, in your favorite Shepherd’s pie recipe, with turkey. Combine the turkey with mixed vegetables, 3 cups of broth, spices, and flour milk mixture. Brink to a simmer until thickened, and then place in a 9×13 dish, cover with your left-over mashed potatoes and bake at 350 until heated through.

6. Buffalo Turkey Dip

Yep, this is going to go very well with some nachos! Combine 2 cups of leftover turkey with 1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper, 1 block of cream cheese, 1 can of green Chilles (with the juice) and 1/2 cup chopped onion. Heat on the stove or place in a small crockpot until ready to serve.

7. Mini Turkey Pizzas

A turkey mini pizza uses a tortilla wrap, cover with butternut squash sauce (baked squash, 1 clove minced garlic, 1 tsp salt blended in a blender) or your favorite tomato or yummy green pesto sauce, cover each tortilla with 1/2 cup shredded turkey, 1/2 cup red onion, and 1 cup chopped kale. Top with a sprinkle of aged parmesan, or Romano cheese, or a dab of mozzarella.

8. Turkey Frittata

Oh, so good. Line a oven-safe skillet with avocado oil, shred a sweet potato over the bottom about an inch thick, season with a little salt, paprika, and pepper. In a blender grate fresh turmeric and a teaspoon each of cardamom and pepper with 8 whole eggs. Blend well and pour onto shredded sweet potato. Add 2 cups of shredded chicken, 1/2 cup shredded cabbage or Brussel sprouts, 1/2 cup chopped orange or red peppers. Bake at 350 for 35-40 minutes or until eggs are fully cooked. Enjoy!

9. Turkey Cabbage Rolls

This is very tasty and delicious way to use your left-over turkey. In a pan, slightly boil 1/2 head of cabbage until just tender, about 20 minutes. Pull out of the water to cool until its ready to handle. Meanwhile, in a separate bowl, combine 2 cups of shredded turkey, 1/2 cup of onion, 1 tsp salt, 1/2 tesp pepper, 1 tsp oregano, and 1 clove of mince garlic, mix well. When the cabbage leaves are cooled, remove one and place a tablespoon or two of the turkey mixture into a leaf, roll it up and place it side down into a casserole dish. Continue until all the mixture is gone. Preheat oven to 350. Cover the cabbage rolls with 2 cups of cream of mushroom soup (I use 1 package of fresh chopped sauteed mushrooms in avocado oil, then combine 2 cups of broth and 1 cups of milk (I use almond) and 3 tablespoons of flour, mix while all are cold and add to the heated mushrooms, stir until thickened). Bake for 20 minutes or until heated through.

10. Turkey Avocado Cups

This refreshing and filling little appetizer looks great on a serving tray and is a nice treat during Saturday festivities. All you have to do is mix 2 cups of leftover turkey with 1 large, mashed avocado, 1/2 cup red minced onion, 1/2 red minced red pepper, and 1 minced clove of garlic, with the juice of 1 lime. Place a tablespoon of the mixture in some fresh baked phyllo shells and enjoy!

leftover turkey

Then he said to them, “Go your way. Eat the fat and drink sweet wine and send portions to anyone who has nothing ready, for this day is holy to our Lord. And do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

Nehemiah 8 ESV – Ezra Reads the Law – And all the people – Bible Gateway

I hope you enjoy these 10 easy ways to use your leftover turkey this weekend! I pray you have a blessed holiday season and remain thankful for all of God’s many blessings!

I’m here for you if you need coaching through the holidays! Staying on track and eating good food is possible, all we need is the right attitude.

Momma’s Power Over Her Family’s Health Begins Here

Mommas and grand mommas do you understand the potential power you have over your family’s health?

“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

Proverbs 22:5-7 ESV – Thorns and snares are in the way of the – Bible Gateway

Although this may be tough at first, when the whining, begging, and tears of little ones aside their health is worth the effort. When the junk is not present in the house, you and I have all the power over better choices.

And it starts in the grocery store by filling the cart with garden goodness and not bringing junk home.

God’s plan for you, me, and our children is to thrive. Therefore, we can be thankful He put all the healing properties we need in the food He created.

Culturally, for me in rural Kentucky, growing up with a high sugar breakfast, lunch, and snacks were the norm. So, when I consider this statement from the CDC’s website, I cringe inside:

“Empty calories from added sugars and solid fats contribute to 40% of daily calories for children and adolescents age 2–18 years—affecting the overall quality of their diets. Approximately half of these empty calories come from six sources: soda, fruit drinks, dairy desserts, grain desserts, pizza, and whole milk. Most youth do not consume the recommended amount of total water.”

