Getting Started for A 30-Day Sugar Fast
Welcome to the 30-Day Sugar Fasting Challenge! Getting started for a fast on the right foot is important for success. It can also be intimidating, so let’s take the fear of failure off the table from the start.
First off, you are not a failure if you eat sugar. This is good news, right? You and I may come into a new year with high expectations and begin a fast (or change of life) strong. Then we fizzle out when we don’t see the results, we want in the first week.
Therefore, clear expectations are very important to getting started on the right path. So, here are my top five tips for staying the course for a successful sugar fast.
5 Tips for Getting Started & Staying the Course
1. Clarify Your Why
The main reason I want to fast from sugar for 30 days is________. You may want to have less sugar spikes and rapid drops causing lethargy and brain fog. Or you may connect stiff, achy joints and muscles to the consumption of high sugar items and not want the pain anymore. Whatever the reason is for you, determine the reason and write it down somewhere and post it so you will see it every day.
I’ll tell you why I did this journey in 2021. I woke up one morning and could not move the middle finger of my right hand off my palm. I had to take the fingers of my left hand and force it back into position. This came alongside excess chocolates at work and dairy. I decided to remove both for a period of four weeks to see if the stiffness would go away. When it did go away, I asked God to help me remove my desire of sugar for good. I didn’t want to be dominated by any substance but led by the Holy Spirit.
Everything is permissible for me,” but not everything is helpful. “Everything is permissible for me,” but I will not be brought under the control of anything.
1 Corinthians 6 HCSB – Lawsuits among Believers – If any of – Bible Gateway
2. Decide What Makes the Journey Worthwhile
The next step in getting started is to decide what makes this journey worthwhile. I picture myself waking up in the next few weeks free of morning stiffness. I’m playing with my grandchildren and chasing them around the house without hindrance. I’m also meeting friends at the YMCA and working out, and the activity helps me feel better emotionally, too!
Stress is reduced and coping mechanisms are balanced. Before you know it, I’m going for a walk instead of reaching for a piece of candy or pie! I like this dream so much; I’m going to keep it in the forefront of my mind. Maybe I’ll put an old picture of me playing next to my “Why” statement so I can see it every day.

3. What Am I Facing if I Don’t Do Something?
If I don’t try this 30-day sugar fast now, I am facing more sugar spikes and lows. It doesn’t matter if I am a normal weight or not, if my pancreas is repeatedly stressed like this and releases a huge bolus of insulin every time I indulge, it will wear out! The signs of lethargy and brain fog are a true testament to this happening.
Plus, I’ll be one of those stiff unhappy ladies who gripe and moan about their pain all the time. I’ll stay home more, do less and get bored. When I get bored, I eat. When I get sad, I eat more.
Wait! Who’s in control here, my flesh or my spirit?
You and I can imagine this scenario too, right? We can pray for a change of heart and a new mindset. Remember, our Father’s desire is to give us good gifts. So, it’s a good gift we are asking for, He will give it.
My flesh and my heart may fail,
but God is the strength of my heart,
my portion forever.Psalm 73:25-27 HCSB – Who do I have in heaven but You? And I – Bible Gateway
4. Begin the Pantry Makeover
Before the fasting begins it may be helpful to remove all temptations from the pantry. One way is to read labels carefully and pay attention to “added sugars” I say added sugars because some foods have naturally occurring sugar (or glucose) and will be considered sugar. However, now manufacturers are responsible for listing all the added sugars in the item as well.
Also, be aware of the sneaky names of sugar on the ingredient labels. Obvious names like beet sugar, syrup, molasses, honey, are present and we recognize them as sugar. However, names like dextran, maltose, turbinado, and others we may not be so familiar with.
We don’t have to waste the products; we can always donate boxes of sugary items to your local food pantry or blessing box. Check out the graphic below for some alternate names of sugar so you become familiar with them.

5. Stock Up on Fresh Fruits & Vegetables
Stocking up on fresh fruits and vegetables helps you be prepared for the days ahead. Although I can’t find the proof, it makes sense that when all of our cells are satisfied at a microscopic level, we will have less cravings. Plus, consuming fruits may also help you through the withdrawal symptoms that occur.
If it gets really bad, you and I may even need a Tylenol for headaches. While we’re at it, we can add some calming lavender and chamomile tea for irritability.
Replacing a sugar craving with fresh fruit will help you and I stay the course, while also giving us much needed antioxidants and nutrients are cells are really craving.
Final Thoughts on Getting Started
Lastly, but most certainly not least, plan for obstacles. Maybe our significant other or coworkers are not on board, and they decide to harass us about our choices. We can face this obstacle with honest, heartfelt conversation relaying our why to this person in a tender and loving way.
Values beget more values; we honor and protect our God given right to be healthier without insecure people sabotaging it because they like us just the way we are (usually overweight and miserable like them).
I know, it’s rough, but it is the truth.
Therefore, find a friend or group of friends to join you in this 30-day challenge will be helpful. Maybe even a prayer group to help support what you are doing. I will be offering daily prayer and support on my Facebook and Instagram pages, you will find me at Mysty Pfeffer Wellness. My hope is to develop a devotional from the daily scriptures and prayer there, so if you don’t join in time, you will still have a resource.
I am here for you if you need coaching and guidance, too! You can contact me for a free consultation here:
I look forward to serving you and simplifying health God’s way!