Although the choices of my culture can be eliminated at the grocery store, wise marketing and strategically placed items of little nutrition are still present and tempting.

They are placed within view on every isle of the store. Not to mention, television ads are geared towards our little ones.


Momma’s Power to Resist

How does a momma start to change the culture of her home with this onslaught of persuasion making life easier for her?

One way is prayer, another way is knowledge.

When you and I understand how damaging this ultra-processed food is to our child’s genetic code and his ability to fight chronic disease, we realize the value of filling our cart with God’s miraculous healing food instead.

As the tantrums and meltdowns begin at home, we can calmly take the child over to the cabinet or refrigerator and show him the apples, grapes, bananas, mandarin oranges, kiwi, and pineapple that are available.

We’re off the hook because we are not the villainous sugar depriver in his mind. A simple statement like, “Sorry honey, this is what we have to eat” is all he needs to hear.

Just like the myth of Santa roams through his childish mind, so does the myth overly processed food is satisfying and what he craves. Eventually, out of site will be out of mind, too.

Seeing the effects on his nervous system is also helpful in gaining knowledge, as seen in the diagram of handwriting samples below. How can a child think clearly with such frayed neurons?

momma and knowledge
Credit for this photo is the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute

The Benefits of Momma Gaining Power

Don’t get me wrong, removing ultra-processed food completely, may not be easy the first week. I remember changing my girls’ routine when they were around seven and nine years old. It took them a few days to get used to the lack of junk food in the house, but they survived.

Well, actually, they thrived.

However, for others, retraining the mind may be easier than retraining the taste buds. Not only that, but new taste and textures form slowly for children. Some sources say it may take 10-15 tries before they begin to like new things.

But offering very small amounts to the side of their plate instead of on the plate is a good way to get used to this as the new normal. Also, being careful not to force them to eat or take a bite, helps avoid power struggles where both of us leave the table defeated and upset.

Kids will eventually explore new items themselves out of curiosity, without mom or grandma pushing it on them verbally (2)

Oh, how I remember my own childhood and the reminders from my parents of starving kids in Africa! Missionaries came through church at various times throughout the year to show us pictures of these children, so I knew they were real.

Being thankful and grateful for our food is worth learning as a child and encouraging children to try new things, without guilt, is even more worthwhile. Teaching them how God placed vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in food to help them grow works better than a guilt trip. It shows how much He loves them.

Children receive good reasons to try new things and momma has an arsenal of immune boosting support for the next round of illnesses that are sure to come.

Momma’s Power to Help Restore Gut Health

Common childhood infections of the ears and throat come alongside the use of antibiotics too, don’t they? This is understandable, because kids are young and developing their immune systems. Plus, they are exposed to bacteria and viruses all around them.

So, what’s a mom to do when several courses of antibiotics have also wiped out the good bacteria in their child’s gut?

Momma’s power to help restore this very important component of her child’s health is in her hands, too. Here are three ways I’ve learned help us get started:

  1. Increase a child’s intake of fermented foods

  • Kefir- a cultured milk drink that can be purchased plain and blended with fruit for a smoothie.
  • Fermented pickles
  • Sugar-free yogurt—the average yogurt for kids has 14grams of sugar, that is over 3 teaspoons!
  • Small amounts of kombucha— which is a fermented tea, a little sour, and naturally carbonated.

2. Include finely chopped onions and garlic and other root vegetables in meals

  • Root vegetables offer the right amount of natural sugar (oligosaccharides) feeding the good bacteria
  • our gut, they help break down fat, increases nitric oxide production, and are high in the antioxidant, quercetin.

3. Explore ways to increase fiber rich foods in every meal

  • Oats and the use of whole grains in muffins
  • Ground flax and chia seeds can be hidden in soups, on hot cereals, in cookies, or in burgers.
  • Encourage as many fruits and vegetables as they will eat, like carrots, apples, celery, bananas, cucumbers, avocados.

Don’t despair, God has placed all things, in many forms, for us to restore health. Trust Him as you explore items with your family to improve your health and prevent chronic disease.

He is worthy of praise!

I am here in the battle with you, and I’m here for you if you or your family need coaching, just contact me!


  1. https://www.cdc.gov/healthyschools/nutrition/facts.htm
  2. van der Horst K, Sleddens EFC. Parenting styles, feeding styles and food-related parenting practices in relation to toddlers’ eating styles: A cluster-analytic approach. PLoS One. 2017 May 24;12(5):e0178149. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0178149. PMID: 28542555; PMCID: PMC5443548.

T=Thank God for His Faithfulness as We Actively Express Our Gratitude

Week 7 of the Strength Approach to Christian Wellness begins with T. T= Thank God for His faithfulness as we actively express our gratitude. God loves us despite our continually turning to the things of this world to satisfy our longings. The good news is we can tell him in prayer our deep desires, and our struggles. At the same time, when we feel that hot shower in the morning, sip on a brewed beverage, and break our fast, we find God is faithful.

Thankfulness and actively showing gratitude for our daily provision and in our communities has a way of filling us with assurance. A warm flow of contentment spreads instead of anxiety when we trust Him. Sometimes we may say, “You know I’m not feeling it yet God, but I know you’ve got this!” But God listens and understands, as he stands beside us along the way, providing our greatest needs.

Take the example of King David for instance. In his prime, he experienced the pressure of cruelty and unjustness. In his old age, feeling spent of strength, he pours out his heart to God. Apprehension almost overtook him as he was scorned, accused, and conspired against by his enemies. Yet, he praises God as each of his basic needs were met. Do we react the same way today?

His example of thankfulness in times of distress and turmoil are impressive. Although the pressure from his adversaries’ mounts, he says, “I will hope continually and will paise you more and more. Oh God from my youth you have taught me, and I still proclaim your wondrous deeds. You who have made me see many trials and calamites will revive me again. I will praise you with the harp for your faithfulness. O my God; I will sing praises to you; my soul also, which you have redeemed (Psalm 71: 9,13,17, 20, 22,23).

A grateful heart recognizes God is still worthy of praise when circumstances are out of control. In our comfort filled lives of convenience and ease we sometimes forget to praise Him when we feel defeated and weak.

The life-threatening enemies chasing down our abundant living are stress, and poor lifestyle choices in the land of abundance.  We’re not remembering the hardships of hiding in caves, or scavenging for sustenance from local farmers.

Our biggest battle is self-control.

A fruit of the Spirit we attribute to niceness, and kindness in a land of opportunity, buffets, and technology. However, for us, this age of information also comes with long work hours, and the stress of balancing work life with home life. Therefore, we are primed and ready for losing self-control in our down time.

The harmful nutritional and mind-numbing choices we make reflect our need for rest. Take for example, cell phones loaded with distracting games, puzzles, or videos, or the enticing draw of the local fast-food joints. The choices we make are ones easily available that don’t require deep thought on our part. However, they do offer a short escape from the day.

But what message does this repetitive mindless activity send to our souls or the people we love? Could it be nourishing a healthy body is too much work and down time is coveted more? How valuable is my health or my children compared to this device or this meal? What activity for myself or with them would build closer connection, physical health, and community?

Thankfulness In Action

Perhaps a short game of kickball, basketball, or soccer would boost energy levels for the caregiver, while releasing energy for kids after a long day at school. Following the activity with a family devotion, over a lovely fruit and vegetable tray, offers them sharing time with God at the center.

Even if we are beyond the caregiver role, we can find opportunities to be thankful and active in someone else’s life. Our church does a pray and go once a month, we pair up with another person and pray for specific house numbers on different streets in our neighborhood each month. This is a great activity for people of all ages to incorporate in their neighborhoods.

Maybe you love to cook, yet don’t want to cook for one person. Begin a soup or dinner exchange with a few close single friends and bring your dishes to a gathering, with a set of trays. Divide the meals or soups into the trays and you’ll each have a wonderful time together while taking home a different (and healthy) dish for each day of the week.

Activities together create a sense of thankfulness because we are stronger together. The Holy Spirit works in and among us when we love this way. We are more grateful, carefree, and lighthearted. Therefore, a stronger sense of self comes with faithfulness to our own small community.

The more involved we are with others, the less we think about our battle scars of self-doubt, self-reproach, and just getting through the day. We have an active plan to make a difference.

In the process, our focus is on God’s plan of unifying a family. A family of neighbors, churches, communities, and individuals.

Moreover, thankfulness in prayer and action allows us to move beyond our weaknesses. Trusting Him with every anxiety, binge moment, or stressor brings about His thoughtful plan to make us more like His son.

He knows failures train our hearts to trust him more, because we’re still here, still trudging through. Yet, victory over despair is won with each act of faithfulness on His part.

“We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; always carrying in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our bodies.”

2 Corinthians 4:8-10


Therefore, thanking him for his faithfulness and asking Him to teach us how to be actively grateful in our communities is something, we can begin practicing today. I think, God is eager to hear and see us proclaim His wondrous deeds in our lives. My prayer is that you see it too.